((To anyone who might still be interested, I’m moving Cas to a sideblog. I’ll keep the URL the same, so once he’s up you can just search for the same url.))
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I figured that much, I meant what are you? I’m an angel of the lord.
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Cas frowned. “You and Sam and Dean are much more important to the world that I am. Your time is much more valuable.”
“I pity the poor souls caught out in this.”
Cas looked out the window at the rain, watching it silently for a moment. “It is…unfortunate to be outside when it’s raining this hard. I love watching the rain, but I have been caught in it as a human before. It seems to soak down to your bones and it takes hours to feel warm again.”
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I was happily drawing this as I was watching the episode…and then I finished it in tears…
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Reblog if you're supposed to be dead...but Oops! Look who's back
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Cas turned to look at Bobby. “I could have fixed it for you,” he pointed out. “It would have been much easier and faster with my grace.”
“I pity the poor souls caught out in this.”
Cas looked out the window at the rain, watching it silently for a moment. “It is…unfortunate to be outside when it’s raining this hard. I love watching the rain, but I have been caught in it as a human before. It seems to soak down to your bones and it takes hours to feel warm again.”
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Castiel had been homeless for...a while. It was hard to really keep track when he didn’t really have anything to differentiate the days. And he knew he looked too rough to be able to get money from anyone. What money he did get, he gave to the others, people with families or who were more deserving than he was. 
He was able to get a couple of big meals a month at different churches in the area that did community dinners, and he knew where the best dumpsters were to go looking for things restaurants had had to throw away. He was surviving, if just barely.
Until the temperature started to drop again. That at least told him roughly how long it had been. He remembered the day his uncle had come to reclaim the house he’d been living in. It had been June. He had survived two winters since then, but that was before his coat was stolen. He had no idea how he would survive a third without it.
He was curled up in an alleyway, trying to huddle against the cold. The shelters wouldn’t start to hand out the few warmer clothes they had until late October. The volunteers tended to forget that the lower temperatures of September and October could be painful too, even if they weren’t deadly. He heard footsteps and curled up more, trying to avoid being seen. He couldn’t keep hiding when the man spoke, however.
He opened his eyes, looking up at the man. “Could probably make a few million off your kidney,” he stated. Probably not the best reply to someone offering to help him, but he was groggy and out of it and the man would probably give him a sandwich, if he was lucky, and then be on his merry way. “Unless you’re a wizard and can undo the last two years of my life.” He narrowed his eyes at the man. “You’re not, are you? Are you my fairy godmother?”
Never Homeless
Dean pulled his coat tighter around himself as he walked along the mostly empty sidewalk. The night was chilly and he really should have worn something heavier, but he was almost done with his usual rounds, so he just gritted his teeth and kept moving. He hadn’t run across any strays tonight, but he was still glad he had come out. It was too cold for anyone to be left outdoors.
Dean hated the thought of anyone, person or animal, being left out alone. Especially if they were in need of help, like Lisa and Ben had been when…He gritted his teeth and pushed thoughts of his wife and son away, turning his attention back to the city. He turned down a dark alley that was a notorious drop off place for unwanted animals, scouring the shadows for signs of life. 
He didn’t see the man until he almost stepped on him. He was curled so tightly into himself that Dean had to stare for a moment before he could make out the shapes of his head and limbs. He wasn’t dressed for the weather, and from what Dean could see he didn’t appear to have had a good meal recently. His heart lurched.
“Hello?” He asked, bending to try to make eye contact with the man. “Are you…can I help you somehow?”
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Have I mentioned lately that I love Darius? Because I do.
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“ when he died, all things soft and beautiful and bright would be buried with him.   “   — madeline miller.
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Since Castiel, purest angel of the Lord will be dressed like a Texas Ranger on November 16th, 2017 …
My funeral services will therefore take place November 17th, 2017.
Please make a donation to your favorite charity on my behalf.
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Send me a ship and I will grade it:
A+: OTP A: I love it B: It’s really cute C: Not a bad ship D: I’m neutral on it E: I don’t really like it F: NOTP N/A: I don’t know the ship well enough
Bring it.
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childhood best friends slash roommates who get immensely drunk one night and have sex and then just continue to keep doing it because that’s the only way they think they can have each other. spoiler: they’re both in love with each other and have been for years, but don’t wanna say shit about it because they’re afraid of losing each other. cue angst.
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Castiel made a face, then took the book back. "Why do you not understand the words?" He sat down on the bed, opening the book. "How can it be your favorite book if you can't read it? Does Dean read it to you? I would never tell Dean if I couldn't read. It would probably make him think I wasn't useful anymore." He tilted his head. "I could help you make a garden with more than carrots. Perhaps tulips? They look like little mouths ready to kiss you." He laughed.
-Flips loudly through book- "will you read this out loud for me?"
Castiel stepped closer, looking at the book. “I can, yes. Has losing your grace affected your vision? Here.” He took the book out of Cas’s hand, looking at the cover. “Oh. Oh no, I don’t like this book.” He held it back out. “We can read a different book. Or go out to look at the garden. Or…or we could play a game.”
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