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Art By IG: @failunfailunmefailun
Instagram: @artwoonz
Twitter: @artwoonz_
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House Targaryen, by Arch Apolar.
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Avengers: Endgame (2019)
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The fact that Missandei died chained like a slave makes me unbelievably angry.
This was not a poetic death.
This was a treason to her character.
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Arya Stark is Azor Ahai, here’s how:
“The Long Night is coming. Only the Prince that was promised can bring The Dawn.” - Melisandre 7x03
No matter how it seems, this never strictly states which gender the prophesised hero is. As Missandei corrects it as a Gender Neutral pronoun in High Valyrian. Meaning a princess can also be Azor Ahai.
Melisandre also says “Prophesies can be dangerous things.” as she once thought it was Stannis, and then she thought it was Jon.
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Let’s now look at the Key Points in the Azor Ahai Legend.
Lightbringer (Sword of legend)
Nissa Nissa (The one he loved most)
Royal Blood (Prince/Princess)
Lightbringer was the sword forged from the blood of Nissa Nissa, the wife of Azor Ahai.
So what is Lightbringer in Arya’s case? Easy. The Valyrian Steel Dagger, Cat’s Paw. The Cat’s Paw Dagger may not have been aflame but it does have the blood of Arya’s most loved.
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Nissa Nissa:
Nissa Nissa was the wife of Azor Ahai, and she had to die to forge Lightbringer which is the sword he used to end The Long Night.
We have just established that Cat’s Paw is Arya’s Lightbringer, but how does it have the blood of her loved one? Easy.
The Cat’s Paw Dagger was used in the attempt on Bran’s life back in Season 1. That issue caused the conflict between the Starks, Baratheons and Lannisters. The same conflict that shed the blood of Ned, Catelyn, Robb and Rickon. Who are? That’s right, Arya’s family.
A recurring theme in Arya’s arc is her “pack” her fierce loyalty and protective streak with her family. Which Arya herself said in 8x01
“I’m defending our family.” - Arya Stark
There is no one Arya loves more than her family and The Cat’s Paw Dagger caused the deaths of her family. That was her sacrifice.
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Royal Blood:
This one is obvious so without getting into the complete Stark history Arya is a princess and always has been. Before Aegon The Conqueror came to Westeros the Starks were the monarchs of The North. They were known as ‘The Kings Of Winter’.
She is also the sister of a King, Robb Stark. The cousin of a Prince, Aegon Targaryen (Jon Snow) and the descendent of a King, Torrhen Stark. This makes Arya royalty.
So she is a Princess, the princess that was promised.
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Now onto the final part, Arya’s Destiny.
“I see a darkness in you. And in that darkness, eyes staring back at me. Brown eyes, Green eyes, Blue eyes. Eyes you’ll shut forever.” - Melisandre 3x06/8x03
This, as of 8x03, we know to have come true. Arya kills The Night King, therefore shutting all of the “blue eyes” forever, as when you kill The Night King you kill all of the Wights and White Walkers along with him.
Also it’s funny how all of Arya’s training buddies (Syrio, Sandor and Jaqen) she always ended up striking them in the heart with her swords.
Anyway, as of 8x03 we also see how these characters (Beric, Sandor and Melisandre) were important to Arya’s Destiny. Beric was brought back so many times by The Lord Of Light because his purpose was to protect Arya, like he did in 8x03.
Melisandre didn’t know that it would be Arya that killed The Night King because she didn’t know about The Night King until season 6, she only saw Arya closing blue eyes. In that scene where she tells Daavos she’ll be dead before The Dawn is because Melisandre’s purpose, making Arya fulfill her Destiny, would be the purpose she was meant to fulfill.
Killing The Night King also required someone who knew Winterfell like the back of their hands, and who better than Arya Underfoot who used secret tunnels to escape her Septor all her childhood.
She used those tunnels to sneak up on The Night King, along with her training to keep her steps silent and managed to get the (literal) jump on him.
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She was also handed The Cat’s Paw Dagger by Bran who held it up to Arya’s heart in front of the Weirwood Tree. Which was where the fatal blow was struck and where the final showdown took place.
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Arya Stark is Azor Ahai. She ended The Long Night and brought The Dawn.
“Only the Princess That Was Promised can Bring The Dawn.”
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The End.
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Arya’s man giving her weapons and she used them as total badass
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Why tonight’s episode was so important to girls and women (Battle of Winterfell spoilers)
Let me just get it on the record right now: Arya Stark killing the Night King is going to get a lot of shit, especially from the male book snobs. But let’s just take a moment and revel in the fact that they can complain all they want about how Arya didn’t fit into the prophecy as Azor Ahai because it still won’t do shit to change the fact that she is the prince that was promised. She brought an end to the Long Night. She did that.
Throughout the three years that I’ve been a member of this fandom, I’ve read all the books, watched every episode as soon as I could get my hands on it, watched all the theory/explanation videos, and from the very first time I was introduced to her in the books, I singled out Arya Stark as my favorite. On New Year’s Eve of 2016, my family adopted a puppy, who we named Arya Bark because she was everyone’s favorite character. I’ve spent more hours than I’d like to admit studying her every movement in an attempt to understand her character, and having this episode now, having her being the one who killed the Night King, I’ve genuinely never felt more proud of a character in my life.
So many people said that it would be Jon and/or Dany because they represented ice and fire, they were the heads of the dragon, they were Azor Ahai and Nissa-Nissa. But let me just say, this was 100% Arya’s moment because the Night King and the whole war between the living and the dead wasn���t about ice, it wasn’t about fire, it wasn’t about dragons or wolves, it wasn’t about honor and shame, it was about one thing and one thing only: Death. Throughout this series, we have seen Arya’s relationship with the god of death shift many times. In season one, under the training of Syrio Forel, she defied death. (“‘What do we say to the god of death?’ ‘Not today.’”) In seasons two through four, she witnessed death. In season five, she served death. (Valar morghulis, valar dohaeris.) In season six, she cheated death. (She spared Lady Crane and then defeated The Waif when she came to kill her.) And finally, in season 8, she faced death, and defeated it, once and for all.
This time last week, straight men everywhere took to twitter to talk about how “wrong” it was for Arya to lose her virginity because they still saw her as a kid (apparently violently murdering 50+ people and then wearing their faces didn’t do the trick). But she showed everyone in that episode that she didnt give a single fuck about what they thought, she saw what she wanted, she knew who she wanted to do it with, and she did it. She controlled the situation, but still gave Gendry agency (“I’m not the Red Woman. Take your own bloody pants off.”), which is honestly the only time in all of Game of Thrones that I can recall a woman losing her virginity in an empowering way on her own terms. And then this week, she showed us how you break the glass fucking ceiling. That moment when The Hound had stopped fighting and told Beric that it was pointless, that you can’t defeat death, and Beric pointed at Arya and said “Try telling that to her!”, my heart just swelled with pride. She never once let herself get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of wights that she was fighting, she just kept going. She knew that as long as there was still an enemy in front of her, she still had a job to do, and she didn’t hesitate to do it.
Arya Stark is easily the strongest character in this series, female or not. She’s been defying expectations and breaking all the rules since day one, saving the innocent and killing the guilty. She stared death in the face, had him holding her by the neck, and instead of giving up, instead of giving into fear, she adapted, and thus saved humanity. In this season alone, Arya Stark has proved to the world that women can be badass warriors as well as loving and caring family members and still be sexually empowered and desirable. She’s proving that you don’t need to pick one, that women truly can have it all.
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I can’t believe that I lived to see this happening.
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The ides of March is coming up what’s everyone getting me?
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that’s so sad, podrick play jenny of oldstones
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me when the credits started rolling and a haunting tune came on
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