boiceconfessions · 7 years
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“I’m sorry Jonghyun but you’re cancelled.”
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
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“I'm really disappointed in Jonghyun over what he said about Himchan. It was so insensitive of him. I really don't know what to think.”
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
Confess away
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*gif isn’t ours. credit goes to the rightful owner.
Hey, guys! So, we have finally cleared our askbox and now it’s empty! You know what to do. Go ahead and send in your confessions now! 
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
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“I love Jonghyun’s Instagram account because all his posts are just so pure.”
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
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“I have no idea how I had fallen head over heels in love with this gorgeous man named Yonghwa. Not long after Heartstrings the strings of my heart tuned to his marvellous mellifluous hands over the guitar.  Hoping to meet him once in real life. Love CNBLUE because of him.” (old confession)
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
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“I wish that CNBLUE would make more songs that has more of their indie color in it. Exploring other genres and adding them into their music isn’t bad but I can’t hear much ‘CNBLUE’ in their songs these days. Despite that, I’m counting on them. ^^” (old confession)
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
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“I am a Boice and I love CNBLUE's passion and talent in music! But I have to say that I feel really embarrassed when I see other Boices bashing shippers. It doesn’t make them any less of a fan of CNBLUE just because they are shippers. There's no real/fake Boice. A BOICE is a BOICE.” (old confession)
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
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“Can I just say that fan shippers that still stack Yonghwa with female K-stars are both annoying and delusional. I think although YongSeo shippers are rude in the sense of bringing ‘memorabilia’ things to CNBLUE’s concerts, YongShin fans are rude in the sense of trying to prove their justice and well downright not respecting Yonghwa and Shinhye. The comment above just shows the extremeness of their nature, at least YongSeo fans don’t tarnish Yonghwa’s name by placing his names in every article regarding Seohyun that has nothing to do with him like how Dooleys do in Shinhye’s articles. (old confession)
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
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“I have to admit, Jonghyun’s acting is improving! I enjoyed Orange Marmalade thanks to him.” (old confession)
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
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“I am a die hard CNBLUE fan, but I am biased to Yonghwa. I don't see any comments regarding his solo album in here. Personally I liked all the songs but One Fine Day is my favorite.” (old confession)
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
When I first joined this fandom, I didn’t understand why some Boices changed to EAs only. At that time, Yonghwa was my bias but I loved the other members too. However, I started to notice how “Boices” were okay with Yonghwa getting hate from the fandom for no reason whatsoever but got really offended when other members were treated the same way (when they weren’t really bashed btw). So, after seeing these double standards, I understood those Yonghwa fans who left the fandom to support Yonghwa as an individual. Now I have also changed my status to EA only. Although I still love the other boys, I can’t be a part of this fandom anymore that can’t even appreciate my bias and finds every opportunity to bash him when he has done so much for CNBLUE. Every fandom has that problem of fans putting down members they don’t particularly like, but this fandom seems like the worst of it all as it only targets one member. I’m really amazed at how patient and mature EAs are. They don’t resort to bashing the other boys just to get back. Instead, they only focus on supporting their favorite. :) 
(old confession)
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
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“Okay, I'd seriously bang the hell out of Minhyuk. He is so cute and awkward. I don’t know why more people don't talk about him.” (old confession)
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
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“I really hope there are smuts written about CNBLUE members. Gay fanfics obviously.” (old confession)
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
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“Finally found a Yonghwa doppelgänger, Winner’s Seungyoon. Personality wise on stage that is, and he is super duper talented with an edge of rock star similar to Yong~.” (old confession)
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
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“Jonghyun on WGM was so cheesy, and wow I never thought I would see this side of him.” (old confession)
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
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“Jungshin looks so much better now that he has short hair. I was never a fan of his long hair. I thought it didn’t look good on him.” (old confession)
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boiceconfessions · 7 years
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“After hearing Yonghwa's collab with Verbal Jint, I do hope someday in the future he'll collab with Beenzino.” (old confession)
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