random ramblings, rebloggers, INA, try to post ENG/JAP, kami(ki)-worshiper's 💘
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
not sure how to feel about celebrities moving to tumblr... on one hand folks rejecting Elon’s tyranny and bolstering a platform that actually promotes democratization of speech is great. (on tumblr there are no blue checks or visible follower counts. you ride or die through the strength of your takes alone.) on the other hand get off my lawn. I am hissing like an irate goose
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this website has just recently become tolerable (aka the best its been in a long time) and I don’t think we should sit idly by and let the entire ecosystem get fucked just bc twitter isn’t fun for them anymore. i’m not even trying to be dramatic. if more big names do come here and try and treat it like twitter 2.0 then there will be changes. public follower counts. more ads. changes to the dashboard. its less about not wanting celebrities on here, more about not wanting this site to succumb to what has ruined so many other platforms
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CRADLE STAR: A Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch From Mercury x Yoasobi Short Story

This is a fan translation of “Cradle Star”, the short story penned by Ichiro Okouchi, the screenplay maker for Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury, in conjunction with the song 「祝福」 (The Blessing) by famous Japanese music superduo YOASOBI! The link for the story can be found here!
Disclaimer: All images/credits belong to YOASOBI, Ichiro Okouchi, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Production Committee, SUNRISE and affiliates.
Please take note this fan translation may have mistakes, and if you notice anything, please don’t mind sending me a message!
If anyone here is feeling generous, feel free to donate to my Ko-Fi or Paypal!
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I just love how in English you say “great minds think alike”, which is a completely positive thing since you’re kinda praising yourself, but in German you go like “zwei Dumme, ein Gedanke” = “two fools, one thought”
German is beautiful, isn’t it
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Chamber of Mindfullness (at Nataraja Bali Yoga Shala)
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Okay just think it as an exercise, i fully use the power of google.. then pardon me if- OFC THERE’S MISTAKE www I use the lyrics from youtube above post, the uploader will be delete (reupload?) it if there’s full version and he/she wld wait for the fix lyrics part from 46show So never check my tumblr, i never re-fix my post www jk my country block tumblr. period.
P.S. feel free to copy, link, but don’t retanslate to other languages because it’s alrdy horrible with my translation so why make it worse 😂🤔
well here we go.
[生田、白石、西野] 悲しい出来事があると僕は1人で 夜の街をただひたすら歩くんだ Kanashii dekigoto ga aru to boku wa hitori de Yoru no machi wo tada hitasura arukunda When there is a sad thing happened I walk around the city at night alone
[山下、堀、齋藤、与田] 背中丸めうつむいて 行くあてなんかないのに Senaka marume utsumuite Ikuate nankanai no ni Spinning my back and turn around I’m not going to do it
[久保、生駒、大園] 雑踏のその中を彷徨う Zatto no sono naka wo samayou Wandering through in the middle of that crowd
[松村、衛藤] Keep going
[桜井、秋元] Keep going
[高山、星野、若月] すれ違う見ず知らずの人よ 事情は知らなくてもいいんだ Sure chigau mizushirazu no hito yo Jijou ha shiranakute mo ii nda Weirdly passed by the strangers You do not need to know the circumstances
[井上、新内、樋口、寺田] 少しだけこの痛みを感じてくれないか 信号待つあいでにちょっとだけ時間をいいかい Sukoshi dake kono itami wo kanjite kurenaika Shingou matsu aida ni chotto dake jikan wo ii kai Would you feel this pain for a while? Would you please take a moment for signal?
[一列目] この気持ちはわかるはずだシンクロニシティ Kono kimochi wa wakaru hazu da SINKURONISHITII You should understand this feeling of Synchronicity
[ニ列目] きっと Kitto Surely/Definitely
[全員] 誰だって誰だってあるだろう 不意に気づいたら泣いてること 理由なんてなにも思い当たらずに 涙がこぼれる Dare datte dare datte aru darou Fui ni kidzuitara naiteru koto Riyuu nante nai mo omoiatarazu ni Namida ga koboreru There will be someone, anyone Crying when they unexpectedly noticed Without thinking any of the reason is Tears have been spilled
[全員] それはそばにいるそばにいるだれかのせい 言葉を交わしていなくても 心が勝手に共鳴するんだ 愛を分け合って ハモれ ハモれ* Sore wa soba ni iru soba ni iru dareka no sei Kotoba wo kawashite inakute mo Kokoro ga katte ni kyoumei suru nda Ai wa wakeatte Hamore Hamore* That is someone beside me, by my side Even if I do not exchange words My heart resonates arbitrarily Share the love Harmony Harmony*
[久保、生駒、大園] みんなが信じてないこの世の中も 思ってるより愛に溢れてるよ Minna ga shinjitenai kono yo no naka mo Omotteru yori ai ni afureteruyo Everyone does not believe in this world Than me thinking love is overflowing
[松村、衛藤、桜井、秋元] 近づいてどうしたのと聞いてこないけど 世界中の人が誰かのこと思い浮かべ Chikadzuite doushitano to kiite konai kedo Sekaijuu no hito ga dare ka no koto omoi iu kabe Although I do not ask people what’s going on, but I think of someone from all over the world
[三列目] 遠くのしあわせ願う シンクロニシティ Tooku no shiawase negau SINKURONISHITII Hope for distant– faraway happiness Synchronicity
[一列目] だから Dakara So/That’s Why
[全員] 1人では一人では負けそうな 突然やってくる悲しみさえ 一緒に泣く誰かがいて 乗り越えられるんだ ずっとお互いにお互いに思い合えば いつしか心は1つになる 横断歩道で隣り合わせた 他人同士でも 偶然 Hitori de wa– Hitori de wa makesou na Totsuzen yattekuru kanashimi sae Issho ni naku dareka ga ite Norikoerarerunda Zutto otagai ni otagaini omoi aeba Itsushika kokoro wa hitotsu ni naru Oudan hodou de tonari awaseta Tanin doushi demo Guuzen
I’m likely to lose alone, only by myself Even the sorrow suddenly coming There is someone who weeps together And can get over it Always/Forever With each other, If you mutually respect each other One day the mind will become one They were next to each other at a crosswalk Even among others By chance
[一列目] 抱え込んだ Kakaekonda Embraced
[ニ列目] 憂鬱とか Yuutsu to ka Melancholy and
[三列目] 胸の痛みも 76億分の1になった気がする** Mune no itami mo Nana juu roku oku bun no ichi natta ki ga suru** Pain in this chest too, I feel like I got a 7.6 billionth of it**
[一列目] きっと誰だって誰だってあるだろう 不意に気づいたら泣いてること Kitto dare datte dare datte aru darou Fui ni kidzuitara naiteru koto Surely/Definitely There will be someone, anyone Crying when they unexpectedly noticed
[ニ列目] 理由なんてなにも思い当たらずに Riyuu nante nai mo omoiatarazu ni Without thinking any of the reason is
[三列目] 涙がこぼれる Namida ga koboreru Tears have been spilled
[全員] それはそばにいるそばにいるだれかのせい 言葉を交わしていなくても 心が勝手に共鳴するんだ 愛を分け合って ハモれ ハモれ ハモれ* Sore wa soba ni iru soba ni iru dareka no sei Kotoba wo kawashite inakute mo Kokoro ga katte ni kyoumei suru nda Ai wa wakeatte Hamore hamore hamore* That is someone beside me, by my side Even if I do not exchange words My heart resonates arbitrarily Share the love Harmony Harmony Harmony*
[生田、白石、西野] 泣いてる人のために僕もどこかで なにも気づかずそっと涙流したい Naiteru hito no tame ni boku mo doko ka de Nani mo kidzukazu sotto namida nagashitai For those who are crying somewhere I also Want to shed tears softly without noticing anything
*ハモれて = to harmonize; to harmonise; to be in harmony source
**World Population by 2018: 7,632,819,325 (Google) it’s updated from that HKT single lol
#乃木坂46#乃木#坂46#46#synchronicity#シンクロニシティ#lyrics#english#translation#白石麻衣#20th single#romaji#kanji#karaoke#nogizaka#nogizaka46#mai shiraishi#shiraishi mai#nishino nanase#nanase nishino#西野七瀬#生田絵梨花#生駒里奈#高山一実#与田祐希#大���桃子#齋藤飛鳥#堀未央奈#松村沙友理
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Marika Itou - Hajimarika, (English translation)
Lyrics translation of the song from the short film with the same title, starring Marika Itou. Lyrics are written by Marika herself, if I recall correctly. Post-idols are the realest shit around.
When I was 15, I auditioned for Nogizaka I actually passed!? Happy; Feeling that lasted but a brief moment As the first single’s lineup was announced, my name wasn’t called What should I do? What is it I lack? The stress got me working, spinning, round and round, a full circle My position decided by strangers; I cried. There even were sleepless nights Looking at the others I see everyone’s shining. Oh I’m so jealous, how nice, how lucky
But I was wrong. It’s because it’s something she could do Something I couldn’t handle. Everyone carries their own bright shine When I accepted that fact, it was as if something fell
No confidence; My voice’s unstable Why an idol? Why did I become one? It was always a complex of mine But because you told it adds character Because you told me so that day!
Neither my style nor my interests are idol-like at all Thank you for discovering me, although I am this weird How come you chose me? What led you all this way? How can you look at me with that friendly smile?
That time, you stretched out your hand towards me Your words really helped me a lot For watching over me Reading my blog Commenting The cheers The Marikka towels The green and purple psyllium Thank you; Thank you; Thanks for everything Thank you for coming to see me and grabbing my hand. If I hadn’t come here I wouldn’t have met them; The members that I hold so dear Aren’t they amazing? Aren’t they the best? I’m really lucky to have been part of this These one, two, three, four, five, six years Are my pride; My youth; I will treasure them for the rest of my life Used to the third row, mostly its corner Could never get used to being in the centre, guess that’s just how I am In front of my eyes and to the left it expands. Everyone; The scenery; The lights The voices of all the fans; I’ll never ever forget them. I won’t forget them, okay! Moss; Rocks and metal aren’t very idol-like Thank you for discovering me, although I am this weird How come you chose me? What led you all this way? How can you look at me with that friendly smile?
That time, you stretched out your hand towards me Your words really helped me a lot For watching over me Reading my blog Commenting The cheers The Marikka towels The green and purple psyllium Thank you; Thank you; Thanks for everything Thank you for coming to see me and grabbing my hand. It was as beautiful as the stars In this vast universe; Me and you That we were able to meet here is a miracle I’m thankful for I want to talk to you more; I don’t want it to end here Separating is lonely, but I want you to see a different side of me So if it’s okay with you, and just if; Won’t you come with me? Towards your future, and mine It’d be nice if they one day, somewhere, would come to intertwine A new me, the sponges that’ll come to be… Wait, sponge!? (Wordplay: Me = Watashi. Tawashi = Sponge) Let’s move forward, one step at a time Even if you’re insecure Feeling anxious, or get lost in the woods Mistake your train card for a cake (splat) Become a polar bear Un deux trois and cut your hair It’ll grow out again before you know it Sometimes all it takes is exclaiming Marikka
One step at a time; The future lies just one step ahead Thank you; Thank you; I’m thankful to have met you One step at a time; The future lies just one step ahead From here on out; My story is just beginning One step at a time; The future lies just one step ahead Thank you; Thank you; Thanks for everything One step at a time; The future lies just one step ahead From here on out; My story is just beginning From here on out; From here on Guess this is my beginning
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2018 Winter Olympics: Info & Streaming
It’s here, folks, the event we’ve been anticipating for months - the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea will begin on February 9th with the Figure Skating Team Event! Here’s how you can watch the figure skating competitions online. Please be aware that we are not responsible for any of these streams, we only provide the links. We will not list every broadcast in every single country, only enough so that most people have options to watch. Please see here for a full list of official Olympic broadcasters. Some broadcast schedules in this post are still incomplete; more information will be added as it appears.
For new figure skating fans, don’t forget to check out our Glossary of Common Figure Skating Terms for an overview of how the sport works!
Live results | Detailed schedule | Website | ISU + Official entries
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It’s my first translation. Feel free to remind me if there’s any mistake. Kanji lyrics credits to Pnk san in youtube comment, but i’m still unsure for the last paragraph when Hirate starts talking for the radio.. well 😅 My opinion about this song is.. at first i don’t hook at it. At all. The rap sounds quite weird, then makes me hard to recognize the meaningful lyrics. Until i saw the tweet about the song, this song represent keyakids zenkoku tour situation.. which make my mind influenced while translating and i keep thinking how keyakids feel in the tour. then.. voila! For me, I just can feel the member’s pledge to protect each other eventhough they felt tired about their own-self while performing daily in August. Management, Aki-p, I love how the song convey it, i know their ‘bonds’ stood out but please don’t cash it out 😂 Please give me your opinion about this song. Douzo~ —– 遮断機降りたままの開かずの踏切みた 心を閉ざして 僕をいつまで待たせるんだ 君っていつも何か言いかけて 結局言葉飲み込むよ Shadan ki orita mama no akazuno fumikiri mitai Kokoro o tozashite Boku wo itsumade mataserunda Kimitte itsumo nani ka iikakete Kekkyoku kotoba nomikomu yo Like the train at railway crossing the circuit breaker I close my heart How long will you keep me waiting You always say something And in the end swallowing your own words 古着が好きなのは 知らない誰かになって 本当の自分隠して演じてみたいだけ 今日の生き方も 誰かのお古なのか どうせまたフリマ行き Furugi ga suki na no wa shiranai dareka ni natte Hontou no jibun kakushite enjite mitai dake Kyo no ikikata no dareka no ofuru na no ka dou se mata furima iki I like secondhand clothing and become someone I do not know I just want to hide my true self and play Today’s way of life also someone’s old way to flea market どうでもいいけど どうでもよくないし どうにでもなればいい 毒にも薬にもならない 毎日を チクタクとただ繰り返す 無駄���僕たちの特権だけ主張して もったいない生産性がないただ大人から見れば腹立たしい Dou demo ii kedo Dou demo yokunaishi Dou ni demo nareba ii Doku ni mo kusuri mo naranai Mainnichi wo Tick-Tock tada kurikaesu Muda ga bokutachi no tokken dake shuchou shite Mottainai shousansei ga nai tada otona kara mireba haradatashii None of my business I do not care It’s up to me Neither poison nor medicine I repeatedly wasting time everyday Insists only our privileges wasted There is no wasteful productivity but it is annoying from adult’s perspective 君は何を放棄したんだ そして何を諦めたんだ でもそんなに不幸に見えないのはなぜ Kimi wa nani wo houkishitanda soshite nani wo akirametanda Demo sonna ni fukou ni mienai no wa naze What did you abandon and what did you give up? Yet why don’t you look unhappy 君が気になってしまうよ ああ面倒くさいその存在 だって誰も理解できない ネガティブネガティブネガティブ暗い目をしている そんな不器用さを守るには僕がその盾になるしかない 世の中の常識に傷つくのなら君の代わりに僕が炎上してやるさ いつだって傍で立っててやるよ 悪意からの避雷針 Kimi ga ki ni natte shimau yo Aa mendokusai sono sonzai Datte dare mo rikai dekinai Negative negative negative kurai me wo shiteiru Sonna bukiyou sa wo mamoru ni wa boku ga sono tate ni naru shikanai Yo no naka no joushiki ni kizutsuku no nara kimi no kawari ni boku ga enjou shite yaru sa Itsudatte soba de tatte te yaru yo Akui kara no hiraishin You will be bothered Aa that existence is troublesome Because no one can understand Negative negative negative my eyes darken To protect such clumsiness I can only become the shield If you hurt the world’s tact I will flame up instead of you Always stand by my side I’ll be your lightning rod from malice 警報機鳴りっぱなしで意思なんか通じない 上下線何回通り過ぎれば開くんだろう ずっと前から知っていたはずさ 電車なんか来ないって Keihouki narippanashi de ishi nanka tsuujinai Jougesen nankai toori sugireba hirakundarou Zutto mae kara shitteita hazu sa Densha nanka konaitte I can not make up my mind with the alarm sounding How many times will it open up and down I should have known for a long time ago I do not want train to come 1人が楽なのは話さなくていいから 分かってもらおうなんて���力もういらないし 何も関わらず 存在知られたくない 投げ出したくなる Hitori ga raku na no wa hanasanakute ii kara Wakatte moraou nante muryoku mou iranaishi Nani mo kakawarazu Sonzai shiraretakunai Nagedashitaku naru Because one person does not have to talk comfortably I do not want you to understand, I do not need help Nothing involved I do not want my existence to be known I want to throw out それでもいいけど それでも息をして それでも生きてるし いくつの扉を閉めたり鍵をかけて 引きこもってじっとしてただ儚すぎるこの若さしおれるまで 使い切れず持て余す時間 過保護な夢を殺す Soredemo ii kedo Soredemo iki o shite Soredemo ikiterushi Ikutsu no tobira o shimetari kagi wo kakete Hiki komotte jitto shite tada hakana sugiru kono waka sa shioreru made Tsukai kirezu moteamasu jikan kahogo na yume o korosu Nevertheless it’s good I even still breathing But even so I still living How many doors are closed and locked out Withdraw and just be transient until this young wilted Hold spare time out to kill overprotective dreams 僕は何に惹かれたの 僕は何に期待するの 僕の不幸に見えるというのか Boku wa nani hikareta no Boku wa nani kitai suru no Boku no fukou ni mieru to iu no ka What is attractive from me What do you expect from me Does it make me look unfortunate 無関心は味方だ 君は感情のない眼差しで 僕を見ていた いつだって味方だ 信じることは裏切られること 心を開くことは傷つくこと 落雷のような悲しみに打たれないように Mukanshin wa mikata da Kimi wa kanjo mo nai manazashi de boku wo miteita Itsudatte mikata da Shinjiru koto wa uragirareru koto Kokoro o hiraku koto wa kizutsuku koto Rakurai no you na kanashimi ni utarenai you ni Apathy is a friend You were looking at me with no emotions Always on my side Believing is to be betrayed Opening your mind is hurting Do not be grieved by sorrow like a lightning strike 僕はどっち側にいるの ああ伝えにくいその価値観 だからきっと目が離せない ポジティブポジティブポジティブ 君は君のままで Boku wa docchi gawa ni iru no Aa tsutae nikui sono kachikan Dakara kitto me ga hanasenai Positive positive positive Kimi wa kimi no mama de Which side am I on Aa Its hard to convey its value sense Thus I must be keep an eye on you Positive Positive Positive Just be as you are どんな理不尽だって許容できる さあ気配を消して支える 僕が相手になってやる 平凡な日々を今約束しよう ここにあるのは愛の避雷針 Donna rifujin datte kyoyou dekiru Saa kehai wo keshite sasaeru Boku ga aite ni natte yaru heibon na hibi wo ima yakusoku shiyou Koko ni aru no wa ai no hiraishin Any unreasonable tolerance Allows you to disapprove and support Let’s promise the mediocre daily life that I will be your partner Here is the lightning rod of love
#keyakizaka46#欅坂46#5thsingle#風に吹かれも#lyrics#english#romaji#kanji#translation#coupling#song#避雷針#平手友梨奈#hiraishin#hirate yurina
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─ ねえ、
人の生き方には二通りしかないわ。 美しく生きるか、美しい人のために生きるか。
─ そうなの。
─ あら、そんなのカンタンよ。
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Ishida: so in this chapter Touka and Kaneki have sex
Ishida: for the whole chapter
Ishida's assistants: ...
Ishida's editor: ...
Ishida: ... Ooookay, fine. let's get down to it guys!
Ishida's assistants: ...
Ishida's editor: ...
Ishida: anyways, I can't think of a fitting title. Do you guys have any ideas?
Ishida's assistants: ...
Ishida's editor: ...
Ishida: guys? Nobody? Uhm...
Ishida: "X" it is then.
Ishida's editor: On that, I agree.
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