blueberrygiggles · 1 day
projecting onto my favorite characters is like YOU GET A SNORT LAUGH AND YOU GET A SNORT LAUGH EVERYBODY GETS A SNORT LAUGH !!!!!!
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blueberrygiggles · 15 days
and like just to add on. you can't stop minors from viewing your shit. it's literally physically impossible. keep your own boundaries. don't talk with minors about this shit and just use your brain.
sfw is great. i love it here. but sometimes it's so fucking hard bc y'all complicate this. minors and adults each occupy specific spaces in their community, those spaces (like all communities) often overlap. i think all you as an adult need to do is:
- don't dm with with minors about tickling
- soft block minors that follow you. (if you're mdnf)
there. you're done. i've had a blog for one year MAYBE and i'm already tired of this shit.
just my take as a minor (16) in the tk space:
if you're an sfw acc and you let minors follow, i think that's fine. what crosses the line is chatting with minors or like. purposefully interacting with minors (and by this i mean purposefully seeking out minors to interact with as an adult). it's not hard? lol
and i see ppl like "oh i'm 18 talking to a 17 year old. is that bad" and like. can we get real lol. can we use our brains for a min. yeah i think you're fine talking to someone one year younger than you. that's not the situations ppl are talking abt. what gets weird is when you're 18 and you are chatting with the 14 year old about tickling. what's weird is the 30 year old talking to the 16 year old. you have common sense for a reason. use it.
basically: be normal?? don't chat with minors. even if you're an sfw acc, if you're a grown ass adult then you should prob stay away from minors. use your brain god gave it to you for a reason etc etc.
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blueberrygiggles · 21 days
Welcome to Squealing Santa!
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Here you'll find all the information for our annual Squealing Santa event, where Magic Makers across the Tumblr Tickling community create a gift for their secret match for the end-of-year holiday season!
You can also look through the archive of past Squealing Santa events for hundreds of wonderful creations from previous years.
(coming soon) Click Here for Squealing Santa 2024 Info/Registration
This year's (2024) event is being run by @cantsaythetword
"Hi! I'm Crow and I'm super excited to host Squealing Santa this year! I've participated in 4 SS events previously, but this is my first year hosting so I can't wait to carry on Hypah's excellent work and make this year an awesome time for all involved!"
The blog was created by the wonderful @hypahticklish, who hosted for an incredible 3 years in a row and did an amazing job each and every time.
Here's a list of any helpful links we've created over the years. Happy Creating!
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List of previous hosts (coming soon) 
Rules (coming soon - for now check out the 2023 info post)
Prompt examples
FAQs and Guidelines
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blueberrygiggles · 1 month
just my take as a minor (16) in the tk space:
if you're an sfw acc and you let minors follow, i think that's fine. what crosses the line is chatting with minors or like. purposefully interacting with minors (and by this i mean purposefully seeking out minors to interact with as an adult). it's not hard? lol
and i see ppl like "oh i'm 18 talking to a 17 year old. is that bad" and like. can we get real lol. can we use our brains for a min. yeah i think you're fine talking to someone one year younger than you. that's not the situations ppl are talking abt. what gets weird is when you're 18 and you are chatting with the 14 year old about tickling. what's weird is the 30 year old talking to the 16 year old. you have common sense for a reason. use it.
basically: be normal?? don't chat with minors. even if you're an sfw acc, if you're a grown ass adult then you should prob stay away from minors. use your brain god gave it to you for a reason etc etc.
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blueberrygiggles · 1 month
hi ☺️ could you do character tword headcanons for the greatest wizard of our time - Gorgug Thistlespring - when you get a chance ? please and thank you ! have a lovely day !!
Thank you so much for your patience, @giggledruid!!
Gorgug Thistlespring
Gonna do all the questions so click the read more!
[Please don't send me more for this particular ask game, thank you!!]
1. on a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are they?
Ten - Gorgug is the the most ticklish half-orc in all of Sol
2. where is their most ticklish spot(s)?
His midriff!!! Belly? Sides? Naval? Yes
3. which spots are they not ticklish?
His knees and ribs aren't ticklish to specifically the squeezie/rough kind, but scritchy kind murders him
4. what is their laugh like?
Gorgug has such a sweet laugh!! Like his voice, his laugh is quieter and a higher pitch than you'd expect to come from such a big/tall guy. It's borderline squeaky
5. do they enjoy tickling? if yes, is it a fun platonic/familial thing, or kinky thing to them, or can it be both depending on the circumstance?
Secretly, oh yes. It's more a kink for him but can be platonic depending on who its with. He didn't really understand why he enjoyed being tickled so much until Zelda noticed and it made a lot more sense after they shyly talked about it.
6. are they more often a lee or ler, generally?
Gorgug is just the biggest lee
7. who is someone in their life that they tickle often?
He's more the one called upon to hold down one of the other Bad Kids during tickle fights. That said, he has pinned and tickled all his friends on occasion if they were being especially rowdy
8. who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often?
Zelda is his dedicated ler, absolutely, but the Bad Kids love tickling the heck outta the literal strongest member of their group.
9. does the word “tickle” or any variation of embarrass them?
He's such a shy bean - he is definitely the type of lee to dance around the word at all cost
10. are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it?
Not really, he's more embarrassed by how much he likes it. (We've all been there bby)
11. would gentle tickling or rough tickling affect them more?
Depends on the spot, bout a fifty fifty split
12. is there a specific spot that they enjoy being tickled, either exclusively or more than other spots? what is it?
Gorgug really enjoys all over but he has a special fondness for his most ticklish spots driving him crazy
13. is there a spot that they can’t stand to be tickled, either because it’s just too sensitive, or it’s uncomfortable/painful/etc? what is it?
Remember how I mentioned ribs earlier?? Rough rib tickles actually really hurt him - he guesses its from a previous injury or something.
14. would they ever purposefully bug a friend/partner/sibling into tickling them, and if so, how would they go about it?
He thankfully doesn't often have a need to since his friends and partner actively seek to reduce him to a giggling puddle. That said...he accidentally put on one of Fig's cropped band tees before a show and Zelda found it "so hot" that he now wears it when the lee mood strikes him unexpectedly
15. does teasing affect them?
Gorgug is WEAK in the presense of tickly teases. The words, addressing the noises he makes, talking about what they're gonna do to him...it all ups the ante
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blueberrygiggles · 1 month
D20 Fantasy High: Making Room
(Read on AO3)
Rating: Gen
Summary: She grunts, presumably shoving at him and not having much success given Fabian’s triumphant snickering. “I said make room-”
Riz pries himself up off the carpet, thinking of moving to help her, when Fabian lets out a startled squeak. Everyone goes quiet.
Fig leans off the bed with truly devilish glee in her tiefling eyes. “Guys, he’s ticklish.”
The Bad Kids try to plan a sleepover, Fabian needs to learn how to share, and Riz is maybe starting to get the hang of this whole friendship thing.
Wordcount: 2.1k
A/N: not to be entirely into D&D on main, but - hey, look, it’s another cool D&D campaign XD shoutout to @hypahticklish for expressing enough interest in this fic to make me want to write it <3
Loose spoilers for the end of Fantasy High Season 1, beware!
Riz thinks he’s really starting to get a handle on this whole friendship thing.
Solving a mystery and getting thrown in jail and killing a dragon together aren’t exactly reproducible results, which kind of sucks, but - hey, the six of them are friends now, and they’re hanging out in Fabian’s room on a summer evening, and it’s novel enough to feel like a solved case all on its own.
What’s less satisfying is the amount of missed work they have to catch up on if they want to start as sophomores next year; no one bothered to worry about bringing them homework while they were in actual prison, but all their professors sure seem to care about it now. He gets the feeling that at least part of it is Aguefort trying to keep some degree of respectability after everything that happened with Goldenhoard, but any attempt to reason with him thus far has gotten nowhere but wild-eyed stares and increasingly obtuse lectures on chronomancy and time management. And sure, Riz prides himself on being able to untangle obscure information, but he’s not touching that with a ten foot pole.
They’re all sprawled out on Fabian’s floor, working through assignments with varying levels of fervor ranging from Adaine - actually working with a stack of textbooks nearly up to her shoulder next to her on Fabian’s desk - to Kristen - texting Tracker with a lack of stealth that makes Riz want to grind his teeth a little, even more so than the way she goes bright red and giggles every time her crystal pings - when Fig groans and rolls onto her back.
“You know what?” she says to the room at large, throwing her arms wide. Her hand knocks into her bard notebook, somehow both dusty with disuse and covered in scribbled ballpoint pen sigils. She flips it neatly in the air and elbows it away in Adaine’s direction, earning a half-annoyed yelp. “We should have a sleepover.”
Keep reading
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blueberrygiggles · 2 months
just got enough academic validation to last until fall quarter.
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blueberrygiggles · 2 months
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blueberrygiggles · 2 months
super long t-word trope/prompt list~! >/////<
some of the following tropes/prompts are from other lists, such as these: x, x, x, x, x
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“how much does this tickle from 1 to 10?”
“wait! wait! i didn’t have enough time to prepare!”
“aww, you’re blushing!”
“that’s not fair! you’re cheating!”
“you asked for it…”
“are you…? oh my god. you are.”
“say it!”
“can you stop laughing? i’m trying to talk to you. how rude!”
“you have such a cute laugh!”
“you’re doing that on purpose!”
“…doing what on purpose?”
“come on, let me see that smile!”
“you’re usually so tough…”
“it’s too embarassing!”
“what did you just say to me?”
“i’m gonna get you!”
“i’m gonna count down from 10.”
“i’ll never talk to you ever again.”
“can you… do the thing?”
“i know other ways to make you talk…”
“your hands are freezing!”
“i thought that you said you weren’t ticklish.”
“it’s nothing! just… forget that that happened.”
“you’re being really bold for someone within tickling distance.”
“what’s so funny?”
“wow. you are super ticklish.”
“does this even count as tickling? i’m barely touching you.”
“someone told me your little secret…”
“it’s been forever since i’ve heard that laugh!”
“was that a snort?”
“what’s with the bad mood? i think that may need to be remedied…”
“i am not even touching you yet!”
“i’m not falling for that!”
“how did you know that?!”
“i didn’t tell you to stop…”
“i didn’t hear a ‘stop’…”
“shut up!”
“oh, you’re not ticklish? i remember differently…”
“come on, quit being stubborn and admit it!”
“i’m gonna tickle the sadness out of you!”
“if you laugh, you lose.”
“i didn’t know you snorted when you laughed!”
“…have i ever heard you laugh before?”
“you don’t seem like the ticklish type, is all.”
“this is all super new to me.”
“i think that i like this. can you do it some more?”
“can you show me how to do that?”
“be quiet! other people might be able to hear you, you know!”
“i have no weaknesses.”
“i’m not going to be taken down by something as childish as tickling.”
“not there!”
“you wouldn’t.”
“oh, i would.”
“whoa! i didn’t expect that much of a reaction.”
“this is gonna be fun.”
“hey! this is a serious matter!”
“this is amazing.”
“you’ll never live this down.”
“i’m gonna get you back!”
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blueberrygiggles · 2 months
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blueberrygiggles · 2 months
pcos is so evil . i feel like shit
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blueberrygiggles · 2 months
i'm a big sucker for the "don't!" "don't what?" "tickle me!!" "oh you want me to tickle you-?" trope. like that shit right there is like a drug to me
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blueberrygiggles · 2 months
Saiki K Sentence Starters Collection
A collection of the Saiki K sentence starters I’ve done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
1) Lee Kaidou, Ler Aren
“Stop squirming,” Aren laughed, struggling to keep up with the flailing of his friend who was rolling on the ground in a feeble attempt to get away from the fingers prodding into his ribs and sides. “You’re making this more difficult for yourself, Jet Black Wings.”
“Dohohohohohon’t cahahahahall me thahahahaht while you’re-!” Kaidou sputtered, giggling hysterically through every word. He was unbearably ticklish, and right now Aren was bound and determined to completely destroy him. “Plehehehehease, I cahahahahan’t!”
“It’s just a minute, Shun.” Aren finally straddled his waist to keep him pinned down, searching out his bottom ribs through the fabric of his shirt. “You can handle a minute, can’t you?”
“NO!! Of course I cahahahahahahan’t! God – AREN!!” Kaidou tossed his head back with a screech, laughter being forced from his lungs as his taller, stronger friend finally found the backs of his ribs and curled his fingers into the grooves there. The blue-haired teen arched his back, but eventually he couldn’t arch up any farther and had to fall back down again. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
Aren laughed again. “Dude, how are you so ticklish?”
“I DOHOHOHOHON’T – I CAHAHAHAHAN’T HEHEHEHEHELP IT!!” Kaidou’s laughter was loud and desperate, but the bright smile lighting up his features told Aren that he wasn’t hating it completely. “LEHEHEHEHET ME GO!! PLEASE!! NO MOHOHOHOHOHORE!!”
After another several seconds, Aren complied with his friend’s screaming pleas, climbing off of him. “You can’t even take a minute of tickling? That’s both sad and really funny.”
Kaidou groaned. “Shut up. You’re lucky we’re friends, or I’d have to kill you for that.”
“Uh-huh.” Aren poked his side again, making Kaidou yelp and roll away. “Good thing I don’t have to worry, then.”
2) Lee Saiki, Ler Kaidou
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh,” Kaidou commented as he and Saiki walked home from school one afternoon.
Saiki groaned to himself. Not many things amuse me enough to make me laugh.
“Well that’s a shame.”
Is it, though?
“Yeah! I want to hear it!” Kaidou hummed, watching him with a mischievous glint in his eye.
Saiki hesitated. He knew – he always knew – where that look was heading. Around his family he’d always been able to teleport away before anything happened, but here, with Kaidou, out in the open…this was not good.
For a few moments Saiki was able to dodge Kaidou’s attempts to grab his sides or ribs, but eventually he backed himself up into a wall, and that split second was all the blue-haired teen needed to find his purchase and start tickling.
Saiki hated how quickly he burst into laughter. Not even giggles – actual laughter, right out the gate. The sound seemed to surprise Kaidou, but not enough to keep him from letting up.
“Dude – your laugh is so awesome!” his friend said with a grin, squeezing up and down his sides and ribs.
Saiki struggled against him, but again, he couldn’t use his super strength to push him off without giving away that he wasn’t entirely normal. His best bet was to ride it out and then wipe Kaidou’s memory afterward. But he’d be darned if he was going to resort to begging him to stop.
“Hey, you’re not asking me to stop,” Kaidou mused as though reading his mind. “Do you like being tickled, Saiki? That’s hilarious! I’d have never expected that from you.”
Well…maybe he’d beg just this once.
3) Lee Saiki, Ler Aiura
“Just a smile~” Aiura teased, poking Saiki’s side with her fingertips. She’d latched herself onto his arm for their boyfriend-girlfriend show to throw off yet another Saiki fangirl, and now he couldn’t get away from her without ruining the routine. But dang it if she wasn’t making it really difficult for him!
Stop, he hissed, trying to remain as stoic as possible while continuing to walk out of the front doors of the school.
“But if you don’t smile, people won’t buy it,” she insisted, poking him again. “Come on~” This time her finger found a particularly sensitive bundle of nerves at the base of his ribs, and he jerked to the side involuntarily, letting out a sputtering giggle. Aiura stopped, staring at him. “Oh my god – you’re actually ticklish?”
Of course I am. Plenty of people are. He walked a little faster, practically dragging her with him. Come on, let’s get out of here.
“But I want to make you smile more,” she whined, trying her best to keep up.
Not here.
As soon as they were out of everyone’s sight, he teleported them far away from school grounds, where there’d be no chance of one of their classmates finding them. Just as he was beginning to relax, however, Aiura dug all ten fingers into his ribcage, making him gasp and choke on a laugh, trying to twist away from her but only succeeding in finding himself trapped in her embrace with his back to her chest, the height difference making it difficult for him to squirm away from her.
“S-Stohohohohop,” he laughed pleadingly. He didn’t know what else to do; it had been years since he’d been tickled, and his body was reacting faster than he could keep up with. “Aiura, plehehease!”
“Aww, you’re so cute when you’re tickled,” she cooed, giggling into his ear. “Relax, Saiki. There’s no one here to know, is there? I think you can take a little more~”
4) Lee Saiki, Ler Toritsuka
Toritsuka had seen Saiki use his astral projection powers before, but never in a situation in which it wasn’t dire. He felt kind of odd just hanging out in the room with his friend’s body lying unconscious before him while Saiki was off investigating something.
“Is your body basically dead?” he asked the quiet air, not really expecting an answer.
Of course not. If it was I wouldn’t be able to project.
“Right, right. So, what? It’s just sleeping?”
No. It’s too difficult to explain. Just leave it alone.
“But can it still feel things? Like if I poke your nose, would you feel it?”
Why would you do that in the first place? Be quiet. I’m concentrating.
Toritsuka hummed, kneeling by Saiki’s inanimate body, poking his cheek. He didn’t react, but Saiki’s voice told him to knock it off. The medium smirked, feeling curious and mischievous. “What if I tickle you? Will you feel that?”
But it was too late. Toritsuka curled his fingers into Saiki’s side. A moment later his friend’s projection shot back into the room and reentered his body, waking it up with a jolt and a laugh that was clearly unintentional.
Saiki grabbed his wrist, a smile on his lips despite himself. Don’t, I said—
But the medium wasn’t to be stopped now. He shoved Saiki back onto the floor and dug into his ribs, enjoying the sputtering, unpracticed giggles that bubbled up out of him. “I didn’t even know you were ticklish. Oh, Aiura is going to love this.”
Stop it! Saiki used his super strength to push Toritsuka away, growling mostly out of embarrassment. Don’t you dare tell anyone else about this.
“Or what?” the medium teased.
Saiki teleported them above the middle of the ocean.
Toritsuka clung onto him for dear life, laughing. “Okay, okay, I won’t tell! I promise!”
5) Lee Saiki, Ler Aiura
I swear if you tickle me… Saiki threatened, holding perfectly still. He didn’t need to look at Aiura to know she was smirking.
“What is it, Saiki? You’ll teleport away? Not in front of all these people,” she teased. She had her arms wrapped around his waist, her chin on his shoulder, squeezing his sides gently. He grunted and squirmed, doing everything he could not to react beyond the tiny smile that was already forming on his lips.
Don’t, he thought to her. I don’t want anyone to see me like this.
“Aw, come on. It’s just the two of us. No one else here even knows you.” Aiura snuggled closer, squeezing harder. “Just give me one little giggle. Please?”
No. He grit his teeth against her efforts, but was unable to help the full smile lighting up his features now. Stop it.
“Come on~” she teased, moving up to his ribs now. “Just laugh a little~”
Saiki gasped sharply when she got to his lower ribs. He shot his arms down to try and pry her off, twisting in her grip as much as possible. “Please,” he said aloud, his voice laced with a waver that only encouraged her to dig deeper. “Plehehehease, don’t!
“What? Was that a giggle?” she cried dramatically, digging in with everything she had, holding him close to her so he couldn’t get away. Aiura beamed when he finally broke down into helpless laughter, his grip on her arms weakening. “Ah! There it is!”
“Plehehehehease, stohohohohop!” he begged, his laughter coming out jerky and foreign and completely endearing. “Mikoto!”
Finally she let up, still hugging him close. “That was cute.”
“Don’t ever do that again,” he muttered, turning his face away from hers.
She smiled and didn’t reply. The light blush on his cheeks was more than enough for her.
6) Lee Saiki, Lers Kaidou and Aren
“Aren,” Kaidou said seriously, “hold him.”
Saiki was trapped. He couldn’t teleport away, and he couldn’t use his super strength to fight either of his “friends” off, so his only option was to try and halfheartedly wrestle against the surprisingly strong Aren as he hooked his arms under Saiki’s to hold him in place while Kaidou approached with wiggling fingers.
It didn’t take a psychic to figure out what their intentions were.
Soon Kaidou shot his hands out to Saiki’s sides and squeezed, grinning wickedly at him as he did so. Saiki bit his lip and squirmed, but refused to give them the satisfaction of smiling or giggling. Still, his reactions were enough to encourage them both; no one who wasn’t ticklish would fight back the way he was now.
“Come on, just a little smile,” Kaidou teased, continuing to squeeze up and down his sides. Saiki continued to fight back until the blue-haired boy got a little too close to his lower ribs, making him flinch harder and make a kind of choking noise in the back of his throat. He hated that a smile managed to break free from him. He struggled even more against Aren, but again, he couldn’t truly fight in the way he was capable of. He’d be darned if this was how they found out he was a psychic.
“There’s a smile,” Aren teased into his ear, his breath tickling in its own way, making Saiki whine a little and begin to blush. “Now you need to let the laughs out~”
Kaidou hummed thoughtfully, switching his tactic from squeezing to kneading purposefully into Saiki’s lower ribs, grinning when the pink-haired boy arched his back, squealed, and finally dissolved into helpless giggles.
“Aha! There you go, Saiki!”
Saiki pressed his lips together, trying to muffle himself, but Kaidou was relentless in his tickling, and soon he was practically doubled over in hysterics, barely able to stand up on his own. But again, he’d be darned if he’d let them hear him beg. So he just stood there, forced to take it, determined to hold out for as long as they deemed necessary. It was just tickling. He could handle it. Right…?
7) Lee Aren, Ler Saiki
“Gah!” Aren whirled around, glaring at the first person he saw who was nearby. “Kaidou!”
“What?” Kaidou asked innocently, looking genuinely confused.
“Don’t do that!”
“Don’t do what?”
Aren grunted, turning around and continuing up the aisle to where Saiki sat. A moment later, he felt another pinch to his other side and whirled again, this time snapping at Nendou.
“What? I didn’t do anything,” Nendou said.
“You all think you’re so funny,” Aren grumbled, his eyes scanning the room. He was trying not to let it show how flustered he was getting, but he knew if someone pinched his side again he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from giggling, and he did not want to giggle.
Saiki sat a few desks up from him, mindlessly flipping through a book, not actually reading anything. He was hyperaware of Aren’s presence approaching him, and he was determined to keep the boy away from him at all costs. He knew his “friend” was intending to invite him to go bike riding with him and Kaidou later, but the psychic wanted none of it.
“Seriously!” Aren cried, whirling a third time, eyes latching onto Chiyo. “Quit tickling me!”
Chiyo blinked up at him. “Tickling you? I didn’t even touch you, Aren.”
Saiki masterfully hid a smirk of his own. He’d been using his powers to poke and prod at Aren’s sides, making him think it was his classmates ganging up on him, and now he’d just outed himself to everyone without the pink-haired boy having to lift a finger. This was perfect.
“You’re ticklish?” Kaidou exclaimed, leaping up from his seat with a big smile. “Why didn’t you say so, Aren?”
Aren took a step back. “W-Wait, no, did I say ticklish? I meant…I meant, uh…” Then he took off at a sprint toward the door, ducking under the teacher just as he entered the classroom. Kaidou was right on his heels, both of them ignoring the protests of their professor.
Saiki smiled. It seemed Aren was sufficiently distracted.
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blueberrygiggles · 2 months
i love maizawa/erasermic a lot. so…. have some more tickle fight hcs.
they both have very particular goals when they get all frisky and playfight-y. aizawa definitely shoots to shut mic up, like make him shriek so hard he laughs silently while mic is the opposite and wants to make aizawa yell and cry.
i wanna say aizawa is the lee way more often. cause he’s such a sourpuss. he’s always grumpy and tired. mic constantly wants to hear aizawa’s voice and especially his laugh so he aims to have him giggle as often as possible as much as it pisses him off. and aizawa does like to erase mic’s ability to laugh and beg when he’s the ler instead. he can be really mean with the whole “i can’t hear you” teasing. but then again it’s easy for mic to pinch his waist and make aizawa squeeze his eyes shut so he can speak again.
generally aizawa is more ticklish with his neck being the most ticklish thing ever. and his ribs that kinda protrude out are sensitive as well. also he has some ticklish toes that are mic’s favorite thing to play with when he’s trying to sleep. like he’ll lay down on the bed with his foot out from the covers and mic will grab a foot and put it in his lap and tug on his toes to make aizawa get up. he’s so bitter over the fact that mic drives him out of bed by touching his feet, he’s like “get away from me 5 more minutes” but his voice cracks. plus, mic isn’t afraid to plant some toe kisses as well as some massaging fingers. he’s more of a pleaser than a receiver. while as aizawa is super lazy all the time.
mic’s hips are quite the death spot though. aizawa isn’t much of a cute romantic tickler, he’s more of a ‘i’m gonna dig my cold fingers into your hips while you’re on the phone with someone important’ kind of guy. and mic has SUCH a cute laugh and it’s the light of aizawa’s life. it’s a scream-squeal laugh and he always curls up during. like if he’s standing up he’ll half lean over but also bring a knee up to his chest. and you BET he really does screech like a bird. he thrashes dangerously too, rolling his hips around to get fingers off him though he can’t. his laugh kinda starts with a cry that sounds like a ‘gyaha’ and it goes really high pitched at the beginning. and he immediately resorts to begging and calling for help even if they’re alone in their room.
aizawa is a toughie to crack. but oh is it so satisfying to see him giggle himself silly. he tries to fight his laughter the whole time but mic is a relentless verbal teaser and it ruins every form of his concentration. “does that tickle? do you wanna laugh now? i can see your lip quivering. you’re laughing. you are. it really tickles huh?” and aizawa makes the mistake of opening his mouth to tell mic to shut up but he accidentally lets out a bunch of squeals and can’t get his words straight and there goes mic again with the “theeeere we go! the floodgates have opened!” or worse he’ll lean over him as he tries to keep himself composed and go “you can do it, stay quiet, don’t laugh!” or “your cheeks are red! look at them puff up”
so i dunno, who’s the mean one here? maybe it’s mic. but still, aizawa’s the one tickling him at night when he knows mic can’t control his volume very well being like “don’t wake up the neighbors” while mic’s like “NO NO nO TICKLES! YOU KNOW I CAN’T” and he’s right he can’t stay quiet and he screams. or while mic’s doing a radio show. orrrr when mic’s taking something out of the oven. orrrrrrr when mic’s trying to put a shirt on in the morning.
but everything mic does makes aizawa laugh anyway like it’s a contest. mic will even stick his tongue out and cross his eyes and make faces to force aizawa to laugh harder and clench his eyes shut. he usually has the edge and can make aizawa into a giggling fool.
they’re both at a really bad disadvantage with each other cause they play with each other’s weaknesses. that’s why toshinori is good at settling it and having both of them under his hands. one in the crook of aizawa’s neck and one grabbing mic’s flank. causing them to essentially smash into each other trying to get away and end up tangled in each other as toshi just laughs above them and gets them to behave.
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blueberrygiggles · 2 months
anyways rambling headcanons time
i'm 100% convinced that aizawa is deathly ticklish on his neck. when nezu hides in his scarf, he is holding on to every part of his sanity to not start giggling at work. nezu is Very warm and comfortable but his fur is so fucking ticklish.
kayama likes to mess with aizawa by fluttering her nails against his neck and lemme tell you those nails are killer. he's trying to nap on the couch and suddenly he's giggling from two of kayama's nails. he's think it's embarrassing, kayama thinks it's cute. if she gets him for long enough then he starts to snort and her entire being ascends because SHE JUST MADE THE ANGRY GUY SNORT???
miruko is super tough, but she will collapse to the ground in belly laughs if fuyumi even thinks of pinching her side. and fuyumi finds it very satisfying to be able to take down her pro hero girlfriend in seconds. miruko can and will turn crimson because ITS JUST TICKLING AND SJE CAN HANDLE IT but she unfortunately cannot :(
and not that she'll ever admit it, but she fucking loves the sensation of being tickled. it's just fun and silly and it's a nice break from the constant TV ready front she has to have as a pro hero.
kayama has a ticklish back and she will literally scream if you get near her back. it's why she has a hard time getting massages because one wrong move and she flinches away like she was electrocuted. however, if you do it gently enough, she will just giggle her head off and take it because it feels nice. aizawa will sometimes mindlessly tickle her back if they're hanging out together and she kinda lives for it. it's the type of tickles where you can't keep a smile off your face but they're So Relaxing.
mina has an incredibly dorky and cute laugh. i'm talking snorting from the first huff, very high pitched and breathy. she just kinda sounds silly? and she used to really hate it because one of her old friends used to make fun of her for it, but she's slowly learned to be more okay with it because who cares if her laugh is a little silly? (uraraka told her it was fucking adorable and now the girls will remind her that it's cute until it's in her head!!)
and finally: momo had incredibly ticklish hands. when she is tickled there, she like curls up and tries to hide her face because, seriously her HANDS?? but it's cute. todoroki and jirou both find out while studying and they never let her live it down.
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blueberrygiggles · 2 months
sorry i've been on a bnha kick recently with the manga ending and all that.
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blueberrygiggles · 2 months
hey i’m meg and i think about erasermic all the time haha
RRRR about the final tests, so much potential like back at home aizawa and mic talking bout work and them making jabs at each other for losing. cause i love the tease-y relationship kind of thing cause they’re best friends! mic of course is the first one to start it BLATANTLY IGNORING TJAT LIKE HE LOST EMBARRASSINGLY. tbh he doesn’t even consider how the conversation can be easily turned against him. but his ignorant ass starts it anyways.
lazing around, probably having a beer with dinner sitting next to each other mic goes “damn what happened out there tough guy? you talk so much about how being a teacher doesn’t suit you but here you are letting them get past you because you’re a big softie! Look at you!” and he’s laughing at how aizawa has like. no defense against it like he makes the half assed lie about how he didn’t take advantage of the mistake because he was “worried about todoroki and tried to make the best course of action” blah blah.
and mic is just teasing him! he’s well aware aizawa can be sweet in his own way but he likes to poke fun at him for it anyways. so he’s scooting over and starts to literally poke fun. like little pokes all over aizawa’s sides while still taunting him going “you act all MEAN but you’re a big teddy bear, man!– And you’re even getting soft like one!” while pinching a flank.
aizawa usually isn’t very aggressive and doesn’t fight back when tickled by mic BUT MY GOD he’s growling he’s legitimately embarrassed. he doesn’t flustered typically but mic is pushing all his buttons. again, he’s literally doing so. aizawa really reacts when his midsection is pinched he’s usually sluggish but his spine twists in an attempt to evade and he can’t help but try and smack mic a bunch of times. usually in mic’s face cause he’s kind of shy atm (which is honestly the best way to put it) and is like ALRIGHT I GET IT DON’T STARE TOO MUCH.
he’s so different around mic, mic is his high school sweetheart and best friend FOREVER. so even though they’re adults, in their spare time it’s a classic teenager fight like SHUT UP NO YOU SHUT UP kinda thing. but maybe it’s more of an elementary school thing cause mic’s trying to pull up aizawa’s sweater and tickle his stomach. which he fails at doing nicely so instead he just shoves his arms up there and keeps tickling while also trying to wrestle his best friend down to the floor. and of course he keeps running his mouth while aizawa threatens to knock him out through the most silly gruff laughter which isn’t threatening in the least.
mic wrings the nicest sounding laughs from aizawa, it’s definitely due to the never ending teasing that’s throwing him off his game. and aizawa is punching mic the whole time he doesn’t really like to giggle in general, not to mention in front of people. and the tweaking of his flanks isn’t helping. he’s really damn ticklish there. every time he tries to calm himself he barks out a laugh when mic squeezes him over and over in the same spot which legit makes him convulse.
through his laughter though he’s like “oh yeah well what about you? you went completely unconscious after they sent a couple of bugs after you!” and MIC BLUSHES SO HARD HE’S LIKE “GHHGK I-I– THERE– THERE WAS MORE THAN A COUPLE– SHUT UP” and while he’s flabbergasted that aizawa would take that jab at him, aizawa takes the chance to be like “hey hizashi, ….Watch out for ants” and starts to tickle the crap out of him right back and scribbles his fingers all up mic’s sides.
MIC SCREECHES and flops onto his back and poorly tries to half escape and half fend aizawa off but it’s pathetic. and mic is like OKAY OKAY but aizawa is having none of that. also mic is the kinda guy where he even visualizes bugs he screams so he’s like EW EW STOP it’s kinda cute. really cute in aizawa’s book. like he KNOWS there are no bugs but he’s still all jittery cause the tickles are so?? quick and it makes him a tiny bit squeamish. still tickles so bad though so he’s really wailing.
aizawa probably stops kinda soon cause he pauses and is like ah shit i’m acting like a child. (also cause he finally won as mic called mercy 20x in a row) and rubs the back of his head and shrugs it off and leaves mic to roll over and attempt to recover while still covering his sides just in case aizawa strikes again. mic is still kinda laughing cause he’s just so jumpy, but also cause he fuckin loves his best friend especially when he gets caught up in play fights and ditches the jackass front for a while.
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