bluebell53 · 14 hours
So in a lot of fanfics I’ve read Edwin is touch averse to everyone, including Charles, and it’s like “touches like this are rare” blah blah blah (not hating bcs I love them all) but if we look at the show, they casually touch all the time, (they’re obsessed with each other). My absolute favourite scene is in episode one where Charles is trying to teach Edwin boxing and he’s all bouncing around and he does this thing where he mimes drilling into Edwin’s head with a hand drill and Edwin just looks like he’s trying not to smile and lightheartedly shoves him away. Trust me that is not something you do with someone you’re not comfortable touching. Give me Edwin seeking out touch from Charles and he’s so gentle even in his admonishments and it’s not the kind of touch either of them are used to. Give me Charles shying away from Edwin at first because he had to be such a typical boy when he was alive and the only touches with his friends were slaps on the back or punches on his arms, and he wouldn’t dare hurt Edwin because he’s the best person Charles has met. Give me them learning how to touch until it’s so casual they barely notice when Charles swings his legs over Edwin’s on their little sofa, or when Edwin uses a hand on Charles’ back when he’s going past, or when they fumble into each other (because come on they’re lanky teenage boys they don’t have control over their limbs, coming from a lanky teenager) smoothing over the nonexistent pain with their palms.
TLDR: I want more soft DBD fanfics with casual (platonic) touches until it’s not so platonic anymore.
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bluebell53 · 14 hours
y'all think about love?
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bluebell53 · 14 hours
Me and my bestie are the same Like a synonym
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bluebell53 · 15 hours
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bluebell53 · 15 hours
It honestly blows my mind when someone calls Charles a straight boy. Like, did we even watch the same show?? Have you actually seen Charles onscreen for any amount of time at all? He’s sitting on top of furniture, a single dangly earring, and pants that cut off above the ankle to show off his socks. If that wasn’t enough, this boy looks up all the references Edwin makes so he can understand him, and then compares his crush to him because them having the same qualities is why he likes her. He starts acting like a jealous housewife as soon as another boy gets close to Edwin and threatens to punch the cat king the second he thinks he tried making unwanted advances on him. He compares himself and Edwin to Orpheus and Eurydice, one of the most romantic tragedies of all time (which he thought was ONLY romantic) then tells him they have the rest of forever to figure out what their relationship means to the both of them. Not even 2 minutes after they were told that they were safe from the afterlife and allowed to stay together, he starts overtly flirting with Edwin, leaning into him and joking about his charming smile when he already knows just how charmed Edwin is.
If after all that you still think this punkfuck 80’s boy is 100% straight then I’m so sorry but one of us is delusional here and it’s certainly not me
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bluebell53 · 15 hours
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Dead Boy Detectives Promptober Day 1: Mirror
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bluebell53 · 15 hours
A little over a year ago, I was on my way to hospital on the Tube, feeling sick and in pain and fed up, and I saw these two lesbians. One was taller, holding on to the bar above her, and the smaller one was tucked into her chest. You could tell by looking at them that they were totally uninterested in anything else around them but the simple act of holding each other safe whilst the train hurled around corners and tried to knock them over and they just seemed so content, so happy. I thought to myself with some sadness that I’d never have that. But oh, how I wanted it; it made my lungs ache for a different kind of air, my skin tingle with a want to be touched. But I knew it wasn’t for me.
Anyways, last night I caught the Tube with my beloved Pan, who’d flown thousands of miles across the globe to come and see Michael Sheen in a play with me, and as the train hurled around a corner, I tucked them into my arms and held them into my chest, and thanked every ineffable choice that led me from that moment to this one.
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bluebell53 · 15 hours
Hey @netflix, remember this tweet?
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Well I'm here to inform you that Dead Boy Detectives is very much an unfinished story. Our fanbase is growing daily and audiences LOVE this show.
Season 2 is written, the cast & crew want to contiue the story, and the fans want to see more, so all you need to do is greenlight it! Despite your abysmal marketing, Dead Boy Detectives still managed to pull fantastic numbers that only continue to improve, even post-cancellation. It has made, and continues to make, "Best of" lists on a weekly basis and has drawn the attention of multiple publications, YouTubers, and critics.
You're squandering an incredible show, an opportunity to make money (in the form of streams AND merchandise), and destroying your reputation in the process! Please save Dead Boy Detectives; you have everything to gain in doing so! Do right by the cast, crew, and your paying customers! We're not going anywhere! THIS STORY MATTERS!
If you don't care about good representation, the stories on your platform, doing right by the people you employ, and doing right by your customers, at least realize that you're destroying your business and losing out on an opportunity to profit. If you don't want Dead Boy Detectives, let the showrunners take it to a platform that will do right by it and right by the fans - that's the least you can do!
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bluebell53 · 15 hours
Love the idea of Edwin finally feeling safer after everything that happened in Port Townsend, knowing not only that Hell can't reach him anymore, but also that even if it did, Charles would come for him again and help him get out (which heals some of his abandonment issues)
It manifests when a baby doll jumpscares Edwin, and he flinches and automatically whispers a little alarmed "Charles!" before he even knows what he's saying
Edwin's embarrassed about it right after and just turns the head of the doll away himself, but Charles heard it, and he's so bloody pleased about it
Charles loves knowing that Edwin trusts him, feels safe with him, and believes that Charles would always come to his rescue no matter what, that Edwin knows it instinctively
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bluebell53 · 1 day
Love when Edwin’s mother is portrayed as being very kind, if not a bit misunderstood, but I also would love more fics where she’s THE matriarch of the Payne family who rules cunt out and tongue scathing. Edwin and her are the archetypical Gay Son/Domineering Mother combo. He learned his bitchiness from the best and is not afraid to turn it back on her
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bluebell53 · 1 day
forever thinking about how edwin and charles must have said "i love you" casually to each other as best mates before in order for charles' response to edwin's "i love you" to have been just a "great. love you too. can we go?" i love you is usually a momentous shift when said, but it wasn't until edwin clarified as more than a friend that charles understood what he meant... that tells me what is more or less stating the obvious, which is that they totally are Those sappy friends with their intricate little close friend rituals who are just now finding the last possible way to love each other because they've already loved each other in every other way that mattered before. being in love is their final unexplored adventure of love <3
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bluebell53 · 1 day
One more secret Good Omens fanart from the Artbook! 📗💛
There is an old tree in their garden. They love to sit together under this tree.
Crowley would slowly drift asleep listening to Aziraphale reading some good old Jane Austen to him.
Last evening light would make the apples above their heads glow between the branches.
Just like the stars Crowley once created. Just like the stars that are shining in angel’s eyes when he looks at him.
Now, then and forever ✨
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bluebell53 · 1 day
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fuck me I am such a lesbian
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bluebell53 · 1 day
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This fake yarn is supposedly better for sheep.
Aimed at people who don’t know where wool comes from, it’s 100% plastic. Yes, plastic.
So any garment you wash will release microfibres into the sea. It’ll never decompose.
You’re supposed to believe that sheep shearing is violent and cruel. There are imbeciles out there that work in an unprofessional manner while shearing, but that’s not the case overall.
Sheep don’t suffer from having their fleece removed.
Left on, the fleece can become a home for fly eggs and the subsequent maggots which can eat the sheep. Chemical treatments are available to prevent that happening. It’s much better for the sheep, the land and the farmer to avoid chemical use.
Don’t be fooled. Wool is a sustainable material, one we should make more and better use of.
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bluebell53 · 1 day
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bluebell53 · 1 day
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bluebell53 · 1 day
‼️‼️‼️shoutout to the REAL mvp of dead boy detectives‼️‼️‼️
the tiny couch that's used only twice in episode one and is a near constant feature in fan works as much larger than it certainly is
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