bloddysnow · 6 days
I am BEGGING for more of the harem series(lnds) pls I love them so much.
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Summary: First meeting with Xavier
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You moved through the forest, your steps barely leaving a trace, and not a single dry leaf underfoot betrayed your presence.
Hunting was a relaxing hobby, a chance to clear your mind and rest in nature. In the quiet of the forest, with the fresh air filled with the scent of the earth, far from the bustle of the palace, you found peace.
You preferred to go hunting alone. However, by tradition, you were always supposed to be accompanied by your guards, which sometimes irritated you. You valued your moments of solitude, and the constant presence of the guards disrupted that harmony. So, you often gave them strict orders not to follow you and to keep their distance.
The deer you had spotted stood peacefully at the edge of the forest lake. The animal was unaware of the human presence, lowering its head to quench its thirst. Holding your breath, you cautiously pressed yourself against the trunk of a nearby tree, watching every movement of the deer. Your hands acted automatically, having performed the task a thousand times: you smoothly raised your bow and took aim.
The bowstring was taut, the arrow ready to fly—when a sudden splash of water shattered the idyll. The deer immediately lifted its head, its ears twitching alertly. It sensed danger and bolted into the depths of the forest before you had a chance to release the arrow.
You twitched your lips nervously, slightly disappointed, lowered your bow, and watched the deer disappear into the undergrowth. You slowly stepped forward, emerging from your cover behind the tree, and headed toward the lake, deciding to find out what had caused the sudden splash. Perhaps it was a fish or a branch that had accidentally fallen into the water from the trees.
You carefully scanned the surface, but nothing unusual caught your attention. Just as you were about to leave, you suddenly froze, your gaze locking onto something strange in the water. Something was slowly rising from the depths or barely moving beneath the surface. It was a human body, swaying on the soft waves.
You stood motionless for a moment before hastily removing the quiver of arrows from your shoulder and shedding your outer garment. Without further hesitation, you dove into the cold water, plunging deeper. Grabbing the person by the arm, you pulled the body toward you, trying to lift it above the surface to give a chance to breathe if there was still hope.
You laid the unconscious person on the shore, knelt beside him, and, taking the person by the elbow, checked for a pulse. There was none.
You placed your hands on the person's chest, one hand over the other, and began rhythmically pressing down, trying to stimulate the heart. You counted each compression in your mind, maintaining the correct rhythm.
Carefully tilting the person's head back. You took a deep breath, leaned down, and pressed your lips firmly against his. You exhaled, hoping the person's lungs would accept your breath, then pulled back for a moment, watching his chest, and repeated the process. Your face remained focused, your eyes fixed on any signs of life in the person.
After a few tense seconds, body twitched slightly, and a weak, uneven breath finally escaped from his chest. Then came a faint cough—the water in his lungs began to drain. The person coughed more forcefully, struggling for air, and gradually regained consciousness. His eyes flickered open.
You exhaled with relief, watching the young man, who slowly sat up, breathing heavily. From a glance, it was clear that he was still very young, with delicate facial features. His skin was pale like marble, and his light hair fell in wet strands across his forehead. Through his soaked clothes, the contours of his body were visible, emphasizing his fragility. The young man's expressive eyes, framed by wet lashes, briefly met yours. These eyes, with their blue irises, seemed as deep as the lake itself.
"Why did you save me?" — his voice sounded unexpectedly sharp.
"No one asked you to, there was no need to do it..." — He paused for a moment as if processing the situation, then his gaze became piercing. — Or did *he* send you to me?
You realized that the young man would never have guessed who stood before him. The face of a member of the imperial family was never accessible to the common people. Moreover, you always dressed simply for hunting, like an ordinary person, avoiding luxurious garments and imperial symbols that could give away your identity.
The young man, shivering from the cold, stood up, wrapping his arms around himself in an attempt to warm up. He now looked down at you. His blue eyes flashed with icy fire, and a hidden determination slipped into his voice:
"Tell your master that I’d rather die than marry an old pervert like him."
Without a word, you took your outer garment, which you had removed before diving into the water, and calmly stood up.
"First of all, I am not who you think I am," — you quietly but firmly said, looking directly into his eyes.
"Secondly, saving you wasn’t a choice for me." —With a gentle movement, you draped your outer garment over the young man's shoulders, feeling him tense, but he didn’t pull away.
"And I can’t fully understand what you’re going through. But I wouldn’t wish for suicide to be the last decision you ever make." —You picked up your bow and quiver of arrows from the ground.
"You owe me life," your voice was both gentle and strong at the same time. — "But I won’t ask much of you. Fulfill one wish for me… live. Live until the day comes when you understand why I saved you. Until it’s your turn to save someone's life. Until you repay your debt, but not for me—for yourself."
You were already preparing to leave, but suddenly— "Wait..." You felt a light touch. The young man unexpectedly reached out and gently held your hand.
"…who are you?" he whispered. There was something elusive in his eyes.
"Xavier, Xavier!" — voices echoed, breaking through the trees. The young man flinched and turned toward the forest, where the sounds were coming from. They were the voices of his family, probably searching for him.
Xavier turned back to look at you again, but you were already gone. The forest was silent and empty, as if nothing had happened. Only a gentle breeze stirred the tree branches.
He slowly lowered his gaze to his hand. Xavier could still feel the warmth of your touch, which seemed to have seeped into his skin, leaving a pleasant sensation behind. His heart began to beat faster, and he involuntarily clenched his fingers, as if trying to hold on to that feeling for as long as possible.
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bloddysnow · 6 days
I am BEGGING for more of the harem series(lnds) pls I love them so much.
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Summary: First meeting with Xavier
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You moved through the forest, your steps barely leaving a trace, and not a single dry leaf underfoot betrayed your presence.
Hunting was a relaxing hobby, a chance to clear your mind and rest in nature. In the quiet of the forest, with the fresh air filled with the scent of the earth, far from the bustle of the palace, you found peace.
You preferred to go hunting alone. However, by tradition, you were always supposed to be accompanied by your guards, which sometimes irritated you. You valued your moments of solitude, and the constant presence of the guards disrupted that harmony. So, you often gave them strict orders not to follow you and to keep their distance.
The deer you had spotted stood peacefully at the edge of the forest lake. The animal was unaware of the human presence, lowering its head to quench its thirst. Holding your breath, you cautiously pressed yourself against the trunk of a nearby tree, watching every movement of the deer. Your hands acted automatically, having performed the task a thousand times: you smoothly raised your bow and took aim.
The bowstring was taut, the arrow ready to fly—when a sudden splash of water shattered the idyll. The deer immediately lifted its head, its ears twitching alertly. It sensed danger and bolted into the depths of the forest before you had a chance to release the arrow.
You twitched your lips nervously, slightly disappointed, lowered your bow, and watched the deer disappear into the undergrowth. You slowly stepped forward, emerging from your cover behind the tree, and headed toward the lake, deciding to find out what had caused the sudden splash. Perhaps it was a fish or a branch that had accidentally fallen into the water from the trees.
You carefully scanned the surface, but nothing unusual caught your attention. Just as you were about to leave, you suddenly froze, your gaze locking onto something strange in the water. Something was slowly rising from the depths or barely moving beneath the surface. It was a human body, swaying on the soft waves.
You stood motionless for a moment before hastily removing the quiver of arrows from your shoulder and shedding your outer garment. Without further hesitation, you dove into the cold water, plunging deeper. Grabbing the person by the arm, you pulled the body toward you, trying to lift it above the surface to give a chance to breathe if there was still hope.
You laid the unconscious person on the shore, knelt beside him, and, taking the person by the elbow, checked for a pulse. There was none.
You placed your hands on the person's chest, one hand over the other, and began rhythmically pressing down, trying to stimulate the heart. You counted each compression in your mind, maintaining the correct rhythm.
Carefully tilting the person's head back. You took a deep breath, leaned down, and pressed your lips firmly against his. You exhaled, hoping the person's lungs would accept your breath, then pulled back for a moment, watching his chest, and repeated the process. Your face remained focused, your eyes fixed on any signs of life in the person.
After a few tense seconds, body twitched slightly, and a weak, uneven breath finally escaped from his chest. Then came a faint cough—the water in his lungs began to drain. The person coughed more forcefully, struggling for air, and gradually regained consciousness. His eyes flickered open.
You exhaled with relief, watching the young man, who slowly sat up, breathing heavily. From a glance, it was clear that he was still very young, with delicate facial features. His skin was pale like marble, and his light hair fell in wet strands across his forehead. Through his soaked clothes, the contours of his body were visible, emphasizing his fragility. The young man's expressive eyes, framed by wet lashes, briefly met yours. These eyes, with their blue irises, seemed as deep as the lake itself.
"Why did you save me?" — his voice sounded unexpectedly sharp.
"No one asked you to, there was no need to do it..." — He paused for a moment as if processing the situation, then his gaze became piercing. — Or did *he* send you to me?
You realized that the young man would never have guessed who stood before him. The face of a member of the imperial family was never accessible to the common people. Moreover, you always dressed simply for hunting, like an ordinary person, avoiding luxurious garments and imperial symbols that could give away your identity.
The young man, shivering from the cold, stood up, wrapping his arms around himself in an attempt to warm up. He now looked down at you. His blue eyes flashed with icy fire, and a hidden determination slipped into his voice:
"Tell your master that I’d rather die than marry an old pervert like him."
Without a word, you took your outer garment, which you had removed before diving into the water, and calmly stood up.
"First of all, I am not who you think I am," — you quietly but firmly said, looking directly into his eyes.
"Secondly, saving you wasn’t a choice for me." —With a gentle movement, you draped your outer garment over the young man's shoulders, feeling him tense, but he didn’t pull away.
"And I can’t fully understand what you’re going through. But I wouldn’t wish for suicide to be the last decision you ever make." —You picked up your bow and quiver of arrows from the ground.
"You owe me life," your voice was both gentle and strong at the same time. — "But I won’t ask much of you. Fulfill one wish for me… live. Live until the day comes when you understand why I saved you. Until it’s your turn to save someone's life. Until you repay your debt, but not for me—for yourself."
You were already preparing to leave, but suddenly— "Wait..." You felt a light touch. The young man unexpectedly reached out and gently held your hand.
"…who are you?" he whispered. There was something elusive in his eyes.
"Xavier, Xavier!" — voices echoed, breaking through the trees. The young man flinched and turned toward the forest, where the sounds were coming from. They were the voices of his family, probably searching for him.
Xavier turned back to look at you again, but you were already gone. The forest was silent and empty, as if nothing had happened. Only a gentle breeze stirred the tree branches.
He slowly lowered his gaze to his hand. Xavier could still feel the warmth of your touch, which seemed to have seeped into his skin, leaving a pleasant sensation behind. His heart began to beat faster, and he involuntarily clenched his fingers, as if trying to hold on to that feeling for as long as possible.
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bloddysnow · 22 days
Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?
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Synopsis: You are summoned by Sylus in the middle of the night, a familiar occurrence whenever Sylus is drunk. Your encounter is filled with raw passion, where Sylus seeks solace in desperate sex as a way to cope with his inner turmoil.
warnings: nsfw minors dni. Sub! Sylus, soft dom! reader. reader is gn. (cock or strap), possessive behaviour, smoking, alcohol, anal sex. mention of masochism.
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It’s three in the morning. The sky is dark, with stars peeking through the occasional cloud. The moon hides behind them, only occasionally slipping out to dimly light the street with its pale glow. You step out of the car, closing the door. The street is empty, everyone around is asleep, and only the sound of your footsteps can be heard.
You walk toward his house. The streetlight nearby casts a dim glow on the pavement, creating long shadows from the trees and bushes. A slight breeze rustles the branches.
You were asleep when the sharp ring of the phone jolted you from sweet slumber. You were ready to curse whoever woke you at such an hour until you saw who was calling.
You picked up the phone and brought it to your ear, still somewhere between sleep and reality. The voice on the other end was raspy, broken, with clear signs of drunkenness. He spoke softly, almost in a whisper:
"Could you come, please?"
As you get closer to the door, you notice that no lights are on. The house stands dark and still, almost abandoned. Pressing the doorbell, you wait, listening to faint sounds coming from inside. The door slowly opened.
Sylus appeared in front of you. He looks completely exhausted. Dark circles under his eyes suggest he hasn’t slept for several nights. He’s wearing a dark robe. His hair was wet, droplets of water clinging to the tips, as if he just got out of the shower.
He just stares at you for a moment, saying nothing, then steps aside, inviting you in without a word, leaving the questions for later.
As soon as the door quietly closes behind you, you feel Sylus suddenly pull you toward him. His lips find yours in a sudden, desperate kiss. He kisses you roughly, pushing you against the wall. His hands grip your clothes tightly, as if afraid you might slip away.
Your teeth clash against each other, and his tongue insistently invades your mouth, greedily sucking on your tongue, leaving you no room to breathe. You can taste the alcohol, and with every second, it becomes more and more apparent. This only makes the kiss wilder. His arms wrap tightly around your neck, pulling you even closer so that there’s no space between you.
Sylus suddenly pulled back, as if trying to control his emotions. He rests his head on your shoulder, his breathing becoming slightly more measured but still hot and heavy. You feel him take a deep breath of your scent. His voice is soft as he whispered directly into your ear:
“[name]… I need you as hell.”
This wasn’t the first time he drunk called you. Every time he was under stress, his only way to cope was to drink and then—call you. You knew this routine by heart: the late-night call, the raspy voice, and the plea to come. You knew that behind this was a deep emotional pain he could never express with words.
It was as if he was trying to drown something inside himself, and in sex with you, he sought comfort, or perhaps salvation. There were moments when, in the heat of passion, you noticed how his body trembled, and tears streamed down his cheeks while he held onto you.
Every time, it left you with mixed feelings. You kept coming because you understood that in those moments, he needed you the most, even though it was hard for you.
Each time you move faster, the leather couch squeaks, making rhythmic sounds.
At some point, you glance down and see Sylus’s body starting to convulse. His legs are tightly wrapped around your torso, knees tucked in, heels pressed against your back. His muscles tense up, and he throws his head back. You see him cum, his sperm spilling onto his own stomach. His face contorts in pleasure, eyes squinted, hands tremble as he clings to you, getting out his orgasm.
With each final deep thrust, you push into him even further until you feel a hot wave of pleasure wash over you, and you also reach your peak. Sylus, still immersed in his own sensations, let out a drawn-out moan as he feels your hot liquid inside him.
Finally, his body relaxed, hands slowly slipping off of you, and grip loosens. You could feel the tension leaving him, and as you get up, you sit beside him. Reaching for a pack of cigarettes, you took one, placing it between your lips, and with a flick of the lighter brought the flame to the edge. The first deep inhaled fills your lungs with smoke.
You heard the leather couch rustling quietly next to you. Sylus slowly moved, sitting on your lap. You pull the cigarette away so as not to accidentally hurt him. His face pressed against your neck. You gently run your hand through his hair, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
"Sylus, you like it? Feel better now?"
He tilted his head to meet your gaze, staying silent for a few seconds, just looking into your eyes. There’s something in his gaze that you can’t quite comprehend. Slowly, without a word, he reached for your hand wich was holding the nearly smoked cigarette.
Sylus brought it to his chest and, without breaking eye contact, pressed the burning end against his skin, leaving a scorching mark. A soft sizzling sound is heard as it begins to go out. His face remained calm, but you can feel the tension in his body, see how the pain reflects in his breathing.
“I like everything you do with me [name].”
It was truly difficult to understand him. Every gesture, every emotional reaction seemed so contradictory. He was a person who hid his feelings behind masks and extremes, making his behavior almost unpredictable. You tried to make sense of it, but every time you felt like you were only scratching the surface of what was really going on inside him.
He lowered his gaze, the corners of his lips rise in a sly grin when he noticed that you’re hard again.
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bloddysnow · 23 days
Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?
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Synopsis: You are summoned by Sylus in the middle of the night, a familiar occurrence whenever Sylus is drunk. Your encounter is filled with raw passion, where Sylus seeks solace in desperate sex as a way to cope with his inner turmoil.
warnings: nsfw minors dni. Sub! Sylus, soft dom! reader. reader is gn. (cock or strap), possessive behaviour, smoking, alcohol, anal sex. mention of masochism.
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It’s three in the morning. The sky is dark, with stars peeking through the occasional cloud. The moon hides behind them, only occasionally slipping out to dimly light the street with its pale glow. You step out of the car, closing the door. The street is empty, everyone around is asleep, and only the sound of your footsteps can be heard.
You walk toward his house. The streetlight nearby casts a dim glow on the pavement, creating long shadows from the trees and bushes. A slight breeze rustles the branches.
You were asleep when the sharp ring of the phone jolted you from sweet slumber. You were ready to curse whoever woke you at such an hour until you saw who was calling.
You picked up the phone and brought it to your ear, still somewhere between sleep and reality. The voice on the other end was raspy, broken, with clear signs of drunkenness. He spoke softly, almost in a whisper:
"Could you come, please?"
As you get closer to the door, you notice that no lights are on. The house stands dark and still, almost abandoned. Pressing the doorbell, you wait, listening to faint sounds coming from inside. The door slowly opened.
Sylus appeared in front of you. He looks completely exhausted. Dark circles under his eyes suggest he hasn’t slept for several nights. He’s wearing a dark robe. His hair was wet, droplets of water clinging to the tips, as if he just got out of the shower.
He just stares at you for a moment, saying nothing, then steps aside, inviting you in without a word, leaving the questions for later.
As soon as the door quietly closes behind you, you feel Sylus suddenly pull you toward him. His lips find yours in a sudden, desperate kiss. He kisses you roughly, pushing you against the wall. His hands grip your clothes tightly, as if afraid you might slip away.
Your teeth clash against each other, and his tongue insistently invades your mouth, greedily sucking on your tongue, leaving you no room to breathe. You can taste the alcohol, and with every second, it becomes more and more apparent. This only makes the kiss wilder. His arms wrap tightly around your neck, pulling you even closer so that there’s no space between you.
Sylus suddenly pulled back, as if trying to control his emotions. He rests his head on your shoulder, his breathing becoming slightly more measured but still hot and heavy. You feel him take a deep breath of your scent. His voice is soft as he whispered directly into your ear:
“[name]… I need you as hell.”
This wasn’t the first time he drunk called you. Every time he was under stress, his only way to cope was to drink and then—call you. You knew this routine by heart: the late-night call, the raspy voice, and the plea to come. You knew that behind this was a deep emotional pain he could never express with words.
It was as if he was trying to drown something inside himself, and in sex with you, he sought comfort, or perhaps salvation. There were moments when, in the heat of passion, you noticed how his body trembled, and tears streamed down his cheeks while he held onto you.
Every time, it left you with mixed feelings. You kept coming because you understood that in those moments, he needed you the most, even though it was hard for you.
Each time you move faster, the leather couch squeaks, making rhythmic sounds.
At some point, you glance down and see Sylus’s body starting to convulse. His legs are tightly wrapped around your torso, knees tucked in, heels pressed against your back. His muscles tense up, and he throws his head back. You see him cum, his sperm spilling onto his own stomach. His face contorts in pleasure, eyes squinted, hands tremble as he clings to you, getting out his orgasm.
With each final deep thrust, you push into him even further until you feel a hot wave of pleasure wash over you, and you also reach your peak. Sylus, still immersed in his own sensations, let out a drawn-out moan as he feels your hot liquid inside him.
Finally, his body relaxed, hands slowly slipping off of you, and grip loosens. You could feel the tension leaving him, and as you get up, you sit beside him. Reaching for a pack of cigarettes, you took one, placing it between your lips, and with a flick of the lighter brought the flame to the edge. The first deep inhaled fills your lungs with smoke.
You heard the leather couch rustling quietly next to you. Sylus slowly moved, sitting on your lap. You pull the cigarette away so as not to accidentally hurt him. His face pressed against your neck. You gently run your hand through his hair, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
"Sylus, you like it? Feel better now?"
He tilted his head to meet your gaze, staying silent for a few seconds, just looking into your eyes. There’s something in his gaze that you can’t quite comprehend. Slowly, without a word, he reached for your hand wich was holding the nearly smoked cigarette.
Sylus brought it to his chest and, without breaking eye contact, pressed the burning end against his skin, leaving a scorching mark. A soft sizzling sound is heard as it begins to go out. His face remained calm, but you can feel the tension in his body, see how the pain reflects in his breathing.
“I like everything you do with me [name].”
It was truly difficult to understand him. Every gesture, every emotional reaction seemed so contradictory. He was a person who hid his feelings behind masks and extremes, making his behavior almost unpredictable. You tried to make sense of it, but every time you felt like you were only scratching the surface of what was really going on inside him.
He lowered his gaze, the corners of his lips rise in a sly grin when he noticed that you’re hard again.
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bloddysnow · 25 days
Pairings: sub!Zayne x dom! gn! reader
nsfw minors dni
Zayne woke up feeling heavy in his head. The eyelids seem leaded, and every breath is difficult. Sunlight breaks through the curtains, cutting the semi-darkness of the room with sharp rays and causing a painful burning sensation in the eyes. He slowly rises from the pillow, feeling his head pulsating, as if his whiskey is squeezed with a vice. The mouth is dry, like in the desert.
He tries to remember what happened the day before, how bottle after bottle was empty, and how cheerful hops gradually turned into a state of unconsciousness.
He sat on the edge of the bed and saw a glass of water and a hangover pill on the bedside table near the bed. A weak smile breaks through the grimace of pain. He slowly stretches out his hand to the glass, then takes the pill, looking at it for a few seconds before putting it on his tongue and washing it down with water. Water seems to be a divine nectar, gradually moisturising the dry throat. Mentally, he thanks you for your concern. Remembering your affectionate voice and soft look, he gets a little better.
Zayne slowly get out of bed, feeling a slight weight in his body. There is a cold floor under his feet when he heads to the bathroom with his bare feet. Opening the door, he turns on the light, which blinds him for a moment. Something unimaginable is reflected in the mirror in front of him.
He sees in the mirror his body covered with many red and purple hickeys that looked like small semicircles or arcs from tooth marks. On his neck he can see traces left by passionate kisses, which gradually pass to the chest, where larger traces become more noticeable. His nipples were slightly swollen and very sensitive to touch.
His shoulders and arms are also covered with these marks. His stomach is decorated with smaller bites. The gaze descends lower, and on his legs, especially on the inside of his hips, the traces become larger, and very noticeable leaving the feeling that his whole body was the object of unrestrained passion and as if someone enjoyed every centimetre of his skin.
He slowly touches them on his neck, memories have flooded: with each new bite, his breathing becomes more intermittent, his heart is pounding furiously. He tilts his head back, opening up more space for you on his neck. His hands reach out to you, his fingers greedily squeeze your body, as if he is afraid of losing this moment of passion. His head leans back, his eyes are tightly closed, his lips are slightly open, and sounds full of desire and devotion come out of his throat.
His fingers move towards his swollen lips: he raises your hand to face, crashing into your palm and leaning against your body. He opens his mouth, releasing his tongue and begins to lick your fingers, suck two of them when he looks straight into your eyes, hitting you sweetly with his eyelashes. Your smell filled his nose, darkening his feelings.
He gently touches his nipples and hisses with sensitivity: your lips touched his nipples, you gently ran your tongue over one of them, feeling how he strained under your touch. His nipple became hard, and you started playing with him with the tip of your tongue, driving in circles, slightly teasing. You sometimes bit his nipple a little, and then caressed with tongue again, feeling his breathing become more and more intermittent. His body reacted: his muscles strained, his hands sometimes clenched involuntarily.
He ran his fingers on the tracks on his hips: he spreads his legs for you and you move to stand between them, your hands feel his hips, kneeling down so that you can kiss his soft hips. His back bends and his fingers and nails dig into the sheets while you bite and suck as much as possible.
Zayne remembers how he repeated your name as a prayer over and over again and how he cried, muttering the same words: "I want to be yours. Please. I'll do anything. Breed me. Get me pregnant. I beg you. I'll be a good mom. I promise. Make me yours."
Shame and embarrassment roll on him with a wave, like icy water, giving the whole body. He lowers his head, avoiding his own look at the mirror. Inside, he is torn apart by a feeling of awkwardness, as if he had opened his soul and flaunted the most intimate and darkest corners. Zayne can't believe that he allowed himself to express those desires that he always concealed even from himself. His cheeks are filled with a thick blush, the heat rises to his ears.
But now he feels like he's yours, as if you're claiming that the marks on his body can prove it.
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bloddysnow · 1 month
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Luke stands on all fours with his ass up. Wagging his tail... (felt like drawing this part)
Yandere! Puppy hybrid Sub! Luke and Kieran x Dom. Gn! Reader
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bloddysnow · 1 month
Yandere! Puppy hybrid Sub! Luke and Kieran x Dom! Gn! Reader
nsfw minors dni
Competition for attention/ Jealousy
·:*༺ ♱✮♱ ༻*:· Jealousy between your pets Luke and Kieran has become an almost integral part of their behaviour. This is especially noticeable when one of them get attention, and the other is left aside.
Luke, managed to settle on your knees, enjoying the affection and warmth with a satisfied expression. But Kieran immediately came up. He began to bark demandingly, as if saying, "Now it's my turn!" His eyes squint, his ears are slightly pressed against his head, and he watches intensely, assessing how to intervene. If the situation is delayed and your attention does not switch to him, he resorts to a different tactic - he begins to copy the actions of another.
For example, if Luke sits quietly, behaving obediently, Kieran instantly tries to take the same place on the other side, while his movements become softer, as if he is trying to show that he is also worthy of attention. He snuggles up to you, imitating Luke’s pose, only to attract at least some of the affection.
If Kieran eats neatly, you call him a "good boy", it immediately attracts Luke's attention. He can start watching Kieran closely, noting his every move. Realising that such behaviour can be praised, Luke begins to repeat Kieran's actions: gently lowering his face into the bowl to start eating slowly. He will even look at you, expecting the same praise as Kieran.
If you ask Luke to find the TV remote, it immediately encourages Kieran. He decides that he should also show his usefulness. Therefore, despite the fact that there was no request to find the door keys, he starts looking for, and will bring them all in drool.
Separation anxiety
·:*༺ ♱✮♱ ༻*:· Luke and Kieran, feeling that you are preparing to go out, immediately begin to follow you on the heels, in a hurry accidentally stepping on each other's paws.
When you put on a jacket, they whine, expressing their anxiety. It's like they're trying to persuade you to stay, without breaking away from you for a second. In your absence, their anxiety worsens. They walk around the house, whining quietly, trying to find even the slightest trace of you.
They look into the rooms, sniff your stuff. At such moments, their rivalry goes into the background, gading way to a common sense of loneliness. Together they wait for their beloved owner to return to feel safe again.
Bed sharing/ sleeping together
·:*༺ ♱✮♱ ༻*:· Luke and Kieran, as if on command, climb to bed, striving to take a place as close to you as possible. They know that night is a time for comfort and peace, and therefore they try to settle down to stay in physical contact with you, for example, they lie down so that they can touch you with their hand or torso.
And so, when it seems that everyone has found their place, the movements begin. You turn over or change your posture, causing pets to have a new surge of activity. Luke and Kieran react instantly, starting to move after you, trying to keep in touch.
Sometimes they decide that the best way to be closer is to literally climb on you, curled up in a ball and cosy putting head on your chest.
At night, even immersed in a deep sleep, they don't forget about you. To make sure you're still around, they gently touch you with their noses, while eyes are closed, as if confirming that everything is fine, and then calmly fall asleep again.
Luke and Kieran prefer to express their emotions through barking, and they only speak when you allow them:
"M-masternghh… p-pleaseahh! can I…? Can I huh c-cum...?" Kieran gasp, whining in a trembling voice, without holding back his tears, as he has already been deprived of orgasm twice.
You keep fucking him, holding his hands tightly behind his back. His body trembles so much threatening him to fall forward. From time to time you pull the clamps on his nipples, making his hole squeeze you.
Luke stands on all fours with his ass up, sucking Kieran's dick. Wagging his tail, he demonstrates you heart-shaped crystal plug in his hole. His eyes watches the bulge in Kieran’s stomach, which is appearing with your every push. Luke let a loud moan, as if feeling it inside himself. Unable to resist, he slowly licked and gently kissed the bulge, which made Kieran whine even louder…
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bloddysnow · 1 month
Yandere! Puppy hybrid Sub! Luke and Kieran x Dom! Gn! Reader
nsfw minors dni
Competition for attention/ Jealousy
·:*༺ ♱✮♱ ༻*:· Jealousy between your pets Luke and Kieran has become an almost integral part of their behaviour. This is especially noticeable when one of them get attention, and the other is left aside.
Luke, managed to settle on your knees, enjoying the affection and warmth with a satisfied expression. But Kieran immediately came up. He began to bark demandingly, as if saying, "Now it's my turn!" His eyes squint, his ears are slightly pressed against his head, and he watches intensely, assessing how to intervene. If the situation is delayed and your attention does not switch to him, he resorts to a different tactic - he begins to copy the actions of another.
For example, if Luke sits quietly, behaving obediently, Kieran instantly tries to take the same place on the other side, while his movements become softer, as if he is trying to show that he is also worthy of attention. He snuggles up to you, imitating Luke’s pose, only to attract at least some of the affection.
If Kieran eats neatly, you call him a "good boy", it immediately attracts Luke's attention. He can start watching Kieran closely, noting his every move. Realising that such behaviour can be praised, Luke begins to repeat Kieran's actions: gently lowering his face into the bowl to start eating slowly. He will even look at you, expecting the same praise as Kieran.
If you ask Luke to find the TV remote, it immediately encourages Kieran. He decides that he should also show his usefulness. Therefore, despite the fact that there was no request to find the door keys, he starts looking for, and will bring them all in drool.
Separation anxiety
·:*༺ ♱✮♱ ༻*:· Luke and Kieran, feeling that you are preparing to go out, immediately begin to follow you on the heels, in a hurry accidentally stepping on each other's paws.
When you put on a jacket, they whine, expressing their anxiety. It's like they're trying to persuade you to stay, without breaking away from you for a second. In your absence, their anxiety worsens. They walk around the house, whining quietly, trying to find even the slightest trace of you.
They look into the rooms, sniff your stuff. At such moments, their rivalry goes into the background, gading way to a common sense of loneliness. Together they wait for their beloved owner to return to feel safe again.
Bed sharing/ sleeping together
·:*༺ ♱✮♱ ༻*:· Luke and Kieran, as if on command, climb to bed, striving to take a place as close to you as possible. They know that night is a time for comfort and peace, and therefore they try to settle down to stay in physical contact with you, for example, they lie down so that they can touch you with their hand or torso.
And so, when it seems that everyone has found their place, the movements begin. You turn over or change your posture, causing pets to have a new surge of activity. Luke and Kieran react instantly, starting to move after you, trying to keep in touch.
Sometimes they decide that the best way to be closer is to literally climb on you, curled up in a ball and cosy putting head on your chest.
At night, even immersed in a deep sleep, they don't forget about you. To make sure you're still around, they gently touch you with their noses, while eyes are closed, as if confirming that everything is fine, and then calmly fall asleep again.
Luke and Kieran prefer to express their emotions through barking, and they only speak when you allow them:
"M-masternghh… p-pleaseahh! can I…? Can I huh c-cum...?" Kieran gasp, whining in a trembling voice, without holding back his tears, as he has already been deprived of orgasm twice.
You keep fucking him, holding his hands tightly behind his back. His body trembles so much threatening him to fall forward. From time to time you pull the clamps on his nipples, making his hole squeeze you.
Luke stands on all fours with his ass up, sucking Kieran's dick. Wagging his tail, he demonstrates you heart-shaped crystal plug in his hole. His eyes watches the bulge in Kieran’s stomach, which is appearing with your every push. Luke let a loud moan, as if feeling it inside himself. Unable to resist, he slowly licked and gently kissed the bulge, which made Kieran whine even louder…
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bloddysnow · 1 month
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Just look at these guys
Fan art from: 饱饱家的小画家
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bloddysnow · 1 month
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Just look at these guys
Fan art from: 饱饱家的小画家
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bloddysnow · 2 months
Why are you doing that? Why are you acting like you don't notice how much he needs you?
Your shy subby boyfriend wants to feel you inside him, not his own fingers in the bathroom late at nights. One thought pulsates in his mind: “How can he explain that he wants you?" His shyness prevents him from asking you to fuck him. His Google page is a whole story about how he tries every day to find a way to seduce you. He tried all possible methods:
He took out his perfume, the ones you once called your favourites. He sprayed them on his neck, on the wrists, then passes them through the collarbone and chest, trying to create an elusive fragrant veil for you. He did it with the hope that when you get closer, the smell of the perfume you love will make you want to. But all he sees in response is your restrained smile.
Realising that the perfume didn't work, he decides to take bolder steps. He bought ice cream, enjoying it in front of your eyes. He ate it slowly, sensually licking his fingers, and watching your reaction with awe, but in response the same indifferent look.
In his head, he goes through various images that, in his opinion, can ignite passion in you. He tried on transparent lace lingerie, choosing the most seductive, hoping that you will not resist this seductive appearance. But again, he only got a light nod.
One of his most daring actions is the photos in which he poses in short tennis skirts. He chose the perfect angle, trying to make his image look both innocent and exciting. Every detail in the picture is carefully thought out: from how the fabric flows on his hips to the gentle blush on his cheeks. He sent you these photos, burning with the desire to get a compliment from you or a text that you're already coming, but only got "👍"
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bloddysnow · 2 months
Why are you doing that? Why are you acting like you don't notice how much he needs you?
Your shy subby boyfriend wants to feel you inside him, not his own fingers in the bathroom late at nights. One thought pulsates in his mind: “How can he explain that he wants you?" His shyness prevents him from asking you to fuck him. His Google page is a whole story about how he tries every day to find a way to seduce you. He tried all possible methods:
He took out his perfume, the ones you once called your favourites. He sprayed them on his neck, on the wrists, then passes them through the collarbone and chest, trying to create an elusive fragrant veil for you. He did it with the hope that when you get closer, the smell of the perfume you love will make you want to. But all he sees in response is your restrained smile.
Realising that the perfume didn't work, he decides to take bolder steps. He bought ice cream, enjoying it in front of your eyes. He ate it slowly, sensually licking his fingers, and watching your reaction with awe, but in response the same indifferent look.
In his head, he goes through various images that, in his opinion, can ignite passion in you. He tried on transparent lace lingerie, choosing the most seductive, hoping that you will not resist this seductive appearance. But again, he only got a light nod.
One of his most daring actions is the photos in which he poses in short tennis skirts. He chose the perfect angle, trying to make his image look both innocent and exciting. Every detail in the picture is carefully thought out: from how the fabric flows on his hips to the gentle blush on his cheeks. He sent you these photos, burning with the desire to get a compliment or a text that you're already coming, but only got "👍"
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bloddysnow · 2 months
*…my mind is officially blown*
If this isn’t a reason to leave work early, I don’t know what is
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Crime bf sends you Evil Photos at work bc if you get fired you have more time for him 😘
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bloddysnow · 2 months
Teacher’s Pet
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Synopsis: Yandere teacher Sylus doesn't want you to move to another school. He has plans.
warnings: nswf minors dni. Ftm! Teacher Sylus. Top! Student reader. M reader. Yandere behaviour. 10 years of age difference. riding. unsafe sex. vaginal sex. possessive behaviour. breeding kink. mentions of pregancy.
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Have you ever imagined Sylus in high heels? Heels that knock on the floor making noises when he passes through the corridors of the school with a straight posture. In a short tight skirt, down which goes thigh-high stockings that emphasise his ideal leg length. A grin appears on his face when he notices the students' eyes and how they turn around to look at him.
The buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned to his chest, showing his lingerie. He leaned towards your desk, to your eye level. With a smirk on his face, he took your phone out of your hands.
"You'll pick it up after class..."
And quietly whispered: "I'll be waiting for you in my office."
From the first day of his arrival, or rather from your first acquaintance, everything has changed. His presence began to be felt literally everywhere. You started constantly looking at the camera in the corner of the classroom, having a strange feeling that he was watching you. In his lessons, you noticed his gaze, which literally ate you alive.
Sylus began to call you more often. Sometimes he freed you from classes, telling teachers that he needs you. But when you come to him, he just asks you to sit next to him while he was working. There were times when you did your homework in his room. He was sitting opposite. You noticed how he stealthily glanced at you, watching as if he was studying you.
Over time, you found out that Sylus knows all about you. He knew everything from your date of birth to your phone number and address. He knew who you were friends with and who you were in a relationship with. In conversations, he mentioned details that you could hardly remember, but that left no doubt - he knew almost everything about you.
When your grades got a little worse, he offered you his extra classes. He sits very close to you, explaining the topic. His hand gently touches your hip, stroking it and slowly sliding up. Your breath is intercepted, and you feel awkward, but you can't take your eyes off his face. Sylus looks at you with a smile asking if everything is okay with you, acting as if his actions are quite normal for the teacher and the student.
You're not sure how much time has passed, how could you even keep an eye on such a common thing when he is keep going, continues to rise and fall on you. He usually asked you to fuck him, but this time he climbed on you without even saying anything.
His cheeks were covered with pink dust, a slight shine of sweat flowed down his forehead, and these passionate eyes were looking for your eyes, catching every emotion, every moment of ecstasy. You held your hands on his hips, rubbing circles on his delicate skin and from time to time strengthening his grip when he dropped especially hard.
The obscene sound of his hips on yours was heard all over the room. He couldn't hold back. He couldn't hold back a single sound - and given that you were at school, you tried to be careful. You pressed his mouth with your hand, trying to drown out the sounds so you don't get caught.
His hands tightly squeezed your shoulders, his nails dug into the skin, leaving red marks and tearing your name off his lips. You felt a sharp pain, which was quickly replaced by a wave of excitement. He leaned towards you. Your lips collided, your tongues touched when you let your desperate sounds blend into a crazy chorus.
Moving towards your neck curve, he kissed everything, carelessly and wet, leaving gentle suckers all over your neck and collarbone, dark purple marks thoughtlessly coloured in your skin.
"Sylus, I'm c-cumming," you warned him, feeling the tension in your body reaching its peak. He was so passionate about the moment that you didn't have time to put on a condom.
"Inside haa! y-you can cum hngh…! inside...ahh I drank c-contraceptives ♡"
His words only increased your excitement. Sylus slowed down a little when you grabbed his waist with one hand, the other slid down to rub his clitoris while practising your mouth on his nipples, rolling your tongue over the buttons. His hole tightened hard when he cum. Your eyes closed with the feeling, pushing hard a few more times before you also came, pumping him with your seeds. Your sperm covered his trembling walls, and he sighed into your neck, falling from above when you hold each other tightly.
When he said he drank contraceptives, it was a lie. Deep down, he made a decision a long time ago. He knows that his act is selfish and his obsession with you may seem reckless, but all this is the result of the fear of losing you. You lit this fire in him when you said those fatal words about transferring to another school. For him, it was a blow that he can't survive.
Sylus realises that his love for you has gone too far, but this feeling is stronger than him. If he get pregnant, it's the way to tie you up forever, he's ready to take on this burden. In his eyes, pregnancy will be the last way to keep you close, to create a connection between you that cannot be broken. After all, his love for you is so great and sincere that he is ready to sacrifice everything, even himself, so that you stay with him forever.
His hands slowly slide to his stomach, to the womb, he feels satisfaction, as if he was hugging the most precious thing. He knows that the plan was successful. It remains only to wait for the little miracle inside him to begin his development. A little smile appeared on his lips.
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bloddysnow · 2 months
I’m all about pizza with double cheese on a thin crust sometimes I add bacon🤤
but I also like adding jalapeños and honey for a sweet and spicy kick! 🍕
My friend just told me he was playing Roblox and watched two kids having beef and one of them said to the other, “you look like you don’t put cheese on your pizza”
What I’m getting at is:
how do ya’ll like your pizzas?
I like frutti de mare & extra cheese
Tags (anyone can join): @rae-pss @idiorgrl @lizzy-theshyone @illustrious-ia @alyynxv @sweeteaacakes @sh1-n0bu @skyeslittlecorner @cholecalcferol @v3lv3tf0x @bloddysnow @nvllxiety
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bloddysnow · 2 months
What if you were a popular anime/ game character he’s obsessed with?
Pairings: Sub! Yandere! boy x Dom! A/G character reader
nsfw minors dni
He would’nt have missed any opportunity to get any item related to you, and was ready to spend significant amounts of money to supplement his collection. Figures, posters, clothes, mugs and other items with your image. His room or workplace is decorated with this things. He would definitely have a whole collection of books or manga dedicated to you. He buys official soundtracks if they included tracks related to you or important moments with your participation.
He refused to be in relationship with girls. He would have difficulties in communication or negative experiences in real relationships, which would encourage him to avoid them. He feels a deep emotional connection with you, which would seem more meaningful and safe to him than real people. He could spend most of his time watching anime or playing the game where you exist, which made this world more meaningful to him than everyday life.
He would feel a strong rejection of any hint of your romantic relationship with another character. He actively expressed his dissatisfaction in comments, forums and social networks, leaving negative reviews and criticizing such stories or fan art. Often his negative comments were based on a sense of personal jealousy. He could perceive shipping as a threat and felt rejected. In response, he could have created alternative content where you are left alone or associated exclusively with him.
He reads fanfics where you are always dom and he is sub. You are his master, and he is your devoted slave or pet, humbly waiting for your orders and striving to please. You are his god, and he is your worshipper, ready to fulfil any of your wishes. His fantasies come to life when he imagines himself on his knees in front of you. Sometimes he writes fanfics by himself about how you crawl on him to cover his face with gentle, warm kisses, starting from his forehead and gradually descending to his eyes, cheeks, and finally to his lips. He was very excited by such fantasies. In the process of reading, he masturbates, presenting scenes so realistically.
You whispered softly in his ears: "If I could, I would have you all day, make you warm my dick, keep you stuffed and fucked all the time, you would look so beautiful..."
His pants have been lowered for a long time, his hand is covered around a red, leaking dick. Mouth is full with a shirt that gets wet because of saliva. He holds phone that threatens to slip out of his fingers. He whines your name and begs you to let him cum.
One, two, three sharp pushes, his whole body shuddered when you poured inside him. "You are mine," you whispered, sticking your nose into his neck on the side, sticking out your tongue to lick it comfortingly and proprietaryly. "My sweet little reader."
His phone screen is sprayed with his own sperm.
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bloddysnow · 2 months
Hold me guys🫠💕
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This is how I see him when he flirts.. sometimes he's scary when he force himself to MC to resonate 🙂🙂
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