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Light suddenly cut the air before splitting open, revealing an unfamiliar world…and a white haired man. It seemed he was the cause of this as he slid away a long blade as the portal opened to its fullest. Vergil stepped through the portal and it slid closed behind him. This was it. This was the world he was looking for. Unfortunately there was so much open space and many big sources of power that he could not pinpoint whom he was looking for. A sigh left him. “This is going to take awhile…” He’s not oblivious to the presence near him, he just wasn’t worried about it..
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A battle cry left him and he went to strike upon seeing the newcomer appear. Though as he got a good look at him he stopped his attack. That wasn’t one of the fallen. Not one of the trapped beasts either. “What are you doing here? This place is dangerous.” Though it didn’t seem to be the case at first a huge fight could be seen not far from the ship they were on. “Are you a mercenary or something?” 
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⌠❖⌡ “No way in hell I am.” The young man replied while keeping an eye out now for anything that decided to attack their blind spots, at one point even going so far as to bring out his devil arm and grab a monster ten times bigger than he was and face slam it into the ground as the battle ended. Brushing off both hands Blue Rose was returned to its hidden position and Red Queen in his none devil hand just as a manner of precaution. “… A primal like me, the hell are you talking about?” That’s stark confusion upon his features, out of pure habit he did move his devil arm behind him so it wasn’t quite visible anymore, however.
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Not a primal? He wasn’t human either despite how close he looked to one. “You do not know what a primal beast is? Tell me, where are you from?” Perhaps he was from the other side of the Basin, but that wouldn’t make sense either. He definitely wasn’t an astral either. “Hm...”
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⌠❖⌡ The moment he felt such a strange power come closer Blue Rose was taken from its place hidden within his coat, seeing the monsters around him felled he didn’t drop his guard with a well-trained eye keeping a lookout for… Whatever this was, it was not until the multi-winged being was next to him that he paused and watched the attack. Well, if they weren’t going to go after him for the time being, then he wasn’t going to overlook this and unleashed Blue Rose’s explosive rounds on a couple of monsters that tried to attack the other from behind. “I’m guessing you’re here to help me!?” Best to ask now then regret not later.
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“Clearly you aren’t with them, so for now yes.” It wasn’t long after that he returned the favor slashing away at the beasts that tried to slash Nero from behind. Once those were dealt with red hues shifted to the other’s arm and he seemed to mull something over in his mind all while watching Nero. “I cannot say that I have met a primal like you before.”
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⌠❖⌡ What the hell? One moment he was heading through a hell gate and the next here in a strange place, there were creatures that appeared to be akin to demons but did not cause his devil arm to glow… There was no visible way back to where he had arrived from either, no matter whatever tricks were being thrown his way he could deal with them for the most part. … Wait a second, is that a giant flying ship in the distance? “What the fuck…” Spoken under his breath, the young devil has no idea if anyone else is nearby right now.
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Something seems to take off from the ship in the distance. After a flash there is a blast of light power that slams into some of the creatures missing Nero as if on purpose. The multi-winged being vanishes from sight a moment before reappearing beside Nero and attacking the creatures with his blade.
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Someone needs some sleep starters
“Your eyebags have eyebags!”
“How long have you been awake?”
“I haven’t slept in a week.”
“Dude go to sleep”
“Is there a reason why you can’t sleep?”
“I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately.”
“Don’t you dare sing me a lullaby.”
“Sleep is for the weak.”
“Well you’re weak from lack of sleep so it’s time you sleep.”
“Please.. go to sleep.”
“Would it help if I lay down with you?”
“I’ve been up all night working on this…”
“Did you start having nightmares again? Is that why you haven’t been sleeping.”
“Don’t worry I slept for two hours.”
“That’s not enough sleep!”
“I’m tired…”
“Do you think… that pigeons have feelings..?”
“Shut up and go to sleep!”
“Can’t sleep either?”
“Sleep is something fake created by the government so I won’t be doing it.”
“I did get sleep! Like… a week ago.”
“_ has been keeping me awake.”
“I just want to get a good night’s sleep for once.”
“I don’t have time for sleeping.”
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⌠❖⌡ “I do not know about them making the most comfortable pillow, but, if you say as such then I will gather them as they fall.” Which was easy with how many he had, some would lose feathers more often than other’s if it wasn’t a set time where they all molted together. Watching silently as the other held the feather close, in a manner of fearing loss from what he can tell putting a small smile upon the Primarch’s features once more. “I am glad to be able to spend more time with you like this, Sandalphon.” The man replies while gently lifting his coffee cup from the table, just to take a sip and have his wings slightly fluff up in a relaxed and joyful manner.
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“Thank you.” He held a shocked look for a moment but hid it behind a smile. “Lucifer... I wouldn’t trade moments like these for the world. I understand now what you meant when you said that moments like these gave you solace. I am never more at peace then I am with you...”
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⌠❖⌡ “If that is what you desire then I will gladly accept them, Sandalphon.” The reply is softly made as he still held the feather within his hands, treating it with the utmost kindness he had to offer to it despite the feather being an inadament object. “Perhaps I could offer you the same? With his large, my wings are surely they can give enough for even a pillow.”
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“Your feathers would make the most comfortable pillow to be honest with you...” Sandalphon held the gifted feather close to him, as if he were afraid to loose it. A small smile finally crossing his features again he looked out at the trees basking in how peaceful it was with just them there.
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⌠❖⌡ A pause as he watched the produced feather, rather out with a glove-clad hand to gaze upon it for perhaps a moment or so. It has been a long time since he had last seen one of Sandalphon’s features, thumb gently trailing over it as he could not help but lightly smile after a brief moment of surprise. “I have missed when you would give me one of your feathers.” The Primarch softly replies as he holds the feather, turning his gaze he reached back and ran his own hand gently through those beautiful white wings. Catching a long loose feather himself, he soon offered it in turn to the man before him.
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Despite the look on his face he was extremely thankful to have a feather of Lucifer’s that wasn’t attached to his own back. Even now he knew he didn’t deserve them, or anything else from Lucifer to be honest. “I suppose I shall have to start collecting the ones that fall out. Maybe have some turned into quills for you.”
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⌠❖⌡ “I would like to see the cafe and the other’s as well.” While he has only been here a short while there was still very much he was interested in, seeing as there were many mortal customs he was still unaware of and wished to learn. Seeing the other happy was all that he could ask for considering everything they’ve been through, he never wanted to cause such pain and suffering to Sandalphon but fate has a funny way of going about things…
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“Oh... I this came out while I was out last. I want you to have it.” The Supreme offered a long brown feather with white rings on it, one of the ones from his own wings. He seemed rather embarrassed at this act trying to keep his gaze off of the other. 
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⌠❖⌡ “Hmm, I like it the way it is just fine.” Seeing how a light smile displayed upon the Primarch’s features, wings lifting up ever so slightly in a manner that showed he was happy. It was moments like these he had missed very much, not just because of his time spent alone in the between realm but those two thousand years that went by without Sandalphon… Were something he still felt bad about to this day, though by now he knew to apologize about it garnered the same reaction of being told he did not have to so he tried to remember that.
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“I am happy to hear you say that.” He smiled brightly seeing how the other smiled and perked up. Sparrow wings seemed to flutter a bit even. “I should bring you to the cafe some time. The others would love to see you.” Perhaps Lucio would as well. Lucifer really did seem like the perfect copy of the Speaker, even if it was Lucilius that was the true copy.
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“Are you sure? Alright....” He turned and proceeded to make another cup for him. “Is there anything that I need to do to make it better?” He asked as he set the cup in front of Lucifer. Having the other back was honestly a relief to him. Now he understood why Lucifer found solace in speaking with him. If he needed advice, or just to hear the words “everything is alright” he could.
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⌠❖⌡ “Sandalphon, may I try some more of your coffee?” It had been some time since he had revived back into this world, long enough that the white wings that had been given back had restored his mana imbalance and he was able to properly move on his own once more. While he did not take back the role of Supreme Primarch and he was not used to not working day in and day out, it was something he didn’t mind doing if it meant he was able to spend more time with the one person he held most dear to his core.
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⌠❖⌡ Being shown kindness was still very much a foreign concept to the fallen, one that he had difficulty processing whenever it did happen to occur and this was one of those exact moments. Rather than showing this fact however a smile he always wore spread across his features, while he was still very much incapable of flight this was a step closing to if his own healing might be able to undo the tremendous damage done… It wasn’t likely, but the thought counted for something. “Sounds like the crew has made part of you softer than you were, Sandy~” … Long pause. “Thank you.” Saying thanks when it wasn’t sarcastic was strange in of itself, but, at least he knew when to actually mean something.
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“I am not soft.” He grumbled the words. Sandalphon was caught off guard by the thank you, he would be with anyone, but coming from Belial was something else. “Don’t mention it. So can you not move them at all?” It would take a lot of time but they might have to physically work at helping them recover.
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“Has no one ever teased you before?~” He doubted that surely there was someone that had done so. Once he saw their attackers backing off a grin crossed his face and his orbs settled in his hand. He didn’t recognize them but clearly they knew him. Or at least knew of him. “What? No, never met them in my life.~”
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“Belial.” That was about it. Sometimes the Tetra-Element Primarchs, though rarely. “I suppose your work is well known then. Perhaps they will think twice before coming for another round. Or they will find back up.”
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⌠❖⌡ As the pain receded from his back a slight expression of surprise crossed the fallen’s features, looking back to the spot where the other’s hand was resting it took him a moment to understand that Sandalphon had healed away the reoccurring and constant back pain. Having been so used to it ever since getting kicked out of the rift, it was strange to not feel it there anymore and even his posture changed to something more straightened than the slight hence that was hardly even noticeable less you were looking for it. “… Better than what it was.” While his wings were still a lost cause, at least he didn’t have to feel that pain even while they were hidden away anymore. 
“What do you gain by healing me?”
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“I don’t gain anything from it. I do not feel as though you deserve to suffer in such a way. It isn’t right...” He kept his gaze averted from the fallen. Even he didn’t quiet understand it, but Lucifer would have done the same wouldn’t he? Look at all of the beasts that were locked in Pandemonium instead of killed for their war crimes.
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⌠❖⌡ “…” this was not something he was keen on talking about for a myriad of reasons, but, seeing how Sandalphon was obviously going to keep pressing the matter until the other got what he wanted… Well, Belial had no reason to prolong the inevitable, even if he wasn’t all that keen on it before allowing the eight wings to show themselves. Only, unlike how wings were supposed to work being held up and all, the moment they were shown they all went right to the floor in a rather painful-looking manner. There they stayed and only a couple twitched once in a while, even his walking slightly away from Sandalphon they drug across the ground in a pitiful manner. 
“Does that answer your question, Sandy?”
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So that’s how it was. That wasn’t a fitting punishment, just a torture. “They have not right then...”  Something he could try... Though he hadn’t done it much yet. A hand rested against Belial and the pain seemed to ease on the other some. He was trying to heal him. “How does that feel?”
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⌠❖⌡ “Ho, is that so~?” More of a teasing tone as he watched the little lost sassy Primarch, but, what he didn’t expect was the question about how his back was doing. Causing that tail to freeze before hiding it once more, the last thing he needed was it giving away the actual emotions he tried to hide with its unconscious reactions. “… Why are you asking about that?” Well, he has been more or less hiding his wings away from the sight of everyone, not to mention, not once has he been seen flying and or attempting to despite a few members of the Grandcypher knowing he, in fact, had wings.
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“Last I knew you were unable to fly and thus used an airship to try and kill us all.” Did that sound about right? “I haven’t seen you use your wings since. Are you alright at least. And don’t beat around the bush.”
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⌠❖⌡ “Completely necessary."  Not only for his own amusement but catching Sandalphon so horribly off guard, well, the other was supposed to be the Supreme Primarch and couldn’t even detect a tail behind him? My my~ "Yaye yare Sandy, I never took you for one with a terrible memory…” That same tail twitched from where it lay upon the ground visibly, you better be on guard or it just might smack you again little Primarch.
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“Seems to happen when I am around people like you.” Who’s sassy lost Primarch is this anyway? “... How is your back.” The question was serious, actual concern in his voice as he asked as well.
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