blitzvo · 12 hours
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absolutely diabolical
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blitzvo · 12 hours
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AsmodeusWeek Day 3 - Fame / Social Media
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blitzvo · 12 hours
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Fizz has no right dressing so much better than I ever will after spending the entirety of his screentime dressed as a literal clown.
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blitzvo · 14 hours
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they are literally THE step sisters ever
Also technically after pride but whatever
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blitzvo · 14 hours
Stolitz are opposites in so many ways, yet they are also so alike. Both have a fear of dying alone. They both cross out their own faces in portraits because they hate themselves, and they both crave love and intimacy. They truly are made for each other.
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blitzvo · 15 hours
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Fizzarozzie Week 2024- Day 1: Relationship Firsts
Yeah, this was all I could think of. XD
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blitzvo · 1 day
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I know this is obvious but I just remembered that THIS GUY IS BLITZO’S EX
Stolas is “getting over” Blitzo by GETTING WITH HIS EX
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blitzvo · 1 day
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How does anyone hate Blitz? i'll never understand. What are doing in this fandom if you don't like him? get out lol
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blitzvo · 1 day
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[Dec 28, 2023]
it is better not to sit at the same table with them
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blitzvo · 1 day
Been seeing a lot of mention on Stolas here:
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But then forget that this was how he was brought up:
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I'm not excusing Stolas or Blitz, they both have their own faults but let's realize this is why Stolas doesn't think he's ever looked down on him.
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blitzvo · 1 day
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cunty Stolas they could never make me hate you <3
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blitzvo · 1 day
Fucking love this frame. Stolas is relaxed, enjoying himself, gentle and caring hold on Blitz.
But Blitz? My man is gripping those feathers like he'll die if Stolas pulls away. Brow furrowed. Fully focused. Man is locked the fuck IN.
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blitzvo · 1 day
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I had a thought.
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Also a second thought
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blitzvo · 1 day
I've spent weeks trying to figure out how to word this and I still don't think I've got it right, but I can't stop thinking about it, so.
I know the imp Crimson forced Moxxie to drown wasn't his mother, judging by the horns, but I think it should have been.
Hear me out. I love Moxxie so much and I'm not saying this because I want him to have experienced more trauma than he already did. I'm saying it because if it had been his mother, then... Holy fuck would you then have an INCREDIBLE narrative foil for Blitz.
Think about it. On the one hand, you'd have Blitz who caused his mother's death indirectly and on accident but who can not forgive himself and is incredibly damaged by what happened. On the other, you'd have Moxxie, who would've been directly responsible for his mother's death, but less culpable because he was forced into it by his father, and who is remarkably well-adjusted (comparatively speaking), considering the trauma he went through.
You could write such a good moment between them, contrasting how Moxxie has been able to process the trauma and guilt, while Blitz has not. Moxxie would be one of the only characters capable of truly understanding the depth of Blitz's guilt, self-hated, and pain. It would be an incredible bonding moment and a great beat in the arc of their friendship, not to mention an incredibly significant moment of character growth in Blitz's healing journey.
I'm just saying, so much depth could be added by this one change followed to its narrative conclusion and I wish it was happening this way!
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blitzvo · 1 day
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Okay but Via definitely did his make-up
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blitzvo · 1 day
Sick and fucking tired of those people who say “HB went downhill, what happened to it just being a comedy” just say you don’t like “complex” media (it’s not even complex, it’s like the bare minimum) because you’re shit at critical thinking and you only watch shows to turn your brain off.
Also what do you miss exactly? a pilot and 2 episodes max? cause it immediately established drama and angst, and if that’s not your thing, good for you, don’t watch it. But don’t get on my ass about “bad writing” just because you’re too up your own ass to stop criticizing everything you personally don’t like.
“They ruined Blitz’s character, they ruined Stolas’ character, they should’ve stayed like they were in the pilot” NO THE FUCK THEY SHOULDN’T HAVE. I want to have a reason to root for these characters, i want to be able to see all their emotions, i want to relate to them and cry when they go through shit.
Had Stolas stayed a “comedic relief” character it would’ve gotten stale fast and the whole show would’ve been so unbelievably boring. Stolas is great because he’s tragic, because he shows his humanity more than humans themselves.
And Blitz DID need to be a better character. He’s not gonna lose his whole personality, but i’d much rather see him fucking care for once. That’s all.
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blitzvo · 1 day
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inspired by this gem:
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only no thunk, just.. fall
she’ll be coughing up pencil shavings in a few hours
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