bluexyess · 4 years ago
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---- Hello hello! I’ll be fixing things here & there!! I’m debating on whether I’ll make a separate acc for these babies bc they’re honestly very dear to meeeee but I’ll be fixing stuff up the next few days!
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
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//Welp, I’m all for interactions. My muses are wanting some attention. So come in and LIKE/REBLOG for a starter and I shall write one for ya’ll when I come back~
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
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//Gosh I’m kinda feeling out of it a bit and  muses aren’t being cooperative right now xD Gonna log out but I have replies already set.  But while I’m gone, LIKE/REBLOG this for a starter
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
----- “Well..I had to lay low..” She smiled sheepishly, blue hues looking Mako over. She couldn’t risk being seen with him--who knows what could go after the other if she kept in contact? The possibility scared her. “The people I used to work for were gaining on me so...sorry. I know I should’ve left at least a note or something but I couldn’t risk leaving any traces behind.”
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“Why were you sneaking and following me?! Also, you’re not really good at it,”“
—– “Would it be bad to give a surprise hello to an old friend?” Heather gave a chuckle, “Mako, you look so serious now, what happened to you?” Though, it wasn’t just him who changed–even the female changed, now having shoulder-length hair, and her clothes really made her not much noticeable if a normal person looked at her.
Mako blinked as he looked down and saw Heather, eyes widening for a moment as he stopped his arm from flaming up and gaped at her, “H-Heather…” He breathed out, then was brushing up a hand over his own hair and rubbing it, confused, yet…he was happy. Then it turned to worry, “Where the hell have you been all this time?!”
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
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;; I forgot to mention that I made an animatic with Mia & Aris in it !!! 
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
----- “Would it be bad to give a surprise hello to an old friend?” Heather gave a chuckle, “Mako, you look so serious now, what happened to you?” Though, it wasn’t just him who changed--even the female changed, now having shoulder-length hair, and her clothes really made her not much noticeable if a normal person looked at her.
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“Why were you sneaking and following me?! Also, you’re not really good at it,”“
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
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//Haven’t had the chance to watch the new Digimon yet, but I will tonight, so I’mma vanish for now but will be back soon. If ya’ll want some interactions, just go ahead and LIKE/REBLOG and I’ll make ya a starter~
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
kiss sentence starters.
“ are you gonna kiss me or not? ” “ how many have you kissed? ” “ i really want to kiss you right now. ” “ i think we should kiss right now. ” “ i don’t kiss and tell. ” “ do you wanna kiss me? ” “ am i a good kisser? ” “ do i think i kiss okay? ” “ i’ve always wanted to kiss you. ” “ so i can kiss you anytime i want. ” “ i’ve never kissed anyone before. ” “ please, tell me you’ve done this before. ” “ it we just a kiss, not like it meant anything? ” “ did you kiss me with your tongue? ” “ you are a really good kisser. ” “ i want to be my first and last kiss. ” “ just walk up to him/her and kiss him/her, it’s not hard. ” “ are you trying to lean in and kiss me right now. ” “ do not even try and kiss me right now. ” “ not even a kiss could shut me up. ” “ no kiss goodbye? ” “ you always kiss me goodbye, why? ” “ i dream about kissing your lips. ” “ i’ve kissed before, just not like this. ” “ i don’t know how to kiss, could you teach me? ” “ i don’t wanna miss this kiss. ” “ let’s just kiss and get it over with already. ” “ first kisses are always so awkward, unless the other person is experienced. ”
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
Pigeon’s Pregnancy Meme.
Updated 17/2/2017
This meme list came about because I wanted ask meme list for myself to get my muses pregnant and also have a whole variety of reactions and relationships.
These can all be for platonic relationships as well as romantic.
Finding Out-
“You’re pregnant?”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe you’re pregnant.”
“Woah, you look fat- wait. You’re pregnant?!”
“How many months are you?”
“How far gone are you?”
“So… is it a boy or a girl?”
“It’s a girl/boy? Oh, how wonderful~”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?”
“Pregnant again? You’re such a slut.”
“Do you not realise what birth control is?”
“Twins?! Are you freaking kidding me?”
“Twins? Oh, my god. Two cute babies at the same time!”
“Twins? Oh, you poor, poor soul.”
“Oh, my lord. Triplets?!”
“Uh-oh, triplets? Triple threat right there.”
“You can have more than one baby at a time?”
“You’re pregnant with twins from your first time?”
“Wait, how many babies did you say you were having?”
“You should go on that Octomom show.”
“I’m not ready for a baby, sorry… ”
“I can’t do this, I never wanted to have a kid with you… ”
“You’re having an abortion?”
“You will be having an abortion!”
“You’re not having an abortion? Why not, it’s not like we can care for a child.”
“Look at our parents -muse name-. We are gonna be shit parents like them!”
“Just give it up for adoption.”
“We cannot care for a kid. As soon as it’s born, you will give it up for adoption.”
“I don’t want a child.”
“You’re just a whore, don’t try and trap me with a stinking brat.”
“I will be a good father, I swear to you.”
“I will protect you, and our baby.”
“I’m going to be a father? Wow~”
“We’re gonna have a baby~”
“I will make sure to give them, and you, all the love you desire.”
“I’m gonna be an aunt/uncle!”
“I wanna be the godmother/godfather!”
“Ooo, name them after me!”
“As the aunt/uncle/grandmother/grandfather of this kid, I will spoil them if I want to.”
“Who’s the father?”
“Do you even know who the father is?”
“It’s my baby? Wow…”
“It’s my baby? There’s no way… !”
“It’s not my baby?”
“You whore! You got pregnant from an affair?!”
“The baby is not mine? Who else could the father even be?”
“Please don’t lie to me… is it mine?”
“I don’t care… I will be the father no matter what.”
“It’s okay, I promise. Even if we don’t share blood, I will care for the little one as if they were my own.”
“Um, sorry to be blunt, but… I think you’re leaking a little.”
“Hey, cow-tits. You’re leaking a lil’ right there.”
“Ah, you’re leaking… ”
“How can you eat that? I know cravings are weird, but damn… ”
“Woah. I can’t believe you are eating that.”
“Are you okay? I heard you throwing up… ”
“Here, it’s okay, let me hold back your hair.”
“You want some peppermint/ginger tea?”
“Dear, you should rest more, for the baby’s sake.”
“Put that glass down! You’re pregnant.”
“Put that out! Smoking is bad for the child!”
“Please, try to eat a little healthier, for your baby’s sake.”
“Darling, I know cravings are hell, but you can’t eat that.”
“Pickles are not a good breakfast.”
“Hey! Be careful, okay?”
“But, if you have another baby, what will happen to me?”
“What if I’m not good enough?”
Age Concerns-
“This cannot be happening! You’re way too young.”
“Babies having babies? What is the world coming to?”
“You’re pregnant? But I still imagine you as the little one who cried at -insert film name here-!”
“Um, aren’t you a little old for having kids?”
“Being pregnant at your age will throw up all kinds of problems.”
Pregnancy Buddies-
“We should go to this class together.”
“What if we have our babies at the same time?”
“Our babies could be like besties!”
“Aw, your tummy is so big now.”
“Hey, I found out my baby is a boy/girl. Do you want the babygrows I bought?”
“Hey, share some of that with me?”
“Pregnancy buddies? That is a good idea!”
Later Pregnancy-
“Your boobs are so huge.”
“Was that a kick?”
“You felt them kicking? Can… can I feel?”
“You felt them kicking?! Gross… ”
“Your belly is so round!”
“Oh wow, you’re like a goddess of motherhood.”
“Haha, you look like a whale.”
“You’re bearing life, you look beautiful.”
“They like the sound of my voice?”
“You must be due any day.”
“Can I touch your belly?”
“Oh, dear. You do realise it’s going to hurt when you go into labour.”
“Did you pee yourself? What? Your waters are breaking?”
“Your waters broke? Oh, my god.”
“We need to get you to a hospital.”
“You’re going into labour? Shit! What do I do?!”
“You’re going into labour. Right, just come here and lay down, it’ll be fine.”
“Fuck! Ow… I think you just broke my hand… ”
“Dear, could… could you loosen your grip a little… ”
“I didn’t think you could scream that loud… ”
“I’m sorry, okay! Please stop cursing me out for knocking you up… ”
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
Our muses went drinking together. Send me "Oh fuck it" for your muse to make a move on mine
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
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Koiiro Soft Focus
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
Threat Starters
❝ Don’t lie to me! ❞ ❝ I want to crush you… ❞ ❝ Don’t move or they die. ❞ ❝ Don’t touch me ever again. ❞ ❝ Touch them and I’ll kill you. ❞ ❝ If you run from me, I will pursue. ❞ ❝ Shut up or I’ll make you shut up. ❞ ❝ Shut up, and hand it to me, now. ❞ ❝ I just need the item and I’ll be off. ❞ ❝ Do you really not know anything? ❞ ❝ This’ll hurt less if you don’t move. ❞ ❝ Shut up and answer the question. ❞ ❝ Do as I say or suffer the consequences. ❞ ❝ I’ll see to it that you’ll be severely executed. ❞ ❝ You were too reckless. You reap what you sow. ❞ ❝ Don’t push it or I’ll give you a war you won’t believe. ❞ ❝ Say ‘What?’ again. I dare you. I double dare you motherfucker. ❞ ❝ Come back again and you won’t be able to even come here ever. ❞ ❝ If you don’t step down from your position, I’m taking drastic measures to make it happen. ❞ ❝ How about this? Shut your mouth or I’ll kick your teeth down your throat and I’ll shut it for you. ❞ ❝ Don’t fuck with me buddy or I’ll kick your ass so hard you’ll have to unbutton your collar to shit! ❞ ❝ If you don’t have what I asked for before the deadline, you can kiss your loved one/s goodbye. ❞ ❝ One night I’m going to come to you inside of your house or wherever you’re sleeping and I’m going to cut your throat. ❞ ❝ I mean you acres of harm. Untold quantities of harm. I will visit a whole continent of harm upon you before we are through. ❞ ❝ You and that other dummy better start getting more personally involved with your work or I’m gonna stab you through the heart with a fucking pencil. ❞ ❝ I’m going to give you three seconds – exactly three fucking seconds – to wipe that stupid-looking grin off your face or I will gouge out your eyeballs and skull fuck you. ❞ ❝ You want me to cut your hands off and use it as an ashtray? Yeah I’ll put it out, provided you’re prepared to let me stub it out on your eyeball. I’ll put it out. Agreeable? ❞ ❝ I guarantee you I’m not going to forget your voice. We’re going to run into each other down the road sometime, and when we do I’m going to pop you apart one rivet at a time. ❞
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
Threat Starters
❝ Touch them and I'll kill you. ❞
❝ Come back again and you won't be able to even come here ever.❞
❝ If you don't have what I asked for before the deadline, you can kiss your loved one/s goodbye. ❞
❝ If you don't step down from your position, I'm taking drastic measures to make it happen. ❞
❝ Shut up and answer what I request. ❞
❝ Do as I say or suffer the consequences. ❞
❝ Shut up, and hand it to me, now. ❞
❝ You were too reckless. You reap what you sow. ❞
❝ Don't touch me ever again. ❞
❝ Don't move or they die. ❞
❝ I just need it and I'll be off. ❞
❝ This'll hurt less if you don't move. ❞
❝ Shut up or I'll make you shut up. ❞
❝ I mean you acres of harm. Untold quantities of harm. I will visit a whole continent of harm upon you before we are through. ❞
❝ If you run from me, I will pursue. ❞
❝ I guarantee you I'm not going to forget your voice. We're going to run into each other down the road sometime, and when we do, I'm going to pop you apart one rivet at a time. Got it?❞
❝ How about this? Shut your mouth or I’ll kick your teeth down your throat and I’ll shut it for you. ❞
❝ One night I'm going to come to you inside of your house or wherever you’re sleeping and I’m going to cut your throat. ❞
❝ Don’t fuck with me buddy or I’ll kick your ass so hard you’ll have to unbutton your collar to shit! ❞
❝ I’m going to give you three seconds – exactly three fucking seconds – to wipe that stupid-looking grin off your face or I will gouge out your eyeballs.❞
❝ You and that other dummy better start getting more personally involved with your work or I’m gonna stab you through the heart with a fucking pencil. ❞
❝ Say ‘What?’ again. I dare you. I double dare you. ❞
❝ Don’t push it or I’ll push you off the ledge, don't test me.❞
❝ I'll see to it that you'll be severely executed. ❞
❝ Do you really not know anything? ❞
❝ Don't lie to me! ❞
❝ I want to crush you... ❞
❝ Move, and I'll shoot.❞
❝ Don't mess with me! ❞
❝ How dare you?! ❞
❝ Beg for it. ❞
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
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;; so I'll actually go here now~ bc I'm currently on mobile data & my internet provider is down in my area haha— also I missed my babies here ( ˘ ³˘)♥ so feel free to send in an ask or like or reblog this for a starter !!
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
dirty levels .
001 . ————- flirting .
“hey gorgeous… is this seat taken?”
“your body looks s o good in this light”
“care to dance? i’ll teach you how hips work”
“how about i get you a drink and you tell me about yourself?”
“here i dreaded going out… and i was lucky enough to meet an angel”
“come closer baby”
“want to come and join me?”
“oh you got a little something there… let me fix it for you”
“your eyes are gorgeous”
“your lips are so beautiful”
“do you come here often?”
“your place or mine?”
002 . ————— behind closed doors.
“oh baby… you’re so hard/wet.”
“kiss me… harder.”
“kiss me — there…”
“please… i need you”
“shut the door — quickly… i can’t wait to fuck you”
“your breasts so beautiful”
“unzip me ~ slowly…”
“hurry up… i’m getting impatient ~”
“how about… i pour champagne down your stomach… and get a little naughty”
“are you a naughty girl/boy?”
“that’s right baby, spread open for me”
“how does it feel? ~ you like that?”
“you’re driving me crazy… ! ”
“keep them on… i like it that way”
“You really know how to make a girl wet…“
“Tell me where you want to touch me first.“
“I can’t wait for you to put it in me.“
003 . ————— in the act .
“Bite my neck and fuck me harder.”
“I want you to cum all over my face.“
“Don’t stop.“
“Fill me up.“
“You like how I fuck you?“
“Cum for me.“
“That’s… s o good —”
“Mmm… please… ”
“G—god, more… more!”
“That’s it — that’s the spot baby!”
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bluexyess · 5 years ago
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