blessedalma · 1 year
Saleeh Ibn Uthaymīn رحمه الله said:
“It is obligatory for you to stay far away from every person you think can mislead you from the path of Allah.”
[Tafsīr Surat Ahzaab | 1/523]
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blessedalma · 2 years
Imām Ahmad Ibn Hanbal said: “Intend good. As long as you intend good, you’ll always be in a state of good.”
{اداب الشرعة ١/١٠٢} –
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blessedalma · 2 years
rule#1: never tell people what ur doing until it’s done
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blessedalma · 3 years
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blessedalma · 3 years
Talk to Allah. Tell Him everything that is on your mind and bothering you and ask for guidance and help.
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blessedalma · 3 years
Can we please stop associating being a good person with how much you're willing to suffer in silence for other people? You can be a kind person and still say "no, I don't have the time/energy to help you with that." You can be a kind person and still say "this makes me uncomfortable, please stop." You can be a kind person and still say "I disagree and here's why." You can be kind and still say "I'm not okay with this." Being kind is about treating people with kindness and respect, not about being the human equivalent of a doormat!
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blessedalma · 3 years
Ibn Hazm (Rahimahullah ) said:
What indicates a person’s weak religion and fear of Allah, is that he seeks for an opinion that suits his desire.
[Al-Ihkam, 5/64]
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blessedalma · 3 years
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blessedalma · 4 years
Value those who genuinely support you with nothing to gain.
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blessedalma · 4 years
never beg anyone for anything. not time, not attention, not love, nothing
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blessedalma · 4 years
                              بَلْ تُؤْثِرُونَ الْحَيٰوةَ الدُّنْيَا
                    "But you prefer the worldly life,"
                                  وَالْاٰخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ وَأَبْقٰىٓ
    "While the Hereafter is better and more enduring."
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blessedalma · 4 years
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blessedalma · 4 years
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blessedalma · 4 years
“The most romantic things a man can do for a woman are the little things that let her know that she’s on his mind and in his heart.”
— Joshua Harris (via perrfectly)
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blessedalma · 4 years
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blessedalma · 4 years
‎If you want to memorize the Qur'an increase in salawats upon the Prophet ﷺ. Ease in the dunya comes through constantly sending salawats upon the Prophet ﷺ so what affairs of the ahkira.
— Ustadh Nuh Saunders
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blessedalma · 4 years
“Fate has a way of stepping in and guiding you the direction you need to go even when you yourself has no intention of creating that path.”
— Fisher Amelie, Thomas & January (via thoughtkick)
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