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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
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FULL NAME: Hua Mulan. OTHER NAMES: Saber, Ping. OCCUPATION: Heroic Spirit, Warrior. AGE: 28. GENDER: Female. SEXUALITY: Bisexual.  ORIGIN: China. CURRENT LOCATION: Chaldea Headquarters. NATIONALITY: Chinese. ETHNICITY: Chinese. SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Chinese, any other languages needed are provided by the Grail. RELIGION: None. HEIGHT: 165cm / 5′5″. BODY TYPE: A slender frame with a few muscles. EYES: Brown. TATTOOS: None. PIERCINGS: None. SOCIAL MEDIA: n/a. SMOKING: No. DRINKING: No. ATHLETICS: Yes. HOBBIES: Training, polishing her sword, learning about others. VIRGIN: Yes. FAVORITE DRINK: Warm tea. FAVORITE FOOD: Whatever snacks she can get her hands on. FAVORITE MUSIC: Songs her mother and grandmother used to sing to her. CLOTHING STYLE: Wears a traditional garment from her time: long loose sleeves of her dress robe that pools at her waist to show the form fitting armor she had worn during her time in the war, and a long skirt pooling at her feet, which has a rather large man-made rip .   UNDERWEAR TYPE: Plain black under, usually with a small bow on the front; doesn’t like anything fancy.
Tagged: @lapuceiie
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it...
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
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Could you like/reblog this if you do not mind roleplaying with the savior of China. Mulan had disregarded gender roles in her era and joined the army so that her father did not have to fight. (Such a daddy’s girl.) Her deeds did not go unrewarded. She can now be summoned as a Saber type heroic spirit!! She’s ready to battle and meet new people in different eras!!
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
He nodded in respect to her, and felt the weight of her curious eyes tracing his form. Saber was well aware that he looked odd, he had been striking in appearance in his lifetime as well as this one. An imposing stature, massive mane of hair, and glowing green dragon mark tended to contribute to a fearsome aesthetic.
“I am sorry that I can’t share my true name in exchange for yours. Due to… certain aspects of my history, it is safest for me to keep it secret. Nonetheless, it is an honor to meet you, and to be fighting at your side,” he said, speaking slowly and softly, low voice at odds with the fierceness of his appearance.
The other servant, Mulan, had deep eyes, ones of a warrior, a soldier. Eyes he recognized, in those he had fought side by side with. Those he had trusted. Saber found himself wanting to trust her. He wanted to know her, to see if she was as much of a kindred spirit as he guessed she might be.
“You carry yourself like a warrior,” he said without preamble or frills. His tone remained soft, almost gentle, but the words carried weight. “I am glad of that.”
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          A slight bow was given to the other, a sign of respect and acknowledgment. ❝There is nothing to apologize for. I understand if you do not want to share your true name to me. I will not pry. And I am honored to fight as your side as well.❞ Curiosity was overpowered with a need to respect the other’s wishes. Names were used to identify one another and form bonds; however, a person’s true name was not needed. Simply calling the other by Saber will be efficient enough. And Mulan is willing to wait until the male will tell her his true name, that is if he ever will.
          The compliment had caught the female off guard; deep brown orbs widening a fraction before closing in happiness as a smile stretched across her visage. Such a compliment was given to her by many, the emperor of her country, her fellow soldiers, various villagers, and her father. The other did not know a single shred of information about her, and yet he was able to see the warrior that was contained within her. He did not see her as a frail woman, who’s only purpose is to birth a son and take care of the home. ❝I thank you for the compliment. It brings me happiness that you do not see me as some woman.❞ The happiness in her tone was genuine.
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
“Whoa, are you okay?”
“You took that hit pretty hard…”
“Don’t stand up yet.”
“That definitely looks broken…”
“Walk it off.”
“How are you feeling?”
“When was the last time you slept?”
“You look like shit.”
“Have you been eating enough?”
“Here, let me help you.”
“Why are you limping?”
“You’re really pale…”
“Did you just go throw up?”
“Why aren’t you eating?”
“______? You’re bleeding…really bad.”
“That looks infected.”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?!”
“I told you you’d get sick.”
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Wake up–you were hyperventilating, are you okay?”
“It was just a dream, you’re alright.”
“Look at me–you’re safe.”
“Take a deep breath.”
“Are you bleeding?!”
“How’d you get a bruise like that?”
“What happened?”
“Let me help you!”
“Can you hear me?”
“You hit your head pretty hard.”
“Don’t move.”
“I know it hurts, I’m sorry.”
Not-doing-too-good sentence starters
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
@bloombled liked for a starter.
The servant he was to be allied with was a woman. One smaller than him, with thick dark hair. Neither of these facts were particularly unusual, and he knew better than to underestimate a female opponent. After a moment of… somewhat awkward silence, he spoke in his low tones, luminous green eyes meeting hers.
“It is a pleasure to meet you. I am…” he trailed off then. This servant, no matter being his ally at the moment, could later become an enemy. It would be unwise to say his name, even in the case of allies of the moment.
“Please call me Saber,” he said finally.
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          Cooperation between allies fighting towards a similar goal was not uncommon in a war. Mulan had fought alongside many villages and factions who did not fight under the emperor, in order to stop the invaders who had threatened her country. She knew they may have some disagreements upon certain topics; however, in the end they must push aside their differences to work towards the goal of their masters.
          Brown hues glance over at the being before him, taking in his appearance as she would be seeing him on multiple occasions. This was her first time seeing another servant up close, and his appearance was interesting. Questions were raised as to why the other had not shared his true name, but they were not voiced. The male must have a reason as to why he did not share his name. She did not want to pry into the other’s business. ❝It is a pleasure to meet you, Saber. Call me Mulan.❞ 
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
What is your anger type?
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You have your temper in good check. People may even think you don't have a dark side!
Good job!
tagged by: @noircisaint
tagging: anyone who wants to do it
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
opinions and judgement
Send me a ♠ for what my character thinks of yours in three words
Send me a ♤ for what I think of YOU in three words
Send me a ❖ for my character’s personal thoughts about yours
Send me a ♣ for my characters thoughts during any general conversation between your and my character
Send me a ♧ for my character’s reaction if your character were to express romantic interest in my character
Send me a ♙ for what my character originally thought your character’s name was before learning their actual name, and why
Send me a ♖ for a hastily written ‘good-bye’ letter from my character to yours
Send me a ♔ for a word that I think sums up our character’s relationship
Send me a ⊗ for my thoughts OOC on your character
Send me a ▲ if you’ve ever wanted to talk to me, but have been too nervous to do so. (Now’s a good a time as any!)
(credit goes to niquetamereencore)
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
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“That’s right. Well, most of the world is already destroyed by this point. Essentially, we travel back in time to prevent any of it from happening to begin with. If there are any problems in the past, we must correct them.”
          Then her country was already destroyed? She had wanted to see how far her country had advanced over the years, but that could not be achieved. A sense of determination had overwhelmed the female; it felt the same when she had decided to join the army in her father’s steed. She knew that she had to help with the best of her abilities. ❝I understand... Then I will do everything in my power to help out.❞
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
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“Well, that is no good – scratches or large gaping wounds, you must remember to take kare of yourself.” Standing up, she marched over to the shorter woman and grasped her hand, gently leading her over to an examination table. Putting on a charming smile, the Lancer made sure the Saber took a good and proper seat. “But then, that is why I am here, right? Bekause all of you truly heroic types are so terrible at taking kare of yourselves.”
          In her era, wounds were something that Mulan had worried about. Major wounds would had been looked at by the resident doctor, who could had found out she was a woman. So the female made sure to keep all wounds to a minimum. But now, she did not have to keep her gender a secret, often getting carried away in battle, thus sustaining more injuries than usual. A soft laugh escaped her lips before stating, ❝Sorry. I always made sure not to get any wounds, but now I have nothing to worry about. My gender doesn’t have to be a secret.❞
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
Traditional Chinese hanfu photography by 夏弃疾
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
@bloombled came to visit the infirmary !!
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“So how was France? Didn’t get into too much trouble, I hope?” the doctor inquired, an easy smile gracing her visage. “If you get too damaged, never be afraid to swing by here. I am always ready to help my fellow Servants rekover quickly.”
          ❝France was wonderful. We were able to clear an area full of rogue servants.❞ Mulan had been put or more missions as the time passed. She was slowly getting used to going to different eras and defeating rogue servants that were wrecking havoc. ❝I believe I am fine for now. I didn’t get injured to badly, only a few scratches here and there.❞
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
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“As I said, this place is called Chaldea. It’s a facility made as a base of operations to predict and secure the future of humanity. As that future seems to be in great peril, Servants such as you and I have been summoned here to help save it.” She gave a highly simplified but rather easy to understand explanation of the situation. They were essentially just summoned to this place for the sake of saving the entire human race.
          The future of humanity is at stake? Did that mean her country was also in danger? Did her country still even exist? The black haired female had a feeling of dread settle within the pit of her stomach. Many things could factor to this point in time and she was not sure what they could be. However, she knew that she had a duty to aid in the cause with the best of her abilities. It was the reason as to why she was summoned. ❝I see... So then everyone here is working to save humanity?❞
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
          ❝I have never seen a spear with such a color and intricate design. Was this forged specifically for you, or did you find such a magnificent item?❞ The weapons used in the war had been made out of simple metals, woods, and strings. They were not intricately made such as the sword Mulan had used, which was her family sword. The soldiers often compared their own family swords to see the differences in design and metal usage. It was nice to see what each family had passed down generation after generation. However, never in her life had she seen a weapon such a vibrant red.
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
          A look of trepidation had melted off of the female’s visage, finally satisfied with the result of her meddling. Upon being summoned Mulan had quickly glanced at her surroundings, then the clothing which had been summoned along with her. The garment was not one she was quite happy to be wearing. The long fabric of the skirt was to restriction on her legs and the sleeves were too big and in the way. The upper part of her clothing was taken off of her shoulders, showing the armor plate that was conformed to her chest, (now resting at her waist) and the skirt now had a large slit reaching all the way to her upper thigh. ❝I’m sorry for the delay, but I had to get comfortable. You can’t go into battle looking like you are going to see a match-maker.❞
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
Monty Python and the Holy Grail inspired rp starters (part 1/ 2) Feel free to change pronouns !
“Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?”
“A five ounce bird could not carry a 1 pound coconut.”
“I’m not dead!”
“He says he’s not dead!”
“What I object to is that you automatically treat me like an inferior!”
“Who lives in that castle?”
“Be quiet! I order you to be quiet!”
“Well, I didn’t vote for you.”
“If I went around saying I was an empereror just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me they’d put me away!”
“Did you see him repressing me?”
“None shall pass.”
“‘Tis but a scratch.”
“A scratch? Your arm’s off!”
“It’s just a flesh wound.”
“I’ll bite your legs off!”
“We have found a witch, might we burn her?”
“Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?”
“And that is how we know the Earth to be banana-shaped.”
“Explain again how sheeps’ bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.”
“I’ll ask him, but I don’t think he’ll be very keen.”
“I’m French!  Why do think I have this outrageous accent?”
“You mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.”
“Oh, stop bitching and let’s go have tea.”
“We’ll kill him first and then have tea and biscuits.”
“You would not be so ungallant as to refuse our hospitality.”
“Get on with it!”
“Those who hear them seldom live to tell the tale!”
“I’d rather just sing!”
“You’re not going to do a song while I’m here.”
“You stay in the room and make sure he doesn’t leave.”
‘’'I’ll just stay here, then, shall I?“
’'You’ve come to rescue me!”
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bloombled-blog · 8 years ago
ooc;; like for a starter (will most likely be somewhat short)
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