bluemoonnymth · 13 hours
So it’s a common thing for Danny to become an accidental crime lord, but how about doing it on purpose?
Danny while in the ghost zone meets several ex mob members and goons who were offed and they take a liking to this scrawny and scrappy teenager and decide to help him out. After finally getting a week of rest for the first time in like 5 years Danny feels indebted and asks what he can do for them.
Cut to 1 week later and Danny heads off to Gotham University for college while also collecting evidence to get several mob bosses and villains ACTUAL prison sentences.
Of course Danny knows that a power vacuum isn’t exactly a good thing to have so he decides he’ll just takeover their operations, after all if he’s running it he can decide how it’s run. It’s genius!
Meanwhile Jason gets word of several mob bosses getting arrested and decides to expand his territory. After all that way he can control the crime in more areas.
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bluemoonnymth · 13 hours
Crack idea: traumatized rowdy teenager Danny being chaotic as shit, but when Bruce's nagging doesn't work, it's immediately the grandparents' job.
And by that, I mean, Thomas and Martha. Not Alfred.
Bruce: No, Danny, you can't do that.
Danny: Why the fuck not?
Tim: Because as much as you hate Joker, killing him is against our moral code...apparently.
Jason: rich coming from you
Tim: Hey!
Danny: Murder!
Bruce & Dick: Danny.
Danny: Suck my di—
Thomas/Martha: Young man you will listen to your father.
Danny, instantly deflating: but—
Thomas: Daniel.
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bluemoonnymth · 13 hours
The Nightingale Family-DC x DP prompt
(Shameless Addams family inspired prompt)
News travels fast in Gotham, especially in affluent circles. A new family has arrived in the city, old money at that. They had taken up residents in the old mansion overlooking the Historic Gotham Graveyard.
The Nightingales had a way of letting their presence be known. They were rarely seen in public. The eldest Jasmine Nightingale however had made waves working at the Gotham Asylum as a psychologist. She was often escorted by her younger brother Dan Nightingale. The public really started talking when Jazz was seen talking with Harley Quinn.
There were two children that lived in the Nightingale manor. They were elusive to say the least as the family didn't attend the parties of Gotham.
It wasn't until Damian Wayne got an invite from his classmate Danielle to visit their manor that someone saw the lives of Nightingales. This invite had been received after Damian carefully befriended the youngest Nightingale to investigate their connections.
That's how the Waynes ended up at a dinner party.
The manor was bleak to say the least and that's saying something in Gotham. The buildingbwas made from black stones and gargoyles perched on the roof. The garden was wilted and full of thrones that crept up the walls.
Bruce felt a sense of Deja vu as he approached the door and rang the bell. Tower bells rang out as the face of Jasmine Nightingale appeared. She was dressed in black dress pants and blazer. Her lips were painted to match. Her red hair had a striking white streak through it which had become a fashion trend since the family's arrival to girls wanting to seem mysterious.
"Good Evening. It is so nice to meet the infamous Waynes." She shook Bruce's hand. Behind her, the sounds of clanking metal was heard. "That is just my younger siblings playing. You don't you boys join while I talk to your father.
Despite only being a fresh-faced 20 year old Jazz carried herself like a confident adult. A certified genius in psychology who graduated early she also handled the inmates at the Asylum well enough that escapes are at an all time low.
"She's got it all" was what Harley said.
Bruce's admiration of the young lady was only matched by his suspicion. The house the Nightingales lived y had once belonged to the Al Ghouls. There was no telling yet if there was a connection.
He took a seat in the living room with Jazz tea already prepared. She poured two cups of black tea. Not black as in the type of tea but the color of the drink. Bruce cautiously sniffed the black liquid, it smelled earthy and acidic. Poison.
"Do you like it? I made it myself. I added the belladonna myself. It has a sweet taste so you don't need sugar. The kids have sweet tooths but we avoid added sugars. They love nightshade." She smiled drinking.
Bruce put the cup down. So they drink poison at a young age. They must be part of The League of Assassins. But why are they here?
"If you don't mind me asking. Why did you move to Gotham? Your parents-" Jazz put a hand up as she finished her cup.
"Mr. Wayne I'm sure you are no stranger to parents leaving before their time nor the concept that not all parents deserve children. Now I can't confirm or deny if that is the case for use but you can understand that it's a private matter." Jazz said sternly.
That wasn't an answer.
Upstairs Danny and Danielle played with Elle's new toys. Swords from Dan's trip to Portugal. He even sharpened them. They were currently tearing through the mansion.
Tim and Damian caught them while Danny had successfully pinned Elle to the ground.
"Dami! Help!" Elle yelled catching Danny off guard as Damian tackled Danny to the ground.
"Alright, alright. You can go next." Danny rolling Damian off him and passing him the sword. "Im taking a break."
Danny loved playing with his little sister but baby games are tiring.
"They let you play with swords," Tim exclaimed. This wasn't something he expected, sure it was normal for Damian but Damian is weird and was raised by assassins. Damian didn't do it for fun, it was training.
Damian and Danielle ran off while fencing.
"You must be one of the Waynes. Elle has been excited to have your brother over." Danny said politely if not a bit dismissive.
"Eh, yeah. Your sister said we should join you." Tim said a bit awkward. " You have another brother right?"
"Oh, yeah. He travels alot but he's relaxing right now. He's probably swimming." Danny shrugged.
Tim had heard of Danny. They went to the same school but Danny was part of a program that allowed him to come to school when he felt like it. The program is for young engineers who want to work for Wayne Industries. He mostly worked on small experimental projects. So far Danny's superconductor tech was revolutionary but impossible to replicate. Danny somehow managed to make a more effective coolant than anything they had created in the lab.
"You have a pool?" Tim knew that the mansion didn't have a pool.
"Of water? No." Danny shrugged but gave no further answer.
"I see, so what do you do?" Tim tried to sound normal like he was talking to his friends and not someone he was trying to probe.
"Anything, everything. I was going to recalibrate my telescope but I have a laser to test." Danny walked off expecting Tim to follow.
Testing was just cut a bunch of things in half. Tim got some great info on making an explosive ice canister and foam bombs. Tim made sure to get his number to hire him to make some gear for him.
The Nightingale kids were absolutely lawless. They destroyed everything in their path.
Elle had dragged Damian to her room to show off her toys. She used to travel with Dan until she started school. She picked up a bunch of items. Cult artifacts, shrunken heads, voodoo dolls, cursed puppets, knives, swords, and the homemade taxidermy Elle made from roadkill. She also had a pet dodo bird named Ernesto who had a bed next to her bed. Ernesto took a liking to Damian and sat on his head. The way he shows his affection
Soon enough Dan came upstairs to check on Elle and Danny.
"You kids, need to get ready for dinner. Sharpen your nails and teeth." He said before going back to the kitchen.
"What does that mean?" Damian asked.
"You don't sharpen your nails. Well good luck at dinner." Elle said bemused.
Dinner was...horrifying. Watching the family chat happily as they ripped apart the moving food as it came to life. Damian was actually excited as he skewered the cheese and broccoli casserole that screamed at him.
"Father, why can't we do this at our home?" He asked.
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bluemoonnymth · 13 hours
God Summoning 101- DCxDP Prompt
"Don't. Touch. Anything." Constantine said firmly looking at the alter.
Recently there had been activity of dark magic users had been reported in this cave system and as expected it was full of cultists. They had discovered the writings of an ancient god or demon and started worshipping it. They had intended to summon it when the Justice League got involved after people started going missing. Currently, the captives who are thankfully all alive are being evacuated from the underground.
Constantine was here to study the alter and find the true name of the creature that the cultists call the "Infinite God."
"Looks deceptively simple. You place an offering and the guy shows up to fulfill your wish." Constantine said reading the sigils "That is if they want to."
"Its can't be that simple. There has to be a catch." Batman said coming back inside after helping the captives into the hands of the officers.
"The only catch I can see is that the god cares a lot about what the offering is and the person giving it. They seem to not respond to just anyone. My concern are the epithets." Constantine said deep in thought.
"The what?" Superman asked glancing over Constantine's shoulder.
"The title. Every god has many. Its specifies what vertion of the god you are appealing to. Even Aphrodite had a warrior counterpart. You must specify whether you are asking Apollo for inspiration, light or health." Wonder Woman chided.
"Yes, same goes here. Getting the right version of this god seems to depend on the offering. But these stupid fucks had no idea what to put on the altar. That's why they tried kidnapping people." Constantine sighed looking around the room.
The cave was decked out in hundreds of different offerings to appeal to the god and but so far the deity hadn't responded. He listed the items and the versions they probably wanted to see.
Next to the altar was a vase of flowers and herbs. Each one was different with different meanings.
Amaranth- Immortality
Anemone- Sickness
Cowslip- Mischief
Red poppy- War
There were others but most of these flowers were stuff Constantine had learned from trivia or reading about them in passing.
He didn't get to study anymore because-
"Guys all the capti-" Flash ran in and the wind caused the vase to topple over and a single flower to land on the alter.
The room began to shake as a portal opened.
(You go from here. Chose whatever flower landed.)
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bluemoonnymth · 1 day
Tim: You're the Ghost King?
Danny: Yeah
Tim: But you can't afford one cup of coffee?
Danny: Nah, too expensive.
Tim: I thought you said you had the biggest vault in all of the afterlife
Danny pulling out glowing rocks: This is the ghost zone currency. There is no bank that is willing to exchange it.
Tim: .....Is that why I met you sleeping under a bridge?
Danny: No, Tim, I just like to spend my afternoons waiting for passing humans to challenge to riddles so they can use the bridge. I keep a mattress there for nap time if it's a slow human day.
Tim: I can't tell if that was sarcasm
Danny: It's wasn't. I honestly enjoy challenging people to riddles. But people burst into tears whenever I pop up
Tim: Maybe don't shout riddles at people in a city like Gotham. The Riddler kinda traumatized them.
Danny: What else am I supposed to do? I'm already starving, I'm homeless, I have no education, and I'm a burden to society.
Tim: How about I take you home with me? My parents are never at the manor since thier always traveling. We could make a Batman and Robin fanclub!
Danny: Can't. Royal Rules says I can't live with non-blood relatives unless we engage. I may be the Ghost King in just name but it's a tricky situation.
Tim: Drat. I'm too young to get engaged...say you could marry Robin! I happen to know he has plenty of space at his dad's house, and I could be your matchmaker so you could hang out with me until the engagement details are finalized!
Danny: hmmmmm, Robin is the same age as me, and I am tired of people trying to pepper spray me....okay, you got a deal!
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bluemoonnymth · 1 day
The World Contains…
Crack prompt (Inspiered by a screenshot I saw on Pinterest)
Streamer!Danny AU where Danny is giving some form of scientific lesson in a video.
Danny: The world contains protons, neutrons, electrons-
A severely sleep deprived Red Robin crashes through Danny’s window in the background, landing on the floor and immediately passing out.
Danny, looking back to the camera with a deadpan expression: …and morons.
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bluemoonnymth · 1 day
Who Started The Fire?
From the prompts list:
“That’s my emotional support entity of questionable moral standing.”
Batman stared down the two teens standing before him. The boy was pointedly looking anywhere but the Bat’s face, finding more interest in the dirt and gravel crunching under his shoes. Meanwhile, the girl stood with her arms crossed, head held high, meeting Batman’s gaze with a defiant glare that wouldn’t be out of place on any of his own children’s faces.
Behind them lay the smoking remains of what was once a warehouse that had been used as a front for a weapons smuggling operation that the bats had collectively spent the past few weeks investigating. Although their investigation had taken longer than anticipated thanks to this group’s rather impressive security, they had been so close to a breakthrough…when the place had gone up in an inferno.
When the Gotham vigilantes had first arrived on the scene the fire had been so intense that they’d had to put in their gas masks to avoid any inhaling any of the thick black smoke from not only the fire, but also whatever chemicals may have potentially been within the building that would have been released into the air.
Batman’s initial hypothesis had been that the group had become aware of their investigation and burned the place to avoid any evidence being discovered while they moved locations. However, that theory had been shelved when Red Hood had announced the presence of charred bodies amongst the rubble, and evidence of explosives having been used in multiple area where the building’s structure had been the weakest. Whoever had been inside had not had any warning of the blaze that had swallowed the building too fast for them to get to safety, and with the structure being compromised from the explosions all exists had been blocked, preventing the inhabitant’s escape. Red Hood and Nightwing had been discussing potential suspects as Batman and Red Robin searched for any evidence that could have survived the destruction, when a clattering sound followed by the sound of voices hushing each other had altered all of the on scene bats to the presence of possibly several unknowns.
The two teens had been apprehended quickly and ushered to the side, far enough away from the scene of the fire to avoid them overhearing details of the investigation and to prevent any potential tampering. Accidental or otherwise. The teens had been stubborn in their refusal to answer any of the bat’s questions to their presence. Nobody knew why they were there, where they had come from, and they had even refused to disclose their names. Oracle, unfortunately, was sick with the flu and had been gently ordered to rest by Agent A. Batman was nevertheless confident that they would be able to discover their identities quickly either once they had returned to the cave or if they could get the kids to talk.
He would have asked Red Hood to speak with the teens, he was the best with kids. And if caught up in anything illegal they often seemed to respond better to him due to his more ambiguous morals and reputation for ensuring kid’s safety. Both from rouges and in some cases, the rest of the bats and birds. But he had been needed in Crime Ally after he had been alerted to a gunfight breaking out between two gangs who had been more hostile and antagonistic in recent months. Nightwing had accompanied him, and Spoiler had diverted from her patrol route to assist. That left Batman and Red Robin behind to deal with both the police and the frustratingly stubborn teens.
Batman resisted the urge to punch the bridge of his nose as yet another question was blatantly ignored by both kids. The boy had begun fiddling with the sleeved of his letterman jacket and the girl had taken to checking her manicured nails for any dirt or imperfections.
Just as he was about to turn the questioning over to one of the on scene police officers, a writhing mass of shadow had emerged from the girl’s shadow. Two tendrils of black smoke reached out to wrap themselves around the wrists and hands of both teens, who had in turn glanced down at their hands and smiled.
“We’re fine,” the boy had muttered quietly, “no need to worry.”
“What is that?” Batman asked, eyeing the mass with a cautious suspicion. He wanted to believe it wasn’t hostile given the kids reactions to it. But this was Gotham.
The girl shot him another glare, one hand on her hip while the other remained in the hold of whatever the shadowy mass was.
“That sir,” she spat out the first word with such venom to her tone that Batman almost flinched, “is our emotional support entity of questionable moral standing.”
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bluemoonnymth · 1 day
Bird Questions
Prompt idea
College student Danny Fenton is taking a much needed break from his studies, sitting on the roof of his apartment building. He’s sleep deprived and a little delirious, watching several of the Gotham vigilantes grappling between buildings in the distance.
“Do birds ever just fly for fun, or are they always on some kind of mission?”
Danny isn’t talking to anyone, he’s up on the roof on his own to de-stress. He was just thinking out loud.
So when he heard a snort and a chuckle from behind him, Danny felt like he was justified in his reaction of not only swearing, but also throwing a solid right hook at the same time that he spun around to see who the hell was there.
He didn’t mean to punch anyone in the face.
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bluemoonnymth · 1 day
The Feast!
Inspired by this post
Danny, now an adult, works as an engineer and tech developer for Wayne Enterprises. One day, he has to bring his daughter, Ellie, into work with him. Ellie’s school had been temporarily shut down after a rouge attack, and the campus isn’t yet safe for the students to return to.
Danny had been ready to call into work to request the time off he’d need to watch his daughter until the school could be re-opened. However, his bosses seemed to be aware of the situation, and the predicament faced by many of the parents who worked for them. And a company wide email was sent out advertising Bring Your Kid To Work Day! Wayne Enterprises was offering all employees with children too young to be left home alone unsupervised the opportunity to bring their children in to work with them for the week, as that was the timeframe thus far given for when the school would be safely up and running again.
Danny is relieved that he wouldn’t need to take any unpaid time off. Nor try to find a last minute babysitter who’d A: Danny could trust to watch his little star, and B: be willing and able to watch her.
When he tells her about coming to work with him, Ellie is ecstatic! She gets to see where her dad works! And she gets to meet his work-friends! She’s so excited! She wants to make a good impression, so when Danny has gone off to begin cooking dinner, Ellie begins to make plans.
The next day, Ellie has woken up early and already gotten herself ready. She decided to wear a large poofy jacket and a pink too too over the top of her jeans. She has her backpack, filled with things to entertain her.
Once they’ve arrived and Danny has introduced Ellie to a few of his co-workers and some of their own children on the way to his desk. Along the way, Danny and Ellie pass by several offices and a we meeting rooms. It’s in one of these meeting rooms that Ellie spots her first target.
She quickly slips into the room before Danny can notice she’s run off and approaches the young man, teenager?, hunched over some papers reading intently. He’s got bags under his eyes that rivalled Danny’s back when he was still actively protecting Amity. He looks like he’s living off of nothing but caffeine and spite alone, and hasn’t had a proper nights sleep in months.
None of the other various businessmen and women in the room have noticed her presence yet, as she silently wanders up to the sleepy boy-man. She reaches into her pocket and just as she’s about to pull out her little gift, Danny has burst into the room frantically having noticed his child has slipped away. Again.
All eyes are on Danny as he apologises profusely for the intrusion, swooping in to take Ellie’s hand. He’s still apologising, now to the sleepy boy-man who is looking at Ellie in awe, like he couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed her enter the room.
While her dad was still rambling Ellie quickly pulls an orange from her pocket and hands it to the boy-man. He takes it with a curious and perplexed look on his face.
“Ellie,” Danny sighs, “not again.”
Ellie grins and reaches into her jackets to pull out another orange. Danny swipes it before she can hand it to the businessman sitting next to the boy-man. She pulls out another one, and as Danny is grabbing it she slips from his grip and ducks under the table. Ellie runs to the centre of the room and unzips her backpack. She tips it upside down, and what looks to be 20 oranges spill out and roll across the floor.
With a feral grin, Ellie picks up an orange and throws her hands into the air in triumph, and shouts. “LET US FEAST!”
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bluemoonnymth · 1 day
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bluemoonnymth · 1 day
The Phantom Triplets open a cafe in Gotham
they all take turns as cashier so they can mess with Karens
Danny works as cook, Danny fills the food he makes with passion to give people warm feelings of home and love, while also providing motivation and confidence to do the thing
Dani is in charge of the coffee, filling it with energy and excitement rather than caffeine, effectively creating a healthy coffee, with all the good flavor, and wakefulness you want, and none of the bad effects as the energy wears off gradually
Dan is in charge of pastries and bread, he loves absolutely pounding the bread as well as rolling it out, it’s therapeutic, he fills everything he makes with just a little bit of rage so that the flavor can still be exciting every time you eat it
they are all very much gremlins, but also very nice, like a group of crows you befriended, they will absolutely rock the shit of any rouge that tries to attack their cafe or any regulars of theirs
They could also be the batfam’s favorites, or their worst enemies, cause they’re offering cheap, tasty, healthy food, and feeding the poor, but also refusing to elaborate on how
Red Hood loves them though, since they all hate the Joker with a burning passion, are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts, aren’t a front, and love to mess with Batman whenever they get a chance
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bluemoonnymth · 1 day
Shallow Graves.
Danny would like to state, not on the record or anything, that shallow graves are the easiest to crawl back out of. So if these mercenaries could keep using them instead of the deeper ones, he might just thank them the next time they try to kill him.
He always gets back up, pretty firmly stuck in between life and death rather than ever being on one side or the other. They're never going to succeed, no matter how hard they try. Even things that used to hurt aren't really anymore.
Ectoranium? He built a tolerance to that a long time ago. Blood Blossoms? Those lost efficacy after his twentieth(?) exposure.
The amount of terrible lines he hears is just getting old, as well. "Dead men tell no tales." Classic. Epic. Wrong. Especially when you can't even kill him properly. The dead love to talk, you jerks firmly on the side of the living just can't hear them.
All things being equal, though, nothing brought more joy than the look on the face of one Lex Luthor when Danny showed up at a press conference with a microphone and a question after the former went through all the trouble of having Danny dropped off in the middle of the ocean in a concrete box.
He watched on in silent humor as he had divers swim for his concrete prison and bring it back up. Inside was a perfect impression of Danny, down to the folds of his clothes, but no Danny.
Neither man was a fool, but Danny was having fun with it. Subtle, but pointed, as he needled Luthor and protested every action his company took. Messing with Mortal megalomaniacs is a favored past-time.
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bluemoonnymth · 1 day
DPxDC PROMPT ---- Self-Defense
Danny gets a job in Gotham as a self-defense instructor.
It satisfies his protection obsession, because he's teaching people to protect themselves.
He is teaching at a local gym. Basically, the gym gives classes, and finally decided to institute a bit of self-defense in the curriculum, because it's Gotham, after all. (Don't ask me why they didn't have it before, idk)
And Danny came rolling in with fake credentials, beat the other applicants, and got the job.
Jason has been going to this gym since he returned to Gotham, so he decides, what the hell, might as well try this class. it'll probably be a light, relaxing thing.
The first time Danny and Jason spar to gage Jason's skill level, Jason holds back, so Danny wins, but Danny requests a rematch, because he can tell Jason's not giving it his all.
Five minutes later, Jason is on his back on the mat, gazing up into sky blue eyes, and he hasn't been thrown like this in years. He was too big once he came out of the Pit, and honestly, the fact that this guy can manhandle, flip, and pin all 6' 4'' of him is extremely hot.
Danny is happy because he's fulfilling his obsession. Meanwhile Jason is pining for this man, and Danny is oblivious. Jason is slowly dropping hints of his interest, and Danny is misconstruing them in a platonic context, and Jason is getting to know him and falling more and more in love.
You know what, what the hell, let's add de-aged Dani in too.
One day, Jason follows Danny home. (he's a bat, they don't do boundaries like normal people do.)
He sees him head to an elementary school, and panics because is this perfect soulmate of his, like, a kidnapper or something?
He sees him pick Dani up and resigns himself to following this guy because he might be involved in trafficking thing or something, and then he's duty bound to shoot Danny, which is really quite a pity.
Instead, he sees them go home, and Danny being a good Dad, and he's just like "aaaaahhhh he's a good parent how many boxes can he check that i didn't know i had."
Eventually they end up dating. Don't quite know how it happens, but it does.
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bluemoonnymth · 1 day
Phantom is missing.
The Justice League and the Justice League: Dark have been searching for the spirit for weeks. Everyone available is searching, and not a single hero or hero-adjacent has heard a word.
Even the city spirits have gone silent, according to Zee and Constantine. The Gods of Shazam know nothing.
No one wants to or even knows how to find a Realms being who doesn't want to be found. And that has to be it, there's no other explanation for why there hasn't been any sightings of Phantom since the G.I.W. made a surprise move after the latest big "event" the JL called in Phantom for.
The League had been tangentially aware of the G.I.W. and their actions against the Realms and the denizens of them, and had been working within the word of the law to dismantle them. Seeing them in person was a new thing, especially with how fervently they chased Phantom as he sassed and blew raspberries, treating them like cartoon villains instead of a truly evil organization halfway to interdimensional war.
With an impish grin and a few quips, he had assured them he'd be okay, but they hadn't seen him since. That was over a month ago.
Danny, meanwhile, is chilling in a hammock on the far side of the moon, with a pound of his dad's fudge, a thermos full of Ectoplasm, and another full of soup from Tucker's mom.
Going to ground has never been so relaxing.
He wonders what kind of mess the heroes might be in, but he isn't going to go back until Sam and Tucker send him the all clear.
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bluemoonnymth · 1 day
Give me a GK Danny Phantom who can hear every soul under his reign when they're in pain.
Give me a GK Danny who has to abandon his school, his home, his friends, his dimension, to save them all.
Give me a GK Danny who flies from one emergency to another, because he cannot for the half-life of him leave a single soul to suffer.
Give me a GK Danny who starts to lose his sense of self to protect. Uses the Ring of Rage and the Crown of Fire to burn down and destroy any and every institute that would keep his people from safety.
Give me a GK Danny who gives into the rage, not to be a tyrant, but to protect everything that's his.
A GK Danny who blasts through walls and borders and sigils and spells to gather every last shade and blob and only stops to assure them that he's got them and he'll save them before disappearing with the spirit.
A GK Danny who goes against the JL, the LoA, or the Avengers, or any and every other system of power who would dare hold his people against their wills.
He frees prisoners, systematically demolishes cults and mages, shatters cursed objects, anyone and anything that would dare use spiritual energy that isn't one's own.
Haunted houses are quiet. Cursed or blessed items are now mundane. Necromancers lose any and all will to use their powers again after seeing those blazing green eyes.
The only warning a planet gets before getting swept of anything that is his is the sky turning green and a handful of knights arriving on the horizon, with vengeful eyes and the King lowering a sword with the command, "Save them all."
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bluemoonnymth · 1 day
Tim is... not 100% sure why his entire family just broke into his Nest.
He's pretty sure it's because he hasn't been showing up for many patrols the last week or so. Maybe it's because he hasn't shown up for breakfast in a while. Maybe it's because he didn't show up for Family Dinner last night.
None of which is exactly or entirely his fault. He's been busy.
It's not his fault he fell into that alley and sprained his ankle. It's not his fault help found him before he could call for it.
It might be his fault that he didn't call for help anyway, but what was he supposed to do when a three and a half foot tall black-haired blue-eyed boy who looked shockingly like a smaller version of himself asked for his help taking down an organization that, turns out, was more illegal than being a Vigilante. And acting as a Vigilante was still pretty damn illegal.
It might also be his fault that he was currently blinking blearily up at a disapproving Batman, snickering Red Hood and Nightwing, and a Black Bat who was carding gentle fingers through the hair of said boy who was napping in his arms. No matter how old Danny said he was before, "just before," he was still currently in a body that needed naps. Intentions being as they were, he had wanted to get back to work, but tucking Danny in had quickly turned into a group nap when the younger didn't want to let go.
"Care to explain?" Batman grumbled, his mouth a fine line that betrayed how worried he'd been.
Tim tried to think of how to explain the last while of radio silence as he dove into research and learning how to take care of a toddler, decided that took way too much effort and he wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, and just grumbled back, "Nap time, B, go away."
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bluemoonnymth · 1 day
Due to danny haveing so many titles whenever he's summoned it's toss up one wether he can help or not for example if someone summoned the ghost king for a planets imminent demise nothing he could do as that's not under his jurisdiction
Is he the ancient of space yes does it fall under his jurisdiction also yes but they call on the ghost KING not ancient of space if he acts for ancient of space as ghost king then its a whole paperwork issue that he'd really rather not do so you need to ree summon him accordingly and then hell listen to your plea
Some one calls upon the great protector who is known to be the ghost king to destroy their enemy but see danny can't really do that because you call on the protector and see due to article 5258 paragraph 68 i can only protect you or your land or bloodline but each requires a different offer as to what you have for the ghost king
Basically i just want haveing more titles be a massive fucking hassle for danny each one has a different responsibility and if he doesn't stick to the specific summoning request then the observants bitch and moan at him and give him stacks of paperwork to fill out
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