capricious ;
19 posts
the mind is the most capricious of insects - flitting. fluttering.astrid gale vidarsdottir.twenty-three. penned by lex for @sidekickhq.
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
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“i can fix anything.” arrogance laces their tone, and it certainly fits with the way in which their chin juts out and their shoulders tip back. it’s not har to be confident in your ability when you’re one of the youngest present in a trade made for old souls, though even at twenty two, they didn’t feel MUCH like the ‘spring chicken’ they liked to call them. they take another look, a crease appearing between their brows. “but i don’t think even i can fix that.”
astrid did not have a little clicker for her car. why ? because she lost it at a bar in the midst of a very competitive karaoke contest. it was never seen again, so she had to use her spare key to unlock her vehicle. it was unfortunate, if you asked her. definition of a first world problem. to add insult to injury, poet was an onlooker as her key miraculously snapped ( she just was using too much force ) in half in the lock. . . the KEY part of the key being. . . gone. “i-,” she doesn’t have words ( a rarity ) as she blinks at the broken instrument in her hand. “that doesn’t . . . help. you have any idea how to break into a car, then ? you think there’s a wikihow for it ?”  
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
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“On a scale from 1 to 10, how much of a bad idea is it to try and use lightning to charge my phone?” Sidney asked. “My phone is so dead and I swear literally every outlet I find is taken. Desperate times mean desperate measures.”
“it’s not. . . the worst idea ?” astrid offers, though the grimace on her features implies that maybe it isn’t the best, either. “though if you fry your phone do you wanna bite the bullet to replace the battery ?”
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
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Kathryn Newton via Instagram (2.1.20)
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
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Tell the people… what you said when they gave you the bow. (x)
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
“…Many things interested her, and nothing satisfied her entirely.”
— Ivan Turgenev, Fathers and Sons (via wordsnquotes)
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
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sunshine baby
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
⧼    kathryn newton, cisfemale, she/her   /   maybe idk - jon bellion   +   cancelled plans at the last minute , forgotten about wilted, yellow tulips in a mason jar , a worn in, oversized denim jacket that gets thrown into every outfit regardless of formality     ⧽   ━━   let me tell you a thing or two about ASTRID GALE VIDARSDOTTIR. the TWENTY THREE year old daughter of VIDAR BJORK-THORSON is a POSTGRAD student at paragon academy, and has sometimes been referred to as THE PARADOX. they’ve always seemed very CURIOUS & COLORFUL, though i’ve heard that they can be pretty FLIGHTY & WEAK-WILLED, too. it’s common knowledge that they have the power / ability of WATER MANIPULATION & PARTIAL ASGARDIAN PHYSIOLOGY ; guess we shouldn’t get on their bad side, huh?  
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first off, hello ! i’m lex ! i’m 24, use she/her pronouns and im located in the est timezone ! i am v excited to be here, feel free to slide into my dms to plot ! 
cute & fun headcanons : 
a lil bit of a crust of a gal !
calls herself baby
can b an asshole
vegetarian !
very sleepy gal - for no reason at all. napping is a ~hobby~
quotes tik toks and definitely went through a heelys phase in 2019
very,, flighty. queen of ‘i wasn’t going to go but i wanted to be invited’. is notorious for trying to bail out of plans so she often has to be dragged to outings
she’s aware of her flakiness - it’s not something she likes and has made small strides to combat. she joined a sorority to make new friends, but also to give her some structure that she HAD to abide by. 
has five tattoos and will contest that two of them were a good idea at the time but ultimately,,, regrets them ( s/o to the YOLO lip tattoo she got four years ago and it STILL hasn’t faded, despite being promised it would ). the other she regrets is simply because it is so cliche - it was her first, a simple wave beneath and to the side of her right breast. she’s also got a conure perched on a half moon on her back left shoulder, this on the back of her upper right arm, and ‘vis ta vie’ on her inner left leg, just above the ankle. 
she’s very smart when she puts her mind to something, it’s just the matter of staying invested in whatever she’s working on. fortunately, she does pick up on things quickly. for example, she learned how to sufficiently play piano in about three months before she ditched the hobby all together. played every sport under the sun for a year before eventually ditching it ( with the exception of swimming ). 
that being said - despite being 23 this is her first year of graduate school at paragon academy, due to the fact that she changed her major three times in undergrad.
has a blue crowned conure named paulie, yes - just like the movie. it was her favorite growing up !
is a swim instructor and lifegaurd ( during the summer ) at the local swim club! loves working with kiddos ! has travelled to a lot of really cool places in the world doing different missions with nonprofits and or/research working on tagging sharks and studying their populations ! 
some *history* :
born august 2, 1996. she’s one of five children of vidar thorson ! is the ( older ) irish twin of tova, which is cute n funky n fresh
she has. . . always been flighty. when she was younger, it was more so with her emotions - they would turn on a dime. she felt things very vibrantly. when she was happy, she was overwhelmingly so. when something even mildly set her off, you knew. very much a realist growing up. saw things for how they were, and it often upset her.
her childhood was good. she loved her parents, loved her siblings. she valued the time where they ALL were together, but she made it. . . very known she was unhappy when her dad would leave. large tantrums and screaming fits when she was younger. acting out when she got older ( she’s mellowed out though, now she’s just. dumb ).
she has a pretty good relationship with her mom. by no means is she the closest to her out of the lot, but they get on well. maybe not so much in her teens when astrid was busy acting out, but really. . . that’s ANY teen and their parents, isn’t it?
rly clung to tova after the incident at the shops. she mourned for her aunt, she did, as much as a thirteen year old girl could, but tova was her highest concern. she didn’t know how, per se, to comfort someone in tova’s situation aside from being there when needed ( even when her presence wasn’t asked for i.e sleeping on the floor beside her bed ).
she has a . . . tricky relationship with her dad and goes back and forth, often, about whether or not she wants a better relationship with him. when she was younger she just wanted his consistent, undivided attention. wanted him to be around. she knows his absence does not come with an easy answer, but that’s never changed how she felt. there’s a lot of. . . undealt with animosity, for lack of better wording, on her part. the damage was done, and being nearer to him has thrown her through a loop. it’s not uncommon for her to agree to plans to see him and then cancel on them at the last minute. also not uncommon to reach out at the last minute, too. fickle chick.
i’ll likely add onto this as i build onto astrid and work out where she fits in the grand scheme of things ! 
wanted connections ! i’ll send these to the main in a more. . . formal format, eventually, but ! :
a squad that rly b drinking,,, the stupid bitch juice ~ people she just does dumb shit with. admittedly they have probably. . . matured, a bit, since their rly dumb days considering i’d imagine most of them to be grad students or well, graduated but i think that is a good foundation, of sorts, to build off of. like any young adults finding time for each other after undergrad could always be. . . a time. these are also likely her tried and true best friends. her constants. could rly b anyone, i think this could be cool if they’re all polar opposites, but they should be around her age !i’d imagine it’s a group of four, maybe three, i’m not rly picky. 
astrid has likely had one or two exes. she floats both ways, so this would be open to anyone. it was likely her that led to their demise. she’s flighty in all things. plans. feelings. maybe she was just a straight up lousy girlfriend. didn’t allot enough time to the relationship to make it work. maybe her feelings sizzled quickly after the two became a thing. it does not HAVE to be that way, just some options, as astrid’s STILL really figuring herself out and i really doubt she was a perfect opposite in the past. but, hey ! if you have something else in mind, i’m not picky. 
mentors !!! people that have tried to help her get her shit together. professors wise, maybe they helped her freshman/sophomore year settle on selecting an actual major that worked. i imagine that sort of connection would have stuck for her, and she often would turn to them for advice or help. it could come in the form of a faux-big sibling, too. i am always a sucker for. that shit.
if your character would have ANYTHING to do with the ocean, that’s something cool to build off ! i imagine she’s done lots of educational trips and internships, apprenticeships and what not, whether it is tagging marine life, studying coastal ecosystems/shore erosion. a few summers during undergrad she often helped with rehab & release !
coworkers ! she works at the local swim club so that could be ! fun ! people she did dumb shit with while drunk ( maybe your char was there when she got one of the stupid tattoos ? and they never spoke again ? this could b funny ) ! friends that she was friends with for the hottest minute but lost interest ! or maybe they just grew apart ! i imagine she was never part of a solid friend group for a while, just kind of. . . hopped from one to the other, so if that would fit somewhere, that would be cool ! someone she always runs into at the pet store ?? who knows ! previous hook-ups ! if your character teaches something, she could have been a former student of theirs before she gave up the interest ! i’d also love for some connects where people just. . . don’t like her for whatever reason. could be enemies, doesn’t have to be. maybe just animosity. maybe its her behavior. who she hangs out with. something else we could plot out, idk. 
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
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Titanic (1997) dir. James Cameron
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
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“i’d rather stay in, you know, catch up on some homework, maybe some knitting,” daniel quickly found himself rushing to find an excuse as he allowed his gaze to fall to the ground. trying to weasel his way out of spending time with his niece was hard enough, there was no way he could do it while maintaining eye contact. “but you shouldn’t let me ruin your night!” he added, perhaps a tad too enthusiastically, as he desperately tried to tell astrid that he didn’t have anything against her. “you should go out, have a drink or two, who knows maybe you’ll meet someone,” he continued to ramble, unable to stop at this point. and oh he wanted to stop or punch himself in the face. @bliindinglights​
astrid’s features scrunch together in such a way that it’s. . . apparent she’s judging daniel’s choice of friday night plans. “GODS, you already are,” she says easily. it sounds harsh, maybe, but being family means that he would have to forgo the luxury of being polite. “do you know how rare this is ? that i’m not passed out before ten pm ? and you’re. . . passing to KNIT?” she tilts her head to the side as if to say ‘really’, though it is lost on her uncle who won’t look her in the eye. anyone else, she MAY have considered backing down. hell, she probably would have easily, but she had a strong feeling he would cave. “ew. i don’t want to MEET someone - i want to take advantage of three dollar white claws and i wasn’t asking. come ON, daniel. live a little.”
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
I’m not the same everyday. There are times where I’m loud and chatty, and there are times when I’m really quiet. I don’t think I can define myself.
(via bl-ossomed)
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bliindinglights · 5 years ago
She was the kind of girl who was a chaos of contradictions from one second to the next, for her mind was never free. Sometimes bright like the sun, sometimes calm like the moon, sometimes stormy like the ocean, and sometimes all three.
A Girl of Contradictions | Nikita Gill (via untamedunwanted)
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