bluesummersknight · 2 years
Unfortunately for Vash, Knives is prepared for the brat to lash out, grabbing him by the wrists in turn and twisting to force him down.
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“Here you go throwing tantrums again. And no, it’s not. If anything it’s quite the opposite...”  His voice lowers into a growl. “ Because I DON’T WANT to do that.” But if Vash continued to push him... well, it wasn’t entirely off the table.
@bluesummersknight​ said:
“Maybe this will all serve as a reminder to you, Vash… I could always do far worse.”
BITCH || always accepting
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   Knives is sucker punched. No gun, no blows to the torso, Vash is full on aiming for his face, full on aiming to Hurt and stun and get the first hit in before his brother had the chance.
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 “YES KNIVES, YOU COULD!” He’s grabbed by the collar of his shirt, The Punk Rushing his brother, slamming into a wall “DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT MAKES ANYTHING BETTER? DO YOU THINK THAT’S A FLEX ON THE OTHERS? I Don’t need your shit, right now, and I doubt anyone else does either.”
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
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“Considering they were docile with humans, and would allow them close to their nests, I doubt it. That lack of aggression against humans in particular is probably why they were so endangered. Certainly sounds like you.”
anon said:
if vash was a bird I think he’d be a shoebill
unprompted || always accepting
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   “Oh that doesn’t sound so b-”
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   “Sir, that’s a Knives bird”
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
Luu is a good boy and bows before Leagto. Ready to be of service.
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"Glad to see SOMEONE around here is still loyal.... Stay close, Lieutenant, I may have need of you later.
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
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   All Vash lets out is a squawk as hes bent in odd angles. The plant doesn’t even fight it, letting the psychic twist him into shapes no humanoid body should be twisted into. He deserves all the human’s anger, he really does, especially after how badly he’s hurt Knives. Vash almost wants to encourage it, goad the bluenette in some form of self destruction as twisted as the human could make him, would make him.
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   But, even without the influence of wires making him tongue tied, he can’t speak. doesn’t even know what to say. He hadn’t meant it, didn’t want to hurt his only brother and leave himself alone in the world. He didn’t even want Knives dead, no matter how often he’d told himself and others the opposite. “I-” he even didn’t think this would’ve happened. This was all another instance of Vash not knowing his own strength and the consequences in the aftermath.
   “He-” Vash wouldn’t even be able to justify to Legato why he’d even thought of strangling his brother in the first place. The human worshiped Knives like a god, and even then, Vash’s reasoning for hurting his own brother was flimsy and horrific in its own right. What kind of Monster hurts his only family when they’re at their weakest, anyway?
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   What he does manage to get out is frantic and quiet “I didn’t mean to.”
“SHUT UP!” His power lashed out in his anger and distress, causing Vash’s limbs to jerk painfully in a way that would shatter most bones, but also caused a ripple to pass through the psychic’s body as the threads holding him together convulsed unnaturally. He was going to kill this man. He was going to do it slowly and painfully, perhaps even find Chapel and make HIM do it; if Master wasn’t alive, then there was no use for the damn traitor or this DEMON any longer-
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No. Wait. He could feel it, slow but it was there. A heartbeat. His master was still alive. Another wave of emotion hit him, causing his control to waver and his body to twitch again with a soft whimper. It welled in his throat, but he swallowed it back down. He didn’t deserve to shed his putrid tears over Knives, he’d learned that, so he simply continued to use his power to assist his master in breathing until he felt the muscles begin to work on their own.
Legato turned back to Vash now, his expression turning cold.
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“....’Didn’t mean to’? Is there another with my own abilities I’m unaware of? Were your hands moved against your will, Vash. The. Stampede?” The psychic hissed as he forced Vash back upright enough to look him in the eyes, and he walked closer. There was murder in his gaze still, venomous eyes locked onto Vash like a snake with it’s prey.
“Know this. If it wasn’t for your brother’s mercy in wishing you remain alive, I would have already skinned your ungrateful hide with your own fingernails. Despite the pain you’ve caused him, he still cherishes you, yet you throw it back into his face, no better than the scum you defend... But he didn’t say anything about your friends, did he?” Another tug of the threads pulled Vash closer, the plant beginning to feel the beginning painful tingle of nerve endings being forcefully stimulated.
“He didn’t say anything about your ‘friends’. Should I wrap your hands around their throats? See how much you ‘don’t mean it’ then?”
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
Vash’s arm would twist against his will, it and even his prosthetic one being painfully wrenched back behind his shoulders as his spine bent near to the point of snapping. Mad eyes locked back onto Vash, the psychic quivering as he forced Vash’s limbs to twist further, but his attention was quickly diverted.
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“Master! MASTER!!” Legato rushed to Knives’ side, a keen of genuine distress escaping him as his threads quickly wove into the Plant’s body, manually stimulating his lungs in desperation. He wasn’t breathing. It was July all over again, if he’d just been fast enough to KILL Vash on that day! Even if it upset his master- it would have been WORTH it! This was his fault! HIS FAULT!!
“...What have you done?”
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“̴̳ ̵W ͘H̞̝͠ͅ ͎̺̞̰̙͉́A̺̕ ͕͍̺͕̰͞T̰̣ ̴͓̠ ̸̼ ͖̗̲̤̟̱H̥͈̩̙͝ͅ ͍͔̺͍̫̮͜ͅA̸͍̺ ͈̦̦̠̫V̡̤͙̯͕͓̘̙ ͈̲̭̭̳̯̤E͙̮͕̭̥͔ ҉̮̩ ͕͚̳̺̼̘̪ ̹̥͍͝Y̰ ͍Ơ͎̱̗̝ U̡͉̪͎̝ ̪̮̜̦̭͇ ̧ ̬̯̹͈D̻͝ ̬̩̤͠O̖̟̪̜̥ ̶̺̻͍̫N̛̩̙͔̠̞͔ ̣͔͓̝͚͡È̻̖̟̺̜ ̭̱̦͓͓̤ͅ?͇ ͓̙̙͔͡!̮͇̦̤̬ ̺̙̬̘̝̩”̴̠ ̞̮̯͖̘̝͢ͅ
@bluesummersknight​ said:
Vash’s only warning is the tingle of wires violently embedding themselves into his arm before it flings himself away with enough force to wrench a normal arm from it’s socket.
“You get AWAY FROM HIM!!!” There’s a VERY angry psychic currently seeing red.
unprompted || always accepting
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   Oh fuck, he forgot about Legato.
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   Vash lets himself be thrown by the arm, and, after what just happened? he’s totally welcoming it, not once trying to fight it aside from the knee jerk reaction of feeling the wires, and the initial startle of being yelled at. The plant looks like a deer in the headlights, big teal eyes lost and confused as he’s yanked away from his brother’s lifeless body.
   “I-” he doesn’t exactly know what to say. What could he say? Definitely couldn’t request the sweet release of death from him, not when he’s likely to still be following Knives’ orders, whether he was dead or alive. And clearly a distressed Sorry wouldn’t cut it, either.
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
He’s here... He’s here! He could almost weep, but he holds back, instead giving the higher being a smile of utter devotion.
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“Master... I am at your command.”
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
| 🗡 | If Legato had moved closer, Knives would have lashed out–if he had the ability to do so. The fear that he did not made him glad Legato refrained from coming any closer. There were times he thought not properly displaying his power and confidence would make Legato lose faith. For all that he hated the worship… Legato was still of use to him. Losing that was not an options.
“I…” Knives was not good with lies. He has always gotten what he wanted without needing them, using his power and superiority had always been enough. But without all of that…. Should he just tell the truth?
“By some twist of fate my power is…” Knives almost growled in frustration, trying to find the words. “Dormant… for three days.”
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They were... dormant? That didn’t make sense, in all the years he’s known Knives, that had never happened before, not that he was aware of! How could such a thing happen...?
...No. It wasn’t his place to question his master’s words, and even if Knives had somehow been brought down to the level of a human... It changed nothing.
Knives wasn’t his master because he was powerful. It was because he’d chosen to follow him, and for the first time in his life, his words had been listened to, and Knives had allowed it. Knives had given him a purpose, a reason to exist in this world, even for a short period of time. No amount of- or lack of power, would change that.
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“Master... If you’ll allow it, I can do my best to protect you, until your power returns.” Ever the dutiful servant.
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
@insilentruin​ || Continued
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Legato hovered a bit, shifting uneasily from foot to foot in an uncharacteristically anxious display. He didn’t understand, he knew something was terribly wrong, but... Master’s tone clearly wanted him to leave, yet what if he needed help?? Almost unthinkable, but there had been that one time, in July...
That memory had Legato instead take a small step closer. His master was clearly upset, and shaken by something, and while Legato was by no means knowledgeable of other people’s emotional states, he knew crowding him wouldn’t be welcome. He maintained a distance, despite clearly wanting to move closer.
“Master, I’m sorry, but-... What is happening?” What’s wrong? “I felt... forgive me, but are you alright?”
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
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D̙͖̠ o̢͉͙ n͙͇͕ '̞̪͍ t̡̺ .̫͕̻  T͓͖͜ e̢̢̦ s͍̠͜ t̡̢͖ .͙͉͜  H̘͉͎ i͇͔͜ m̟̪̟ .͎̠̘
@bluesummersknight​ said:
There’s a bloodthirsty psychic currently debating on whether or not to disobey Knives again and rip you to pieces, Vash…
unprompted || always accepting
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   He’s still pissed at you, Legato, don’t you dare.
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
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....He’s seriously contemplating fucking murdering you, Vash...
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
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Wait. What is happening? What’s going on?!
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
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He has no idea what you’re talking about.
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
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“Look at that, for once we agree on something. Honestly all of these should be reversed.”
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
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...Eh. At least “horny” is low.
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
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He is utterly confused at how something can be so precise in it’s measurements yet SO WRONG at the same time.
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bluesummersknight · 2 years
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Master Knives in all his glory.... he only wishes he’d been there to witness it.
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