Blue Lock Ship Week ⚽ ENDED! Coming soon 2024!
91 posts
A fan week dedicated to the various platonic and romantic bonds between the characters of Blue Lock | April 9 to 15
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
bllkshipweek · 1 year ago
Egoists’ Carol is holding a QRT raffle on Twitter ❄️ Check it out!
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*This is a Twitter only event, so follow us @egoists_carol there!
QRT the prompt list to be entered in a raffle for a chance to receive a free drawing of any BLLK character of your choice!
10 retweets - drawing from @fromeego (Twitter)
20 retweets - drawing from @mekianeia (Twitter)
50 retweets - drawing from @non_yobu (Twitter)
❄️Follow the account on Twitter @egoists_carol! 
❄️QRT this post and tell us which day you're excited for!
❄️Must be a public account!
The raffle will close on Dec 1.
Check out our Carrd and CuriousCat if you have any questions! Feel free to ask anything in our ask box!
@thebigbangblogproject @eventfeed
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bllkshipweek · 1 year ago
Make your preparations for Egoists’ Carol’s 12 days of Christmas!! The prompts for all 12 days are out ❄️
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The prompts are finally here! Egoists’ Carol’s 12 Days of Christmas will run from Dec 25 to Jan 5. Use the tag #egoistscarol and tag this account when posting!
Days 6 and 12 are free days, but feel free to use the songs listed as inspiration!
*The raffle is a Twitter only event, so follow our Twitter and QRT the Twitter post to be entered in the raffle!
Click here for more information about the raffle!
Check out our Carrd and CuriousCat linked at our profile if you have any questions! ❄️
Keep reading for prompt explanations!
Day 3: Winter ball = a formal winter dance/waltz 
Day 6: Christmas Song + lyrics
Day 6: Last Christmas + lyrics
Day 7: Big cleaning = "Oosoji 大掃除", which is a tradition where Japanese people clean their whole house to welcome the new year.
Day 8: Hatsumode = "初詣", meaning first shrine visit of the year. Japanese people go to shrines for countdown and/or to pray for a good year to come.
Day 9: Hanetsuki battle = Hanetsuki “羽根突” is a traditional Japanese game usually played during the New Year, similar to badminton. It's played in two fashions: by one person attempting to keep the shuttlecock aloft as long as possible, or by two people batting it back and forth. In this case, "hanetsuki battle" is supposed to be competitive.
Day 10: Hotpot feast = Nabe (hotpot). a popular Japanese winter dish.
Day 12: All I Want for Christmas is You + lyrics
Day 12:  Christmas Love (turn on subtitles for lyrics)
@thebigbangblogproject @eventfeed
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bllkshipweek · 1 year ago
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There’s only 1 day left until the interest check for Egoists Carol closes! Tell us your suggestions~ ❄️
Click the link below for the interest check!
English: Blue Lock Egoists' Carol⚽️Interest check - Google Forms
Bahasa Indonesia: Blue Lock Lagu Egois⚽️Kuesioner minat - Google Forms
中文: ブルーロック エゴイストの讃歌⚽️利息小切手 - Google Forms
日本語: 蓝色监狱 利己主义者之颂歌⚽️兴趣量表 - Google Forms
@thebigbangblogproject @eventfeed
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bllkshipweek · 1 year ago
Get ready for some spooky vibes~ Halloween is only a month away~! 🎃👻
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Blue Lock Halloweek 2023 Prompts are here—can’t wait to see what y’all create!
👻 Reblog with your favorites prompts & share with your Blue Lock crew!
👻 Find the event on Twitter @/BllkHalloweek
👻 See below for more info, typed-out prompts, & prompt examples if you need clarification or inspiration
👻 Feel free to mix and match, and take prompts as literally or as tangentially as you want!
👻 Work doesn’t have to be specifically Fall / Halloween themed as long as it fits a prompt. (If you’re writing a superhero fic for “Mask,” don’t feel like you have to stick a 🎃 in a corner unless you want to.)
👻 Work can be as lighthearted, scary, or spicy as you want as long as you follow the updated guidelines!
👻 Thank you to everyone who submitted prompts, & credit to the anons who suggested The Witching Hour & Mischief Night! A lot of suggestions were already on my longer list or were very similar, or might be better saved for next year. If your favorite isn't on the list, the “Free Prompt” finale is your day!
Blue Lock Halloweek (+ 2!): October 23 - October 31, 2023
Monday 23: Pumpkin spice + Do you believe in magic?
Tuesday 24: Masks + Heartbeat
Wednesday 25: Things that go bump in the night + Festival
Thursday 26: Firelight + Dark Waters
Friday 27: Paranoia + The Witching Hour
Saturday 28: Monster’s Ball + Hunter’s Moon (actual full moon date & name!)
Sunday 29: Angels & Demons + Castle
Monday 30: Spirit + Movie / Mischief Night (actual night)
Tuesday 31 🎃: Sweet Tooth / Sucker + Free Prompt!
Now for Prompt Examples + Explanations 
I’ve had people ask for prompt examples in past events I’ve hosted and this event is open to any language, so here you go! These are the quick brainstorming notes (now expanded with links & definitions) I took while narrowing down the list to be sure the final prompts were unique enough / without toooo much overlap, and covered enough areas. Only some of maaaany interpretations—go wild!
Your host is a fic-writer with ADHD, so…you’ve been warned.
Day 1: 
Pumpkin Spice: Cozy Autumn vibes. Putting up Halloween decorations, carving Jack-o-lanterns, coffee / tea shop, pumpkin patch, scented candles, baking, fall sangria, sweaters and beanies and flannels, momijigari (Autumn Hanami 🌸, basically) / admiring gorgeous fall foliage, fresh hot apple cider in an orchard. Itoshi Bros and their love of turtle/mock-neck sweaters. Pumpkin Farmer Aiku and Karasu scarecrow!
Do you believe in magic?: Revealing their magical powers for the first time. Crystal ball, tarot. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc. AU. Non-literal magic in relationships (feeling understood, chemistry, humor matching up perfectly, etc). Wands, spells, magical objects, magical creatures, etc.. Making a wish. Alexis "The Magician" Ness.
Day 2:
Masks: Costumes, super heroes, putting up a front, acting like something you’re not, classic masked Halloween meet-cute, secret / concealed identities, spies, ninja and samurai and assassins (Karasu and Otoyaaa!) Niko hiding his eyes / face.
Heartbeat: Racing heart from excitement, fright, romance, spice. No heartbeat like undead, zombie or vampire, etc.. Skip a beat, beat faster, beat slower (calm and comfort). Chigiri on the run from zombies, zombie Lorenzo!
Day 3: 
Things that go bump in the night: unexplained (scary or otherwise) noises in the night, whispers or voices, ghosts and other supernatural entities, haunted house / place, anything scary, …spicy. Spooky Owl outside Rin’s window. 
Festival: String lights illuminating festival stalls, costumes, traditional attire (Aryu looking stylish!), food and drink, games, Isagi devouring fried fair food. Fall Music festival. Mid-Autumn Festival (with all the pretty lanterns and mooncakes 🥮), Harvest / Fall Fests in general. Bobbing for apples, caramel / candy apples, carnival rides and games, Ferris wheel. Oktoberfest; Kaiser and/or any Bastard München player in Lederhosen—please, I’m begging!! Fun house / haunted house. Day of the Dead festivities. 
Day 4:
Firelight: Cauldrons, brewing potions. Candles, rituals, bonfires. Autumn camping trip, s’mores, spooky firelight shadows outside the tent, got lost on a hiking trip & have to make a fire to keep warm! Torches, candles, lanterns lighting the way in a definitely not-haunted place. Hell, your favorite circle (Dante’s Inferno) 😈
Dark Waters: merpeople, sirens, sea monsters, kraken, pirates (Kurona and Raichi!), sharks, shipwreck, ghost ships, stranded on a deserted island, haunted lakes, lake spirits, Autumn fishing trip, swamp monsters, bogs and marshes, willowisps, alligators, snakes. Loch Ness Monster
(Fire and water, light and dark)
Day 5:
Paranoia: Fear and suspicion, feeling like someone’s watching and you just can’t shake it (...Ego and his cameras), feeling like you’re losing your mind, etc.. Doesn’t have to be all bad! Maybe there was a misunderstanding before a fun surprise. 
The Witching hour: Wiki / dictionary. Depending on whom you ask, the hour is either midnight or 3am - 4am. Supernatural entities / practitioners of dark arts are the most active and powerful. These entities might feel compelled / drawn out into the world. Magic and danger, inexplicable happenings! Humans ought to be at home and safely tucked in bed at this late hour, or else... Fun fact, the Orionid meteor shower peaks juuust before this event starts (in my hemisphere, at least) but continue until November, and the best time to view meteor showers is generally around the witching hour (after midnight / 3-4am). Can also mean the time in which people get up to no good or questionable stuff. 
Day 6:
Monster’s Ball: Monsters, creatures. Bachiraaa. Halloween party, masquerade, nightlife (going out in costume—or not—to bars and clubs). Reo buying a round. Literal ⚽ ball (Lil Isagi trick-or-treating in Noa’s kit), Halloween Practice (like in high school or college when your coach let you have a fun practice in costume before a holiday—absolute chaos and so fun!). Whatever chaos and debauchery y’all can imagine. Just follow the event guidelines and tag accordingly! Green eyed monster (jealousy), Cinderella’s Ball (Sae and Shidou!)
Hunter’s Moon: The date of the actual full Hunter’s Moon—lucky us! Sometimes called the Blood Moon. Full moon, werewolves, moonlight, on the hunt or being hunted, spells and rituals, Tsukimi / moon viewing + Tsukimi dango 🎑, moon myths and gods. Celestial things, Kurona and Isagi planetary hotline / astronauts, aliens.
(Monster vs Hunter day, ha)
Day 7:
Angels and Demons: Demon and priest, hell, listening to the angel or the devil on your shoulder (making a questionable decision because it’s tempting), devilish fun or spells, sin, temptation, a deal with the devil. Ohhh, Sae and Shidou, your night has come! 😈
Castle: fairytales, knights, vampires, dungeons, Royalty (King Barou, Emperor Kaiser!). Also super Sae and Shidou.
Day 8: 
Spirit: ghosts, haunted houses, GhostBusters, spirit entities like yokai, Ghost Adventures. Gagamaru as a friendly Yokai! Shaman. Possession, possessed or cursed objects. JJK. Ouija board game! Monk Igaguri. 
Movie Night: Watching a scary (or not scary) movie, series, anime, etc. So many movie/show Alternate Universes. Sendou living his Hollywood dreams. Barbie please!!! Nagi nodding off halfway through. The guys as a character from their favorite movie listed in the Egoist Bible.
Mischief Night: Wiki page. The night before Halloween for hijinks, pranks, scaring each other! Toilet papering Ego’s house. Can be more sinister, too. 
Day 9: Halloween!
Sweet tooth / sucker: Trick-or-Treating, candy corn, so much candy, caramel corn, vampires or anything with fangs, bite, ‘sucker’ like 🍭 or vampires, or…
Free day / AU (alternate universe) Palooza!: 
Whatever Halloween stuff you want! Just listing some of the things I would draw (if I could) or write (if i had time):
Video game au for Hiori! Pokemon! Ego as a gangly cowboy, ⚽️ bolo tie and all. Barou as the "Cowardly" Lion in the Wizard of Oz. And finally, artists, if you're reading this, please, please consider Noel Noa (of the 🇫🇷 French National 🥖 Team!!) dressed as Bonjour Man from Life Lessons with Uramichi Onii-san (clip, manga cap). Please Omg. This image has literally been haunting me since starting this event and the manga/anime (even the dub!) is soooo funny. And technically, Bonjour Man is a cursed spirit sooo 👻
Okay, that's it. Hope y'all have fun. Please reblog and spread the word 🧡🖤
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bllkshipweek · 1 year ago
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Only 1 week remains until the interest check closes, so give us your suggestions! We’d love to hear them!
Click the link below for the interest check!
English: Blue Lock Egoists' Carol⚽️Interest check - Google Forms
Bahasa Indonesia: Blue Lock Lagu Egois⚽️Kuesioner minat - Google Forms
中文: ブルーロック エゴイストの讃歌⚽️利息小切手 - Google Forms
日本語: 蓝色监狱 利己主义者之颂歌⚽️兴趣量表 - Google Forms
@thebigbangblogproject @eventfeed
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bllkshipweek · 1 year ago
The interest check for Egoists’ Carol is officially open! It will run from Sept 16 to Sept 30 23:59 EST.
Click below to fill out the interest check! We’d love to hear your thoughts! ❄️
English: Blue Lock Egoists' Carol⚽️Interest check - Google Forms
Bahasa Indonesia: Blue Lock Egoists' Carol⚽️Kuesioner minat - Google Forms
中文: 蓝色监狱 利己主义者之颂歌⚽️兴趣量表 - Google Forms
日本語: ブルーロック エゴイストの讃歌⚽️利息小切手 - Google Forms
@thebigbangblogproject @eventfeed
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bllkshipweek · 1 year ago
Ooh, a festive Blue Lock fan event for the holidays! It’s modded by @non_yobu (twt/insta) and the hosts of Blue Lock Ship Week (@fromeego, @mekianeia) so check it out~ ❄️
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Egoists’ Carol is a 12-day long Christmas fanevent centering the characters of Blue Lock!
Our interest check will open on September 16th, so mark your calendars for that day, we’d love to hear your thoughts! ❄️
@thebigbangblogproject @eventfeed
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bllkshipweek · 2 years ago
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Blue Lock Ship Week has officially come to a close! Thank you to all the supporters and participants who’ve seen through the end of this event! We have posted a masterlist with all the submissions, so please check it out!
We hope to see you next year!
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bllkshipweek · 2 years ago
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Here’s the masterlist containing all of the lovely submissions for Blue Lock Ship Week! Please take a look whenever you can!
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bllkshipweek · 2 years ago
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happy @bllkshipweek late submissions!
day 6: crossover! bachigiri my bllk faves, as cissiecassie my dc faves!
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bllkshipweek · 2 years ago
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trans day of visibility is a holiday because trans people are holy btw
day 5 of @bllkshipweek: holiday!
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bllkshipweek · 2 years ago
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We’re accepting late submissions until April 30th, so if you haven’t gotten the chance to contribute to the event yet or missed a day, here’s your chance! Make sure you use the hashtag #bllkshipweek or tag us!
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bllkshipweek · 2 years ago
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~ Bllk ship week. [ Day 7. Free day -Subdomverse- ] ~
I’m such a sucker for subdomverse kjsdhfkj. I am absolutely convinced Sae would be a dom, and Shidou would go straight into subspace with Sae’s commands and aftercare ngngnhhhghngng <3
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bllkshipweek · 2 years ago
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⚽ DAY 7 ⚽
Today is the last day of Blue Lock Ship Week, and we’re so thrilled to have gotten this far together!
APRIL 15 - Free Day!
Remember, use the hashtag #bllkshipweek or tag us when posting, and if you’re also posting on AO3, please add your work into the collection titled “Blue Lock Ship Week”, thank you!
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bllkshipweek · 2 years ago
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just found out about sports… are you guys hearing this shit…
day 4 of @bllkshipweek… soulmates <3
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bllkshipweek · 2 years ago
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[sesd x jgkrk]
day 6 - crossover au
two of my fav manga but crossover?? big w for me 😇 shidou will never stop annoying sae even in a different au. also i cannot decide whether the itoshi bros or kainess would be the aza bros. (if kainess, obv they won’t be siblings)
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bllkshipweek · 2 years ago
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⚽ DAY 6 ⚽
Can you believe that the ship week is almost over? Day 6 has come, so don’t be shy to share your creations!
APRIL 14  - Training / Hurt/Comfort / Crossover AU
Remember, use the hashtag #bllkshipweek or tag us when posting, and if you’re also posting on AO3, please add your work into the collection titled “Blue Lock Ship Week”, thank you!
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