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bneunha · 5 years ago
I’m going to start my exercise in courage, living isn’t courage, knowing that you’re living, that’s courage.
Clarice Lispector, The Passion According to G.H. (via quotespile)
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bneunha · 5 years ago
          setting: it’s a wednesday afternoon, she’s walking down the street, somewhere close to the bittersweet pivot, returning from an errand and about to confront @bnsiwoo​.
          if there is one thing she doesn’t enjoy much is running errands. to be precise, unexpected ones, the type you don’t see coming. but there she was, returning from a completely unplanned twenty minutes walk from a whole different neighbourhood where she had to pay someone on her boss’ and, most importantly, serpent’s pass’ behalf. “i’ll cover for you, don’t worry about it”, he had reassured her upon sending her off, claiming to be more fit to keep an eye out on hajoon, their charming but prone to troublemaking barista. eunha thinks he sent her so he’d avoid the walk, though. after all, she could be wrong but he never struck her as much of the exercising type. lucky her, it was a similar path to the one in which she takes to go home, and in which every single day she sees the same strange man.
          at first, she thought that seeing him two days in a roll was a mere coincidence, even though the male carried himself rather intimidatingly with his many tattoos and piercings, always seemingly walking too close or looking in her direction. but then she saw him again. and again. and again. for two weeks she had been seeing him too often and the frequency might have prompted a shift on how she perceived the situation. how could it be a coincidence now? paranoid spoke loud and clear in the enclosed space of her mind: you’re being stalked, it said. and it repeated it again now, as, by chance, her eyes caught sight of the man in question, standing at the other side of the street, pretending (she assumed) to have not seen her at all.
          safe to say, eunha was scared. goosebumps ran down her spine at the prospect of having acquired a stalker for herself, someone who followed her every step. so, naturally, she did the one thing any person would do upon being confronted with such a reality: she crossed the street and walked up to him. “i don’t understand what you’re doing, i’m not that pretty and i certainly don’t have any money on me — well, not anymore anyway, you’re late..!”, words rolled out of her tongue rapidly, her heart beating just as fast, if not more, apparently trying to break out of her chest, “but can you please stop following me? i’m not exactly in love with the idea of having someone do that to me.” a hard swallow follows her lash out, a pair of sharp eyes staring back at his pierced features, almost expectant but truly just trying to hold onto anything that would stop the urge to flight far away from him from growing.
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bneunha · 5 years ago
coloring aid.
          setting: it’s a rainy saturday morning, she is on seoul’s museum of art about to have a chance encounter with @bnxhyunjin​.
          something about being surrounded by artistic representations have always soothed her heart ever since the presence of her father was lost. when things felt too hard, eunha would claim museums and galleries as her safe haven, to love and cherish, protect her even. perhaps that’s why she took her time gazing at the canvasses anchored over bland-coloured walls, stood before them and took in every shape, curve and beautifully painted strokes. even if her art’s harmony and refinement would never compare to that of the one before her chocolate irises, eunha thought, she wanted to be there too. and, lucky her, she had the chance to.
          that was the reason why she had woken up early, picked up an umbrella and walked through the rain and into the halls of the seoul’s museum. an exhibition. her very first. fully endowed by her university in order to flaunt their students’ talents and creativity, that she could only hope to share. especially now, when she had a dozen of preparations to make, studies and work keeping her busy and, worse than that, a completely emptiness of one’s mind whenever she did as much as hold the brush. with so many struggles keeping her from having full control of her own area of the exhibition, eunha figured she needed assistance and where better to get it than from the actual staff of the place, that swore to aid all students on whatever they needed? reason why she snapped out of her trance with a small shake of her head, quick steps taking her through the building, searching for someone to help her out. and that’s when she saw him.
          the blond, muscular, tall male examined an esculpture that seemed too old, too deformed for her to tell the artists’ intentions behind the structure. that was art, though. it didn’t necessarily need to make sense, as long as it made you feel something. he did seem like he understood it, though — something about his eyes and the way they devoured the strange figure gave it away — , and despite not knowing exactly what, just his posture and antics had eunha assuming he was finally the help she had been looking for. a staff, finally, ready to assist her. “excuse me!”, exclaimed her, after having rushed over to him and interrupted what she thought was him analysing if the piece demanded repairs and restorations. “i’m one of the students that will be holding an exhibition here soon.. you’re staff, right? i need your help, i don’t even know where to begin!” but she did begin. well, the talking part, anyway. rambling about all the things she had to do and couldn’t get to yet, hoping he would be able to, in the least, clear her mind about a thing or two.
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bneunha · 5 years ago
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          hi there!! i’m really excited to be here so let’s get this started, oof!! >< name’s angel, 21, she/her, gmt-3 and i play this hot-headed and v sensitive baby here called choi eunha and YES, she’s the whole galaxy to me <3 i’ll leave some bullet points on her below but here’s is her biography and dossier for very useful information on her,,, don’t have a plots page up yet but i’ll work on it eventually once my lazy ass gets the motivation for it, but PLS PLS let’s plot anyway cus i’m sure we can find smth fun to write together~ OKAY, HERE WE GO WITH THE LIL BULLET POINTS (hopefully they can help u guys get a feel on how she is and love her like i do T___T):
choi eunha, a 21yo baby... rly, actually, she’s p childish my friends
waterbender !! and resident artist obsessed with fine arts and museums and all those artistic things so we can say she’s an Art Hoe KDGJKFSD
expresses herself a lot through fashion but kinna lost her “light” after her dad passed away, so she’s not rly extroverted ? unless you get to know her and get past her walls
that makes ppl think she’s a bitch cus they don’t rly know her and she’s got those sharp eyes that give her that lil thing called ‘cold beauty’ or, as we know, a resting bitch face :/
and its even worse cus since she’s not all that open w strangers aND ON TOP OF THAT, she’s got a small attitude ? shes ,, a Brat KJGDFS
i mean shes just defensive and a lil quick-to-anger (actually just annoy not anger ANGER), so it all reinforces the common belief that yeah eunha is a mean bitch
she is in fact all those things (quick-to-anger, childish, defensive) but once you get close to her she’s so much more than that...
eunha is v sweet and funny and she loves going off about her paintings and classes ;; 
she likes learning new things and finding people with which she can show off her waterbending skills cus shes a whole bby that needs praise!!
she rly loves her older brothers and they love her a lot too so MESS UP W HER AND YOU’LL GET THEM COMING TO U TO GIVE U A BEATING cus they love their lil sister that much they wanna protecc her :(
she doesn’t rly like to talk abt her dad ? it makes her feel rly sad and it also makes her cry and she HATES crying in front of ppl... she would only ever cry in front of someone she REAAAALLY trusts yk? 
SHES RLY GOOD AT WATERBENDING despite not having gotten proper training.. it was mostly something she did by herself or w help of her siblings and friends...
she does wanna get Even Better at it tho so she goes to a training center to learn every other day of the week... at least when work and studies allow yk
SHE ALSO LOVES READING ? so its super fitting she works where she works.. she thinks she’s lucky for having that job ;; she can help ppl go home w smiles and books, oof
she could rly use some good friends as well cus she’s v insecure and she needs ppl to be around her telling her things are gunn be okay cus she’s doing well... reassurance, my friends!! she needs friends who can give her that!!
she tends to be a lil demanding at times, read: bossy KDFSDKJ but she doesnt do it w bad intentions, she’s just tryna help... it can come out as nagging too like ‘go to sleep’, ‘do this, do that’... ITS HOW SHE SHOWS SHE CARES !!
WHEW THIS IS ALL FOR NOW !! hopefully we can plot and have fun together <3 if u give this a like, im gunn hit u up!
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bneunha · 5 years ago
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Jennie for ELLE Korea October 2019
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bneunha · 5 years ago
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&. * : HERE’S A: TAG DUMP!
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