blythewonder · 7 years
By  Joshua Foster
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blythewonder · 7 years
[pm] You’re saying that now, which means you definitely haven’t heard enough. 
That kind of things counts as a regular day that ends in Y. The first one. Still trying to wrap my head around anybody having one around them like that to hand. Where did they get a crossbow from? 
Sure, should go without saying, right?
See, you’ve got a lot of options right there, good to go.
[pm] That’s fine.
We probably have some crossbow shop in this town. I don’t know of one off the top of my head, but one might exist.
It should but trust me, it doesn’t usually Of course! Totally would always go without saying.
For now, I think I’ll still be sticking to my day job.
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blythewonder · 7 years
[pm] Well that makes no fucking sense.
I don’t have a lot of friends, but that doesn’t really bother me. So I guess it works fine.
[pm] Right there with you on that one.
I’ve never understood people who have tons of friends anyhow, honestly. As long as you’ve got a few and not even that always then I’d say you’re set. Even just one is good.
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blythewonder · 7 years
[pm]  If you want to know things scribes have access too– ??? When did I?? About the unicorns? I was just– wait, are you a Scribe? Well, that explains you being kinda rude and defensive
Gotcha, I’ll keep that in mind next time I have unicorn related inquiries. 
[pm] Alright.
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blythewonder · 7 years
[pm] Why is this conversation suddenly priva Ignorance truly must be is bliss then, huh?
[pm] I don’t think so. Ignorance can get you killed or injured, if we want to talk drastic consequences, and is just plain obnoxious if it’s willful. 
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blythewonder · 7 years
[pm] Any details that they shared with you.
[pm] It attacked them, almost cut them, but didn’t, they managed to get away, barely. How about more details from you?
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blythewonder · 7 years
[pm] An organization specializing in the supernatural doesn’t believe in the supernatural? So they’re idiots?
I believe in give and take relationships. I don’t really like to give unless something is there to take. Something of equal or higher value to me.
[pm] Not everyone, but yes. Unicorns and dragons are “too outlandish” for the majority of them.
Does that work out for you, usually? No judgement, just an honest question.
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blythewonder · 7 years
[pm] Plenty of people do that already with reviews on products or restaurants or movies or even organizations like Scribes– doesn’t make it fair, of course, but that’s generally how most things work. Even if Nope that’ll just make you madder haha Even when the Scribes do a lot for the town. 
Well, from what I know about them, that’s kinda their job. Not all of them do it well, though
[pm] Fine, but if you want to know things that the Scribes have access to, talking about them in a negative manner is not the way to do so.
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blythewonder · 7 years
[pm] Any details more you could share? 
I see.
[pm] What sorts of details do you want?
What does that mean Alright.
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blythewonder · 7 years
Yeah, I have. Something happened when I was younger and when I tried to talk about it, I got looked at like I had seven heads. And as far as they were concerned, what happened was an open and shut case. Never looked into it beyond that.
Pretty fucked up.
[pm] Sometimes I have found that they like to ignore what is not convenient to them. Especially when it has to do with the supernatural.
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blythewonder · 7 years
“No, guess not. Looks like it’s taking the phrase ‘things aren’t what they seem’ literally here. So, how long should I give it before all this stuff stops feeling like I’m living in a Stephen King novel and I just shrug it off or ignore it till it goes away like a regular local?” Cassie folded her arms to lean on the desk. “I’m good,” she nodded at Bridget’s comment, “it’s a lot to take in in general, but it’s probably better to face stuff head on, especially if it’s to do with,” she inclined her head towards the books around them. “Aren’t weird connections just regular connections here?” A wry smile creeping across her face before looking back at her notes. “Well if you know anybody that grows,” she stopped for a moment to read over the name on the page, “Aglaophoti, I could probably use a few, looks like they’re a good repellent for this kind of thing.” She made a note of it anyway on the off chance she’d find some the next time there was a market or somewhere. Worth a shot anyway.
“Special-abilitied?” she looked up with a small smile. “Probably not, but it should be and I could use all the help I can get here so somebody, anybody that knows what they’re doing with this stuff,” she raised one of the books off the table a little for emphasis, “would come in really handy right about now.” Flipping through towards the end of a chapter her eyes caught another engraving. “Okay, some of these really don’t leave much to the imagination,” her eyebrows quirked at the as she turned the page. 
She leaned back in he seat to take a break as Bridget thanks her, there was no need to. “Sure, any time. Goes without saying. You’re helping people, that’s always worthwhile.” Bridget’s tone made her pause. She looked over at her, wondering if she got told that kind of thing often or if like she thought, the opposite usually. Cassie turned back to her notes, pen drumming against the paper with her hand. She looked up at Bridget again. “That because of,” she gestured towards the door, “the others?” She vaguely remembered someone being surprised that she had been talking to Bridget, or any scribe, so there was probably some truth in what Bridget was saying.
She snapped out of her thoughts, “yeah, the building,” she gave a small nod as Bridget spoke, “right, no biggie. Just wondering.” She listened as Bridget described what those things from that day were. Her mind conjured a mental image of them advancing up the walls and hiding in the darkest cervices of what remained of the building. Her back shuddered at the memory. “Huh, guess they would be if they liked feeding off of mould in that place. Probably a good thing we got out when we did then. The mutated rats on steroids theory weren’t completely far off after all then. We got off lightly, if they were eating black mould then whatever they were carrying must have been pretty serious. Good thing we got out when we did, all things considered,” she added.
“I think they’d be better off here or somewhere that deals with history. They’re in a drawer back at my apartment, but sure,” she nodded, “sure that works too. I live about a five-ten minute walk from Main Street so it’s easy to get to of you wanted to stop by, that would be great, haven’t had anybody over in…well, ever actually,” she dropped that thought. “Might need a couple days warning to straighten up though. I’m kind of behind on some of it and I can buy in some tea stuff…and a pot…and some cups”, she mused. “I just have coffee at home, about time I branched out.” “I’m a sucker for Bear Claws, what do you want me to buy in?”
“Oh, absolutely. A lot of folks here don’t believe in that, but it’s certainly true. Of course, some things are just what they seem, but that does not often fall into being part of the vast majority.” She rolled her lips between her teeth, “I can’t say for certain - again, I’ve grown up with it, sometimes some things still throw me for a loop, but at the same time I’m not surprised about someone I know having extra abilities or not being human. I’ve probably freaked others out by how unsurprised I am when they tell me that they aren’t human.” She paused, giving a small shrug. “I’ll check with some of our - the Scribes’ - contacts, and see what i can pull up for you.”
“Well, you’ve got abilities outside of most, so I’d call that special - in the best way, of course.” She flashed a small grin over to Cassie. “I’m of the full-blown belief that while I can help you, someone who has experiences more directly similar to yours might help better. Of course I’m still around, and I’ll do reading of my own to see if I can understand anything more than I do right now, and then make me a better resource than I am right now.” She looked down at the ground before glancing back up at Cassie, “Yeah, we’ve got all sorts of highly detailed documents in here.”
“I do think helping others is always worthwhile, but we don’t always get that opinion from others.” She gave a brief shrug. “Oh -” Her eyes followed Cassie’s gesture towards the door. “Yeah, I don’t get along with them, they think I’ve got my head in the clouds, it’s a super fun bit.” She sighed, trying to regain her thoughts. “But I’ve got my sister, and another girl called Molly who works here, and they’re both wonderful.” They were also the reason that she managed to at least somewhat keep her cool at work, especially when faced with the clear ignorance exhibited by a number of her colleagues.
“I can poke around for more info on the building though, if you need?” She quirked her lips to the side for a moment. “But yes - all in all, it’s good we got out when we did. Otherwise I’d worry asphyxiation might’ve been on the table.” Bridget made a small face, before shaking her head.
“Oh.” She fought off a blush as Cassie agreed that she could come over. “You don’t need to make things all perfect and straight for me.” She chewed on her lip. “But that’d be nice, I can give you a bit of warning, and I can bring some tea to start up your collection! A host-type gift, yeah?” She nodded. “I don’t always do sweet things, but Bear Claws sound good. I’m always a sucker for a good scone, though. Especially berry ones.” 
Bridget pulled out another book and flipped through it, before setting it down again. “Can I ask you something about Ashford River? Only if that’s okay - I just - I’d like to know more about the Scribes there, but I realize you might not know much about it so...” She bit her lip again and looked down at her lap. I want to know how I ended up the way I did over there. “We can just stick to ghosts, if that’s easier.”
One for The Record Books || Bridget and Cassie
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blythewonder · 7 years
[pm] You’re awfully defensive aren’t you You remind me of AJ I don’t think it’s childlike to express dislike of the Scribes, especially if they’ve had bad experiences with them. I mean, obviously it’s about perception and having a bias, but like… people have opinions and are free to openly express them.
[pm] Of course free speech is a thing, but if you are giving that opinion only based on the opinion of someone else, that does not seem fair. The Scribes do a lot of good for this town, and without them folks would be in a lot more trouble a lot more often than they are.
I am not saying nobody else knows things that the Scribes do, but the Scribes are trained in it. [user sighs in a bit of an exasperated manner, as her temper is wont to make her do]
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blythewonder · 7 years
Sure. Some.
Do you have poor experiences with them?
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blythewonder · 7 years
[pm] It almost attacked her, looked like it may have been considering it before running away. Did the scribe described what happened and how it behaved?
Just because it’s gone doesn’t mean we have to stop looking into it. 
[pm] Yes, it tried to attack them.
I never said we did have to stop looking into it. Just the implication that I do not have to worry about those in town running afoul of it for now.
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blythewonder · 7 years
[pm] Interesting. 
Can’t say I understand your reasoning for that. What did this town ever do for you?
[pm] It is actually quite interesting. Though it’s not something most folks are inclined to believe, my co-workers included. Ridiculous though that may be.
Well, I’ve met some folks who I care about a lot, and I don’t know - did this town have to do things for me in order for me to want to do it good? Or at least help?
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blythewonder · 7 years
Do you think they know what they’re talking about most of the time?
Some of them do.
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blythewonder · 7 years
[pm] I did and it didn’t actually. I think there may have been an opportunity for it to have attacked someone I was at the time but it ran off into the fog. 
[pm] Someone else? It attacked someone else, or did I misread that? Because from what I know, it did attempt an attack to the Scribe who saw it. But I suppose it’s all gone anyhow, now.
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