bleuridgewitchin · 3 years
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Over the pandemic, my interests have migrated from foraging for medicines, to foraging to make meads and wine!🌼🍾
I just wrapped up 5 galons of next years dandelion wine (my biggest project yet). I've been finding it overwhelmingly satisfying to take the knowledge I have about plants and trees in the woods and fields I hold dear, and being able to share tastes of nature with friends. I can't suggest it enough to other folks who feel deeply connected to nature, please go out and stick yeast and plants in some sugar water!
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bleuridgewitchin · 4 years
Can you make any suggestions regarding the fruit of the ginko tree? I have three ginko trees outside my house and currently the abundant fruit goes to waste. Thank you and blessed be :)
Lord this is probably over a year late! I haven't been on tumblr lately, sorry😭 Ginko fruit for the most part doesn't have much of a use though. The nuts inside are edible if roasted correctly, but if not you can get poisoned, and we aint about playing that game lol
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bleuridgewitchin · 4 years
Happy spring equinox! Stop on by, stick your feet in the mud, n sip some wine I made last year out of dandelion petals🌼🥂
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bleuridgewitchin · 4 years
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Midsummer can do strange things to the body
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bleuridgewitchin · 4 years
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I've been waiting on these Jerusalem Artichokes to bloom all summer long, and as autumn dries up my garden it's nice to see these big bastards finally blossoming🌼🍂
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bleuridgewitchin · 4 years
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Went out and foraged some evening primrose flowers and seeds, as well as mullein leaves! Unfortunately when I got home I learned you can only extract primrose oil with a special machine🌼😥 I did learn that you CAN still use them in infused oils with other plants that are good for your skin to make a skin salves and oils though, and I'll be posting when I whip somethin up!🌿🌼🌿🌼🌿🌼🌿
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bleuridgewitchin · 4 years
hi! i saw your posts about mugwort, and i was wondering you have any experience smoking it? if so, have you had any spiritual enlightenment/hallucinations/ lucid dreams? i would love to know your thoughts if youd like to share!
o shit I’m sorry, It’s been a while since I’ve logged on! I have a deep love for mugwort, and working with mugwort. The first time I connected with it on a spiritual level, I was told by a friend who does a lot of spirit work with herbs to collect mugwort in a jar, pour hot water over it, seal it, and then leave it among the mugwort bushes growing along the property to soak in their essence. At the time I was living on a small apothecary farm in upstate NY that had forests of mugwort surrounding the little house, it was really beautiful. I left the jar for two days, and on the night of the second day I was told to meditate on the plant while drinking its tea in my room. I turned off the lights, lit candles and created a space for the work. I cleared my mind and sipped some of the tea, and immediately felt as though I was sitting outside in a soft, bright sunny patch of mugwort. I fell into a sweet trance in which I felt saturated with safety, love, and warmth. It felt so real, I was honestly really shocked. As I sat, the feelings became stronger and stronger. I felt saturated, and eventually felt as though I was being sexually engaged in a way thats really hard to describe. It felt like the love and warmth became so strong, that they passed an emotional boundary and crossed into the physical, or something like that. After some time I climaxed, continued to meditate a little while longer, and went to sleep. It took me a few days to push through my embarrassment and admit to my friend what happened. They were excited to hear about it, and to them it was really normal. They even said that mugworts a sexy plant, and that my experience was almost expected. I also noticed that after that day, whenever I was near the plants, I almost felt as though they were reaching out to me in a way I could not see. When I got near them I felt warm and happy, as if I was approaching a dear, dear friend. I brought it up with the same friend and they explained that I had made a spiritual ally-ship, and that this too was normal. Hope this helps! Sorry this is so late! 
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bleuridgewitchin · 5 years
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Its been a while folx! I keep forgetting to document the things Ive been doing this summer (my bad). Anyways, my Tia (auntie) asked me to help her gather some herbs to make essiac tea for a friend who has cancer. Im not claiming to be able to treat cancer, nor have I done any research on how I would begin to treat cancer, but she sent me a list of herbs to help her gather to make the tea and Id shoot the moon down for her if she asked me to so I found what I could. The tea seems to be gaining popularity and I'd like to do some in depth research on it, I was also only able to find 2 of the herbs from the list so be wary that these are only a few of the herbs from the tea.
Sheep sorrel roots (above) :
Antiscorbutic, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic, refrigerant, styptic
Yellowdock roots (below) :
Antioxidant, astringent, digestive bitter, cathartic, depurative, laxative, refrigerant
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bleuridgewitchin · 5 years
Hi there, I was wondering if you could share any advice for a beginner forager? Your blog is very prolific.
Learn all about the native plant life where you live! I use plant ID apps to take pictures of, ID, and look up almost everything I come across. Once youve ID'd what youre looking at you can find out what uses it has and how to make things with/ eat it. Good luck dude!
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bleuridgewitchin · 5 years
What’s that green bottle in your last post? The one with the spout? I saw one just like that in an antique store a couple months ago but I had no idea what it’s used for and google isn’t helping
It's a drink chiller! You put ice in the little glass indent on the side so the glass cools your drink without diluting it
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bleuridgewitchin · 5 years
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All my friends are waking up n growing again which means it's time to start harvesting. Today I went to do errands for my aunt and found she had an abundance of mugwort growing in her garden.
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Mugwort is very dear to me. It is kind and prompting. It is gentle and loving and so powerful. I use it during rituals to help me meditate, as it's the only thing that truly allows me to do so (my adhd makes it nearly impossible to sit still). I could write chapters on all the wonderful things mugwort provides. I'm so happy to see my dear friend waking up and growing again. I've missed them.
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bleuridgewitchin · 6 years
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Embroidery inspired by @queerappalachia !! This slogan has been something that’s stuck with me ever since I saw it on their page. Learning to be comfortable with myself and my expressions as a rural queer in the last year of so has been incredibly therapeutic. I feel like expressing that process through a common folk art (that’s also associated with femininity) is something that’s allowed me to grow as an artist and a person. Also I love radishes.
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bleuridgewitchin · 6 years
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This actually made me smile, thank you! I like leaving offerings when I take from or tread in new places n it's nice to think sometimes when I forget or I'm not paying attention theyre just taken from me anyways.
Where are your necklaces from? They’re gorgeous. Btw I love your page so much!❤️
shucks thank you, I made all the necklaces I wore but they keep getting broken off and lost somehow unfortunately. 
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bleuridgewitchin · 6 years
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Badly missin mountain shenanigans when the valleys awake and green🌿🌺
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bleuridgewitchin · 6 years
How long have you been doing the herbalism thing? And what would you suggest to get rid of my cats worms for good? Its been a fight, one I've been losing. Possibly due to this crappy hotel I've been forced to live in. (It has a mouse problem.)
only a few months actually! I read n studied as much as I could for a year or two on my own but never retained much knowledge (because im a hands on learner). Then I went to live and work on a tiny apothecary farm in the mountains for a few months and learned so much. I’m sorry to say I can’t offer any advice for your cats worms, I’m not a professional and I don’t know much about using herbs for animals. 
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bleuridgewitchin · 6 years
Where are your necklaces from? They’re gorgeous. Btw I love your page so much!❤️
shucks thank you, I made all the necklaces I wore but they keep getting broken off and lost somehow unfortunately. 
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bleuridgewitchin · 6 years
❌ female
❌ male
✔️ Entity
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