blurbsoffanfiction · 2 months
Sarah's voice, softened by sleep and edged with a drowsy concern, broke the silence. "There's no spiders hiding in this blanket right?" she mumbled, half-buried under the makeshift covers. Her question was tinged with a hint of worry, revealing an aversion that, even in slumber, she couldn't completely push aside.Victor turned from his vigilant watch at the door to look at her, a faint smile playing on his lips. It was a rare glimpse into her vulnerabilities, one that she might not have shared if fully awake. Kneeling beside her makeshift bed, he responded with a reassuring tone, meant to soothe her back into a peaceful rest."No, no spiders," he whispered, gently brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. "I checked everything, remember? It’s just you and me here."She murmured something inaudible in response, settling more comfortably into the blankets as if his words had indeed comforted her. With a slight nod, satisfied that she was reassured, Victor returned to his post by the door.Even as he resumed his watch, his thoughts lingered on her simple, sleepy inquiry. It was these small moments—her off-guard inquiries, her subtle expressions of concern—that reminded him of the depth of their bond. Despite the rugged façade she often presented, there were layers of Sarah that only he was privy to, layers that emerged in the quiet vulnerability of such nighttime murmurs.Ensuring her safety, from threats both external and as benign as an imagined spider, was a responsibility he took seriously. It was a reminder of their shared humanity amidst the chaos of their lives on the run. As the night deepened, Victor remained alert, but his gaze often drifted back to Sarah, ensuring not just her safety, but also the peace of her slumber.
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blurbsoffanfiction · 2 months
Victor's senses returned slowly, the scent of chili—though far from his favorite—was oddly comforting in the chill of the cabin. He opened his eyes to see Sarah's silhouette against the dim light filtering through the boarded-up windows. Her posture, arms akimbo, suggested she was inspecting her handiwork with a critical eye. Despite the hardships, her spirit seemed unbroken; her resilience, a beacon in the shadowy room.
As Victor sat up, the rustle of blankets stirred a soft echo in the quiet space. Sarah turned at the sound, her face brightening when she saw he was awake.
"Hey, you're up," she said cheerfully, moving over to him with a warm, albeit tired, smile. "How do you feel?"
"Better now," he replied, his voice still rough from sleep. His gaze swept the room, taking in the cans strung up like primitive alarms and the meticulous way she had sealed off their temporary refuge. "Looks like you've been busy."
Sarah shrugged, a modest gesture. "Had to make sure we were secure. And I found a stash of canned goods in the back. Chili was the least offensive option," she added with a slight grimace, acknowledging her distaste for the meal.
Victor chuckled softly, appreciating her efforts. "You hate chili."
"I do," she admitted, stirring the pot on the camping stove. "But it's hot food, and it'll keep us going." Her tone was pragmatic, underscored by the unspoken acknowledgment of their grim situation.
He watched her for a moment, the way the light played over her features, casting her in the role of guardian angel in this forsaken place. It wasn't lost on him, the way she had covered him with blankets—a needless gesture for his resilient nature, but a telling one. It spoke of her care, her human warmth against the cold pragmatism of survival.
"You should have woken me to help," Victor said, moving to stand beside her.
Sarah looked up at him, her expression softening. "You needed to heal. And I needed to do this," she said, her voice carrying a weight of determination. "We're in this together, right? But sometimes, we take turns being the strong one."
He nodded, respecting her perspective. It was their unspoken agreement, their way of navigating the constant threats they faced. "Together," he affirmed, his hand finding hers, a silent vow renewing between them.
As they shared the simple meal, the cabin felt less like a hideout and more like a haven, albeit a temporary one. With each spoonful of chili, they fortified not just their bodies but their resolve. The world outside—with its dangers and betrayals—would find them ready, united in their singular purpose to survive and protect the precious 'us' they had built against all odds.
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blurbsoffanfiction · 2 months
Victor watched Sarah as she crouched beside him, her small hand gently running through his hair. The tenderness of the gesture was almost overwhelming against the backdrop of their relentless fight for survival. Her touch was a stark contrast to the violence and chaos they often faced.
"You can sleep," she said softly, her voice soothing, "I'll board this place up."
**His inner dialogue sparked to life again,** *She shouldn't have to do this. She shouldn't be the one boarding up windows and standing guard. That's my job. But look at her—so determined, so fierce. She carries more weight than she should, more than anyone else sees.*
He could see the exhaustion in her eyes, a weariness that mirrored his own. Yet, there she was, ready to take on the burden, offering him a respite he rarely allowed himself.
*She’s always been like this,* he thought, *ever since she decided she was in this with me. She’s stronger than she knows, but I see it. I see it every damn day.*
Victor felt a pang of guilt. *She’s sacrificing so much. What if one day, it’s too much? What if one day, she realizes she deserves better?*
But then her fingers grazed his scalp, and the gentle, repetitive motion calmed the storm within him. He knew he needed rest—his healing factor was sluggish, probably from whatever toxin they had used. He wouldn't be any good to her if he was out of commission completely.
**As he closed his eyes, he thought,** *She’s right. I need to trust her, trust us. She’s capable, and more importantly, she’s chosen this. Chosen me. We’ll get through this. Together.*
"Alright," he murmured, his voice low and rough. "But wake me if there's even a hint of trouble."
Sarah nodded, her eyes filled with determination and something else—something that warmed his heart and eased his mind. "I will," she promised.
Victor's breathing slowed as he finally allowed himself to drift off, trusting Sarah to keep them safe. As he slipped into a light, restless sleep, his last conscious thought was of her unwavering loyalty and strength, a beacon in the darkness of his world.
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blurbsoffanfiction · 2 months
Victor Creed winced as Sarah dabbed antiseptic on the wound, her touch gentle but her anger palpable. They had taken refuge in a secluded cabin, the dim light from the single lantern casting long shadows on the walls. Outside, the wind howled, carrying the faint scent of impending rain.
Sarah’s muttering filled the silence as she worked. "Curtis ratted us out," she said, her voice a mix of frustration and hurt. She saw everything through the lens of 'us,' 'we,' and 'ours,' and this betrayal cut deep.
Victor grunted, more in annoyance at the situation than the pain. "Figures. We knew he was a weak link," he growled, his eyes flicking to hers. He appreciated her solidarity, the way she always included herself in his battles, even when she had every reason to distance herself.
"The next time I see his face, my fists have got a few things to say to it," she continued, her eyes narrowed in determination.
Victor smirked despite the pain. "That's my girl," he rumbled, a hint of pride in his voice. He watched as she meticulously bandaged his arm, her hands steady despite the adrenaline and anger coursing through her veins.
"Just stay still," she ordered, her tone brooking no argument. "Your healing factor should kick in soon, but until then, you're not moving."
Victor's eyes softened slightly as he watched her. "I don't deserve you," he muttered under his breath, too low for her to hear.
Sarah finished tying off the bandage and looked up, meeting his gaze. "We'll get through this, Victor. Together."
He nodded, feeling the familiar warmth of her unwavering belief in them. "Damn right we will," he agreed, his voice resolute.
As the storm outside intensified, they sat in silence, a united front against the world. Sarah’s presence was a balm to his wounded pride and body, her determination a fire that fueled his own resolve. Curtis’s betrayal was just another hurdle, one they would overcome—together.
As Sarah worked to patch him up, Victor's mind was a swirl of tumultuous thoughts. Internally, he was wrestling with the implications of Curtis's betrayal, but even more so with the steadfast loyalty Sarah showed.
**He thought:** *She's in this deep because of me. Every cut, every close call... it's on me. And still, she stands by me, ready to take on the world if she has to. She sees this as 'us,' not just me. How did I get so lucky?*
**As she threatened retribution against Curtis,** Victor's usual protective instincts flared. *She’s got fire, my Sarah. But every time she talks of throwing punches, a part of me twitches. She should be far from all this, not diving headfirst into the fray.*
**He looked down at the bandages, feeling the sting of antiseptic:** *Her hands, so gentle when they could just as easily leave me to my fate. Maybe she’s right, maybe we are in this together. But that just means I’ve dragged her into the mud with me. Is that fair to her?*
**As Sarah assured them of getting through it together,** his heart felt a conflicting tug of hope and fear. *Together. That word should bring comfort, but it also carries the weight of her potential sacrifice. What if one day, I can't protect her? What if her being with me leads to...*
Victor pushed the dark thoughts away, focusing instead on the here and now—the warmth of her presence, the determined set of her jaw, her unwavering support. *No, I won't let it come to that. I’ll do whatever it takes. For us.*
In these quiet moments, shaded by the soft glow of the lantern, Victor Creed was reminded not just of the battles ahead, but of the reason he fought so fiercely in the first place. Not for survival, not for revenge, but for a future where 'us' could maybe mean peace, not just perpetual war.
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blurbsoffanfiction · 2 months
The hunters, a group of elite, shadowy figures, have a vendetta that makes their pursuit relentless. They've studied Victor, know his tactics, and are prepared to use his violent history against him. As night falls, the urban landscape becomes a menacing maze of narrow alleys and towering structures, perfect for a cat-and-mouse chase that pushes Victor to his limits.
Victor, with his acute senses and animalistic instincts, navigates the city's underbelly with a mixture of fury and caution. He’s not just running; he's plotting, setting traps, and using the environment to his advantage. Every shadow could be an ambush, every noise a signal of approaching danger.
Meanwhile, Sarah, torn between fear for Victor and her own safety, plays a crucial role from the shadows. Using her knowledge of Victor's hunters—gained from previous encounters and Victor’s own begrudging disclosures—she provides him real-time updates through a secure comm link. Her voice is a steady presence in his ear, guiding him away from traps and towards potential escape routes.
As the hunt intensifies, Victor's reflections on his past misdeeds merge with his present desperation. He's not just fighting for survival but also grappling with the weight of his history, wondering if this relentless pursuit is his penance. The cityscape blurs around him, a visual metaphor for his tumultuous thoughts and relentless pace.
The climax might occur in a deserted warehouse, where Victor, cornered, decides to confront his pursuers. It's here that Sarah, disregarding Victor's stern instructions to stay clear, steps in from the shadows, her presence both a balm and a spark. The confrontation that follows is not just a physical battle but an emotional showdown, as Sarah’s unexpected arrival forces Victor to acknowledge the depth of his connection to her, further fueling his ferocity to protect not just himself but the life they share.
The hunter's knew all his weaknesses, how he fights, what he does to survive, they accounted for his healing factor keeping him injured with rounds that scatter and explode each time he heals, loud noises only he can hear, heat signatures and scents all over the place they didn't account for her, not really, she's human, easy enough to get rid of, at least they think. Except now she's between them and Victor Creed. He's injured, bleeding, senses going nuts, and she's standing there with a shotgun ready to protect him.
She's upset, grumbling to herself as she patches him up, waiting for his healing factor to override whatever it was that slowed it down, "Curtis ratted us out."
She says 'us' not 'you' because that's how she sees it; that's how she sees everything, 'us' , 'we', 'ours'.
"The next time I see his face my fists have got a few things to say to it...."
Under the dim and flickering lights of the warehouse, Sarah's gentle voice carries through the tense air, softening the aftermath of their brutal fight. Victor lies in her lap, his breathing heavy and ragged from the pain and exertion. His body, though healing, struggles against the specialized rounds designed to keep him incapacitated. Despite this, a sense of calm begins to settle over him, driven by Sarah’s steady presence.
As she strokes his hair, Victor's tense muscles start to relax under her touch. Her fingers move rhythmically, untangling knots and smoothing over the coarse strands, her motions deliberate and soothing. The scent of gunpowder and blood lingers, but it's overshadowed by her familiar, reassuring presence.
Sarah starts to hum, a melody soft and melodic, floating above the quiet buzz of the city outside. The tune is a simple one, one she often hummed during quiet moments back at their safehouse, a sound that had become a symbol of safety and normalcy in their chaotic lives. Her voice, steady and warm, acts as a balm to Victor's frayed nerves.
"Take a nap, Vic. I got you," she whispers again, her words a gentle command laced with unwavering protection. Her hand never stops its movement, her touch a constant reminder that she's there, that he's not alone.
Outside, the distant sound of sirens begins to grow, a reminder of the reality waiting for them, but inside their temporary haven, it seems far away. For now, they're in a bubble of calm in the eye of the storm.
Victor's eyes flutter shut, the pain ebbing away with each note she hums. Trust in her protection allows him a rare moment of vulnerability, his usual readiness for battle eased by the security her presence provides. In these fleeting moments, their roles reverse; the protector becomes the protected, and Sarah stands guard over the fierce warrior now softened under her care.
As Victor drifts off, Sarah keeps watch, her eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of new threats. Her grip on the shotgun beside her is loose but ready, a silent vow that she will defend them against anything that might dare to disturb this rare peace. Her resolve is steel, her love a shield as potent as any armor.
In the stillness, broken only by the sound of Victor's slowing breath and her steady humming, there's a profound intimacy. It's a stark contrast to the violence that had raged just minutes before. This moment, though fraught with the echoes of battle, speaks to the deep bond and mutual trust that has grown between them, a testament to their survival and to the strength they find in each other.
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blurbsoffanfiction · 3 months
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blurbsoffanfiction · 3 months
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