Okay so I legit want to know what you all think.
So the dramatubers claim Chris and ID are bad because they didn’t get consent of the victims to tell their story. Which okay yes. I’ll always say I hated how everything went down but anyway not what this is about kinda.
So, is it okay for me to have this blog? I didn’t get consent from Sarah or any of the other victims to talk about their stories and what’s going on. What about all the other blogs? The Twitter accounts? KF? LC? Should we all be punished and shamed as well for not getting the victims permission? They made videos but they’re “spreading awareness” so can we all argue it’s the same thing? I mean we are and I have.
What’s the line here? We aren’t making money so are we better? Are we the same? Are we worse? Again I didn’t get consent to share anything sarah said, but I did anyway?
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Ok this is petty and nothing compared to everything else he has done, but I wanted to point out Onision is a total Karen
In Kai's 10 Things We Hate About Each Other video, there's this part where they went out to eat, and Onision goes on a rant that haunts me to this day. He complains that he had to pay for a veggie burger because the meat burger is cheaper. He dead ass thought he could just pay for the cheaper item because he wanted to. As someone who worked in food service, I'm beyond familiar with people who have dietary restrictions and need substitutions. However, the veggie burger was it's own item, not a substitute patty, and he was amazed he was charged for the item he ordered. The entitlement is just so baffling and frankly ignorant lol
Obviously this is a silly minor thing, but I figure for a good laugh, let's acknowledge that was a Karen move.
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"Turn offs: the lack of a positive attitude" LOL coming from Greggles? Mr "I verbally abuse my spouse and every sexual partner I've had"? The guy who guilts girls like Luxymoo and Billie for being 'boring' or 'sexually dormant' for not consenting? The guy who screamed at M for 30 minutes over not wanting to kiss him? Or got mad at Kai for stopping threesomes when Kai did not consent? Greg's whole damn existence is negativity to those around him.
Lmao right?! His whole existence is negative because of the negativity in his videos he willingly chose to do. Like going on biphobic, transphobic, lgbtphobic, racist, sexist tangents is pretty lack of a positive attitude gurgles. Besides he always does fake positivity bullshit then goes back to his fuck ways, then goes back, it’s a whole ass cycle. He broke his positivity cycle by doing this moronic debates. Greg is the most unpositive person I’ve ever known... and I was a little Emo fuck in highschool lmaoooooo.
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Lemme get this straight...Onision creating an Onlyfans account where he posts sexually suggestive and pornographic pictures is 18+ only, but when Kai sends pictures of his exposed breasts and genitalia to minors, Onision somehow has the audacity to defend it as 'not sexual' or not inappropriate? What?
Oh no anon, Kai showing his chest and crotch is the same thing as a nude beach....that legit was his logic. A nude beach this time y’all. Not bathing suits but now a nude beach. And according to Greg it wasn’t sexual...because it’s the same as a nude beach... which.... yknow, from my understanding has always and will always be 18+. Soooo idk what his argument is. Oh I think he said something too like “oh so a nipple is sexual no it’s not” when... in this context Greg yes, it was in a sexual manor, presented in a sexual manor therefore it is sexual. But yeah funny how kais images aren’t sexual but.... Greg is kinda doing the same shit.... has taken similar images (chest and crotch pics with his pp out) and that’s sexual...but kais aren’t? But Greg then said it was REVENGE PORN
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Lemme get this straight...Onision creating an Onlyfans account where he posts sexually suggestive and pornographic pictures is 18+ only, but when Kai sends pictures of his exposed breasts and genitalia to minors, Onision somehow has the audacity to defend it as 'not sexual' or not inappropriate? What?
Oh no anon, Kai showing his chest and crotch is the same thing as a nude beach....that legit was his logic. A nude beach this time y’all. Not bathing suits but now a nude beach. And according to Greg it wasn’t sexual...because it’s the same as a nude beach... which.... yknow, from my understanding has always and will always be 18+. Soooo idk what his argument is. Oh I think he said something too like “oh so a nipple is sexual no it’s not” when... in this context Greg yes, it was in a sexual manor, presented in a sexual manor therefore it is sexual. But yeah funny how kais images aren’t sexual but.... Greg is kinda doing the same shit.... has taken similar images (chest and crotch pics with his pp out) and that’s sexual...but kais aren’t? But Greg then said it was REVENGE PORN
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‪Go fuck yourself...
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You fucked me and hundreds of other girls up because of your insensitive bullshit uneducated rants about this shit.. Donating won’t fucking fix the damage you caused. I’m struggling 6 years fucking later because of you! I still struggle today with shit, because I think about the shit you said. How fucking dare you. You want to make a difference, fucking sincerely apologize for all the shit you said about people like that. Even if you do no one will accept it so you can shove that apology up your ass with a dildo.
You’re trying to redeem yourself and it’s not fucking working, when you still talk about EC who has an ED, it shows you don’t fucking care. Leave her alone? Stop making shitty videos and shitty debates and having “FunDraIser” on it. You’re not doing this to help people, your doing it for yourself. How about trying to get money for the wetlands you fucking asshole.
Go fuck yourself‬.
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In other news gagnision is still in love with Shane. It’s been like over a decade and he’s still focuses oN THIS GODDAMN KISS.
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Really shows he has to insert himself into everything.
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I really wish someone would make a compilation of all the times Onision and Kai denied anything was going on with Sarah, including the times where Onision calls Sarah his 'sister' or 'foster daughter'.
God same. It would probably be a million hours long. God I always remember the video where Greg was wearing his Ouran Highschool host club (good fucking anime) shirt I believe and he was talking about how it was our fault 16 year old Sarah left their house, even though she was there for winter break. How we were perverts and how he couldn’t sleep with her because of AOC “dEsPite It bEInG 16 iN waShiNgTOn” there still “mIgHT b LaWS pRevEnTiNG iT” fucking nasty ass old man…. but yeah someone totally should make that and I will for sure link it.
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Enough is enough.
To all of you who are throwing fits about Onision and Kai/Laineybot's victims accepting donations, I would urge you to get over it.
No one is putting a gun to anyone's head and forcing them to donate, none of the victims are acting in poor-taste regarding the donations... So why is this such a massive deal? Who cares if people want to support a bunch of victimized young woman financially?
These women are having to spend/have spent a considerable amount of time and energy working to expose Onision and Kai/Laineybot's crimes. These women have careers, are going to college/just starting college, are working multiple jobs, ect. If some of their social media followers want to donate money to them, what business is it of yours.
Finally, it is beyond repugnant that some are acting as though some of the victims are "not true victims" or are "motivated by money/attention" because they have received financial donations. them reviving money does not negate the crimes perpetuated against them.
A victim of a crime does not cease to be a victim just because you personally disapprove of their choices that are completely unrelated to the criminal allegations. It's behavior I'd expect from Onision, not the people in this community.
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To people scared about Onision deleting evidence: Just because he deleted it, doesn’t mean Twitter, youtube, etc deleted it. His shit is still on their storage. This is common with tech companies that deal with social media. The FBI or the Police can get the companies to turn over said evidence with a warrant so while it’s gone from our view, authorities can get it with a warrant. There’s also the fact that people are downloading and keeping their own back ups.
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Vincent is on the Facebook page Have A Seat With Chris Hansen and is trying to pose as Chris while posting things as pictures above. He has blocked CH/locked him out of the page, so Chris can't do anything.
Greg's victims are heartbroken over the fact that Vincent would say or even do these things after he promised them he was going to get then justice against Greg and Kai.
What you can do:
- Report it for harassment/hate speech
- Report this page for being a fake page or any sort of scam
- Or report for hate speech
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Vincent Nicotra, who used to work with Chris Hansen, is now defending a predator and making it like all the victims lied, even though the receipts are all over the internet. He's being a big man-baby because he got fired. What a pathetic little piece of shit.
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What happened to legality, greg? I thought relationships were only okay if they were legal??
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