I don't even know where to begin.. but let's start with confession number one.. I knew he was a form of the devil.. but I was attracted to chaos.. and he brought war.. in the most silent and deadliest of ways imaginable.. it was almost like an emotional addiction if you will.. and before I knew it I was hooked... Until next time.
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There are little stories that flicker in people's eyes when they lie. That or if they are trying to hide their evil from you. If you pay attention enough you'll catch it every time. Especially with narcissists... It's wild when you encounter the switch.. it's insidious.
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A woman without a home
She has a gypsy soul. She never stuck in with any crowd. Never followed the rules. Never was anywhere too long. She loved too hard and cared too much. She was everything and nothing all at once. No, she wasn't just black and white. There was a whole mixture of colors as well. Most of all she never had a home but to her it didn't matter. Cause 5 years later as an adult she had a love for changes. Couldnt stand the repetitiveness, routine or schedule. She was rebellious and stubborn. She was as deep as the ocean and untamed like fire. One day you'd think you figured her out and the next shes a whole new person. No one ever understood her or challenged her to stay. Until. This man came in to her life and changed it forever. She wasnt looking when he walked into her life for the 2nd time.. but she entertained the thought of it. She didnt think it would work because they were completely different but that's what intrigued her....... *not the end*
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Cant stress this enough
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Truth be told
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Gotta love fall time & ripped jeans with cardigans
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This looks so comfy 😫
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I felt this in my soul🖤
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If you don't love sunflowers, stay away from me 🌻
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In 3 months one of my biggest dreams will be born 💙 I love my baby Tyler
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I wish my hair looked like this 😍😫
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Cant wait to be able to wear cardigans and not sweat to death 😂
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This makes me excited for colder weather💙 but also makes me sad because I currently cant wear jeans 😫
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