bluedragoninvermont · 3 years
Regenerate, Fate
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bluedragoninvermont · 3 years
Dad for one Astro Boy crossover
Ok, so I have been watching a video about the history of Anime & Manga pop culture by Fredrik Knudsen. And when he said the back story of Astro Boy, of how a scientist lost his son as a result of an bomb attack. In grief, he built a robot as a carbon copy of his dead son who now wants to be a hero. This sounds like the perfect AU for a dad for one fanfic, All for one losses his son after he attacked hero society, in grief he transformers his consciousness, adulterated memory, he lives in a Japan ruled by All for one. He gets his true memories back after being kidnapped by the surviving heroes and ua, class 1 tells him the truth and he joins the resistance to fight All for one. Izuku could have his quirk because one for all is edged in his consciousness and one for has been trying to save izuku in the dreamscape or have been slowly becoming visible as ghost to izuku and convince him that class 1-a are telling him the truth, resulting in him joining the resistance.
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