bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
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semi hiatus until the 18th. as you’ve probably all noticed, my activity has dropped. part of this is from running other blogs, but it’s also bc i have finals. unfortunately my last final isn’t until the 18th.
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
Humans typically loved receiving flowers on their dates. Moby wasn’t human, though. Instead she favored shiny objects, jewels especially, and other small trinkets she could add to her hidden collection. This collection included a few skulls belonging to some of her first kills which she’d later had jeweled and hoped would one day make a dazzling display in her own home.
Seeing the odd skull, Moby stepped over quickly and hoisted the great token into her grasp, throwing the cord around her neck as if it were a bloody boa. However the means Yin’ tekai used to kill it, the bones were in tact and suffered no damage. He seemed to have made sure of that. Pleased, the shape shifter hummed and stepped even closer to the kneeling Yautja. She touched her forehead to his, the tip of her nose grazing over his snout as she nuzzled him. His offering was well received! She even smiled. “Thank you, Yin’ tekai. You weren’t hurt trying to get this for me, were you? Let me tend to your wounds.”
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Pure pride swelled in his chest as she took the skull from him. He trilled happily at her acceptance. Such a strong reaction was not heard of among female yautja, as even their acknowledgement was enough for celebration. And there she was, nuzzling against him with affection he hadn’t felt since he was a small pup. 
Scar shook his head. No, he hadn’t been injured. Though the beast was strong, it was not very intelligent. And besides, he wouldn’t dare let her tend to his wounds. They weren’t her responsibility and he wouldn’t be so rude as to ever ask that of her. It would have been an insult.
With hesitant fingers, he brushed back a few locks. Moby’s hair had always interested him, as it was much softer, yet stringier, than his own. A deep purr rumbled in his chest as he gently tapped his forehead against hers.
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
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It was true, she would more than likely die here with the rest of her species. But that wasn’t his concern. And besides, it would be too dangerous to bring her back. Even Scar would have to be quarantined for a time before he would be accepted back by his brothers. That is, if he was lucky enough to not have carried the pathogen with him. 
“You sick. Must stay,” he explained. He touched his chest. “Tell others. Planet danger.”
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❝ I’ll die here. ❞ Comment spoken out of honest fact. She was certain that her life had been lengthened significantly with being in Scar’s presence. If it hadn’t been for him, she would have died in those woods surrounded by the horde he had taken out, and it had seemed so long ago. Now that she’d come to rely on him, she felt at a loss at the idea of having to say good bye should he have to leave. ❝ Do you have to leave? ❞
( @bloodedhunter // continued .
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
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plotting call to help spark muse!!
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
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Alien Versus Predator
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
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Predator by Lu-jiahui LjH
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
❛ There’s only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk… Which is water that’s lying about being milk. ❜
xx // accepting
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Skim milk? Scar didn’t understand. “Why would you drink milk?” She wasn’t a pup so what would be the purpose of drinking milk?
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
A Ron Swanson™ sentence meme.
Because we all need to appreciate our lord and savior, Ron Swanson.
❛ Is Star Wars the one with the little wizard boy? ❜
❛ I’m just gonna stay angry. I find that relaxes me. ❜
❛ I can’t go, because I don’t want to. ❜
❛ You take me nowhere, and I talk to no one. ❜
❛ If any of you need anything, too bad. ❜
❛ I’m not sure I’m interested in that. ❜
❛ No, I am sure. I’m not interested in that. ❜
❛ I like saying no. ❜
❛ I hate everything. ❜
❛ I love nothing! ❜
❛ I regret nothing. ❜
❛ I regret everything. ❜
❛ People are idiots. ❜
❛ Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing. ❜
❛ Normally, if given a choice between something and nothing, I’d choose to do nothing. ❜
❛ I don’t want to seem overdramatic, but I really don’t care what happens here. ❜
❛ Keep your tears in your eyes where they belong. ❜
❛ Dear frozen yogurt, you are the celery of desserts. Be ice cream or be nothing. Zero stars. ❜
❛ Fishing relaxes me. It’s like yoga, except I still get to kill something. ❜
❛ I’m usually not one for speeches, so goodbye. ❜
❛ No. ❜
❛ What’s “cholesterol” ? ❜
❛ Your house isn’t haunted, you’re lonely. ❜
❛ I’m not interested in caring about people. ❜
❛ Strippers do nothing for me. But I’ll take a free breakfast buffet anytime, anyplace. ❜
❛ Birthdays were invented by Hallmart to sell cards. ❜
❛ You had me at meat tornado. ❜
❛ I like saying ‘no’. It lowers their enthusiasm. ❜
❛ [Son/daughter], people can see you! ❜
❛ Please do not approach me on the street after this event, and attempt to talk to me. ❜
❛ It’s called ‘the ground’ when it’s outside. ❜
❛ There’s no wrong way to consume alcohol. ❜
❛ Creativity is for people with glasses who like to lie. ❜
❛ I don’t like loud noises, and people making a fuss. ❜
❛ There’s only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk… Which is water that’s lying about being milk. ❜
❛ I know what I’m about, son. ❜
❛ I think there should be less talking in life. ❜
❛ Breakfast food can serve many purposes. ❜
❛ When I eat, it’s the food that is scared. ❜
❛ I was born ready. I’m [name] fucking [name]! ❜
❛ Not to worry, I have a permit. ❜
❛ I would rather bleed out than sit here and talk about my feelings for 10 hours! ❜
❛ Crying. Acceptable at funerals and the Grand Canyon. ❜
❛ When people get too chummy with me, I like to call them by the wrong name, to let them know I really don’t care about them. ❜
❛ I’m not a sore loser! It’s just that I prefer to win, and when I don’t, I get furious. ❜
❛ I wouldn’t say we’re close. ❜
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
"Are you going to abandon me when you go back home?"
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Scar couldn’t bring her with him. Humans weren’t welcomed in their society unless they were able to prove themselves. And despite her strong will, he very much doubted she could survive the trial that had killed many of his brothers. “Stay. Or test. Can’t pass.”
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
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do u ever see a blog so wtf that u can’t recover
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
xx // @shapeshiftiing
Scar had no idea what sort of customs Moby’s species had when it came to impressing a mate. For Yautja, it was dominantly fighting one another over a female. To even be considered an opponent, however, offerings had to be made. That was why Scar had brought her a fresh skull, the spinal cord still attached. The beast had large fangs and had put up quite a fight. 
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Holding the skull out to her, he lowered his head and purred.
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
hello yes just wanted to say you play the best character god bless
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
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starter call, i guess.
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
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Two Ugly Motherfuckers by Witchy Gmod
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
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It was only a matter of time tbh
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
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is this a comeback??
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bloodedhunter-blog · 7 years
For a brief moment, a discomfort came over her at the very idea of her kind being hunted by something that was obviously far more advanced than human kind. Hell, it had been shown time and time again that they couldn’t defend themselves from the dead, how where they meant to defend themselves from alien invaders? It wasn’t Independence Day and Bill Pullman was there to deliver the rally call that brought the world together.
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❝ We’re not very good prey now. I’m sure the dead outnumber the living twelve to one. is it just to eat us or does your kind like killing? ❞
Her words held a sadness in resonance as she placed her eyes on the bed before slowly taking a seat. Hands moved to pull the short skirt of her lingerie down to hide the hidden curve of thigh into ass cheek.
❝ I don’t know how it started, ❞ Lisa admitted, gaze back upon him as she recalled those first few days before radio silence had taken over,  ❝ I wasn’t anything important so all I knew was what happened from the news before the lights went out and didn’t come back on. There were reports of people being bitten, dying, then coming back to life to attack. Then, after cities were sacked and laid to the ground by fighter bombers – we learned that it doesn’t matter how you die, if your brain isn’t destroyed, you turn. We’re all infected, but I don’t know how it happened…or why, ❞ she leaned forward slightly in her place, looking up to the strange alien that had decided not to end her life. Her words grew heavier as the topic turned to something far more personal and close to her heart,  ❝ Some people believe in God – a creator of Earth and everything in space…you – I still believe in Him. But I can’t understand why He’d let us suffer through all this. Does your kind have a God….or a Creator? ❞ 
“Skulls -- good trophies,” he explained. Not to mention the ones who were skinned and hung upside down. Scar cocked his head as he listened to her explanation. If this truly was a disease, then the world would have to be quarantined. He wasn’t sure if Yautjas could become infected, but he couldn’t risk that. But now that he thought of it, he hadn’t seen any of the fauna walking around dead. 
If he had to, Scar would blow up this whole damn planet. A disease like one that she described couldn’t reach other worlds.
“Gods,” he told her. “Paya -- also Cetanu. The Black Hunter. God of death.” He tapped his claw to the scar on his forehead, the symbol of his clan. “Hunter. It’s -- honorable.” He then placed his hand to his chest. “Yautja means predator.”
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