blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
Leave 'Lived long enough to become the villain' to get a glimpse of my muse being a villain.
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
"I saw your browser history."
"Do you even know what you’re doing?"
"We’ve already tried this."
"You don’t even know what you’re doing."
"Beyonce isn’t that great."
"How many times do I have to tell you?"
"You have five seconds…"
"I don’t even know who you are."
"Didn’t your parents ever tell you that?"
"Is this where you live?"
"… Why are your hands down your pants?"
"Is that a lobster?"
"You’re late on child support."
"You never go ass to mouth."
"One ring to rule them all…"
"He doesn’t even go here!"
"Did you just take that?"
"Is that a unicorn?"
"You’re a muggle."
"It’s your turn to do the dishes."
"Were you going through my computer?!"
"Are you pregnant?"
"You need to be honest with yourself, no one likes Nickelback."
"Shut up."
"I know you’re having an affair."
"They’re dead."
"Voldemort isn’t dead."
"Let me see your phone."
"I can’t believe it’s over."
"How high are you right now?"
"I was with someone."
"It’s not necessary to replace you, you’re not missed."
"Why do you think we never worked out?"
"What went wrong?"
"You’re the most ridiculous person I know."
"Are you okay?"
"I’m having an affair."
"Too little too late."
"Snoop Dog just came into the diner."
"You said we could get a puppy."
"I need to move out."
"You ordered a moon bounce?"
"Don’t you want me?"
"Meeting your mother changed my life."
"Janitor’s closet NOW."
"Is that for sale?"
"Do you want to get a drink sometime?"
"Your resilience is comparable to that of a cockroach."
"He has a knife!"
"I was on an episode of Cops once."
"Are you a hoarder?"
"We’re alone out here, you know?"
"I killed her."
"I need to go."
"Why did you invite me to your wedding?"
"You always do this!"
"You’re the master of excuses."
"Did you hire a stripper?"
"I just got out of jail."
"It was you all along?"
"I know you don’t want to be with me anymore."
"Were you ever happy?"
"You’ve been in that same exact spot since 9 this morning."
"There’s plenty of fish in the sea."
"This is it."
"I can’t believe it’s you."
"We’re getting evicted."
"I know who you are."
"I wrote you a letter… Every single day."
"They’re going to kill me."
"You had sex with a serial killer."
"Are you drunk?"
"I didn’t love you anyways."
"That was the worst day ever."
"That was the best day ever."
"Is this your first date?"
"I’ve never been kissed before."
"You’re famous!"
"I can’t see you anymore."
"What’re you here for?"
"It’s always been you."
"If this were a movie…"
"Are you high?"
"Stick a sock in it."
"You’re better off without me.’
"I’m better off without you."
"You’re like a freaking Taylor Swift song."
"What do you want?"
"Fuck it."
"That’s the worst advice I’ve ever heard."
"Who ARE you anymore?"
"Can I get a refill?"
"Well you don’t see that everyday."
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
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Merlin Meme: Ten Quotes or Scenes [4/10] → One day, Merlin, I will repay you.
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
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You think you know the story of Wonderland? You’re wrong…
It wasn’t a little girl that fell into Wonderland, it was a boy. A boy named Alec Kingsley. And upon his return from that magical place, things all went downhill. He’s clinically insane, criminally so. He thinks he’s following the orders of the Queen of Hearts when he kills. I would stay away from this Wonderland story, if I were you…
** Indie genderbent dark!Alice from Alice in Wonderland ** Mun is underage, but open to all NSFW themes other than smut ** Friendly, shy, and silly mun okay come love me ** Will tag any triggers you may have, just ask ** Open to any type of writing; paras, icons, gifs, whatever ** Will interact with any charrie, any fandom, OCs, give me all the charries ** Sideblog, follow backs will come from andrxmedasrain ** I don’t make my own icons, none used are mine
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
"Was..I not good enough?"
"Why would you say that?"
"Was it something I did?"
"Was it..something I said?"
"How could you?"
"I don't miss you.."
"I miss you so much, my heart bleeds when I think of you.."
"It's my fault.."
"I should have been there."
"I'm..so..so sorry I couldn't protect you."
"You're dead to me."
"Maybe he was right."
"Maybe she was right."
"I'm not worth your while, am I?"
"Am I so insignificant?"
"I need you."
"It's your choice, now you have to live with it."
"I want to be once again with you."
"You choose the road, love. And I'll make the vows."
"You had it coming."
"You only have yourself to blame."
"I only have myself to blame."
"I have only tears to shed."
"My heart is black and my mind is darkness.."
"The truth is, we're both frauds."
"At least you had good intentions."
"He was too strong."
"I hate this life."
"Once something is truly lost, one can never get it back again."
"You had better start believing in nightmares, you're in one."
"Don't worry about my falling limbs and broken heart, my stitches feel no pain. I love you, that's all that matters."
"You just have to let it go."
"Some things happen, and there is nothing you can do about it."
"This the end."
"Scream all you want, no one can hear you."
"No one can save you now."
"Rest in peace."
"You will never see the light again."
"Just let me die."
"Just leave me behind."
"I won't say it to him, but he's got us beat."
"There is still a way to defeat you."
"Fine, knock yourself out. I mean it."
"You're not a cat. You're a rat."
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
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"No one’s laughing at God
When they’re saying their goodbyes”
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
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"Oh come on, Merlin. Please tell me?"
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"Oh, nothing. Of course it’s nothing —— don’t worry, Frey.”
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
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"What's so funny, Merlin?"
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
: Daddies
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
             [  All of your friends are gone and you are barely holding on. ]
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
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Merlin Reincarnation AU: The Apocalypse First Holy Grail War
The year is 2050.  The reincarnation cycle is complete.  The world is a dark, pitiful hellhole, and out of desperation, the Holy Grail has been summoned back to humanity.  However, it is no longer a cup of life, but of wishes—if wielded, it may now grant anything the heart desires.  Happiness does not come without a price, though.  Seven sorcerers have been chosen.  Seven warriors have been raised from the dead.  An apocalyptic war has begun and all but one pair must be sacrificed to claim the Grail’s power.  All Merlin wants to do is keep Arthur forever at his side, and so does Arthur himself.  But deep down, he wants even more than just that.  What if, in just the blink of an eye, he could prevent the biggest mistake of his life to save an entire kingdom?       
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
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I think I just died of cuteness
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
yes but consider ur fav ship 
making rly bad jokes rly at night and full on snort laughing w/ each other
1 of them cooking dinner but its shit and the other totally taking the piss 
finding the song that’s /their song/ but its a rly bad song but they get emotional when it plays
borrowing each others clothes but they’re both different sizes (1 PRSN IN BAGGY TSHIRTS AND THE OTHR IN RLY TIGHT TROUSERS THAT DONT RLY BUTTON UP)
going 2 see a movie but it’s shit and they shout at the screen and all the othr ppl in the cinema tell them to fuck off 
saving up and going 2 a fancy place for dinner but they cant pronounce the names of some of the dishes on the menu and its cute
TRYING 2 BE REAL GROWN UPS WHO R RESPONSIBLE but they still eat kids cereal and  get up early 2 watch cartoons 
having like week long arguments about rly silly shit like who would be a bettr astronaut or who would win in a fight between a dragon and a griffin 
generally being weird nerds 
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
TFIOS Sentence Starters
[Feel free to add on if there's on you think is deserving to be on the list]
"It's a metaphor."
"Lonely, Vaguely Pedophilic Swing Set Seeks Butts Of Children"
“You realize that trying to keep your distance from me will not lessen my affection for you. All efforts to save me from you will fail.”
"The world is not a wish-granting factory."
"This is a civil war with a predetermined winner."
“I'm a grenade and at some point I'm going to blow up and I would like to minimize the casualties, okay?”
"Live your best life today."
"You will not kill my Boyfriend/Girlfriend today, International Terrorist of Ambiguous Nationality!"
“My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.”
"I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things."
“Because you are beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence”
“You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.”
“What a slut time is. She screws everybody.”
"You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful.”
“Your driving is unpleasant, but it isn't technically unsafe.”
“The marks humans leave are too often scars.”
"It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.”
“It took me a sleeve of Girl Scout Thin Mints and forty minutes to get over that boy.”
"If the inevitability of human oblivion worries you, I encourage you to ignore it. God knows that’s what everyone else does.”
"I want to see you again tonight. But I'm willing to wait all night and much of tomorrow."
“The pleasure of remembering had been taken from me, there was no longer anyone to remember with.”
“Do the thing you're good at. Not many people are lucky enough to be so good at something.”
“Without pain, how could we know joy?"
“You are so busy being YOU that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are.”
“I liked being a person. I wanted to keep at it.”
“I think forever is an incorrect concept,"
"You're an incorrect concept."
“I fell in love like you fall asleep, slowly, then all at once.”
“I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity”
“I wanted more time so we could fall in love.”
“You're not a little kid anymore. You need to make friends, get out of the house, and live your life.”
"Who the hell speaks Swedish?”
“So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.”
“When was the last good kiss you had?”
“Sometimes people don’t understand the promises they’re making when they make them."
“You are going to live a good and long life filled with great and terrible moments that you can not even imagine yet!”
“It's not life or death, the labyrinth. Suffering. Doing wrong and having wrong things happen to you.”
“I want to have scrambled eggs for dinner without this ridiculous construction that a scrambled egg-inclusive meal is breakfast even when it occurs at dinnertime."
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
                                      AND NOT A DAY SHALL PASS                                       that    i    won’t   miss    your    smile
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
Drafts || 7/16
I'm sensing a pattern in my drafts I'm keeping ok. All of Freya's are going to the same person. And again, as they're kinda old, if you don't want to keep them going, just let me know.
Plus One -- dragxnlord Reunited -- dragxnlord What Happened To You? -- dragxnlord
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blxckdruid-blog · 10 years
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