blueprintbelle · 9 days
Algebra Lecture Part 2!
Good day, belles! For today, we have an updated formula bank and lecture bank for Algebra part 2 all of which are in ongoing development.
For today's vlog and blog, I am sharing with you some snippets from my second algebra topic.
Figure.01: Algebra Formula Snippet
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Figure.02: Algebra Lecture Snippet
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Also, you can access the following links for:
1.) Youtube video: https://youtu.be/WJPvJHcWL8g
2.) Quizlet (Terminology: Algebra): https://quizlet.com/916994133/algebra-flash-cards/?i=5us6az&x=1jqt
3.) Lecture Series: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Tpt9ueRNf0OWOPYs1xUza4l4kY4wqVuA?usp=drive_link
4.) Formula Series: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19veV8qjDgPPidac6VRH5-A5VWTY1Y5JM?usp=drive_link
5.) Forms: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vi7EnrKPgq0b0ACUgWB9Rq-ds5xRMuX4?usp=drive_link
6.) Reference: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11eaH_Ls_4uBez6umQHEClmCSCvXnsA7P?usp=drive_link
You can also visit my:
Blog page: https://www.tumblr.com/blueprintbelle
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KalibrateSolns
Discord: https://discord.gg/gJWu6X2M
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blueprintbelle · 11 days
Had to work two or more jobs in this economy.
Sorry for being MIA for the past few weeks. I took some time off, and my plate is full!
Nonetheless, I'm thankful for the blessings!
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blueprintbelle · 30 days
one of the biggest things I can advocate for (in academia, but also just in life) is to build credibility with yourself. It’s easy to fall into the habit of thinking of yourself as someone who does things last minute or who struggles to start tasks. people will tell you that you just need to build different habits, but I know for me at least the idea of ‘habit’ is sort of abstract and dehumanizing. Credibility is more like ‘I’ve done this before, so I know I can do it, and more importantly I trust myself to do it’. you set an assignment goal for the day and you meet it, and then you feel stronger setting one the next day. You establish a relationship with yourself that’s built on confidence and trust. That in turn starts to erode the barrier of insecurity and perfectionism and makes it easier to start and finish tasks. reframing the narrative as a process of building credibility makes it easier to celebrate each step and recognize how strong your relationship with yourself can become
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blueprintbelle · 1 month
Algebra Lecture Part 1!
Good day, belles! As much as I want to help CE students (especially from the Philippines), I will be sticking to my self-paced vlog schedule for my Bluetorials! (An educational series that I am doing for free).
For today, we have a Quizlet study set for algebra terminologies, a formula bank, and a lecture bank, all of which are in ongoing development.
For today's vlog and blog, I am sharing with you some snippets from my first algebra topic.
Figure.01: Algebra Formula Snippet
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Figure.02: Algebra Lecture Snippet
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Also, you can access the following links for:
1.) Youtube video: https://youtu.be/WJPvJHcWL8g
2.) Quizlet (Terminology: Algebra): https://quizlet.com/916994133/algebra-flash-cards/?i=5us6az&x=1jqt
3.) Lecture Series: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Tpt9ueRNf0OWOPYs1xUza4l4kY4wqVuA?usp=drive_link
4.) Formula Series: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19veV8qjDgPPidac6VRH5-A5VWTY1Y5JM?usp=drive_link
5.) Forms: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vi7EnrKPgq0b0ACUgWB9Rq-ds5xRMuX4?usp=drive_link
6.) Reference: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11eaH_Ls_4uBez6umQHEClmCSCvXnsA7P?usp=drive_link
You can also visit my:
Blog page: https://www.tumblr.com/blueprintbelle
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KalibrateSolns
Discord: https://discord.gg/gJWu6X2M
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blueprintbelle · 1 month
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So I really liked Unpacking
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blueprintbelle · 1 month
Unpacking Game
Not studyblr related, but if you'd like to take a break from your acads—this game might be for you 😃
Above is the game highlight that I played!!
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blueprintbelle · 2 months
Civil Engineering Licensure Examination (November 2024)
Hi everyone!
The Civil Engineering Licensure Examination (CELE) in November 2024 is fast approaching. Do you already know the requirements for filing an application with the PRC? What about the subjects you need to study? Are you enrolled in the right review center that matches your study habits?
BlueprintBelle/Kkalibrate Solutions has a quick guide just for you!
You can watch here: https://youtu.be/k0MS3d-rGkY or You can read here:
📌Application Requirements 📌Examination requirements 📌Coverage of exam ----------------------------------------------------------------- The list of requirements are shown and is encoded in our consolidated checklist!
You can access the google drive link to download the checklist form here: https://docs.google.com/file/d/1QcLMlAh2UL6XT0sqsG9M2gdsVjn4aT33/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msexcel
📌 Here are the important dates for CELE November 2024: ---------------------------------------------------------- August 16, 2024: Start of application October 18, 2024: End of application November 18 & 19, 2024: Examination Dates November 26, 2024: Target date for the release of results
📌 Suggested study habits: ----------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to your existing study habits, you might want to consider the following to improve your productivity:
‣ Using a Pomodoro Timer: The Pomodoro Technique, developed by Francesco Cirillo, breaks down work into intervals, typically 25 minutes, separated by short breaks. This method helps maintain focus and productivity by working with the brain's natural rhythm.
‣ Studying with natural light: Natural light exposure has been linked to improved mood and cognitive function. It helps regulate the body's circadian rhythm, leading to better focus and alertness during study sessions.
‣ Taking a bath before studying: Taking a warm bath can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels, making it easier to concentrate on studying afterward. It also provides a physical transition from leisure time to study time.
‣ Exercising for 15-30 minutes: Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which can enhance cognitive function, memory retention, and overall mental clarity. Even a short bout of exercise before studying can improve focus and information processing.
‣ Meditating (10 minutes before breakfast and 10 minutes before bedtime): Meditation has been shown to reduce stress, improve attention span, and enhance emotional regulation. By practicing meditation before studying, you can clear your mind and create a conducive mental state for learning.
‣Setting a fixed schedule: Having a consistent study schedule helps establish a routine and promotes discipline. It allows for better time management and ensures that study sessions are prioritized regularly, leading to more effective learning outcomes.
‣Eliminating/reducing social media usage: social media can be a significant source of distraction, leading to decreased productivity and study efficiency. Limiting social media usage during study periods helps maintain focus and prevents interruptions.
‣Praying: For individuals who practice spirituality or religion, prayer can provide a sense of peace, comfort, and focus. It can help reduce anxiety and increase resilience, allowing for a more conducive mindset for studying.
These practices, when incorporated into your study routine, can enhance concentration, reduce distractions, and promote overall well-being, leading to more effective learning and improved academic performance.
📌 Considerations in choosing a review center: ----------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to your existing considerations, the following list may also help
‣ Fees and Inclusions: Understanding the fees and what they cover is crucial for budgeting and ensuring you get the best value for your investment. A transparent breakdown of costs and inclusions helps you assess whether the review center's services align with your financial capabilities and educational needs.
‣ Mode of learning (online or physical class): The mode of learning can significantly impact your accessibility and comfort level with the review center's offerings. Online classes provide flexibility for those with busy schedules or geographical constraints, while physical classes offer face-to-face interaction and a structured learning environment. Choosing the mode that suits your learning style and logistical requirements ensures a more effective and enjoyable review experience.
‣ Schedule: Review centers with flexible or customizable schedules accommodate individuals with varying time commitments, such as students juggling coursework or professionals working full-time jobs. A well-designed schedule ensures that you can attend classes consistently without conflicting with other responsibilities, maximizing your opportunities for learning and retention.
‣ Community and support: A supportive learning community fosters collaboration, motivation, and accountability among students. Review centers that prioritize building a strong community offer opportunities for peer interaction, study groups, and mentorship, creating a conducive environment for learning and personal growth. Access to knowledgeable instructors and supportive staff members enhances the overall educational experience and ensures that you receive adequate guidance and assistance throughout your review journey.
‣ Learning platform: The learning platform used by a review center plays a crucial role in delivering course materials, facilitating interactive sessions, and providing supplementary resources. A user-friendly and feature-rich platform enhances engagement, accessibility, and convenience for students, enabling seamless navigation, content delivery, and communication. Evaluating the quality and functionality of the learning platform ensures a smooth and enriching learning experience, with access to multimedia resources, practice exercises, and progress tracking tools to support your review efforts.
Considering these factors when choosing a review center helps you make an informed decision based on your individual preferences, learning needs, and goals. By prioritizing affordability, accessibility, flexibility, community support, and technological capabilities, you can select a review center that maximizes your chances of success in your licensure examination preparation.
As you prepare for the upcoming Civil Engineering Licensure Examination, taking into account these considerations ensure not only effective preparation but also sets the stage for your long-term success in the field
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blueprintbelle · 3 months
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Curious about what helped me during my PRC Board Examination journey? Here are some academic must-haves for your phone, laptop and tablet to boost your productivity!
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blueprintbelle · 3 months
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Civil Engineering Review • Week 4
I have finished another book consisting of more or less 300 problems
I also arranged my books and tagged the finished chapters 😁😁
•3 Mathematics Sessions
•3 Structural Theory Sessions
•2 Fluid Mechanics Sessions
•3 Geotechnical Engineering Sessions
•3 Surveying Sessions
•2 Short Quizzes
•1 Long Quiz
now I have 4 on going books to solve
Looking forward to week 5 🥰
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blueprintbelle · 3 months
I am Back!
Hi to my followers and everyone here on Tumblr! It's so fun to look back on all the progress I made while striving to finish my degree and claim the title of Civil Engineer.
Here's a quick recap of the years I missed posting on this digital diary of mine:
Back in November 2019, I finish my bachelor's degree in civil engineering. I tried my best to update this blog, posting my notes and other references to help other students with their studies.
In 2020, I wasn't able to take the civil engineering board examination due to the COVID-19 pandemic and started working in the field of electronics engineering. It wasn't long before I switched jobs related to my field. In 2021, I was hired at an interior fit-out firm as a Junior Cost Estimator, and I will be forever grateful for that opportunity since it opened doors for me today.
I took my civil engineering board examination last November 2022, after a year of working and getting hired at the subsidiary of the largest power distributor here in the Philippines. While I was working, I took the time to study and prepare for another board examination, the Master Plumbers.
I passed my Master Plumber examination last July 2023, and now I've been absorbed in an international company that caters to Middle East projects as a cost consultant.
Looking back at all the hard work and self-doubts, I'm so proud to say that I did not give up and more importantly, I gained opportunities that were beyond my expectations.
I'm sharing this because I want to return to the platform where all the inspiration came from.
I am very happy to share that I have been thinking about sharing again all my study contents and services in line with civil engineering and plumbing.
I'll be posting the details soon!!! For now, I hope my story will also inspire other to NOT GIVE UP and GO GET IT! :)
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blueprintbelle · 2 years
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Civil Engineering Review • Week 3
(Late upload)
I'm so happy to share with you guys that I finished an algebra practice book (consisting of more or less 635 problems, left side pic) 🤓
I have 3 on going practice books (right side pic) that will help me for the rest of my review journey since it consists of different subjects and topics.
My progress??
•2 short quizzes
•3 mathematics sessions
•3 structural design sessions
•2 surveying sessions
•2 fluid mechanics sessions
•2 geotechnical engineering sessions
•practice problems that I lost count of 😅
Subjects done
Productive week indeed!
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blueprintbelle · 2 years
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Civil Engineering Review • Week 2
I lost the exact count of how many problems I have solved this week in preparation for my
•2 weekly short quiz
•1 weekly long quiz
I had to study for the daily lectures
•2 Fluid Mechanics sessions
•2 Soil Mechanics sessions
•3 Engineering Mechanics sessions
•3 Mathematics sessions
•2 Surveying sessions
Subjects done so far before the month ends:
•Engineering Mechanics: Statics
I think (?) I solved more or less 300 practice problems (my head is exhausted🥲) from diff books
Well that's it... that sums up my week.
More to come! (im hungry, bye!)
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blueprintbelle · 2 years
A little progress each day adds up to big results.
Hi everyone! I would like you to comment/reply down your favorite motivational phrases in order to help me, other studyblrs and yourselves to boost our trust in ourselves.
I will edit this post to put your comments/replies here so that other studyblrs can reblog and reach the target audience!!
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blueprintbelle · 2 years
not studyblr related!!!
Stardew Valley fangirling
I didn't know Harvey had a tiktok account 😝 iykyk
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blueprintbelle · 2 years
Starting over again — and that's okay.
"I have never felt so uncertain in life not until the pandemic happened." This has been through my mind every now and then. I was lucky enough to land on engineering, architecture and interior design job as a fresh graduate without taking the licensure examination yet because of the contagious postponements in order to follow the government's safety measures and guidelines.
I'm a Civil Engineering graduate (Batch Jan. 2020), trying again to pursue that dream of getting that "Engr." before my name.
Sharing with you guys a glimpse of my 1st week progress in my nth review journey!
•3 Mathematics classes
•3 Engineering Mechanics classes
•2 Fluid Mechanics classes
•2 Geotechnical Engineering classes
•2 Elementary Surveying Classes
•3 topics: Steel Design Self-Study
•12 chapters of DPWH Handbook
•80 items probset for practice (on-going)
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blueprintbelle · 2 years
It’s okay to be a beginner at the things you are interested in. There is no reason to feel intimidated by people more advanced than you are, because they too were in your place at one point. Keep learning and growing and expanding in whatever it is that you love and let nothing and no one stop you. You don’t have to be at the same stage as someone else. You can just be at your stage and that one is okay too.
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blueprintbelle · 3 years
ate bakit parang nung nag clinical pharmacy kayo, kahit na mahirap at daming ginagawa parang na enjoy niyo naman siya? ano secret mo ate? Pano po?
I want to be honest, after 6 years not being in school, I was really excited to go back kahit na ang hirap pagsabayin ng full-time work and school (w/ different time zone). I don't even know what day it is sometimes. Iniisip ko na lang na, temporary lang naman lahat ng pag hhirap. na kapag natapos ko itong 1 year clinical pharmacy, It will open an opportunity for me to take the FPGEE. I don't mind taking temporary losses, failures, hardships in life kung alam ko namang ma-ggain ako ng bigger thing in the future. And there are a lot of people that have inspired me to strive hard. I have classmates na not only they have a full-time jobs, but they're also a wife and a mom. I have classmates that are also reviewing for the board exam. I remember, we had a series of individual case study presentations and my groupmate was also taking the board exam but he was able to do well in the case presentation. LIKE HOW. ang galing.
So ayun. I really did enjoy my classes kahit na mahirap. It was a temporary pain anyway.
Wala along secret. Nasa mindset lang siya. Hehe. lagi kong sinasabi sa sarili ko, "ayoko na talaga, pagod na pagod na ako-- physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. pero kapag di ko matatapos ang clinical pharmacy, how am I gonna be able to qualify for FPGEE". ganerng mantra everyday. Hehe.
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