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WAR MAKES ORPHANS // A feudal interstellar story depicted in a fictional universe. Blitz is the story of a family that has fallen apart and must do everything in their power to liberate the planet from a tyrannical king while discovering the truth about their origins.
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blitzkingdom · 4 years ago
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blitzkingdom · 4 years ago
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The formation of House Solus dates back to Eger Solus who was a simple farmer in the north. During the time of conquest and The Dagar War, Eger Solus was critical in the turning of the tide. He was the first to align with the king in this conquest and turn against the other opposing the crown. It was this alliance that granted him regal standing and the foundation upon which the household would be formed. Eger would be promised a daughter from the House of Gathje. Afterwhich, he would inherit the lands of Gaethje and become their Head of household, bestowing the Solus name upon the north. 
The Solus household is proud and burly. Their sons are typically big in statue and have aggressive tendencies. This household has always had a healthy relationship with the crown. Since Eger Solus’s founding of the household, a boy from House Solus has always served as a member of Crest for the past two-hundred years. Their affinity tends to lean toward elemental abilities. The majority of their children born under Goi. Current history has House Solus all but wiped out due to the reign of the current king. Nils Solus is the last heir of the once proud family who reigns in the north as the North’s Word. A position enlisted by the crown to be the eyes and ears of the crown in the north. Notable traits are as follows: Confident, Prideful, Joyous, Quick Tempered, Aggressive, Loyal, Honest, Honorable. Physical traits: Dark hair, Purple eyes, Square facial features. Name trait: Play-on gestures. ( Bow, Kneel, Curtsy, Nod, etc. )
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The name “Sevin” is actually derived from the surname “Blitzsevin” which was the original name of the founding household. Founded by brothers Echorus Blitzsevin and Luscius Blitzsevin, who would later be the first kings of the first major kingdom, the Blitz Kingdom. Echorus and his brother Luscius led a vast conquest across the continents of Planet Blitz and against the hundred kingdoms in a time when there were several and not just one.  Upon claiming victory and forcing the hundred kingdoms to kneel to them, recognizing them as the true kings of Blitz, they founded a kingdom in the center of the continent of Baz. This kingdom would become known as the capitol of the crown, and be the throne of all Blitz. Echorus was coronated as the first Blitz king and his children who followed would adopt the name “Sevin” and not “Blitzsevin” as the birth of a new household. It would be Luscius who would continue the line of Blitzsevin with his own children before some time later his entire household would become notably extinct, leaving only the Sevins to survive the brothers. The last Sevin king, Terrorix Sevin was married to Poema of House Meteora and had four children: Dysax, Raega, Droga and Sicks being the youngest.
Current history has this once proud household as borderline extinct with the only known surviving members being Saosyn, Sicks and a mysterious offspring of Droga. Under the reign of the current king this House is dissolved. Notable traits are as follows: Prideful, Cocky, Enigmatic, Beautiful, Barbaric, Wise, Skillful, Aggressive. Physical traits: White hair, Blue eyes, Narrow facial features. Name trait: Play-on feelings. ( Terror, Fear, Sickness, Death, Rage, etc. )  
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House Meteora was founded on their relation to the king. The third king’s wife was of House Meteora, tying their blood to the crown. Some stories in history tell of Meteora lords plotting to overthrow Sevins and claim their place on the throne but having never been successful in their attempt. The Throne Seekers is how history remembers them. House Meteora will likely go down in history as the secondary reigning regal family. Echorus’ first wife hailed from House Meteora. Their blood is indefinitely mixed with the Sevins. Terrorix Sevin as well took a wife from House Meteora, Poema Meteora. He fathered four children from her. She was the eldest daughter of the Head of household. 
Her brother would become a member of Crest and her two sisters would marry into Houses Solus and Pelela. House Meteora resides in the western lands where a meteorite once crashed in a valley near their villages and nearly wiped out thirty-percent of the planet. Their surname derives from this site in fact, dubbing the first regal household from the Valley of the Sun, “House Meteora.” Current history has this household being led by a female who is very close to the current crown. Recent history showed this household having served up a number of warriors to fight in the games during their time as slaves to Parim, leaving them nearly barren of male figures. Notable traits are as follows: Passionate, Intelligent, Compassionate, Tactful, Elegant, Prideful, Dutiful. Physical traits: Blonde hair, Silver eyes, Thin features. Name trait: Play-on literature. ( Poem, Text, Prose, Comma, Period, Letter, etc. )
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House Pelela is one of the more infamous names among the House banners. This family was founded on the blood of the hundred kingdoms. Most notably, Owa Pelela a tyrant and beast of a man led the charge against the Traede  (a barbaric race) in the fork at the river in the conquest of Echorus. It was said to be an unwinnable battle, but the miracle was achieved through the resilience of Owa and his men who had a willingness to die in order to win. It’s said that at an early age the people born under this household are taught to embrace death as if some glorifying achievement. 
To die on the battlefield is the greatest honor of this family.  They are stone-melders by trade. The bulk of the architecture prescribed within the capitol was crafted by or overseen by members of House Pelela. They reside in the eastern lands where the iron-oak is grown. Wood so strong it resembles the strongest of steel. Recent history has this household as very much dissolved. With only a handful alive in the east thirty-years ago during Terrorix Sevin’s reign and in current history a mere census of one. Only one survivor is listed. 
Notable traits are as follows: Quiet, Enigmatic, Resourceful, Resilient, Handy, Intelligent, Radical. Physical traits: Dark Complexion, Light Hair, Golden eyes. Name trait: Play-on animals. ( Owl, Eel, Snake, Bear, etc. )
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The Devils of Blitz. House Dethstorm was very close to the crown, but was exiled during the reign of Gannus Sevin the third removed king of Terrorix, for cult-like practices. The history of this household is a dark and mysterious one. Daestres Dethstorm was brother of Terrorix who would take the name from his wife would lead this household into their most successful generation spawning several who would serve in the off-world conquests led by Terrorix. 
The lands of Dethstorm are riddled with volcanic ash forever bearing down upon their villages from the nearby mountains and active volcano. It’s here that stones and monuments have been built by their ancestors to honor the fallen. Every generation the Head of household must sacrifice two-cups of blood to the stones in order to protect their family. House Dethstorm is tightly knitted to House Sevin by blood, but to House Astrae due to their cultural and religious beliefs. Believing that House Astrae and their born oracles are destined to guide the people of Blitz into prosperity and utopia. Notable traits are as follows: Adaptable, Clever, Courageous, Faithful, Ruthless. Physical traits: Dark complexion, White hair, Red eyes, Narrow features. Name trait: Play-on weather. ( Windy, Rainy, Storm, Thunder, Cloudy, etc. )
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Practically married to the House of Dethstorm by fate or destiny, House Astrae’s history is nearly directly linked to House Dethstorm’s for the majority of documented history. Although House Astrae has also been tied to the crown. This household was formed sometime around the seventh removed king from Terrorix. A band of merchants traveling aided in the protection of the king and halted an assassination attempt, after which the king dubbed the savior Isis Astrae, Head of House Astrae. A position was then offered to sit the council of the crown upon finding that the Astrae man and his wife had clairvoyant abilities and were able to perceive the future. 
Its here that ancient scripts found by the ancestors of House Dethstorm linked Astrae to the family, and an arrangement was made for a member of House Dethstorm and House Astrae to marry forever tying their families. Members under House Dethstorm would continue this relationship to their benefit, utilizing the high probability of clairvoyant born children under the House of Astrae to enrich their own blood. House Astrae has had one notably powerful warrior Kandess Astrae, the oracle. She served Terrorix Sevin on the off-world conquest against multiple planets forseeing his future victories time and again, even going so far as to warn him of oncoming dangerous and a foggy outcome, to which he ignored and ultimately led to the enslavement of Blitz. Current history has this household strong and full, serving the current king. Notable traits are as follows: Enchanting, Charismatic, Capable, High-minded, Honest, Loyal, Discreet. Physical traits: Brown Hair, Blue eyes, Thin features. Name trait: Play-on stars. ( Vega, Andromeda, Rigel, Sirius, etc. )
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blitzkingdom · 4 years ago
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Because Blitz people practice war and combat as an artform rather than an act of violence it caused the stir of a practiced religion by the members of CREST primarily. Because Crest is considered the elite operations force of the crown, they would sometimes have to harm fellow Blitz. Something that is outlawed.
 Murder is looked upon with disgust in Blitz, ( like pedophilia or molestation / rape ) because it sours the artform in the most uncivilized manner. A shamed face is that of a cloaked face. Crest members would wear large, baggy cloaks that hung over their faces to shield them. Hiding their faces while executing other members of their race allowed them to show respect in the acts of violence and remorse. When a Blitz removed their hood in order to combat someone it was shown as a sign of disrespect on the highest level.
It’s difficult to determine when this practice initially began but it was sometime during the secondary reign of Echorus on the Blitz throne. The formation of Crest dating back to some hundreds years prior to Terrorix. Crest was not the invention of the first kings, however, something that came later.
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blitzkingdom · 4 years ago
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Most planets under the control of Parim ( whether high, middle, or low class ) have some sort of trades resources. Obviously not all worlds are going to have a unique resource up for sale or trade; some are foods, fashion material or armory minerals. Almost everything is bought and sold from every world including types of grass or water. In some cases even “air” is sold. One of the most valuable sales or trades is in low-class people. It’s VERY rare but sometimes even Middle-class people are bought or sold, but never has there ever been a high-class slave.
Most of the things sold are fruits, foods, spices, or materials. Fashion is a huge industry on middle and high class worlds. Because of this material import is up in the top five most sourced trades. It’s common to see slaves from low-class worlds on middle and high, usually tending to shops or upkeep for nobility. The middle and high class slaves, the ones fortunate enough to work for nobility are cleaned and live like Kings or Queens of the low-class worlds. Of course, they are still slaves.
The most valuable trade in all of the system is the youth serum. It’s something valuable even to shareholders, because the resource used to make it has a limit, the greatest collection of serum is locked away on the high-class worlds and used every one-hundred years. There are many rumors stating that there’s even a de-aging serum that makes an elder young again. Although that’s never been seen in trades or even confirmed on the Dark Market. ( Which is a market used by the info-exchange, who trade secrets of high-class families )
Aside from those things, the other most common trades or sales would have to be technologically based. Things like ships, weapons, transport for land, air, sea, etc. Or even suits or cybernetic enhancements, and then finally drugs. ( like Hyperreality ) or others like it.
The hierarchy for each world is pretty much the same. ( especially in part due to the constitution of Parim ) Each world has an elected King or Queen. This elected official is the spokesperson of the entire planet, to the shareholders. That person may have to answer to an Agent or a Regent, but they are responsible for their citizenry. Should a crime be committed by one of their own, that planet is held responsible depending on the crime’s nature.
Kings or Queens may be elected through birthright, and much like the traditional type, through marriage or arranged alliances through pairing. Lineage is very important and is key to the success of most worlds. The shareholders never create alliances with other worlds, their children marry into those of their own species and race to keep some of their more prominent genetics without modification. A King can be crowned as young as ten years old ( same for a Queen ).
The Kings and Queens of each planet are encouraged to create Guards ( units ) for protection during passage to and fro planets. Once a King’s or Queen’s guard, titles and inheritance is relinquished. They must swear an oath and upkeep it with their lives. Heirs from different worlds are able to marry into each other’s family and form alliances beneath Parim, but never against. These alliances are usually built on resources, land, or population.
Per usual, breaking a vow of alliance through marriage ( like adultery ) could be brought before Parim’s judiciary and followed until the alliance is off and punishment is published. Depending on the severity, the punishment could result in death. Parim’s constitution of noble right states that inheritance must be passed to someone possessing the blood of the line and none else, not even a Queen or King, only their children. ( more )
The Games have been around for centuries upon centuries. No one can state exactly when they began ( except one of the shareholders, should they remember ) but they’ve been around nearly as long as Parim itself. The idea is simple, it’s a battle; shareholder versus shareholder. The five of them, richest in all of the Galaxy, who hold the most planets in their estate, come together to compete in the games. So, what are the games? Parim collectively has slaved well over two hundred planets, and as a rough estimate, destroyed over fifty. Warfare can drain a world, pollute it, rob it of resources, suck the life right out of it. The games have left worlds with great cities, abandoned, empty - or those with great rivers and oceans, dry and sea life washed ashore.
Each shareholder picks a world from their estate that they’ve slaved as a fighter and they pit them against each other. The fighting grounds could be either of the planets that are selected. The fighting worlds are then supplied with weapons and arsenal by their sponsor ( the shareholder ) and they must fight for their world’s survival. The winner of five games has the chance to be christened Champion of their sponsor, which means option for re-worlding, which is moving from one dying planet to a new planet full of life and resources, one of the middle-class worlds. Shareholders are known to sponsor and use barbaric worlds in the games, the kind that have little technology or lack sophistication.
Some champion worlds are supplied with youth serum to fight longer, this serum is collected via genetic extract from races that have evolved so much that they stop aging altogether. The High-class view the games in much of a spectacle or sport sort of fashion, while the middle-class feel some of them could be or use to be subjected to the Games, so they’re a bit sympathetic. The low-class obviously fear and reject / rebel against the Games, but are futile to stop them from moving forward. Parim has embedded itself so deep into the Galaxy that most worlds couldn’t survive without it, and thus must fight in the Games.
So, travel back and forth from worlds happens as you would expect it to - there are great huge ships designed for these things. Now, not every ship is fit for world-to-world travel; some are only suited for surface travel. That means, you know a bit like from China to Canada in like an hour, something like that. It’s very likely that different people and member groups have different kinds of ships and technology, except those who reign beneath Parim. Technology is distributed like an industry; different model, same make. That kind of thing.
Hyper-space will be acknowledged in our Galaxy—so jumping or warping space ( if you’re a Star wars or Star Trek fan ) it’s essentially going light-speed with a ship. Traveling light years and what not. It breaks down the travel time between worlds which are separated by solar systems. There are several solar systems in the galaxy; some have two suns, some have one, some worlds have five moons, and some have none. Fleet ships are used for military purpose; they’re huge and station over ten’s of thousands of men and women. Meanwhile, CARGO ships carry other ships and are labeled the “whales” of space. They’re huge, some even bigger than Fleet ships. Empty cargo ships could likely carry the entire population of a planet ( a small one ) kind of like, Noah’s space ark.
Smaller ships that seat one or two people are going to be faster and likely be used for surface travel. Although, there are some single-seaters used for space-travel, especially paid transport. Like space-taxis or in our case “royal carriages.” The atmosphere breaking, the rumble of the seat, that life or death moment as it feels like everything is ripping apart leaving a planet, YEAH. Don’t be shy of writing that sort of stuff into your scene. Exactly what would it be like to have someone royal upon a royal ship? And what would a royal ship be like? These are things to keep in mind when trying to conceive the scene in detail.
Methods of travel per CLASS
 High-class worlds likely use high-class travel transports. It’s very common to see ships of gold and silver transporting people. Train-like autos on a sleek white single track traveling hundreds of miles an hour, or plain old horse and carriages for the more traditional. Elements that they’ve adopted from less civilized worlds. ( horses could be an import )
Middle-class worlds would obviously be similar to High-class worlds with the exception of rare imports like solid gold ships. Methods of transport would be tech-based mostly, and non-horse-carriage-varied.
Low-class worlds would be down to cars, buggies sail boats and wagons, carriages, horses and other alien-like creatures that resemble methods of tamed transport.
Fashion in this galaxy ranges from different sorts of material and style; leather, clothe, and even gel. But, let’s get into the theme. Parim has a modern roman look about their entire sector of space. Much of the architecture is similar to ancient times as well. This is likely due to their marvelous and elegant appearance. Royalty stacks on layers of silks and jewels. It’s common to see men sporting gowns and garnering golden tiara’s ( especially the older and more wise ones )
The middle-class is pulled to a more Athens kind of look. Very reserved. Men wearing sandals and capes with kilts. Low-born are rags and cloth mainly, or in rare cases chainmail. High-born might seem limitless; crazy styles of hair and make-up. This is where it gets interesting; they could appear as having a slight futuristic spin on a modern roman appearance. So think Hunger Games, Panem and their styles. Very wild and odd and colorful. Another example might be Nova Prime from Guardians of the Galaxy, something like that might work here. The military fashion is more or less civilized ( as Obi-wan would put it ) and has swords and shields and frown upon gun-fire. It’s good to keep in mind these people value straight-up power. Swords made of insanely strong metals that sing when you swing them. Shields that could deflect almost anything ( okay Captain America ) and armor that glistens from the sun.
We’re going for a mostly modern / ancient Roman / Greek type of fashion.
The low-class worlds would be everything from modern suit-style to viking clothing. Some of them are less intelligent and more primitive. We’d prefer that most of the added worlds from creating members are more leaned toward the viking / old world aesthetic.
The going theme of the Galaxy under Parim is Greek / Roman architecture. The reason being that it flows well and is elegant and runs with the recurring themes of house v. house politics. The air of sophistication and yet an ancient aesthetic really helps sculpt the Universe of The Hundred Thrones.
Things such as white pillars, statues, and paintings all featuring Roman and Greek inspired aesthetics. More than any other area, these sort of themes and designs will be very, very apparent in High-class areas. These areas are flourishing with technology however as well. Things such as: hovering ads, neon projected signs, ship docking and moving walkways. Lights are set on display all throughout most of the cities giving a somewhat futuristic accent to the statues in the way they’re lit up at night.
These statues will likely be of ancient warriors, champions of a house or world, etc. Monuments will be built in Middle-class areas as well to support the history of the games. Most of the Middle-class areas could resemble 16th century themes. Horses and carriages will still be acknowledged as well as birds, snakes, lizards, etc. Don’t be afraid to be creative with what animals you throw into different worlds.
Obviously other worlds are going to have different creatures. If you’re drawn to things like Dragons, Zombies, Vampires, etc. DON’T ! Do not use those sort of things because they’re not real. Instead try to create something LIKE those things for this Universe. For example; maybe a large rhyno looking creature with several horns that stands as tall as a bus and eats grass and plants, grey skin and protective of its kin – hard to kill due to the tough skin. It has eight eyes upon its squared head.
Maybe it could be called “Vonsra” Who knows. But things like that help the world-building during the stories. Don’t be afraid to throw a little bit of your own creativity in there. Just stick to the on-going theme of Roman / Greek inspired aesthetic. For further details regarding the architecture look in the “setting” section below.
Each member is able to help the world building in small doses. Don’t over do it. Try to pitch some small things in and out of the scene; but don’t flood the scene with an overdose of so many different and wild things that it’s confusing to the reader. The staple world building for this Universe is pretty simple; just think of similar publications for reference; Star wars, Star Trek, Jupiter Ascending. One thing that has been severely different is the mixture of human // creature relations.
There are alien species here in this galaxy, not many are intelligent, the ones that are, are able to walk around free. There’s not much discrimination against most alien species. Some are known for certain characteristics; one example might be “Griphins lie their way through lies they’ve been caught in, don’t trust’em!” Now, not all “Griphins” lie obviously, but it could be so common in their type that all of them get mistaken for being the same sort of person. Although there are aliens, we are predominantly a humanoid galaxy, so it’s few and far between. ( aliens are human-appearing, just different skin or eye colorations )
For land travel as mentioned before there are several types of ship that carry passengers to and from destinations across small or large planets. Aside from these are bikes and bike-like transports. One popular invention is called the Stryker. It’s a hovering bike design that gets up to two-hundred miles an hour in about ten seconds. ( for reference see Destiny’s Shrike or Anakin’s bike from Episode II ). As also mentioned, horse and carriage is viable, especially on high-class or middle-class worlds who love those sort of transports. Each world is different, different landmass, water, gravity, air, etc. Most middle and high class worlds are A-1 habitable zones, or Earth-like worlds. They have the most survivable conditions. There are some desert worlds, or sea worlds; worlds with one single trait or characteristic that they’re known for. 
Each world in The Outer is without Parim and because of this is able to practice religion freely, however, Parim’s constitution forbids the practice of religion within their union. This is due to the multiple rebellion attempts against their law in the name of religion. However for more tamed worlds, it’s impossible to forget their religion and with ancient text sold in the Dark Market, minds tend to wonder on what things were like before Parim. So, certain religions could be practiced in secret. However, most would revere the shareholders as their “Gods” and the middle-class as the “Angels.”
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blitzkingdom · 4 years ago
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So, almost every planet in the High-class is the same. Each planet is owned by one of the shareholders, directly, and it’s known that these worlds are the home worlds of the shareholders ( although it’s not likely disclosed exactly where they live ) These worlds are the most ripe with technology, youth serum, wealth, and exotics. They’re living billboards as advertisements flood the streets, cybernetics and synthetics are popularized, hyper-reality is trending ( which is a drug used to make people intelligent: think Limitless ) It’s a bath of neon signs and hovering devices, robotics, and the most sleekly-white architecture you can imagine. The setting is extremely clean.
The Middle-class worlds are more-or-less owned by the cousins / brothers / sisters / daughters / sons of the shareholders. These worlds are uniquely fitted with technology, fashion, advertisements, endorsements, and it’s common to see floating signs of World Champions floating by or something. These are the worlds that are owned by the nobility of shareholders, the ones that live in the public’s eye. The shareholders are mostly recluse or rarely ever seen in public. So in their stead, their lineage is openly available for public interview, or they’re what you’d refer to in this Galaxy as “celebrity status.” They’re taught to walk properly, answer correctly, sit up nicely. Have great posture, wording, language skills, etc. They’re fashion is usually unique to each household and always in question.
These people live under a microscope. They’re the face of desire or have hate. They dress most modernly with a more designer touch, apart from the High-class whose fashion is odd and very post-modern. Middle-class worlds offer up a great deal of experimental resources mined from Outer worlds. It’s common to see expos and what not.
Low-Class worlds are the slums, the beggars, the poor. These worlds have light technology ( think of 1999 and back in our modern civilization ) They could have swords, shields and huts, or not have any intellectual speaking skills. They could have light transportation, land, air or sea. These worlds vary on their type. The most advanced of these worlds would likely be a pseudo steampunk type of setting. They’d have floating ships and what not powered by gas, electric or steam. These worlds have a lot of land due to the lack of resourcing or construction and most of the time, the people are lacking in intelligence or hyper-religious.
Blitz - King & Queen - Royal Family ( Royal Born ) Regals - Head of Household ( Lord ) - Lady of - Ser of - High-Born Regal-Born - Cast of ( Family ) - Lady-Cast of ( Family ) - Ser-Cast of ( Family ) Low-Born - Family name of ( City / Location ) - Son of, Family of, ( City / Location ) - Daughter of, Family of ( City / Location )
Parim  - Shareholder High-class  - Chancellor  - Noble Family  - Imperial Guard - Council - Corporations Middle-class - Head of Household - Noble Family  - Imperial Guard - Agent(s) Low-class - King & Queen - Noble Family - Planet Militia 
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blitzkingdom · 4 years ago
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In this Galaxy, Parim is in control. They harbor over two-hundred planets that they have slaved and used in their big games. The most wealthy people in all of the galaxy are shareholders of Parim and act in unison. People are considered wealthy by the amount of planets they have obtained via conquest. These planets are then fitted for battle and supplied arms and weapons and training by their sponsor, and then they are forced to fight against other worlds. The loser’s planet is destroyed ( thanks to Parim’s vast wealth of technology ) and the wheel keeps spinning.
The galaxy is made up of over 100 billion worlds, but is divided into nine sectors. The outer most worlds are left on their own without the acknowledgement of Parim ( which is viewed by some as the most powerful governing force in the system ) these worlds are called The Outer. The Galactic center is where the most concentrated actions of Parim take place. Only the rich survive here, it’s the high-class terrain, these worlds are fitted with the most technologically advanced settings. Parim only works in about five of the sectors, and focus mainly on slave-world tradings within their own shareholder seats.
Magistrates are employed by the shareholders to act on their behalf and witness the games and choose their champions. Being a champion world comes with many great rewards including life, a bigger planet ( should one be requested ) more weapons, more technology and most importantly youth serum. Because these champion worlds are so sought after in value, their soldiers must be taken care of—thus a serum that retains youthfulness is needed to keep the champions in shape. The serum is distributed in mass to keep everyone on champion worlds alive for longer than an average lifespan, some have even lived past five-hundred.
Different shareholders own different kinds of worlds, some have valued resources which are also able to be traded and sold / bought among the other owners. For centuries now the shareholders have competed with one another trying to gather the most champions in a lot. There is a working system in play in the Galaxy which keeps Parim in control. They distribute the most efficient resources to worlds and keep them on a leash through this, denying them relocation or re-worlding. ( which is the act of creating a new world for a dying race, or moving them to a new world ). Because Parim is so advanced they are actually able to create worlds or move them.
Worlds are different, so each has their own traditions, people, species, plants, animals, governments, etc. Because Parim owns a world does not mean the world does not have a government. It just means the government answers to Parim. It’s common for Parim to situate someone of high-power in the government of this planet however to assure their compliance. Parim has a constitution for each of the worlds within its “union” the non-slave worlds, that is. Because yes, although Parim takes lesser worlds and enslaves them, that does not mean ALL worlds Parim owns are slave-fighter worlds. Some are valued by their resources or land and for that are kept ripe and conditioned.
These worlds are known more or less as the middle-class. Each of the Inner-worlds, the ones tied directly to Parim’s shareholders, has a hierarchy of nobility that are directly recognized as the most valued people in Parim’s reach. They are worshiped by some and viewed as iconic. They’re forever-young and some are even as old as two-thousand. They are the houses and house names of the shareholders lineage. They own a multitude of worlds and a plethora of wealth. When they step foot on a planet, it’s all the solar system talks about for years. It’s a great huge deal.
In this Galaxy the different political structures go according to each world, however overall the system is somewhat influenced by our modern structures. Parim is viewed as a governing force to the better half of the sectors of the system. Parim is viewed by the shareholders as a corporate superpower, something that they’ve all invested into as the most wealthy households in all of the system. The shareholders vote unanimously on decisions and then the elected sessions moderator makes the final decision.
 These decisions could be about games, location, world issues, house issues, etc. The shareholders have judges, or judiciaries for their estates. Which means there are different laws for each world under each leader, which are on the city-to-city level, but the laws for each WORLD to WORLD case are the same as written in Parim’s constitution of united worlds. Each shareholder has an estate; which is a lot of worlds. ( lot as in collection ) So, they tend to make sure the Head of each world is someone deeply and closely trusted by their faculty. 
- Shareholder ( Head of Household // Estate )
- Regent ( acting in charge in place of shareholder )
- Hand ( banker, commander, estate manager )
- Magistrate ( Head of World affairs // Kings & Queens )
- Judiciar ( World to World Judge & Jury )
- Agent/Knight ( Acting field operative of the Regent )
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blitzkingdom · 4 years ago
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In the history of Blitz as it was described by Echorus in his personal notes, the Light resonates within each person born on planet Blitz. He believed it was in their blood although his efforts proved that false. Luscius believed the Light was a supernatural force beyond their comprehension and began teaching his way of meditation to heighten its connection with the host. It was then that his religious practice of the “shamed face” was created. A warrior race such as them pride themselves on what they’re capable of. Battles of art were put together as a ritual between soldiers. Each would wear black cloaks and hoods to shield their face. It was a sign of respect to their opponent. Only when the hood was removed was it a sign of disrespect. 
The Light is actually a cosmic force that is drawn into the body of the Blitz from an unknown origin in deep space as well as a phenomenon on the planet itself. The Blitz race is not the only one affected by the Light, they just believe they are. 
The Light gives the people of Blitz their gifts: telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, teleportation, etc. ( abilities ) Each person’s Light amount determines their strength. Light can be measured by a mental link from one Blitz to another. Light can be gathered and the external capacity increased, essentially making the person stronger the more Light they carry or are able to carry. 
In some, rare, cases like Dysax Sevin, a child is born carrying an abundance of Light giving them access to abilities beyond comprehension. These children were documented to be born under the sign of SOL, and thus a strict law was created that no woman could bare a child under the sign.
Light can also be described as an energy source on the mental and/or spiritual plane of existence. It is also tied to the astrological signs assigned at birth.
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blitzkingdom · 4 years ago
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Since the beginning historians on Blitz have managed to link certain abilities to certain birth-months according to astrological constellations and their alignments. The first month falling on Tri and the last on Goi. Each representing a set of constellations and abilities. Those born under the listed constellation have a high chance of inheriting the abilities listed within. It is uncommon but not improbable that someone born under one astrological sign can in fact inherit abilities more common to another sign.
It should be noted however, that among all of these the sign of “Sol” is and has always been forbidden to be born under. Hundreds of years prior children born under Sol exhibited signs of genetic mutation; physical or mental disabilities. Some even showing signs of freakish strength or power; including abilities not seen in prior history. It was determined that the commonality of this was the sign of Sol, and thus a law was passed. No woman would be able to bare a child during the month of Sol.
  Children born under Sol were to be executed immediately. 
*Tri - Absorption, Premonitions, Healing, Regeneration
*Druud - Invisibility, Kinetic Manipulation, Elemental
*Lim - Mineral Manipulation, Terrakinesis, Flight
*Flo  - Speed, Flight, Enhanced Strength
*Zir -  Telekinesis, Teleportation, Energy Manipulation
*Sol - Storm Manipulation, Elemental, Psychokinetics.
*Goi - Elemental, Magnetic,  Time Manipulation, Flight, Teleportation
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blitzkingdom · 4 years ago
war makes orphans.
Parim the multi-world Trade Federation is defeated by a handful of slaves, among them, Sicks and Saosyn Sevin. After freeing multiple worlds from Parim including their own, the Blitz refugees return home to find their world still intact. It appears no different than the day they left it thirty years ago as children. Although the world appears the same, a lot has changed. A new king sits on the throne hand-selected by Parim in order to secure loyalty. King Oraen  Kryst of a lesser known household is now the ruler of the Kingdom of Blitz. With his reign he has dissolved all of the regal rights of major households and rid the crown of Crest, their elite unit. No traditions, no religious practices, no ceremonial arts. The culture of a once proud race is desolate and all he sits atop of the mountain. As the last heir of House Sevin, Sicks returns to claim his throne but per tradition it is put to a vote, in which King Oraen is victorious and remains the king of Blitz. A year has passed since the defeat of Parim and Nils of House Solus returns to the north with terrible news of increased taxation and public executions, which goes against the thousand year history of Blitz. Is it enough to rally the forgotten houses of the Kingdom to put an end to the tyranny of Oraen?
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blitzkingdom · 4 years ago
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herisi | house meteora
Before Herisi, there was “The Valley of the Sun.” A historical landmark, arrival of the fragment — the meteorite crash site. The team that excavated the crashsite under the orders of Echorus and Luscius made several discoveries which to this date have not been publicly release. They remain under the watchful keep of House Meteora. It is their sworn-oath to the House of Blitzsevin. As over a thousand years have passed since then, the text and documentation linking the site to the founding of House Meteora is somewhat misconstrued. Many believe the founding father of House Meteora was a personal guard of Echorus or Luscius.
 Perhaps an ep,oyed excavator from the site. One thing is certain however, upon the founding of House Meteora whose earliest incarnation begins with Tex Meteora and Perid Meteora; a brother and sister who one would marry a Sevin and the other a member of House Solus. It was Tex, the male, who’s children would sit the throne of Herisi and for generations House Meteora has ruled Herisi. The Valley of the Sun became known as the city of Herisi. It has been documented that the children born in Herisi are unusually strong and contain abnormal amounts of Light. The crash site formed a crater in the continent of Baz which carved out the valley. Nestled within is the city itself, surrounded by high overlooking jagged cliffs and dense forests that have since grown deep into the valley. In the center of the city which houses only a mere four thousand people, rests the library of the valley. 
Some documents that reside within the library are only available to members of House Meteora, even forbidden to be read by the king or queen themselves.
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blitzkingdom · 4 years ago
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eurekesi | house astrae
Eurekesi is the oldest city-kingdom on Baz. It is the last that remains of the era of The Hundred Thrones. Eurekesi is the foundation in which Echorus and Luscius mapped out their conquest to unite the hundred kingdoms into one massive kingdom under the banner of House Blitzsevin. There was another household formed in unison with this idea which was that of the oracles. The blood of House Astrae is thickened with Light from the fragment. House Astrae is said to commonly birth those who are able to see the future, predict it or have visions that can conjure into reality. These people and the founding of their household is tightly stitched to the era of the Hundred Thrones and Echorus and Luscius conquest. It’s believed that Echorus used the earliest generation of House Astrae to aid him in victory over the hundred kingdoms.
 For their aid in this conquest its believed that Echorus chose to form House Astrae off the backs of these oracles and gift them the city of Eurekesi. Because they are such a highly religious and somewhat cult of people, their city has not changed since its construction. They are a peaceful lot and the culture around the city seems to be airy; free-spirited. Meditation is common in the grassy plains. Combat is practiced in Eureksi as an artform; performances are commonly held in the citadel court to entertain or appease high-borns. There are annual ceremonies held in Eurekesi to honor the kings of old and the visions to come. Eurekesi can be described as a city of ivory, similar to Aphons. Large pillars, towering buildings with open terraces and nature-weaved aesthetics growing throughout the low-built city with abnormal jagged cliffs in and out. Almost as if the city was built in layers going up three large stairs. 
The lower portion is shops, the harbor, the entrance. The secondary step, as one continues upward north is for residential areas; housing, et cetera. The last and largest of the stairs is political, the church of Astrae, the telescope, the market and the port.
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blitzkingdom · 4 years ago
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dagar station | house solus
Dagar Station is a medium sized village in the furthest northern corner of the continent. The weather conditions are by far the worst across the map. It is always cold in Dagar Station. Named the Daga Villages, it gets the title station from the fact that it is one of only four locations on the Baz continent that is capable of interstellar stationary launch. There is a ship port at Dagar Station that happens to be the least active port across Blitz. Its structures are mostly made of iron oak from the city of Odens imports. The iron oak is necessary to combat the harsh winds that can stir across the north during certain months.
 Most of the buildings have jagged points to their roofs that narrow out the top of the construction to further help combat the weather conditions. There are however several alleyways that weave in and around the buildings. These buildings are built to be so close that no standard vehicle can traverse them, thus horseback is necessary for traveling about Dagar Station. All of the village lights are color red to ward off any of the northern critters which seem fearful of the color and remain far away. It is one of the best locations to hunt for big meat game. Because of this there is a periodic hunting season that takes place slightly north of Dagar Station and the collection is then ported to the city markets around the continent.
 Dagar Station is the home of House Solus and has been since its inception. The population density is very low this far north due to the weather, therefore Dagar Station is home to only two-to-three thousand people.
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blitzkingdom · 4 years ago
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gedastad | house dethstorm
Built on the edge of a mountain range, Gedstad is quite literally the hardest of the cities to navigate. 
Waters flow from the ocean nearby up and through a manmade canal that runs throughout the entire city, front to back. There are hundreds of buildings constructed within Gedastad. Most of which are sectioned off according to use: entertainment, market, armory, blacksmith, stables, and the port. The largest part of the city being the palace and entrance to the volcanic monument, GEDA. Beyond the palace, wrapping around the cliff’s edge and up along the volcano is a narrow pathway that was constructed over six-hundred years ago by the third generation of House Dethstorm. This pathway leads to the edge of the volcano to an opening that manmade with a stone foundation and several stone pillows surrounding.
 It overlooks the entire city and most of the coast. This is GEDA, where the House of Dethstorm celebrates their coronation ceremonies and sacrifices. It is also the location were residential oracles from Eurekesi are welcomed into Gedastad. It is one of the only known cities outside of Aphons to house a palace of sorts for the head of household. Ash constantly cascades through the air and from time to time large bird-like creatures fly overhead and often pirch on the cliffside. There have been cases of these creatures attempting to eat or attack citizens of Gedastad, but they are usually fended off before hand.
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blitzkingdom · 4 years ago
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odens | house pelela
The city of Odens is depicted as the home of House Pelela as well as the Iron Oak grown in the surrounding woodlands. The Iron Oak is what has made Odens such an infamous landmark on the Baz continent and in Blitz history. Odens is a vast city spanning a square radius of three-hundred-twenty miles. It houses several factories and corporations directly linked to the crown. These factories are responsible for producing the bulk of the armory that is served to the crown. Arming the soldiers that stand to protect the Capitol as well as the multiple outposts in each branch city. 
Spiraling toward the center of the city the buildings get taller, the architecture resembles a post-modern city with several train-rails that weave in and out of one another throughout the inner most sections of the city. It could be said that Odens is somewhat of a technological monolith of a city. With how much advertisements are displayed across projections littering the streets. They are on nearly every building’s face. There are also several statues located around the city depicting heroic battles in Blitz history. It is almost always raining in Odens. The culture of Odens can be described as a blend of various from different parts of Blitz. Because it is one of four port-stations, it attracts people from all across the Baz continent. 
The House of Pelela was founded and then given Odens as a means to further their loyalty to the crown some hundreds of years ago.
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blitzkingdom · 4 years ago
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athons | house sevin
There is more documented history in Aphons than just about anywhere else in Blitz outside of Herisi being the second. Aphons was founded by Echorus and his brother Luscius Blitzsevin. The first two kings of Blitz. Their common goals and shared dream of unifying the continent of Baz under one set of banners ignited their passion to further craft the most illustrious and gorgeous kingdom in all of Baz and on all of Blitz itself. It is compromised of ivory core mineral that is considered the most dense mineral on the planet. Making the buildings nearly bulletproof. There are several winding walk ways around the kingdom’s palace that is open to the public generally. 
Upon these paths are several hundreds of statues chiseled to great detail that depict the wars and battles of previous kings and heroes of Crest.  The palace itself is located at the furthest inner-point of the kingdom and surrounded by lower-built buildings that serve as suburbs to the inner-kingdom. There is several courts: entertainment, shopping, art, design, history, food, etc. To the east of the kingdom lies a heavy flowing waterfall that blows mist across the entirety of the palace leaving a misty haze in the air. The cities surrounding the palace are all cornered by flowing rivers that spawn from the pool at the bottom of the giant waterfall. At the stairs of the capitol building rest several great statues carved to remember Echorus, Luscius and their sons.
 Aphons has always been the home of House Sevin. The fashion around Aphons tends to lean more toward archaic. Robes, gowns, and leather armor fittings. Sigils of House Sevin once hung from ever balcony blaring “sing of war.”
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