blueberrypolkadot · 5 years
“Maybe I should stay in New York though.  If I live in the dorms that would give me some space from my family, from my brothers,” Dewey said shrugging.  “I don’t know if I’d really like being on the other side of the country from everyone.  I’d miss everyone too much.”
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“That is something to consider. But, whatever you do, make sure it’s what you want.” She knew that it was easy to get caught up in wanting to make everyone around you happy. “Hey, dorm life sounds kind of fun if you ask me. Of course, it all kind of depends on your roommate.”
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blueberrypolkadot · 5 years
Dee paused, eyes widening, “That’s–wow.” She definitely loved clothes and fashion, loved reading about it too. “Pretty sure I have an issue of it right now on my coffee table. Let her know to keep up the good work.” She laughed, grinning at her. “But how about you. What’s everything to you if fashion’s what your sister’s all about?”
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“I will tell her.” She replied. Her face lit up at the question. “Science and technology is my passion. I love everything about them.” It wasn’t something she could really explain, it was just there. “And I know I want to change the world for the better, somehow.”
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blueberrypolkadot · 5 years
“Oh yes. Absolutely. The pair in your left hand would be great too. The light wash is better for the springtime, but if only one? Then the ones you’re wearing.” Dee grinned easily at the girl as she spoke, laughing at the comment. “I’ve always loved clothes and fashion. My brother has to deal with the closet space in our apartment being shared 70/30. Poor guy.” she joked.
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“You and my sister would get along great.” That was right up Atta’s alley, after all. “Fashion is everything to Atta. So much so that it’s her life’s work. She’s the editor of Elle.” She explained, referring to her earlier comment about the magazine.
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blueberrypolkadot · 5 years
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blueberrypolkadot · 5 years
Dee hadn’t really asked anyone in particular so when a girl responded she looked over, her eyes widening and a bright smile pulling on her lips, “Oh wow, thanks! You definitely just gave me a great ego boost. Thanks, lovely.” She turned to look at the girl then, seeing a few pairs of jeans around her and ones she was currently wearing with the tags on them still and she nodded to them. “Those look great on you, by the way. You should get them.”
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“Really?” She shrugged lightly. “Thanks. I definitely need some stuff for college so I guess I will. I’ll be honest, clothes shopping is not really my thing. Now my mom and sister would be in heaven right now. I guess the fashion loving DNA skipped me or something.” She never quite understood how she was so different from Marissa and Atta. 
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blueberrypolkadot · 5 years
With the afternoon off Dee decided to make the most of it: which meant a trip to the mall. She was in the third store of the day already, a dressing room full of outfits and once again she stepped out, zipping up the back turning this way and that, looking herself over in the mirror. “Is this too much or not enough?” She asked the person sitting nearby, just barely glancing their way in the reflection.
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Dot had spent most of the afternoon at the bookstore, mostly perusing the science section. Afterwards, she headed into one of the department stores. She was definitely out of her comfort zone, but she did need a few new pairs of jeans and she actually did like this store, even if she hated shopping for clothes. After trying on a couple of pairs, she found herself torn. She heard a voice next to her and looked up. While she had no idea one way or another, she formulated what she felt would be the best response. Offering a smile, she replied. “No, it’s perfect. I swear, you could be on the cover of the next issue of Elle.”
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blueberrypolkadot · 6 years
“Yoshi’s crafted world came out yesterday and I played it for fifteen hours. I’m completely in love with it. Everyone needs to play that game ASAP.”
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“That’s on Nintendo Switch, right?” Being that video games had something to do with technology, Dot did know a thing or two about them. Especially the more popular ones.
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blueberrypolkadot · 6 years
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blueberrypolkadot · 6 years
“Uh yeah did I not mention I applied there?” Dewey asked scratching the back of his head.  “Yeah I kind of wanted to travel and live away from home.  I kind of wanted to not have people possibly mistake me for Huey or Louie.  I wasn’t exactly planning on having a girlfriend back when I applied.  Thanks, you’re going to Columbia right?”
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“No, but it’s okay.” She understood his need to want to leave home. “I get it, Dewey, I really do.” She then smiled and nodded. “That’s the plan.” Columbia. “Look, whatever decision you make, just make it for you, okay? Do it because it’s what you really want. The rest of us? We’re all still gonna be here. But, you have to be happy. Don’t sacrifice that for anyone.” Of course, she wanted him to stay, but only if he wanted to stay. Ultimately, Dewey had to do what felt right to him. And either way, Dot would support any decision he made. “Don’t let anyone pressure you into a decision, okay?”
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blueberrypolkadot · 6 years
“So I heard back from Stanford today.  I got in there along with NYU, Berekely, and UCLA.  I got waitlisted at Columbia and Cornell.  I’m not quite sure how I’m gonna pick.  California does sound really cool to live in but it would be so far from everyone.”
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“California?” Dot asked, surprised. “I...I didn’t know you were looking at schools on the West Coast.” She replied softly. “Congratulations! Those are amazing schools, Dewey. And wherever you go, you’re going to do amazing.”
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blueberrypolkadot · 6 years
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blueberrypolkadot · 6 years
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blueberrypolkadot · 6 years
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Bailee Madison as Grace Russell in Good Witch 4.05
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blueberrypolkadot · 6 years
Task 002: Thank u, next
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To a stranger,
I guess it's ironic that a letter I'd be writing to the person who supplied half of my DNA is addressed to a stranger. But, then I didn't make that decision. You did. All I know is that by my first birthday, you decided that you wanted to be someone else's dad. 
I've always considered myself to be an intelligent human being, but I don't understand that. I don't understand how you commit yourself to someone, how you get married and have children and then one day, you just decide you want a different family? Marriage and family isn't Walmart! You don't get to return your wife and kids when you're done with them. You don't get to exchange them for another set!
I hate you. I never thought I could hate someone I don't even know. I also don't hate you. It's complicated. I would be perfectly content to never know you, and yet...there's a small part of me that needs to know. That needs closure on that part of my life. I need to look you in the eyes and tell you that I'm okay. That I did perfectly fine without you. And that I'm glad you left, because I like who I am, and I wouldn't change a thing about my life.
I'm never going to send this, obviously, because I wouldn’t have the first clue how to, but I had to get it out. And now, I'm letting it and you go. You have no further power over me. You are nothing. Just as I was nothing. And that's all there is. Nothing.
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blueberrypolkadot · 6 years
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“The doctor said I’m all better. You can stop hovering. I’m going to school tomorrow.” An argument had narrowly been avoided in the Reed household. Dot rarely got sick. When she came down with a bad cold, thankfully, it was during spring break. She didn’t have to miss school. After lots of rest and fluids, her doctor finally cleared her just as school was starting back up. Dot would’ve probably gone anyway. She still hadn’t forgiven her mother for making her stay home from school when she tried sneaking out after having the chicken pox in third grade. She had missed a week of school then and it ruined her perfect attendance record.
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blueberrypolkadot · 6 years
“Those are both good choices.  Out of the two I’d rather see the penguins.  I don’t have the best luck when it comes to seeing cats.  They kind of tend to be hiding when I go.  I think the elephants would be really cool to see or giraffes or hippos.  Maybe I just want to see the whole zoo,” he replied smiling.  He reached out and took hold of Dot’s hand.  “So where should we go first?”
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“Me too, but if we get lucky enough to actually see a snow leopard, it’ll be great. They’re so beautiful.” She smiled, agreeing. ���I want to see the whole zoo too.” She squeezed his hand lightly and looked thoughtful. “Let’s take the most logical approach. “Start on this side and follow it through. I think this is the zebra exhibit.”
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blueberrypolkadot · 6 years
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Bailee Madison at 2019 Hallmark Channel Winter TCA Press Tour
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