blubeloved · 2 years
just logged in for the first time in literally ever
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blubeloved · 3 years
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you can only reblog this today
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blubeloved · 3 years
I had my first kiss yesterday. /srs
i still can't believe it LMAOOOOO
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blubeloved · 3 years
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blubeloved · 3 years
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Hello there
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blubeloved · 3 years
i'm seeing a lot of my mutuals are deficient in forehead kisses 😞
therefore, rb this to give all your mutuals a forehead kiss :)
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blubeloved · 3 years
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We’ll never die
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blubeloved · 3 years
yay I'll go accept ur friend request now ! :D
hi I have genuinely no clue if u remember me but hi 😦😦 I hope you've been good :D
How could I forget you?!?!?!
You're like one of my most awesome friends
I hope you've been amazing bub!
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blubeloved · 3 years
I'm gonna try and be more active here, but if not add me on discord !! :D
i already posted it but idc 😈
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blubeloved · 3 years
I'm so sorry for disappearing 😟 I forgot Tumblr existed for a bit?? but yeah !!
aww :') I could say the same about u
I've been alright :]
hi I have genuinely no clue if u remember me but hi 😦😦 I hope you've been good :D
How could I forget you?!?!?!
You're like one of my most awesome friends
I hope you've been amazing bub!
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blubeloved · 3 years
i miss my old friends :(
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blubeloved · 3 years
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blubeloved · 3 years
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blubeloved · 3 years
I can't believe home depot literally produced a wildly successful science fiction musical and we all just pretend it didn't happen. on one hand yes it had a boring white guy main character but like.... home depot just... Made it? And it had shit ton of box office sales? and no one even talks about this. this is like avatar (2009) all over again
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blubeloved · 3 years
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help me and my girlfriend eat !!!
we just moved in together a couple days ago and the moving costs and associated expenses have really hit us hard. she has a job interview this week but my laptop needs to be repaired before i can get back on the job search and i cant afford that right now. we’re really worried about paying rent on 9/1, considering all of our move in costs hit us on 8/19. any assistance so we can eat, pay rent, find jobs, buy gas, etc would be so so helpful.
venmo: etherhial
paypal: paypal.me/etherhial
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blubeloved · 3 years
hey guys. 🏃
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blubeloved · 3 years
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new mixed drink! i call it The Sludge
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