bloodlinesgirly · 4 days
ik yall ain’t excited for the tag team match but…i sure am
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bloodlinesgirly · 6 days
i see ppl say that daryl was only kept alive for fan service but idgaf IM the fan they’re servicing
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bloodlinesgirly · 8 days
roman reigns is so back and i can’t get enough
His show. His company.
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bloodlinesgirly · 8 days
basically i got a new job and all my free time has gone out the window😭 as soon as i figure some things out ill write again!! also birthday tmr🙌
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bloodlinesgirly · 11 days
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Im pregnant.
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bloodlinesgirly · 21 days
pls add kitten whisperer to my list of qualifications
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bloodlinesgirly · 22 days
Guilty Conscience 1
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Roman’s job is to protect people…but not like this, will lilith open the flood gates to her past and possibly destroy her own future? or will roman be the one to keep her from it?.
roman reigns x OC (lilith)
A/N: just something i wrote to get me out of this lil slump ive been in. this is my first AU so please bear with me!! i understand this might be hard to follow but i promise it will straighten out through the next few chapters! banner made by me also
word count: 1.7k
warnings: family trauma, violence, drug usuage, possible smut, restraints(ropes,blind folds), shadows to kidnapping, death
please let me know your thoughts!
“Get away from me!” Liliths screams broke through the silence of the dark home; it’s cold and empty, bare of any sense of love or family.
“You know you can’t stay here. Your father is getting suspicious." The tall man spoke, his grip searing into Lilith's bicep as he pulled her back.
“So let me go home.” She sobbed and thrashed against his grip, wincing at the bruises.
“You know I can’t do that either.” he growled. He pulled the strip of cloth that was once wrapped around his fingers around her eyes; the already dark room was now completely shadowless. This had been Lilith’s life for almost 5 years now. The day she turned 18, she was ripped from her home and her freedom; every couple months she would be met by the masked man who took her from one “hiding place” to another. The man never changed; he never gave out information and never allowed her to see him. She knew her father did things he wasn’t proud of, but he always protected her. So why was she taken from him?
-15 years ago-
“Lilly, you know your mother is a bad woman. She doesn’t care about you like I do, and she never will.” Levi spoke to his daughter softly. He muffled her cries with his shoulder. This has become a nightly occurrence, Lilith asking about her mother and why she was no longer allowed to speak to her.
“I don’t understand, Daddy." The 8-year-old whispered. Her eyes were bloodshot. Levi stroked the back of her head.
“You don’t need to. You just need to know that she's someone you don’t need. You have me; I'm the only one you need.” Lilith smiled a little as Levi hugged her tightly.
“Do you understand that, baby?” he whispered.
“I think so,” Lilith nodded.
“good. Now go to bed; I'll see you in the morning.” He ruffled her hair and left, closing Lilith's bedroom door. As soon as she heard the lock click, she rushed to her dresser. The baby pink drawers were littered with stickers and doodles she had made. The bottom drawer consisted of a letter from her mother filled with words she never got the chance to understand. Why is her dad keeping her mom away from her? Why did her mom tell her she’d always be protecting her if her dad says she’s the one she needs protection from? Liliths eyes filled with tears. She’s overwhelmed and confused. Everything has changed, and nothing feels normal.
-present day-
“Why are you still doing this?” Lilith's small frame was encased by the man’s larger one. His fingers worked diligently at tying her hands behind her back. Her cries sent shivers down his spine. His heart broke for the girl, but this was his job. He knew what he was signing up for when the offer approached him so many years ago. Roman has been a bodyguard for a long time. but never like this. sneaking a poor girl around the country, keeping her from the relationships he knew she needed and the information she cried for. He’s stayed strong for so long; the more time passes, the more guilt he faces and the more his heart shatters. He was protecting her from what was behind the closed doors of her broken family, and he knew that. But the door is cracking; he is cracking; it’s been 5 years of this. How much longer can he keep her from it? How long can he keep his identity sealed?
Roman took a deep breath to steady himself, adjusting the mask that sat upon his face.
“I’m trying to help you.” He spoke quietly.
“That’s what you always say. You’re not trying to help me; you ruined my life. You ruined me! Where’s my dad? He always protected me. What did you do to him?!” lilith screamed. Her voice echoed through the halls, and the hurt in her voice stained Roman’s mind. It’s something he would never be able to forget.
“I’m the one protecting you... whether you know it or not.” Roman never spoke to her much during these transports, afraid of letting her in, revealing too much. Throughout the years, he’s found himself connected to her in a way he never thought possible. Yes, it was his job to keep her safe. Keep her tucked away from the world in areas of his own safekeeping. But it’s more than that now; he’d do anything to keep her out of danger; he’d never forgive himself for putting her through all of this and then allowing the doors to open, exposing her to the tragedy, the lies, and most importantly, the pain that not only infected her past but slowly seeped into her future.
Lilith's mind raced as she felt herself hit the seats of the van. the same van she’s been familiar with for the last 5 years, she could describe every corner, every crack in the leather seats, to every paper that lay scattered on the floorboard. But when it came to the man driving, she knew almost nothing. not his face, his eye color, or even his name. But she knew the sound of his baritone voice, his stern tone, and the way every once in a while he almost sounded sorry. She knew the way he smelled as his arms wrapped around her thrashing body as he restrained her. She could sometimes even recognize his footsteps. Roman secured her to the seat and tightened her blindfold before walking around to the driver's seat. The leather squeaked with his weight. The van always smelt of evergreen; that never changed. Roman’s foot hit the petal, and they were off; the ride was silent. that never changed either.
Transport has become the only constant in Lilith's life. They always went the same; she was taken... She fought, she lost... She got in a car. drove for hours. welcome "home". “Home” only ever lasted for a few months, a small house tucked away, a bed, clothes she never got to enjoy out, and a stocked kitchen. Roman would come every once in a while to restock, but other than that, she was alone, locked in a place that held nothing but fear.
Lilith had lost track of how long they had been driving before the noise started. screeching metal, breaking the hours-long silence along with the rattling of the van. Her eyebrows furrowed and her breath picked up; her chest heaved as the noise grew louder. Lilith's wrists were red and raw from pulling at the rope that tied her; her yanking became frantic.
“stop that.” Roman said shortly. His mask was pulled up on his head now, and he ran his hand down his face, trying to figure out the noise. Finally, the car stalled. Roman pumped the gas and tried turning the key again. To no avail, the van wasn’t going to start.
“dammit!” His voice boomed. Lilith flinched as his fist hit the wheel. She heard the car door open and shut and knew Roman had stepped out. He walked around the truck to the hood, coughing a little due to the smoke that emitted from it. As he fumbled around the parts, Lilith still worked at the rope, rutting her head against the seat in an attempt to remove the blindfold. She had gotten it almost above her ears before she felt a hand steady her wrists and stop her.
“lilith.” Roman growled. He looked closely at her wrist; the rope was blistering. “You’re hurting yourself. stop." he spoke. Lilith didn’t respond; instead, she slumped down in her seat.
“We’re stuck for a while; might as well get comfortable.” Lilith gasped as he loosened the rope; Roman had never allowed her even the littlest bit of freedom on their drives.
“T-thanks,” Lilith spoke for the first time in hours. Her voice was gravelly and strained.
“Someone’s on their way to get us moving again.” While Roman was outside, he had made a call to one of the few people aware of these transports. For safety reasons, Roman was the only one to have contact with Lilith. No one else was allowed access to her whereabouts or even to her identification. Of course, some people were aware of the arrangement, but none of them knew anything more.
“You’ll sit in the trunk when he arrives... until then sit tight.”
The silence was heavy; the only thing that could be heard were the eratic sounds of Lilith's breaths contrasting with Roman’s calm ones.
“What’s your name?” Lilith questioned, her voice almost a whisper.
“I can’t tell you that.” roman sighed. Roman and Lilith had never been together this long before; he would make the drive, drop her off, and go wherever it was he went afterwards. never leaving time for curiosity and questions about himself. Lilith hesitated before responding.
“I hate you,” her voice quivered.
“I understand that.” Roman answered shortly. He was scared she would keep pushing. He knew he could only hold out for so long before he said too much.
“please.” As Lilith spoke, Roman watched a tear roll down her rose-tinted cheek. He stayed silent.
“It’s all I’m asking of you; you’ve taken everything from me, and you can't even give me that.” She raised her voice slightly. She was shaking; Roman could tell she was scared of him, scared of what he might do even though he’s never tried to punish her.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he grumbled. “I didn’t take anything from you. I don’t care what you think, but that wasn’t me.” Roman wished she could believe him... selfishly and unrealistically, he hoped one day she could understand. He could hear a car rumbling its way up the baron road they were stalled on. He began to tighten the ropes once again and move Lilith to the trunk, where she would stay until the car was running again.
“Roman,” he spoke. His breath caught in his throat as soon as the words left him, as if he couldn’t control it. “That’s my name.” he mumbled. All Lilith could do was nod. It’s taken 5 years, but maybe finally, she was slowly cracking through those doors on her own. She was going to free herself from all of this, no matter what it took.
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bloodlinesgirly · 23 days
i have literally no inspiration to write anything atm 😭 i’m working on it i swear
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bloodlinesgirly · 24 days
fire as always😍
Say it
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Roman Reigns x Remi (OC)
Warnings:18+, Smut
You can find my other stories here: Master List
Say it:
With a sharp thrust, Remi jabs a bottle of water into Joe's chest, the cool liquid sloshing inside. Her words cut through the air like daggers, "I will say this one more time: I do not work for you. I work for Paul." She huffs and turns to walk away, but he doesn't let her go.
"Come on, sweetheart. Don't be so uptight," Joe smirks as he takes a gulp of water and tosses the bottle back at her. Remi's jaw tightens, veins pulsating with anger. "I am not your sweetheart," she spits out fiercely. "Now leave me alone."
"Why are you always in such a…mood?" Joe asks, his tone laced with a hint of bitterness. But the amusement in his eyes only served to piss her off even more.  "Because I like it that way," she finally snaps, trying to pull away from his big hand that was wrapped around her elbow. Her eyes flash with rage as she yanks free from his grasp. "Don't touch me!" 
Joe laughs, clearly enjoying getting under her skin. "Relax, why don't you come out with us tonight? The guys and I know a great place for burgers."
"I have work to do," Remi growls.
A deep chuckle emanates from Joe chest, "Always working, huh? Sounds pretty boring. Don't you know how to have fun?
"At least I'm responsible," Remi retorts.
Joe raises an eyebrow, pointing his long finger at her, "You need to dial down the bitchy attitude before Paul hears about it."
“You threatening me, Joe?” Remi demands, her voice low and dangerous.
Joe's laughter fades as he steps closer to her, his eyes dark with something that could be interpreted as anger or… lust perhaps? 
"No, sweetheart, just reminding you of your place."
Remi takes a step back, her heart pounding in her chest. She had never been afraid of Joe before, but tonight, something felt different. As if the tension between them had finally reached its boiling point.
He'd been demanding since they'd arrived at the arena three hours ago. He needed certain food delivered to his locker room. Wanted her to run back and forth between alterations to have the sleeves of his hoodie cut off. Now he had demanded Fiji water, chilled, because Desani or whatever they had in mass wasn't good enough for his delicate palate. “And don't bring me any of that Prime bullshit either.”
Remi had reached the end of her rope. 
Later that evening, Remi sat alone at her hotel desk, typing furiously as she tried to catch up on work emails. Frustration and exhaustion weighing heavily on her shoulders as she shakes her head thinking about how much she and Joe had been at each others throats the entire day. She hated playing his damn babysitter when Paul was on vacation. They were only three days in and she couldn't wait for these next two weeks to be over. 
Her cell rings startling her but she hesitates for a moment before picking it up, unsure of who could be calling at this hour. 
"Hey Paul! How's your vacation going?"
There's a pause on the other end before Paul responds, his tone serious. "Great. Listen, I need you to do something for me."
Remi straightens in her chair, all attention now on the call. "Of course. What do you need me to do?" Remi asks, a sense of urgency creeping into her voice as she picks up her pen and grabs a notepad, ready to take notes.
“That package I had delivered to you, make sure Joe gets that tonight, please.”
Remi rolled her eyes and sighed, “Sure thing.” She reluctantly agreed.
She knocks softly on the door to Joe's room, waiting for a response, the box tucked neatly under her arm. The door opens to reveal Joe in a towel hanging low around his waist, dripping water onto the carpet. "Hey Remi," he says cheerfully as if nothing was wrong.  As if they hadn't been at arguing all damn day. 
"Paul wanted me to give you this," she says gruffly as she hands over the package.
"Thanks, sweetheart," he winks, unwrapping the package and revealing a bottle of scotch inside. His eyes light up at the sight. "Oh nice, Paul must be in a good mood." 
Remi shakes her head at him, "A fucking bottle of scotch? You've got to be kidding me..." she gripes and walks out the door, shaking her head as she walks back to her room, "Got me delivering a fuckin’ bottle of scotch in the middle of the goddamn night when I could be working…” she mumbles to herself as she swipes her keycard to unlock her door. 
As she steps into her room, Remi's frustration finally boils over. She can't keep bottling up her feelings towards Joe any longer. She slams the door shut and paces back and forth, her mind racing with all the pent-up resentment she has been harboring. And she was about ready to give him a piece of her damn mind! 
After a few moments, she storms back out of her room, frustration written all over her face as she marches down the hallway to Joe's room, knocking loudly.
"What is your problem?" Remi demands, her voice filled with anger as Joe opens the door, still holding the bottle of scotch, "You think you can just treat me like some…errand girl?”
He sets the bottle down on the small nightstand and stands in front of her, arms crossed. "What are you bitching about now?" he sighs, trying to keep his voice calm.
"You know exactly what I'm bitching about," Remi snaps back, her frustration boiling over. "Making me do your dirty work while you sit back and relax."
Joe's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he tries to understand Remi's anger. "I didn't ask Paul to send that package. He must have thought it was a nice gesture.” 
Probably for having to put up with Remi, but he leaves that part out. 
His words only fuel her anger further. "Don't play dumb with me, Joe. You know exactly what you're doing," she accuses, her voice trembling with emotion as she pokes her finger in his chest. “You've been riding my ass all fuckin’ day. Asking me to do trivial shit for you!”
The air crackles with tension as they stand face to face, locked in a battle of wills.  The moment stretches out for what feels like an eternity before Joe finally speaks. "I don't know what your problem is, Remi. Why don't you just tell me?"
She scoffs dramatically at his naivety. "I don't know if you're stupid or just oblivious."
His expression darkens with frustration. "Stop being such a brat and tell me what's wrong."
Remi crosses her arms defiantly, her chest heaving with anger. "You. You're my problem."
Joe raises an eyebrow in surprise. "Me? What did I do?"
She shakes her head at him, pinching the bridge of her nose, "You walk around here acting all high and mighty! Like your shit doesn't stink. Bossing me around… barking orders. I'm not your damn cousins, I don't jump when you say jump!”
Tension fills the air, thickening it with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. Joe takes a step closer to her, his eyes locked onto hers. Remi feels a flutter in her chest at the intensity of his gaze. "Is that what you're mad about? Me?" he asks softly.
Remi nods, her mouth dry. "Yes."
Joe takes another step closer to her, his warm breath whispering against her skin. "Why are you so pissed about me being… me?”
Remi's throat constricts with emotion as she tries to speak. "Because...because..." She trails off, unable to finish her sentence.
"Because what Remi?" Joe presses, his voice low and husky. He moves in even closer to her, grabbing her hips and pulling her into his body.  Remi gasps at the sudden contact, her hands coming up to rest on his chest.
"Because you drive me crazy," Remi whispers, her voice barely audible. "You make me so- angry sometimes. It's just the things you do…”
Joe's eyes darken with desire as he stares down at her. "What kind of things?" he asks, his voice hoarse with emotion. His hand slid up her arm and wrapped around her neck, his thumb stroking her jaw. "Tell me. I need to know."
Remi swallows hard as she tries to gather her thoughts. "You're just… just...," she stammers,  her voice losing its confidence.
Joe's smile is wicked as he leans in close to her, burying his nose in her hair. "Just what, baby?" he asks, his voice rumbling in her ear, “Say it.”
Remi's breath hitches as she tries to think of a valid response. "I...I...get so pissed," she stammers.
Joe chuckles, his hands sliding down her arms and around her waist. "That's not all," he says confidently. "Tell me what else.”
Remi shakes her head, her eyes downcast. "No."
Joe's grip on her hips tightens and one hand comes up to lift her chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes, "Yes."
Remi shakes her head again, her voice barely above a whisper. "I...I...get angry because I...want...want..." she trails off, her cheeks flushing red.
Joe's eyes light up with triumph because he knows exactly what she's not saying. "What?" his voice soft and encouraging. "Tell me what you want, Remi Miller.”
She swallows hard, her throat dry as she forces the words out. "I want...I want to kiss you," she whispers, her eyes flicking up to meet his.
Joe's smirk grows more wicked as he leans down towards her. "Is that all you wanna do?" he probes, "You don't wanna fuck me? Huh? You don't think about my dick being buried in your pussy, baby girl?"  he murmurs, his breath ghosting over her lips. “You don't touch yourself at night and moan my name when you cum?”
Remi nods, her cheeks flushing even redder. "Yes," she manages to whisper.
"Say it," Joe growls, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip. "Say it out loud."
Remi's hands fist in his hair, pulling him closer to her. "...I want to fuck you," she moans, head falling back as he kisses his way across her jawline. 
"Say it like you mean it then," Joe demands, his hands squeezing her ass so hard it lifts her up onto her toes. “Say you wanna fuck me.”
“I wanna fuck you," Remi gasps.
Joe smiles triumphantly before pressing his lips to hers. Remi's eyes flutter closed as she melts into the kiss, all her anger and frustration forgotten. 
"Take your clothes off."
Joe's hands slide down her thighs and lift her up, carrying her over to the bed. He drops her gently onto the mattress and kneels between her legs, his eye raking over naked body. “You been hidin’ all this from me? That's a shame."
Remi's heart pounds in her chest as she watches him push his sweatpants down. Her eyes widen as he wraps his hand around the back of her neck and pulls her towards him. Remi's hands come up to grab hold of his wrist as he pulls her in. Joe's eyes burn with desire as he kisses her again, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip. She moans softly into the kiss, her hips rolling against his.
"You want this?" he asks gruffly while his thumb makes slow, agonizing circles around her clit. Remi nods eagerly, her eyes never leaving his. "Mmm, I fuckin' hate you," she breathes as his slides two long fingers inside her.
“You don't hate the way I make you feel.” Joe smiles wickedly at her response before pulling her closer to him. 
Remi's breath hitches as she feels him pressed against her inner thigh. One hand slides up her leg and hooks underneath her knee, lifting her hips up and opening her up to him. "You can hate me or I can make you cum, your choice." He pulls back slightly, his eyes locked onto hers. "You sure this is what you want?" he asks again. 
Remi nods again, her heart pounding in her chest. Joe doesn't hesitate as he pushes forward and enters her in one swift motion. She groans loudly, eyes roll back into her head, her hands fisting in the sheets. Joe's hand around her throat tightens as he pulls back and thrusts into her again, his teeth nipping at her neck. Remi's hips roll against him, her nails digging into his back as she urges him to go faster. Joe grins down at her, his eyes blazing with lust. "You feel that? You feel my dick inside you? It's big, aint it? Hurts… fills you up. Stretches you out.”  he licks his lips, satisfied with himself, “That's what happens when you act like a little brat." 
Remi's eyes flash with anger at his words but before she can respond, he pulls back and thrusts forward again, hips slamming relentlessly into hers. She found it hard to breathe, every jolt made her breath catch in her throat. She was powerless to him. 
He was in her ear moaning, "Shit, this pussy tight."  Making her eyes flutter closed as he continues to thrust into her. She's so close to coming, but craved more. “Harder…please.” 
Joe's hand slides between her legs, fingers brushing over her clit, working in time with his thrusts.  Remi's eyes snap open as she gasps in pleasure, her nails digging deeper into his skin. "Joe," she moans softly. His grip around her throat tightens as he continues to pound into her, his fingers moving quicker over her clit. 
“Uggg, fuck.” Remi's breathing grows ragged as she feels her orgasm approach. "I'm gonna cum," she moans, her voice betraying itself again. Joe leans in sucking the soft skin of her neck, his teeth grazing it lightly. "Come on this dick," he growls. “Give it to me baby girl. All of it. Come undone.”
Remi's body arches off the bed at his words, her pussy clenching around him. His hand slides up her back and pulls her towards him as he fucks her harder, his breath hot against her neck. Remi's eyes roll back into her head as she moans loudly, her hands gripping his biceps. Just as she thinks she might cum again, Joe pulls out, "Get on your knees." he commands. She rolls over and he pushes back into her. Moving faster, his thrusts become more desperate causing Remi to moan louder in response. "I'm gonna fill your cunt up," he growls, his heavy hand smacking her ass. Remi whimpers, her pussy tightening around him. "You want that? You want me to fill you up?" he asks gruffly. Remi nods, her eyes wide, unable to speak. Joe smiles wickedly before grabbing a fist full of her long hair. "Nah, I don't think I'm ready. You haven't learned your lesson yet."
He pulls out, pushing her onto her stomach, making her whine, her hands reaching out to him. Joe smirks and wraps her hair around his hand again and pulls back, forcing her to arch her back, her eyes fluttering closed as he gets on his knees in front of her, "Suck my dick." he says gruffly. Remi nods, her breath hitching. Joe slaps her ass, causing her to cry out. "Now," he growls, rubbing the head across her lips.
Remi gasps for breath, her cheeks flushing red as she opens her mouth and sucks him into her, tasting herself. Making him groan loudly as she licks the length of his shaft before swallowing him whole. He fucks her mouth slowly at first, his hand still wrapped around her hair. Remi whines softly around him, her eyes watering.
Joe's face is the picture of concentration, brows knitted tightly together, bottom lip tucked between his teeth, his eyes trained her lips, "I knew you were a dirty little slut," he says, his hand tightening around her hair. “You just needed daddy to make you cum, didn't you? Make that pussy feel better.” 
Remi moans, her hips rolling against the bed, aching for him to be inside her. Joe's thrusts become more frantic, "Always them uptight ones," he grunts, his voice hoarse.  "Mmm, goddamn." he growls, his voice echoing through the room.
Remi gags, tears streaming down her cheeks. His thumb sweeps across her cheek, wiping them away. “Don't cry now. You asked for this. Fuck, Remi” he groans loudly, throwing his head back as he cums, filling her mouth, “Swallow it.”
“Mmm, good girl.” Joe pats her cheek and gives her a wink as he pulls out then leans down to kiss her softly on the lips. "You can't be mad at me now," he tells her, his thumb rubbing over her swollen lips. 
Remi's eyes flicker up in defiance to meet his. "Thought you were gonna fill my cunt up?"  she chides, her voice hoarse. Joe looks down at her before leaning forward, “I'm not done with you." 
"Open that scotch." Remi nods her head toward the bottle and sits up in bed.  He eyes her as he opens the bottle, handing it to her. She takes a long swig, coughing as the liquid burns her throat. Joe pulls her between his legs and lays back against the headboard.
They lay there for a moment in comfortable silence, Joe raking his long fingers through her hair before he finally speaks. "What happened?" he asks, gathering her hair up in a makeshift ponytail on top of her head. 
Remi raises an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean?"
Joe shrugs. "I mean...I've never seen you like that before." 
She sighs, "Like what?"
"Like you wanna rip my fuckin' head off."   
She snorts, "I wanted to." she says, her voice low, "I just...I'm stressed." she shrugs, looking down at her hands resting on his chest. 
Joe's hand wraps around her wrist, pulling it up to his mouth to kiss her palm, "You should tell Paul you need a break," he says softly, trailing little, wet kisses along her forearm . 
Remi nods in agreement, "Yeah...I should.”
But then I wouldn't see you. 
Joe's other hand cups her chin, tilting her head back towards him. They kiss again softly, their lips barely brushing against each other's. "Stay the night?" he asks. 
Remi nods. 
They stay like that for a moment before she finally speaks. "What happened to you?" He looks down at her questioningly. "What do you mean?"
"You're different," Remi says softly, her finger tracing the intricate lines on his chest. Joe raises an eyebrow at her. "Different how?" 
She shrugs again, her hand running up and down his arm as her face rests on his stomach. "When we first met you were so... kind." 
He looks up at the ceiling, taking a swig of the scotch and sighs, "That was a long time ago, sweetheart." 
"It wasn't that long ago."  She reaches over and grabs the bottle from him. "What changed?" she presses him for an answer.
Joe exhales, running his hands through his messy hair. "I don't know. A cliché' as it sounds, it's lonely at the top."
Remi nods, understanding, taking another long swig from the bottle as she sits up, straddling him, eliciting a soft grunt from deep in his throat. 
"I get that" She leans forward, her lips pecking at his jaw. "I'm here for you," she says softly between each kiss, "If you ever wanna talk."
“You sure you don't like fighting with me more than talking?” A warm smile spreads across his face as he grabs at her lips with his. They linger in the moment for a few heartbeats before Remi asks, "Hey, do you wanna have breakfast together in the morning?" 
He lets out a small chuckle, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "You wanna spend all your time with me? Thought you hated me.” 
She can feel the blush creeping up her cheeks as she shrugs, unsure of how to answer. Joe leans in and kisses her again, his teeth playfully tugging on her bottom lip. "Yeah, breakfast sounds good. If I'm not full on you by then." 
His fingertips run softly up and down her back, "I'm sorry.”
Remi raises an eyebrow in curiosity. "For?"
Joe shrugs, his expression serious. "For being an asshole.”
A smirk tugs at her lips as she shakes her head. "You're not an asshole. You're just...difficult."
"You like that about me," he declares. “You like that I challenge you.”
Rolling her eyes, she can't help but laugh. "Yeah, I guess I do." 
Joe leans down and presses his lips against her temple, "Now that we got that cleared up," he whispers against her skin, his breath tickling her neck. She wraps her arms around him, pulling him closer. "I love that about you," she whispers back, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. 
She studies his face, the slope of his nose, the tiny little freckles scattered across his cheeks and she feels happy. Happy for the first time in a long time. 
Tag Squad: @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @jstarr86 @vibessonvibes @harmshake @stardust181 @iluvthebloodline @alyyaanna @claymorexpunisher @pusiqw @siriuslyblackonback @raya-hunter01 @theninthwonder @crxssjae @iguessilikewrestlingnow @sassginaswanmills @visionarymode @bebesobrielo @wrestlingprincess80 @lizzyd1ish @ilovericexx @empressdede @mocooper98 @brie-mode-activated @msbigredmachine @whatdoeseverybodywant @sparxx27 @mzv11 @mith-gifs-wrestling @thetribalqueen @charmed1990 @joannasteez @headoftheetable @sayyestoheav3nn @nicolewoo @jaded-human @mysticreigns-deactivated2024082 @jimingotthajams @fearlesschimera @cutttteeee @trippinsorrows @amandairene88 @justazzi @trentybenty
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bloodlinesgirly · 24 days
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It's my 2 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
can’t believe it took me this long to start posting😭
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bloodlinesgirly · 27 days
i miss jimmy uso.
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bloodlinesgirly · 29 days
yall don’t love him the way i love him😪
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Suddenly I’m a cigarette
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bloodlinesgirly · 30 days
i will never be ashamed to admit how FINE austin theory is, the lack of fics for him is criminal.
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bloodlinesgirly · 30 days
i don’t have any specific ideas but i’d like to dive a little bit deeper into storytelling and longer fics that really force me to take my time rather than just rushing to get something out…i will def be thinking and trying to come up with some ideas for a series soon! (request are always welcome and feedback is always appreciated😚)
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bloodlinesgirly · 1 month
leah’s face while andrea talked abt the rob situation KILLED ME😭
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bloodlinesgirly · 1 month
Memento Mori Part 5
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Roman Reigns x Lucia (OC)
Warnings: 18+, mentions of violence, drugs, gangs, abuse.
This story is AU
Work Count: 4k
**If you have asked me to tag you and I haven't yet, please shoot me a message and I will add you!**
You can find my other stories here: Master List
Catch up here: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Part 5
Roman's eyes widened in surprise, his body tensing at Lucia's sudden declaration. "Mexico? Lucia, that's too dangerous. The cartel, your husband - they'll be looking for you."
Lucia shook her head, a fierce determination burning in her eyes. "I know. But I can't keep running forever, Roman. I need to face this head-on."
"And do what exactly?" Roman asked, his voice tinged with worry. "You're safe here. Going back puts you at a huge risk."
"I need to get my children," Lucia stated firmly, her voice unwavering. "They're all I have left in this world. I can't leave them there forever. "
Roman ran a hand over his face, his mind racing with the implications of Lucia's plan. He understood her desperation, the primal need to protect her children at all costs. But the logical part of him knew the dangers that awaited them south of the border.
"Lucia, I get it, I do. But going back now, without a solid plan… it's suicide. The cartel has eyes and ears everywhere. They'll be expecting you to come for your kids. And you'll lead them right to them."
Lucia's shoulders slumped, the weight of reality crashing down on her. Tears welled in her eyes as she whispered, "I can't abandon them. Not again. What kind of mother does that make me?"
Roman's heart clenched at the anguish in her voice. He reached out, gently taking her hand in his. "It makes you a mother who loves her children enough to do whatever it takes to keep them safe," Roman said softly, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of her hand. "Even if that means being apart from them for a little while longer."
Lucia's lips trembled as she fought back a sob. Deep down, she knew he was right. Rushing back to Mexico unprepared would only put her and her children in greater danger. But the ache in her heart, the desperate longing to hold her babies again, threatened to consume her.
"I just… I feel so helpless," Lucia confessed, her voice cracking. "Every day I'm away from them, I wonder if they think I've forgotten them, if they've stopped waiting for me to come back…"
"Hey, look at me," Roman said gently, tilting her chin up to meet his steady gaze. "Your children know you love them. They know their mama is a fighter, that she would move heaven and earth to be with them again. And we're going to make that happen, Lucia. I promise you. But we have to be smart about this."
Lucia took a shuddering breath, drawing strength from the conviction in Roman's words. She knew he was right. Rushing in blindly would only end in disaster. They needed to be strategic to outmaneuver the cartel at every turn. She nodded slowly, wiping away the tears that had escaped down her cheeks. "Yeah," she whispered. "Okay. We'll do it your way."
Roman gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before releasing it. "We'll get your children back, Lucia. But first, we need more information. I need to know where they're being held, what kind of security measures are in place."
Her mind raced, she knew that giving up her children’s whereabouts would be putting them in danger, but the time had come and she knew that she had no choice. She wrung her hands nervously, steeling herself for what she was about to reveal. "They're with a nurse that I met at the hospital, Rosita Aguilar. She took them back to her hometown, close to the Texas border, it's a town called Reynosa.
Roman nodded, his expression serious as he absorbed the information. "Do you trust her? Rosita?"
Lucia hesitated for a moment before answering. "I do," she admitted. "She's always been kind to me and the children. She was the only friend I had. I- I wasn’t allowed to go many places, so our interactions were limited. But she saw the bruises, the broken bones. She knew something was wrong."
Roman listened intently, his brow furrowed at her words. "And you're certain she took the children to Reynosa?"
Lucia nodded, her voice trembling slightly as she replied, "Yes. She said she had family there, that they could blend in and disappear.”
Roman paced the room, his mind racing with the new information. Reynosa was a border town known for its volatile mix of cartel activity and desperate migrants seeking passage into the United States. The perfect place to hide two young children from a vengeful rival cartel boss. But also a dangerous place for an outsider to go poking around.
"Alright," Roman said finally, turning to face Lucia. "We have a starting point. But we can't just go charging in there guns blazing. We need to be smart about this."
Lucia nodded, anxiety and hope warring in her eyes. "What do you suggest?"
"I know someone who might have some contacts, people who might be able to get us information on the ground in Reynosa without raising suspicion," Roman explained. "We'll start there, see what we can find out about Rosita and where she might be keeping the kids."
Lucia nodded, drawing strength from Roman's unwavering resolve. She knew the road ahead would be fraught with danger, "Thank you," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I know I'm asking a lot of you, of all of you.”
Joe offered her a small smile, “You didn’t ask. I just kinda pushed it on you. And I apologize for that.”
“We have a safe word. The girls and I… should anyone come looking for them, that's not me. It's lucky charm. I always tell them they're my lucky charm...”
Roman gives her a small smile, “Got it. Lucky charm.”
Lucia felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. In the short time she had known Roman, he had proven himself to be a man of honor, someone she could trust with her life - and the lives of her children.
"I don't know how I'll ever repay you for this," she said softly, her voice trembling with emotion.
Roman placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, his touch grounding her. "Let's focus on getting your kids back first. We can worry about the rest later."
Lucia nodded, taking a deep breath to steady herself. She knew the path ahead would be fraught with danger and uncertainty. But for the first time since she had fled Mexico Lucia felt a flicker of hope ignite within her at Roman's steadfast determination. She knew that with him and his cousins by her side, she stood a fighting chance of being reunited with her precious children.
Over the next few days, Roman worked tirelessly to gather intel through his network of contacts. Jey reached out to his sources in the DEA, while Jimmy tapped into his connections with local law enforcement near the border. Piece by piece, they began to assemble a clearer picture of the situation on the ground.
“Thank you for taking me shopping, Jey.” Lucia smiled gratefully. He had taken her to a small thrift store on the outskirts of town, helping her find clothing since she essentially had none.
"Of course," Jey replied, grinning at her warmly. “Roman was going to but I needed to get outta that house. Feels like it’s suffocating me.” He closed the trunk of the SUV with a soft thud and turned to face her, his eyes serious.  “I wanted to talk to you about something.”
Lucia nodded curiously. "What is it?"
Jey shifted on his feet, looking uncomfortable. "I just wanted to say how sorry I am," he said quietly. "I know you're not like your husband. I know you were a victim of his."
Lucia's heart swelled at Jey's heartfelt apology. She knew that he had struggled to see her as anything other than the wife of a notorious cartel leader, and she didn't blame him. It was natural for him to harbor prejudices and biases.
"I appreciate that," Lucia said softly.  "But I don't expect you to apologize. It's understandable, considering the circumstances."
Jey shook his head, a hint of guilt still coloring his expression. "Nah, I should've known better. I should've seen that you were different from the very beginning. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions about you."
Lucia's heart ached for him, knowing the pain and scars that he carried. She reached out, placing a hand on his arm. "I forgive you, Jey. You had every right to be wary of me.”
She looked to Jey and saw his gaze narrowed on the car. "Who is it?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.
Jey's gaze softened, a small smile touching his lips. "Thanks, Lucia. That means a lot.”
When they returned to the house, Lucia noticed an SUV sitting in the driveway. Her heart began to race,
"It's Paul Heyman," Jey murmured, "Paul owes Roman a huge favor. Roman did some work for him a while back, and Paul owes him his life."
A memory flashed in her mind, the sight of him standing in the doorway of her childhood home, shaking her father's hand, their voices hushed and urgent. 
Lucia's heart raced as she watched the man emerge from the driver’s seat. He was older, his balding head gleaming in the sunlight, his chubby body encased in a perfectly tailored suit. He looked every bit out of place on the island. 
She had seen the man before... somewhere.
She was fourteen years old, sitting on the couch in the next room, pretending to read a book as the two men spoke. Her father's voice was low and urgent, his hands gesturing wildly as he spoke. The other man's voice was smooth and calm, but Lucia could hear the edge of steel in his tone.
"I'm not sure I can help you," the man said slowly, his eyes roving around the room, taking in the opulent decorations and expensive artwork. "I can't just hand over money without collateral, Mr. Mariano."
Lucia's father ran a hand over his face, his agitation growing by the minute. "I'll give you whatever you want, Mr. Heyman," he promised. "I just need a loan to cover my expenses.  I have a deal with Edgar Reyes. I just need the money to seal the deal, and then I'll have it back tenfold."
The man raised an eyebrow, a look of amusement on his face. "Edgar Reyes? That's quite a risk you're taking, Mr. Mariano. Are you sure you can handle the pressure?"
Lucia's father's face reddened, his mouth twisting in a sneer. "Of course, I can," he snapped. "I've been doing business with him for years."
"Very well," the man said slowly. "I'll give you the money, but again, I want collateral."
Lucia's father nodded eagerly, his eyes darting around the room. "Anything," he said . "Take anything you want."
Mr. Heyman pursed his lips, "Do you own property? 
Lucia's father hesitated for a moment before responding. "I own an old family villa in Italy," he admitted. "It's not much, but it's worth something."
Mr. Heyman nodded, a calculating look on his face. "Very well," he said. "The villa it is."
Lucia's father nodded, relief washing over him. "Thank you," he breathed, eagerly shaking the other man's hand. "I won't forget this."
Mr. Heyman smiled, his teeth glinting in the light. "I'm sure you won't," he said.
Lucia blinked, the memory fading into the present as she watched Mr. Heyman approach. He looked up and his eyes met hers, a look of shock crossing his features. Lucia felt her heart clench at the sight of him, her skin crawling with unease. She knew that he was a dangerous man, one who had dealt in blood and sweat for years.
"Have we met young lady?" he said softly, a note of recognition in his voice.
Lucia shook her head, her tongue sticking to the roof of her mouth, unable to form words. She felt Jey's hands on her waist,  his touch reassuring as he moved to stand between her and Mr. Heyman.
"Doubt it," Jey said curtly.  "Lucia, go inside. Paul, come with me, I'll take you to Roman,"
Lucia hesitated for a moment, her eyes fixed on Mr. Heyman before she nodded and moved to obey. She could hear the murmur of voices behind her as she walked up the steps, her heart racing in her chest. She knew that Mr. Heyman's presence was a bad omen, a sign that their plan was about to get a lot more complicated. And she had a sinking feeling that it would be her that would bear the brunt of it.
When Lucia walked inside, she found Roman sitting in the kitchen, his face stern as he listened to Jimmy ramble on and on. Roman's expression softened when he saw her. "Lucia," Roman said softly, his voice breaking her from her thoughts. "Would you excuse us while I speak with Paul."
Lucia nodded, her heart heavy in her chest . She left them alone and went to her room. She lay down on the bed, her eyes drifting shut as she tried to block out the sound of their voices. She knew that whatever Roman was planning, it wouldn't be easy. 
A few hours later, she heard the front door close, and Jey and Roman's voices muffled in conversation. She knew they were talking about her, about what was going to happen next. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. Whatever it was, she knew she had no choice but to see it through.
Roman's heavy footsteps could be heard coming down the hall, and the door creaked open. "Lucia," Roman said softly, his eyes searching hers. "We have a plan."
Lucia swallowed hard, her throat dry as she nodded. "Okay." She whispered. "Tell me." Roman hesitated for a moment, his hand running over his face before he spoke. "Paul has a contact in Mexico, someone who can help us get the children." Lucia's eyes widened, hope leaping in her chest. "Really?" She said. "Oh god, that’s amazing." She threw her arms around him. "Thank you." 
Roman stiffened for a moment, then slowly his arms came up to circle around her. "Don't thank me yet," he said gruffly. "We have a lot of work ahead of us."
Lucia nodded, her face pressed into the crook of his neck. "I know," she said softly. Roman's arms wrapped around her, his lips brushing against her hair. "I have a good feeling about this." he promised.
Lucia's heart swelled with emotion, her chest filling with a warmth that she hadn't felt in years. She knew that Roman meant it, that he would do everything in  his power to bring her children home. She felt safe with him, protected and cared for in a way she hadn't been since she was a child.
"Thank you," she whispered again. "For everything."
Roman's arms tightened around her, holding her close as he said, "I just need you to trust me." 
And she knew that no matter what happened next, she would always be grateful to him for that. Roman felt her press into him deeper, her body warm against his. He hadn't expected her to hug him, hadn't expected to feel this sense of calm and rightness that settled over him when her arms came around him. He felt like he was holding onto a lifeline, onto a piece of himself that he hadn't realized was missing. And he knew he would do anything to keep it. He would do anything to make sure Lucia was safe. She was under his protection now. And he would do anything to keep it that way. 
He looked down at her face, her eyes closed and her lips parted. His hand cupped her jaw, tilting her face upwards. His thumb rubbed against her cheek as he looked into her eyes, a silent understanding between them. He was going to kiss her. He lowered his head, their lips almost touching, but he couldn't. Not yet. Not when she was vulnerable. It would be wrong to take advantage of her at this moment.  So he stepped back, swallowing hard. He had no right to kiss her. She was in his protection, and he was not going to betray that trust. Not even for this. She was under his care and he would keep it that way. He needed to be more careful in the future. He needed to be a man of honor. And that meant keeping his hands to himself. Even when he wanted so desperately to touch her. He had to keep his head on straight...to focus on getting her children back and nothing else.
Roman closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He needed to stop thinking about her this way and needed to focus. But it was so hard when she looked so beautiful, so vulnerable, so soft. He couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to take her in his arms, to hold her against him, to make love to her…
He took a deep breath and shook his head. No. No, he couldn't think about that now. He couldn't afford to lose focus. He needed to concentrate on the task at hand. He needed to get her children back. And he would. No matter what it took. 
"I- I'm going to be flying out with Paul tonight." he informed her, stepping closer to the door, needing some distance to get his head together.  "He'll get us the information we need, and then I'll go to Reynosa alone to get the children."
"I'm sorry," he said softly, his expression apologetic. "I have to go in alone. I...I work better alone."
Lucia felt her heart plummet at his words, panic and fear rising up within her. She hadn't expected him to leave her here, not after everything that had happened. She suddenly felt lost and alone, abandoned in a strange country with no one to protect her.
"Alone?" She whispered, her voice trembling. "Why alone?"
Lucia felt her heart crack at his words, tears welling up in her eyes. But she nodded, understanding that Roman had his own way of doing things.
Lucia nodded, her heart heavy with emotion. She knew that she had to trust him. She had no other choice. But as she watched him turn and leave the room, she couldn't help but feel a sense of loss, a sense that a part of her had just walked out the door. 
He stepped closer to him, drawn back by some invisible force. "The twins will be here with you."  He added, his hand reaching out but dropping as he got close. "I don't know when I'll be back. But I will be back." he assured her, his voice firm with conviction.
When Paul returned to pick Roman up that night, Roman was waiting for him on the curb, his duffel bag slung over his shoulder. Paul gave him a curt nod of acknowledgement as he tossed his bag into the backseat. They didn't talk until they were on their way down the highway.
"I had dealings with Lucia's father in the past." Paul said finally.
Roman glanced over at him, surprised by the information. "When?"
Paul nodded. "About sixteen years ago. He came to me for a loan."
Roman frowned. "For?" He asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
"Needed a loan for some business he had with the Reyes Cartel," Paul replied, "But he promised me his old family villa in Italy as collateral."
Roman raised an eyebrow. "Did you ever get the villa?" he asked.
Paul snorted. "No," he said, "He didn't pay back the loan. I let Reyes handle it." 
Roman could feel the rage boiling inside of him and was quiet for a moment before responding. "And Lucia was involved in this deal?"
Paul glanced over at him. "What are you saying, Roman?"
"You know exactly what I'm saying Paul." Roman said through gritted teeth, his voice hard as steel. "Was Lucia part of the deal with her father?"
Roman nodded, his grip on the door handle tightening as he thought about Lucia. "You know her father's deal with Reyes in why were in this situation. She was the collateral in that deal."  He informed Paul.
Paul was silent for a moment before nodding. "No. She was just a child"  he said, "I would never involve children in my business. You know that."
Paul's eyes narrowed on him. "You're telling me Lucia was sold to Edgar Reyes as payment for that debt?"
Roman nodded. "That's exactly what I'm saying."
Paul muttered something under his breath, shaking his head. "I knew Mariano was a piece of shit, but I had no idea he would stoop that low. What kind of man sells his own daughter to a monster like Edgar Reyes?" He ran a shaky hand over his sweaty forehead, he couldn't help but feel like he might be partly to blame.
Roman sighed, "Lucia was just a child, Paul."  He paused before adding, "I'm gon' make things right."
Paul nodded, his voice filled with determination. "I'll help you. Whatever you need."
Roman nodded. "You damn right you will"  He paused before continuing, "I've got a bad feeling about this..."
Paul glanced at him. "About what?" 
"I don't know." Roman admitted, "But I just feel like we're walking into something we can't control."
Paul shrugged. "We'll handle it when it happens."  He said. "In the meantime, we have a job to do."
But for now, he pushed the feeling aside and focused on the task at hand. They were here to get Lucia's children. And he would do it no matter what. He would fight to the death for her children. For her.  And for himself.  Because he knew that she couldn't live without them. Not now. Not after everything she'd been through. 
Roman nodded.  He knew that they had a mission to complete. And he would do it no matter what. But he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Something was wrong.  Something that could put them all in danger. And he knew that he couldn't let that happen.  Not when Lucia was involved.  He would do everything in his power to make sure she was safe. To make sure her children were safe.  And that meant he had to be hyper vigilant. Because if anything happened to her, if anyone tried to harm her or the children, he would make sure they paid.
With their life. 
The drive to the airfield took less than thirty minutes, and soon they were airborne. The jet took off with a loud roar, soaring over the landscape of Samoa. Roman leaned back in his seat, his eyes fixed on the horizon. He knew that this trip would be dangerous. He knew that there would be a fight to be had. But he was prepared for it. He had his gun, his knife, and his wits. And that was all he needed.
He closed his eyes, letting out a long held breath. Sometimes he questioned himself, why was he doing this? Why did he care so much for a woman he barely knew? But his younger brother's face flashed through his mind and he knew exactly why. 
After Mateo's death, Roman had returned to the US and found himself unable to live a normal life. He was haunted by memories of war, by the sound of gunfire, the screams of the wounded, the smell of smoke and blood. He couldn't sleep at night, couldn't concentrate during the day.  He was lost and alone and he didn't know what to do with himself. It was then that he had met his mentor. A former Green Beret turned Bounty Hunter who had taken Roman under his wing.  Taught him how to channel his anger into something productive. How to live again. 
Roman grew up in San Francisco, the oldest of five children to Samoan immigrant parents.  He was a big kid, with a big heart. Always looking out for his younger siblings. His mother had always told him to do what was right, to help others in need. And he listened to her. Even when his younger brother Mateo had joined a gang when Roman went into the Marines. 
He tried to get him out.  To pull him away from that life. But it was too late.  Mateo had gotten in too deep. He had started running drugs for them and there was no way out for him. Roman tried everything to get him away from them.  But they didn't take kindly to desertion. So they took Mateo away from him. They killed him. Left his body on the sidewalk in front of their parent's home.  His lifeless eyes staring into nothing. And Roman had blamed himself. He should've done more to save him. He should've stayed with him. He shouldn't have gone off to fight a war that wasn't his to fight. But he had. And now his brother was dead because of it.
Roman's life was one of service. First to his family. Then to his country. Now to those who needed him. He had a purpose again. And he was determined to see it through. 
No matter what.
To be continued...
Tag Squad: @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @jstarr86 @vibessonvibes @harmshake @stardust181 @iluvthebloodline @alyyaanna @claymorexpunisher @pusiqw @siriuslyblackonback @raya-hunter01 @wooahmiri @theninthwonder @crxssjae @iguessilikewrestlingnow @sassginaswanmills @visionarymode @bebesobrielo @wrestlingprincess80 @lizzyd1ish @ilovericexx @empressdede @mocooper98 @brie-mode-activated @msbigredmachine @whatdoeseverybodywant @sparxx27 @mzv11 @mith-gifs-wrestling @thetribalqueen @charmed1990 @joannasteez @headoftheetable @sayyestoheav3nn @nicolewoo @jaded-human @mysticreigns @jimingotthajams @fearlesschimera @cutttteeee @trippinsorrows @amandairene88 @justazzi
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bloodlinesgirly · 1 month
the day he stops acting like this is the day i die
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