bnuuytl · 2 years
Omutatsu’s latest one shot from shonen jump’s 27th 2022 issue titled “Weirdo”!
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bnuuytl · 2 years
Doro no Bunzai de Watashi dake no Taisetsu wo Obaouda nante LN Prologue
-   PROLOGUE   - 
"How dare someone as low as dirt steal what's important from me?"
As I uttered those words, they disappeared with the wind.
The girl walking in front of me looked back with curiosity.
“Did you say anything, Angel-chan?”
“Nope. You must be imagining things, or maybe you have hearing problems.”
And so I replied to her without hesitation. 
This girl always talks to me so innocently, one wonders if she actually does have hearing problems.
“Stop thinking about it so much, if we don’t hurry the limited edition crepes will be sold out by the time we arrive!”
The hours after class are as precious as they are scarce.
That’s right, we’re high school girls enjoying our youth.
Young adults freed from the prison we call school, ready to take on the world.
And I cannot allow myself to waste my time dealing with this girl’s spontaneity.
Which, by the way, we are passing over a pedestrian bridge right now.
The road below us is filled with speeding cars, if someone were to jump from here, their fragile human body would easily crumble. 
I thought of that for no reason at all.
Really, there’s no meaning to it.
“Ah, Angel-chan! That cat!”
We were both looking at the road and she probably noticed as well, pointing her finger with a panicked look on her face. Under the bridge stood a limp kitten, but it must have been injured as it showed none of the agility characteristic of cats.
Roads are ruled by cars, and thus, accidents are bound to happen.
“Somebody! Hel-”
“They won’t make it in time.”
I calmly grabbed her by the collar as she tried to jump off the bridge, stopping her foolish act. Not a second after, she let out an agonizing sob.
Poor little thing. 
This is the end of its life.
“Ah, ahhh ...... ah ......!"
The girl collapsed on the spot.
She weeps as if it were the end of the world, but doesn’t let the ground dirty her skirt.
The accidental death of a kitten must be harsh.
As if it were my proble- No, wait
It’s not my problem at all.
What a compassionate heart you must have to grieve for someone else.
“It’s okay, don’t cry. It can’t be helped, so you don’t need to fret about it.”
I embraced the sobbing girl, trying my best to comfort her with a kind voice.
In the likes of an ange- No, that’s also wrong.
As an angel.
I am an angel, and she is not.
No matter how compassionate a human might be, they have no wings, and no choice but to crawl on the ground.
Therefore, we must protect them.
That is my life purpose, my mission, my dut… Whatever, who cares.
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