21 posts
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
My life’s work
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
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I’ve been testing my photoshop skills... hopefully some improvement soon come
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
Tech Culture 5
This weekend, I conveniently went phoneless on accident. It almost felt like cheating, however, because I did not choose this. On Friday night, I drove up to see my friend in Holland, Michigan. We drove from there to Silver Beach Hotel in St. Joseph where we partied all night long for a sorority formal. Waking up on Saturday, I had lost my phone, Nike Cortez’s, two of my watches, and my glasses. Luckily, the hotel was able to find my glasses in somebody’s refrigerator and my watches by the hot tub, but my phone was nowhere to be found. Due to a check out time and an event we had to make it back for, I had to leave my phone behind. Had I not had to worry about my mom killing me, it would have been more calming. Halfway through the day, my friend got a phone call saying the hotel had found my shoes and my phone, so I no longer stressed. The freedom of not checking social media or snap chatting was incredible. My friend and I tend to make the time we spend together pretty special because we see each other so infrequently, but it felt more intimate without technology. Since I wasn't on my phone at all, my friend and I pretty much talked through the day. While this seems pretty simple, a tech-free day is pretty uncommon in my generation. Time went by at a natural flow, as there were no easy ways out during a silent moment. Typically I would have used instagram or checked my email repeatedly. The only thing I really missed out on was the immediate ability to get ahold of my mom after I had partied all night, so that made her pretty nervous.
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
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The subject of my film will be this waterbottle. The final decision I made was to make a love movie about my water bottle. The shots will be compromised of mimicked iconic love scenes from romance movies and I will use different angles to show how I feel about this water bottle.
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
Video Ideas
For my video project, I’m deciding between making a love movie about my water bottle and a displaying sensory-overload on film.
I used the same water bottle for about 4 years until I lost it one day. I had brought it to several first days of work, vacations, and just about every time I left the house. I felt somewhat of an emotional attachment to this accessory, and I was sad when I lost it. This video would take that situation to the next level.
As I’ve discussed, I have an interest in perfume. Not only perfume but scent in general. At the end of the day, my senses are pretty overwhelmed and I don’t want to hear, see, smell or touch anything at all. I want to represent this agitation in a video.
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
Tech Post #4
On March 1st, I attended the opening of Daniel Arsham’s The Source: a Collection of Late-20th Century American Relics at Cranbrook University's art gallery. Leading up to Daniel’s opening, I looked up some of his work and quotes to find that one of the things he’s most serious about is showing up early, so I decided to show up early. Surely enough, when I got there, Daniel was sitting in the auditorium seats by himself, so I got about 20 minutes one on one with him. It’s Detroit- I figured this would be the case. Daniel is primarily a sculptor, but he has quite a few paintings and is heavily involved in the architectural community. Most notably Daniel has designed all of the KITH retail stores (a streetwear company). We talked about how his work slowly transitioned him into the fashion industry and where he believes art crosses with fashion. His signature style is intentionally broken artifacts as if to make something new look like it was dug up at an archeological site. For example, a pair of Timberland work boots made out of stone, chipped and cracked. At this gallery, Daniel’s collection was pretty small. It featured only a couple renditions of road signs, a pair of boots, and several basketballs. It sounds small, but the pieces were still pretty cool to look at. Overall, meeting Daniel Arsham made it a significant experience for me.
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
Tech Post #3
Texting Culture has most influenced my life in the way I see others around me. I have lost friends, misunderstood general body language, lost social skills, and most commonly I surprise people when I call them on the phone or insist on meeting in person. I wouldn’t say I’m an analog person by any means, but I don’t rely on text or social media for communication. In the case of my friends, social media has been a constant battle to see who is more original or authentic when in reality, no one should care. My friends will post the albums they’re listening to on their snapchat stories and purposely select a song that they think no one will have heard of so that they can be the “influencers”. It’s easy to want to talk to someone at night because that’s when people feel most lonely, so this is why I usually expect people to text me in the late evening. The pro of technological communication is convenience. In a workplace or with long distance friends, it’s really easy to check in or see how a particular project is going. The con with this is that we take advantage of the convenience and let it become the primary form of communication when in fact it should be plan B. I have never delivered any news over text because it devalues a special message. I will usually say “give me a call when you get a second”
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
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Behind the Logo: Starbucks - Artitudes Design
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
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for fun
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
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At this point, its time to start incorporating my research into the design. I’m having trouble with the user experience of adobe illustrator relative to photoshop, but I’m starting to get the hang of it. 
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
For my infographic, I’ll be reflecting the most gentrified cities in the United State, which has been researched by major news outlets, economists, and real estate companies. For the design, I plan to incorporate imagery from the brands that seemingly populate every one of these neighborhoods. I think that I will find a common theme with the types of companies that invest in these neighborhoods.
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
Tech Post #2, Option B
The Matterport 3D Camera allows users to take 360-degree pictures of home and office interiors in order to offer digital access to their space. Taking these 360 pictures from strategic positions allows people to walk through your workplace from their phone or computer. This digital touring platform is much more accessible than VR because users won’t need to have a headset and time set aside for touring. I’m personally excited about the expansion that could come with this camera. This camera could make online shopping more experiential, allowing shoppers to walk through a store without leaving their home. The only downside that could be argued is that society will become even more antisocial, truly having no need to leave their sanctuary.
Self-driving vehicles have been talked about for decades, but they have only recently come to fruition. Through artificial intelligence (AI), automobiles can transport passengers from A to B without touching the wheel. Pretty self-explanatory concept. AI involves a mother system that controls the steering column, brakes, motor, and navigation system. THIS IS SCARY! To me, this comes off as potential for someone to hack into the AI and control a motor vehicle remotely. This could lead to terrorist attacks, more car accidents and vehicle spasms causing drivers to run into people or stationary objects.
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
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My words were “distracted” and “obsessed”. I represented distraction by showing off the beauty of focusing on many things at once. I also did this by using color on the distracted side. For the obsession, I used a gray filter in order to make obsession seem boring and structured. You will also notice that my face is distorted on the distracted side, showing a certain pleasure or high, whereas my solemn focused face is less fun. The bottle of perfume was chosen as the head pf my monster because the art of perfumery requires a perfumer to be obsessed with one particular ingredient or idea as the base of the perfume, but equally distracted enough to embrace complimenting ingredients in the final composition. this balance results in beauty. 
<a href="">Background photo created by yanalya -</a>
Picture of my face: iPhone picture taken with Bruce
Perfume bottle: taken using photoscanner on february 5th
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
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Current status of my monster
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blogjackberry-blog · 6 years ago
Tech post #1, Option E
Disclaimer: I thought this article was written so pretentiously to the point that I almost couldn’t understand what they were getting at.
Communicating ideas in the past:
-Writing out “ship logs” on a long voyage in order to explain with some detail the way your travels went.
-Keeping a written diary. The most prominent way that diaries are different from blogs is that diaries are private and more personal.
-Creating individual pages on a website with writings and “logs” as you live life.
-Writing books or posting Columns in a newspaper.
Blogging surely came with a new level of accessibility both for writers and for readers, but it also came with a level of criticism that most writers weren’t prepared for. Compared to writing for a newspaper or magazine, blogging allowed writers to be in direct contact with their readers, whereas a writer for a magazine had their editor as a barrier. One convenience with blogging that writing for a magazine doesn’t allow is immediacy. When something is trending, blogging allows for a writer to fuel it immediately rather than waiting for the next publishing date by a magazine. Blogging also allows a writer to tailor their words to the likes of their readers because of the direct contact they now wield.
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