Embrace your inner purple
9K posts
Feminism, history, random facts, comics, cartoons, social justice, sporking and anything else that catches my attention. My religion teacher used to use "purple" as a word to represent anything that set a person apart, that they hated about themselves and wanted to hide. Then she'd smile and say not to hide or hate yourself for being different. I agree. Embrace your inner purple!
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blenderbender1811 · 12 hours ago
Finnick: Technically, I guess I could be considered a prince
Johanna: Psh. Why? Because the Capitol loves you so much? Get over yourself.
Finnick: No, because Mags is a Queen, and she's basically my grandma at this point
Johanna: Oh for God sa- Actually, no, I can't argue that. You're right
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blenderbender1811 · 18 hours ago
Finnick: Mags, you deserve an award for putting up with me
Mags: You are my reward, Kid
Katniss: Haymitch, you deserve an award for putting up with me
Haymitch: Hell yeah I do, you can be a real asshole
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blenderbender1811 · 2 days ago
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blenderbender1811 · 2 days ago
It says tv show and the last full tv show episode I watched was Redwall, and I'd 100% let any Redwaller move in with me.
Would you press the button if:
You get to live in your dream house.
The main characters from the last tv show you watched live with you?
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blenderbender1811 · 4 days ago
And, while they wouldn't be suspects for being Sidious, if you need spare villains on the Separatist side, Grievous is the one who takes over when Dooku dies. Politically it could be the Separatist council (the one Gunray is on). The EU is full of Dark Jedi Acolytes Dooku used in the Clone Wars, not to mention Durge the bounty hunter who hates clones.
Also we, the audience, know that Palpatine is the sith from the beginning and that gives a lot of dramatic irony to a whole bunch of scenes, and the movies never bother to introduce any red herrings or anything like that because it's unnecessary. But in-universe there's no reason to believe it ought to have been super-obvious. There would have been thousands of movers and shakers around. Sith notoriously tend to work from the shadows in that era. No one in-universe watched the original trilogy. Palpatine could have so easily been a pawn in a different story.
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blenderbender1811 · 5 days ago
Neptune is GLOWING here.
"they took pluto from you" "they took dinosaurs from you" "they took neptune from you" grow a second personality trait and stop getting upset that our understanding of the world has grown since you were in 3rd grade
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blenderbender1811 · 5 days ago
Not having intake or a chance at reunification is a feature, not a bug. The situation you're having a hard time imagining isn't all that rare a circumstance - pregnancy is one of the most likely times victims in abusive relationships are murdered (the other is when they try to leave). The leading cause of death in pregnancy is homicide. The anonymity that is being derided here is what keeps women and anyone else who's pregnant from being killed or having their life ruined (a real problem in many insular, conservative cultures) by being connected with the pregnancy.
You lose the anonymity and insist on intake forms? Femicide and infanticide happens. That is what often happens when you have a baby born to someone in dire circumstances who cannot be connected to a pregnancy. The baby dies - either because their parent actively kills it or because they abandon it somewhere unsafe where they don't have to do intake forms like a dumpster or a garbage bag or the side of a road.
I think that a better answer for adoptees would be government funded genetic testing to check for medical issues. Other things that the adoptee may want to know like their culture or biological family background or potential reunification aren't unimportant but they do need to be balanced with the other party's rights. No one else has the right to force an unwanted relationship and the sad fact is that not all parents WANT a possibility of reunification. So, if we legislate that children do have the right to a possible reunification, what are the consequences for the bio parent if they say no, I'm not interested in meeting this person? How do you square a right to know about their background with protecting their parents' safety?
These aren't easy questions to answer but I don't think it's as simple as 'it's a step forward to prioritize the child's right to know'.
So I went wiki-walking, and ended up on a page about foundling wheels. In the modern day, these are usually called "infant hatches." In the US you might have heard of them in relation to a set of laws called "Baby Moses laws."
The idea behind infant hatches is that some people who become pregnant aren't able to care for a baby, and/or can't or won't seek abortion, and/or wanted a child but a terrible life event intervened (for example, hospitalization or homelessness), and/or cultural taboos mean having a child--or a child of a specific gender or with disabilities--is problematic. So you can anonymously put a baby up to one year old in the hatch, and authorities will pick up and care for the child and arrange for it to be adopted or put in that country's foster system. Most hatches are in hospitals or fire stations. Hatches are believed to reduce cases of infanticide and possible neglect. They're also becoming more common in the US in forced-birth states, for what are probably obvious reasons.
Why do I bring this up, you wonder?
Because the UN tried to get baby hatches illegalized in 2016 in what was then the Czech Republic, on the basis that every child deserves to know who their parents are no matter what.
In other words: the UN holds that infanticide and abuse are less harmful to a child than being told "we don't know who your parents were but we know they couldn't look after you, so they made the choice to take you somewhere safe," and that trying to make a safe and beneficial decision for a child you can't care for is a violation of that child's rights.
Speaking as the child of a convicted pedophile who spent years convinced xe was a monster destined to harm children because xe was the child of a monster who gleefully harmed children, and would really like to have not known that: FUCK the UN, and may every one of their fucking "representatives" rot to pieces slowly.
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blenderbender1811 · 5 days ago
Hey, so it turns out we’ve been living with two gas leaks in our house for an unknown amount of time and we need to replace our entire furnace unit. There are people coming on Thursday to do it.
We are taking out a line of credit to get it done because for our safety we have to, but the interest is significant.
I feel like I’m asking for a miracle, but if I can sell 2000 ebooks or 500 audiobooks of Hunger Pangs through my Payhip, that would cover it. You can also gift people copies through Payhip gifting system or by donating to the donate pile so I can run giveaways.
The water heater still needs replaced but that leak has been addressed safely and is no longer slowly killing us.
If you like what I do and want to support me in other ways I have a Patreon and a Ko-fi. (You can ignore the 18+ warning that comes up on my Patreon, they’ve had me wrongly flagged as an adult content creator for years.)
Please, I cannot stress this enough do not give money you don’t have. Even sharing this and telling people about my books is a wonderful help. I’m just trying to alleviate some of the financial strain from Mothman.
I’m going to have a lie down now in a well-ventilated space. Maybe have a soothing scream first.
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blenderbender1811 · 6 days ago
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blenderbender1811 · 6 days ago
Donald Trump signed an Executive Order to defund libraries!
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blenderbender1811 · 8 days ago
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blenderbender1811 · 8 days ago
Happy Holi to my Hindu friends! Love that having our holidays coincide means we get to share in each other’s joy!
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blenderbender1811 · 10 days ago
I find it kind of funny that human babies are so fragile and helpless and useless that natural selection went like HARD-hard on humans finding babies cute. This thing is a wailing messy resource sinkhole so please find other reason to enjoy it. And the humans that did find baby cute and invest time in them, the crazy bastards?? Lived!!
And now there’s so much spill-over from “baby cute” gene that humans see literally any “baby” creature that even slightly resembles us, like
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and we’re like 😍🥰🤩🥺🥺🥺 I wanna love you so bad. I wanna make so many images of you, you are so small, just baby. I’m inventing new emotions as we speak bc I love you so much.
Like, I’m almost convinced humans didn’t even domesticate dogs bc we thought they’d be useful, we saw some puppies and it activated our Big Boi Primate Baby buttons, it wasn’t even logic time baby, it was 🥺 time.
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blenderbender1811 · 13 days ago
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You can only reblog this today.
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blenderbender1811 · 13 days ago
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blenderbender1811 · 16 days ago
Alix, saying goodbye: Wait, we'll call each other at least twice a month and we'll text all the time. Marinette: I hate texting. Alix: Tough. Don't let Juleka get all dark and twisty. Take care of her. Oh, and Kim! Take care of Kim. He needs to be mocked AT LEAST twice a day or he'll be INSUFFERABLE.
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blenderbender1811 · 17 days ago
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Phil Davies
"The Egret was in shadow and the background was in full sun"
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