bobkayy · 6 years
Sunday 13 th
Robz took us to the Swan Valley. We assumed there would be a small village next to the Swan River. We drove around in circles and eventually gave up and returned home. Next time we will do some homework before venturing to a new destination. In the evening Robz took us to Clancy’s which is at City beach. Had a beer then returned home for an early night
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bobkayy · 6 years
Saturday 12 th
Went to Big W to exchange a golf shirt which I had exchanged for a T shirt which Alice gave me for Xmas. The golf shirt was too tight (being an XL). I now had to take an XXXL. Mom bought 2 pairs of shoes for 17 dollars. Had coffee whilst Robz went to cellphone shop.
In the evening Laurelle and Julie came for a braai. Both are lovely people. The latter talks the hind leg off a donkey. We were going to a big bash tomorrow but Dale can’t make it so we have decided to cancel the arrangement.
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bobkayy · 6 years
Friday 11 th
Packed up and left Margaret River. Stopped off at Busselton on the way back. It is a seaside town which is larger and more vibe than Margaret River. It has a pier which stretches 1.8 kms into the sea. One can walk it (4 dollars) or take a “train” for 13.50 dollars. I walked only a few hundred meters whilst the others were having coffee. Got back to Perth mid afternoon. Mary & I took a walk to Northbridge where I had a beer at a very popular brewery. Walked back home via Lake Street. Light supper then into bed.
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bobkayy · 6 years
Thursday 10 th
Saw Surfer’s Point today.Not far from where are staying.Very picturesque and a Beautiful spot.Beach sheltered from cold wind.AFter coffee toured Waterford wine estate——- Very well manicured but not a patch on the wineland area of Cape Town.Finn was hungry so our day out was shortened.
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bobkayy · 6 years
Wednesday 9 th
Headed for Hamelin bay where the sting rays actually swim to the shore to be petted by the beach goers. It was a pity that it was rather windy so only spent an hour on the beach. Came home and Mary & I walked to town late afternoon and had a drink at Nsettlers Inn. Too far to walk home so gave Robz a tinkle and she fetched us. Mary made tuna pasta for supper then all had an early night.
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bobkayy · 6 years
Tuesday 8th
Left for Margaret River which is about 240 kms south of Perth. Very popular holiday spot for the Perth locals and tourists. Arrived mid afternoon. Lovely house set in trees about 2 kms from the town Centre (which only comprises one Main Street). Had a brain in the evening. Didn’t sleep too well as was awake at about 1.30 am and lay awake planning an itinerary for Fran cis and Josiann when nether come to Cape Town.
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bobkayy · 6 years
Monday 7th
Mom and I took transport to Scarborough. Had a swim on beach———-water was warm and I actually swam! Many strong currents in water.Bob had a problem getting out of water due to current so I assisted him.He was very breathless and renewed his stamina after a few minutes.
after some beverage we were good to go again.Hopped on bus to the train station. Driver of the bus seemed very offhand and was more worried about his restricted time than a couple of forsaken tourists who were a bit lost.We took the train to central Perth and decided to take a normal bus home as our train ticket covered the train and all municipal buses for the day. By taking the bus we did not need to walk from the blue bus bus stop to home. We found out which bus number to take but did not know where to wait for it. Eventually we discovered that we had to go to the bus station. The building is above ground but the actual bus station is underground. Incidentally the Perth railway station is on three levels I.e. ground , -one and - two.
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bobkayy · 6 years
Sunday 6th January
I have been remiss in not keeping this blog up to date. Can’t remember everything that has transpired since 29th.
On 30th Mary and I took a train to Fremantle and caught both free cat buses. Alighted at some random stop and found 2 local restaurants. I had a lovely pie and Mary had delicious vegan salad.
Yesterday Robynn took us to Cavesham park to see some of Australia’s animal life. Saw kangaroo, wallaby, possum, koala, wombat and other small animals. Other than the kangaroo Australia does not have any big animals.
Generally speaking Mary and I have tried to get out of Robynn’s hair during most of the days so have bussed/ walked into town and ambled around. For example yesterday Mary and I took the green bus and walked up to Kings Park. Lovely view from there. We have noticed that Western Australia has many memorials to those who fought in the war. In addition set into some of the pavements are plaques naming people who have achieved fame in Perth including sports stars. It is nice to see that people are recognized.
Herewith a few random photos of Cavesham
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bobkayy · 6 years
Sunday 6 th January
I have been most remiss in keeping this blog up to date. Can’t recall what we did over the past few days. New Year’s Eve we had a brain and stayed up until just after midnight. Yesterday we went to Cavesham park to see some of Australia’s animals including but not limited to kangaroo, wallaby, koala, wombat and a few smaller species.
A few days ago Mary and I took a train to Fremantle where we caught the local free cat buses. Stopped off at some random stop in the suburbs where we found a few local restaurants. Had a lovely pie and Mary had vegan salad.
On Thursday I walked to town whilst Mary, Robynn and Josiann went shopping.
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On Saturday Mom and I took the green cat and walked up to King’s Park. Lovely views of the city. Many people have commented on the picture of Mary with Perth city in the background.
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bobkayy · 6 years
Herewith a video of the huge bell in the bell tower. The smaller bells were originally in St Martins in the Field church for centuries but eventually they weakened the structure of the bell tower. The Church decided to melt them down and make new bells. An organization in Perth learnt of this and offered to buy the bells and to give the Church copper and tin for them to make new bells. A special tower was built to house the bells.
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Saturday 28 th
Robynn dropped us in town. We went to the bell tower then took a ferry across the estuary to the other side of Perth.
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bobkayy · 6 years
Sunday 30 th
We walked to Aberdeen Street to catch the (free) blue bus to the city. Topped up my cellphone with 40 gig data for Aus dollar 20 I.e. R200. Took the (free) yellow bus to Carisbrook just to have a look at the suburbs. Hopped off at some random stop and found a lovely restaurant for coffee. Then hopped on bus again back to the city. Hopped on the red (free) bus and saw other parts of the city. Stopped for lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant. I enjoyed my meal but Mary’s spring rolls were rather disappointing.
The highlight of the day was going with Robynn to the RAC Arena where Switzerland was playing England in the Hopman Cup. The former was represented by Roger Federer and Belinda Bencic and the latter by 2 relatively unknowns. Thoroughly enjoyed watching Federer even though he was not really tested by his opponent. Many thanks to Robz for giving me this lovely gift.
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bobkayy · 6 years
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The old with the new
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bobkayy · 6 years
Saturday 28 th
Robynn dropped us in town. We went to the bell tower then took a ferry across the estuary to the other side of Perth.
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bobkayy · 6 years
Friday 28 th
Robynn and Paul took us by car to Fremantle - about 30 minutes by car. Looks like a lovely town. Went to the market (which is large) which was very crowded. Didn’t buy anything. Went for coffee then took a stroll to their waterfront and had a beer and tapas at Little Creatures brewery.
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bobkayy · 6 years
Thursday 27 th
Robynn dropped Mary and I off in town. We came across an information kiosk and were advised of a walking tour of 1 1/2 hours which was scheduled to start in 5 minutes. We joined in and had a very informative walk led by a volunteer of 80 plus. She has had 2 knee replacements and was waiting to have one of her hips replaced. Amazing woman. The walk in fact took 2 hours after which we took one of the free buses to see more of Perth. These buses are called the cat busses. There are 4 routes one can choose. The buses were introduced by the municipality to try to minimize the number of cars coming into the city. I have been impressed with the cleanliness of the city, the wide roads and the 4 lane highways.
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bobkayy · 6 years
Wednesday 26 th
Took a walk around King’s Park. Unfortunately due to a bush fire the sky was hazy which mitigated against photographs. In the afternoon Robynn took us to Scarborough, a seaside suburb. Had supper at home. The steak was delicious.
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bobkayy · 6 years
They have 4 lovely kids
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