bobtheartistt · 4 months
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bobtheartistt · 5 months
me, living off of juice, soda, tea, coffee, and literally anything except water: guys i'm not dehydrated i literally had liquids 6 hours ago and i feel great.
also me: why do i have a headache? why do i get lightheaded when i stand up? why can't i focus on anything? guys i'm not ok and there's literally absolutely nothing i can do about it.
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bobtheartistt · 5 months
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drew this today after not thinking about it for 3 weeks. i have 5 more chapters to draw and i'm not working on any of those. at least i've outlined it all.
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bobtheartistt · 6 months
what do you do when the thing that gives you joy *creating* is also the thing that makes you want to burn everything within a 5 mile radius *also creating*
if you need me i'll be *creating*
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bobtheartistt · 6 months
no one:
me when kurtis makes and offhand joke about fart superpowers on his podcast:
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bobtheartistt · 7 months
gosh, i wish people who knew nothing about the situation would just shut up honestly. you can either be ignorant and quiet, or knowledgable and loud, and anything else is frankly harmful. it's easy to duke out judgements or claim nuetrality after watching one video or reading one tweet, but REAL PEOPLE are affected by this. if you want to shout and opinion of the matter, at least do some research about it. that way, when i explain why you're wrong, i at least know you're not ignorant, you're just a shit person.
and again, support shubble and other victims (not by sending threats of violence to wilbur! obviously! fighting fire with fire sounds cool until you've burnt down the last forest and killed us all). wilbur is probably waiting a few weeks/months for this to fizzle out, but when/if he comes back, we have to be critical about his response the way we weren't critical before when he forced nikki to tell us her abuse on camera.
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bobtheartistt · 7 months
genuinely don't understand how anyone can side with wilbur, or even stay neutral right now, and i'm prepared to defend that stance in every free moment i have, because the victims shouldn't have to. and unlike most stupid "scandals" this matters because it was abuse and a crime he commited multiple times.
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bobtheartistt · 7 months
no hate to wilbur? no- i said full hate to wilbur. support the victims, and he can go suck eggs in hell.
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