bloodshedandbeasts · 1 year
Malleus wasn't invited to the meeting where they went over that Twst isn't an otome. He gets even more obvious in the events he's featured in. I'm pretty sure he's invited Yuu to come back to Briar Valley with him in multiple card lines too.
Yeah that seems to be the consensus according to my notes from that post
Yess! I've seen those! Pretty sure one time it was to see the roses he grew back home??????????????????????????
Okay okay but here's the funniest most sad wet cat-esque thing about Malleus he's so desperate but he's trying so hard to act like he's above it all and I'm 100% sure he thinks it's working but it's not
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Yes it's quiet in the library. It's a library. This is like saying "the beach is wet and sandy would you like to see it with me?"
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"I'll permit you to join us" he says, "aren't I so gracious? Allowing you to join us when you must desperately want to" is what the wording of that sentence implies but then not 5seconds later, he basically follows it up with "please tell me you're joining us"
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"If you're free" he says as if he didn't start this sentence with "we" as if if he didn't start this entire conversation fully assuming that he and mc would be hanging out
And look I said in a previous post that Malleus & Mammon are nothing alike but Malleus (who is not a LI apparently??) has been taking some classes from Mammon (who is very much a LI)'s course on "Flirting with the Random Human Who Got Isekaid into Your Magical World & Now Goes to Your School 101" which includes topics like;
"Constructing Roundabout Excuses to get Them to Hangout"
"It's not Like I Care, I'm Absolutely Doing this for Your Benefit"
"Assuming You Always Have Time for Me"
"Lowkey Highkey Wish People Would Leave You Alone. What? No I'm Not Jealous"
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"Yes! Of Course I'll Do this for YOU! But Seriously Fuck Anyone Else":
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vs Mammon happily agreeing to make balloon animals for MC but basically going "lol no" when Asmo asks for some as well
Malleus also took a class in Lucifer's "Am I Threatening You or Am I Flirting with You: Ways to Make Your Human Scared, Confused & Horny"
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bloodshedandbeasts · 2 years
episode of savanaclaw chapter 1
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ADDEDUM: Sorry if you experience weird formatting and/or see repeated paragraphs when viewing this post; for whatever reason, Tumblr gave me a really hard time editing, formatting, and saving this OTL It looks totally normal on my end, but I’ve heard from some people the post looks wonky to them 💦 I’m not sure how to fix it…
The turtlesoupscans team has the first chapter out! ^^ (This is also the scanlation from which I borrow the images used in this post!)
Something I noticed when taking a closer look at the Episode of Savanaclaw is that the new mangaka is really good at drawing eyelashes 👁 👄 👁 There were so many times when I actually made a full stop while reading to admire the eyes and the lashes on like. EVERYONE especially on L*ona. I really enjoy that aspect of the new artwork! (I don’t know if this is just me, but Leona’s tail and hair also seem much longer in the manga adaptation than in the game…?)
I mentioned before that the manga has the advantage of using visual storytelling to help convey character in a way that the game can’t. I previously explored this concept as it applies to Cater’s general character in the Episode of Heartslabyul. But but but— (and I cannot stress this enough 😳) just from the first chapter alone, I think that the manga’s visual storytelling is going a long way to enhance episode 2.
So like in the game (2-6), there is a dorm leaders meeting in which they discuss the upcoming Magical Shift/Spelldrive tournament. It is here where Crowley suggests inducting Malleus into the Hall of Fame in order to take him off the field and give the other dorms a chance to shine. Leona interrupts and gives a brief speech about how doing that is admitting defeat before the game has even begun. He uses the story of the King of Beasts to remind his fellow dorm leaders that it is cunning, not brute strength or magical ability, that allowed him to triumph. This inspires the other dorm leaders to disallow Malleus from entering the Hall of Fame, as they all want to do their best to try and outwit him.
Now, there's nothing wrong with this scene in the game. It serves its purpose just fine. However, because of the game being a visual novel style, the story is mainly told via dialogue and 2D character models. The manga is able to greatly expand on this scene because it is not constrained to just dialogue and a few animations. Case in point, this:
In the manga adaptation of this scene, Leona gives basically the same points, but the art is a lot more dynamic. For example, when he first hears Crowley’s proposal, we get these shots which show us Leona’s obvious displeasure. There’s the slight frown, the ominous shadow over his face, and even a close up of his fingers laced together (a pose which already implies he’s a schemer):
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Compare this to the limitations of Leona’s in-game model; he looks so obviously and overtly angry, which doesn’t sell him as a calculating character as well. Meanwhile, in the manga, you can still tell just how much the idea Crowley suggested has pissed Leona off, but the feelings come across on his face in a much more subtle way.
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Then when manga!Leona begins his appeal proper, he physically STANDS UP from his seat at the table. This draws the other pairs of eyes in the room to him; you can see in the next panel that everyone, including Crowley, is looking at Leona. He commands the attention in the room.
Another small detail here is that manga!Leona slams a hand down on the table; previously, they were folded together. Without saying a word, you understand what this conveys: that, in addition to his intelligence, he also has power and influence in this situation, and he knows exactly how and when to use those boons to his advantage.
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Actually, manga!Leona does a lot of small yet noteworthy things with his hands. Take, for instance, these next panels.
When bringing up the importance of using one’s brain, manga!Leona actually taps his head. In the game, Leona is limited to his general sprite where he lays a hand against his temple. This is the closest approximation to what the game can do to simulate that tap tap of the head, but it doesn’t really carry the full weight of the motion, especially not when paired with Leona’s annoyed in-game expression.
But then look at manga!Leona, who looks so smug and self-assured as he does the gesture. It really speaks to his own confidence—and, more importantly, we’re getting a more accurate image of what the other dorm leaders and Crowley are seeing. They’re witnessing Leona at the height of his strength, someone who uses his words to persuade and to inspire the downtrodden masses into following his lead and to make better lives for themselves. Leona now curls his hand into a fist—so now we’ve gone from the cunning laced fingers to the powerful slam of a hand on a table to a clenched fist, which, in this context, is meant to be encouraging and victorious.
Note that this is all a parallel to Leona’s Disney counterpart, Scar, who made promised the shunned hyenas a place in society. Said parallel is made even more apparent in the following page; manga!Leona literally raises his fist up, and there, right in the background, is the statue of Scar himself, haloed by sunlight, and clouds parted for him. Scar—and, by extension, Leona—appear almost “God-like” because of this deliberate composition.
At this point, Leona speaks about the King of Beasts’ great accomplishment: obtaining the crown through perseverance and wit, in spite of the odds being stacked against him. Look at how this page is framed; it’s nothing BUT Leona. He’s dominating not only the page itself, but also the discussion surrounding Malleus’s induction to the Hall of Fame. He is winning his audience over.
Again, the same lines play out in the game, but the impact just isn’t there. We just have a lot of Leona crossing his arms while looking mad and Leona with his hands on his hips. At best, he looks neutral or slightly bored by what he’s saying. At worst, maybe too angry or even pouting about the situation. It definitely doesn’t feel nearly as inspirational as him standing and raising a fist as he extols the values of the King of Beasts.
(Side note: why is Leona built like a god damn DORITO 🤡 Why’s his waist so TINY???? What is the purpose of that………………….. ….. …. . .:: … . … . . … . . .. . . this is not me simping THIS IS NOT I swear it’s not)
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This next page characterizes Malleus more than it does Leona; Malleus is small here, shown with his back turned away, turning to “glance over his shoulder” at the others. This comes off as isolating, putting distance between himself, who is on such a high level, and his peers. It matches Leona’s dialogue, implying that Malleus truly is a “monster” out of their league, and they must find a clever solution to take that “monster” down.
Leona’s profile now shows slight signs of irritation right as he’s delivering the conclusion to his speech and thesis. His eyebrows are arched, he’s frowning, and he’s slightly looking down at the people he’s addressing. The tension here is palpable; you can feel the force behind his words, how strong his final statement is. It is the responsibility of everyone present at this table to find a way to defeat Malleus, not kneel over and accept defeat.
And the crazy thing is???? You can SEE in the faces of every single dorm leader how Leona’s words have affected them. You don’t need anyone to say a single word to understand what’s going through their heads. They’ve all been charmed. Look at how wide-eyed Kalim is, how Vil has his eyes narrowed (like he has realized something), Riddle is staring DIRECTLY at Leona (implied by an earlier page), and fuck Idia; the tablet’s screen tells us nothing Azul smiles knowingly.
We automatically know what the outcome is, and we know which way they will vote. This is conveyed so well, so clearly, that the manga doesn’t even bother to give us dialogue from the other dorm leaders opposing Crowley’s suggestion. The manga just immediately cuts away to a mon student being injured. (This is different than in the game, which had to show Vil, Riddle, Kalim, Idia, and Azul verbally agreeing with Leona to get the same message across.)
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Anyway??? I had to get all of that out of my system 🤡 I just. Can’t get over???? How good the visual storytelling is for the manga adaptation??????
Entire lines from the original script could be scrubbed out and we still understand what is being said without them. So much character oozes off the page in the dynamic camera and composition. Scenes that I paid zero mind to in the game are sooo much more interesting when told through the manga, my eyes are glued onto the pages.
There’s so much nuance in the gorgeous artwork and the story that it’s trying to tell, and I think that’s a real testament to how talented the mangaka and the team behind Twisted Wonderland (the manga adaptation) are!! I’m by no means a fan of episode 2 of the main story, but 👀 the manga has definitely done a great job making Leona’s introduction to the audience memorable, and he feels like a much more charismatic and threatening “villain” for this episode because of that.
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bloodshedandbeasts · 2 years
Hi hi! Could I order a scenario of how Jade and Floyd would react to MC hiding behind them because they’re being chased by bullies?? Maybe grabbing onto the tweels (о´∀`о)
I like to think they’d be surprised of someone hiding BEHIND them instead of FROM them lol..
I'm a sucker for platonic tweels! This is my lifeline rn!!
Shrimpy Protection Agency
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Three of the more troublesome NRC seniors decided that they weren't too pleased with all the attention you were getting, having been in Twisted Wonderland for only a few months.
The students decided to corner you in the hallway, much to your surprise and demand that you apologize for the trouble you've stirred up.
When you refused, they accused you of being disrespectful and threatened to hurt you if you didn't start respecting your upperclassmen.
Through your fear, you managed to slip between the students and make a break for it.
You knew they were older, stronger, and faster than you so you wouldn't be able to outrun them.
Your only hope was to hide.
You frantically searched for a place to hide as you sprinted into the courtyard.
You were hoping someone would be there to stop the upperclassmen from pummeling you but it was empty.
No, not empty.
On the very far side of the courtyard, hidden in the shadows, the Leech twins stood, both looking mildly bored.
"Jade! Floyd!"
They both perked up upon hearing your voice.
What was excitement to see you, quickly became confusion as you ran to them and wrapped your arms around Floyd's torso from the back, shielding yourself from your pursuers.
Jade almost never showed his emotions on his face which made it all the more terrifying when his expression darkened as the bullies followed you to the courtyard.
All three of them stopped in their tracks when they saw the intimidating look on Jade's face, worsened by the wide-eyed and manic Floyd.
It wasn't usual to see either of them, especially Jade, without their signature customer service smile on, even when threatening someone, but when it came to you, there wasn't any pleasantry.
They didn't even try to pretend like your bullies weren't in danger.
"I will give you 5 seconds of silence before I begin my pursuit," whispered Jade, though the attackers heard him loud and clear in the echoey silence of the courtyard.
The one that appeared to be the leader scoffed and nervously chuckled.
"You're just a second-year. I'm not afraid of you. And I sure as he11 wouldn't need a headstart."
"Oh, you misunderstand," Floyd laughed, his eyes still crazed. "Five seconds wouldn't help you for a headstart. We're giving you a chance to pray to every God who'll bother to listen to a pathetic bottom-feeder like you."
"You're monsters!" one of the goons screeched after a few seconds of listening to their panicked breathing. Both twins just smiled in the same unsettling form.
"That bridge was burned a lot time ago, my friend," Jade chuckled menacingly before he went back to staring into the bullies' souls. "5."
"Listen, dude! We were just messing around!"
"Okay, you're seriously starting to freak me out!"
"Better get on that praying then. 3."
"I'm gonna... tell the headmaster!"
"Oh, I'm so scared. 2."
"Guys, let's get out of here!"
"That little shrimp isn't worth this."
"Only I get to call them that!" Floyd screamed after the goons as they stumbled over themselves to get away.
You could hear the bullies leaving but you still slayed firmly attached to Floyd.
"I'm a touch offended you didn't latch into me that way. Do you trust Floyd more than me?"
You looked up to see Jade smirking at you with his usual calm composure, much opposed to his "predator mode".
"I'm sorry," you sniffled, though you all knew you didn't really mean it. "Next time, I'll hide behind you instead."
"Oh, no, no, no, Shrimpy," Floyd glared at you. You could tell it wasn't directed at you specifically but it was still intimidating. "There's not going to be a next time."
"At least we can agree on that note, brother dearest," Jade mused, brushing a hair behind your ear. "We'll make sure no one will ever mess with you again, Y/N."
"What are you going to do?"
"Well, that's a secret," Jade put a finger to his lips and you could see the angry fire behind his eyes.
"You can hug me anytime you want though, Shrimpy!" Floyd chimed in cheerily. You laughed and leaned into his chest.
"Thank you so much. I don't know what I would've done with out you," you sighed and grabbed Jade's hand, tugging him into a group hug. "I love you. Both of you."
Jade wasn't usually particularly affection and Floyd didn't often practice restraint but both of them cared enough about you to just smother you in a brotherly hug, as long as it will make you happy.
Jade and Floyd made eye contact over your shoulder, making a silent agreement to break every bone in your bullies' bodies and make it look like an accident.
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bloodshedandbeasts · 2 years
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Far Cry 5 - Seed Brothers
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bloodshedandbeasts · 3 years
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John the Inquisitor ~ my entry for last summer’s Far Cry 5 Fanzine
I’m so grateful I could be a part of this! BIG thank you to everyone who supported the zine, to this fandom’s wonderful artists ily ❤️ and the amazing @leavenopathuntaken for making the zine come true!
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bloodshedandbeasts · 4 years
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I figure I should also doodle the other Seeds at some point. Please ignore my shitty handwriting.
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bloodshedandbeasts · 4 years
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will i ever get tired of drawing john? yes, probably, eventually
but not today :>
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bloodshedandbeasts · 4 years
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So, I was replaying FC5 for the 90 billionth time, as you do, and I noticed something that I feel like I must have seen in all the other ones but never gave much thought to. There’s like a collection of empty bird cages hanging from the ceiling of the church. I was curious as to why??? Like is this just an *aesthetic~* or if it has deeper meaning; spoiler alert, it’s probably both. 
Looking up mentions of birds and cages in the the bible; I came upon two verses that seem relevant. 
Revelations 18:2 
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. 
Jeremiah 5:27 
‘Like a cage full of birds, 
So their houses are full of deceit; 
Birds and the cages they’re kept in are often seen it seems as negative; (other than doves, because they’re special purity birds for some reason, don’t look at me I didn’t write the book) this is likely largely because birds and their feces can carry a lot of disease, they’re unclean, they’re hateful, they represent deceit, disease, sin, and nasty in these two verses. 
So, if a cage with birds is a house with deceit, a cage without them like the ones in Joseph’s church, would represent the house being without deceit. If the falling Babylon, meant to represent all the political corruption and sinfulness of a modern world, is like a cage housing those unclean birds then it shows our church being without them means we are without that corruption, that sin, without that disease.  It’s a decorative symbolic way for Joseph to be like; We’re pure and good, we have no birds, Kathleen. 
But, it also can be seen as a symbolic double edged sword. Because, yes, your cages are free of birds, deceit, and sin. But a cage is still cage, A trap is still a trap. A prison is still a prison.  it’s still a tool meant to confine and to control. Eden’s Gate is the cage, is the trap, is the prison, trying to claim it’s without sin, without deceit, without disease, all while trying to control you. Sometimes with literal cages, looking at you Jake N Bake
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bloodshedandbeasts · 4 years
How about some Jacob Meta and thoughts, cause it’s 4am and my brain just finally turned on. 
So, Far Cry 5 tends to have a sort of I guess Fatalistic approach to things. This idea that things always work out as they should, the end result is inevitable no matter what you do. Between this and a few lines Jacob has during his boss battle, I’ve seen it thought a lot that Jacob kind of knew the Deputy was gonna kill him and expected it. He talks about how he’s a tool, he’s served his purpose, so it’s time to die, so you trying to kill him is not like a big deal to him. But, I have a different theory. 
Keep reading
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bloodshedandbeasts · 4 years
As a side note… I am really annoyed by one thing about Star Trek.
“Replicated food is not as good as real food.”
That’s ridiculous.  In Star Trek, replicator technology is part of the same tech tree as transporters.  Replicated food would be identical to the food it was based on, down to the subatomic level. 
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bloodshedandbeasts · 4 years
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The Seed Brothers
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bloodshedandbeasts · 5 years
Wolves take care of their sick and elderly! They form bonds with each other on a personal level! Jacob! Your metaphor sucks! You're thinking of chickens! Chickens eat each other all the time if one ends up hurt! But I guess chickens aren't cool enough, are they, Jacob? Huh? Huh??
"Behold! A man!" [slams Jacob Seed on the table from his ankles like a dead chicken]
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bloodshedandbeasts · 5 years
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♛ the Family ♛
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bloodshedandbeasts · 5 years
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Hitman AU? Mafia AU? Lawyer AU? No idea but have some judging Seeds in more formal outfits. A Wip.
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bloodshedandbeasts · 5 years
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bloodshedandbeasts · 5 years
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A dumb thing I kind of regret drawing, I just wanted to practice my latin.
Based on a hc that due to a highly religious upbringing all seedlings know latin to some extent, but Faith doesn't so she becomes very confused now and then while bros bicker.
Jacob: A wolf doesn't bite a wolf.
John: You know nothing but wolves.
Jacob: Shut up!
Joseph: Please, don't argue...
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bloodshedandbeasts · 5 years
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The Power Of [Redbubble]
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