blender-rookie · 1 month
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Truly have been starting projects and never completing or wanting to post any of them so this is me trying to actually put something out there. i made a guy! He's based off of the African buffalo, and I'm ngl, I really like him but also think he's a little scary. I spent a full 2 minutes making his texture, the true challenge of this project was trying to make a character and be able to texture them (not making the texture itself). One day I'll have a character in mind that I wanna spend the time to make look really good, for now I have him. (he also has a rig, but it's half-assed. Gonna learn rigging another time I guess) Anyways, maybe I'll actually finish a project soon or maybe I'll start a billion more never to see the light of day, only time will tell.
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blender-rookie · 5 months
Maybe one day I will fix this scene to make it what it deserves to be... but also it has served it's purpose... I'm not sure! But for now I want to work on other things
This shit SUCKED and highkey SUCKS. There's so many fireflies on the brick wall, the light seeps through he top of the lamp, I took no time to get the small details to look good, the swinging motion is a little too slow imo, but you know what? THAT LAMP IS SWINGING BABY!! That's all I wanted to do and it took far too many tutorials, reddit threads, blender FAQs, but I DID IT!
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blender-rookie · 5 months
This shit SUCKED and highkey SUCKS. There's so many fireflies on the brick wall, the light seeps through he top of the lamp, I took no time to get the small details to look good, the swinging motion is a little too slow imo, but you know what? THAT LAMP IS SWINGING BABY!! That's all I wanted to do and it took far too many tutorials, reddit threads, blender FAQs, but I DID IT!
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blender-rookie · 5 months
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This is a new scene that I'm working on! My task for myself was "make a chair" in order to make something myself with no direct tutorial. Once I did that and it was fairly easy, I decided to put it in a room. My goal was to get comfortable with textures (I feel accomplished) and to get familiar with physics animations. Since this is an image you probably guessed my physics animation did not work. I wanted the light to swing from side to side and illuminate the whole room, and that was significantly harder to do with physics than I thought it would be. Hopefully my next upload will be this room illuminated by a swinging lamp (I also want to fix a lot of small lighting /rendering things)
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blender-rookie · 6 months
CGFastTrack tutorial also showed me a simple way to import free character modals and animations! I think I wanna do one or two more tutorials before I go into making things on my own, but this has been a super satisfying experience so far
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blender-rookie · 6 months
I did it I made a sword and it looks sick as hell. CGFastTrack tutroial was great. It taught blender in a different way than blenderguru, which I appreciated greatly just to expose myself to different styles. It was a little repetitive at times, but for good reasons. And it made a sick outcome, I mean look at that shit. Sick AF
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blender-rookie · 6 months
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Done with part 2 of the cg fast track blender intro. It has been a great tutorial so far teaching me a bunch of new stuff while also refreshing me on some things from blenderguru's tutorial. I think having seen both styles of teaching, i would prefer a more comprehensive tutorial with more nuance from both of them, but I understand that's not always feasible under video time constraints. Regardless, both videos teaching me different things is allowing me to figure out that nuance on my own. can't wait to make the stone for this sword next
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blender-rookie · 6 months
I'm doing another blender tutorial and made my first animation. This tutroial was made by CG fast track. I like blender guru's donut tutorial more, I feel like the way he taught things was more my style, but the content in this tutorial was fairly new which i really appreicated! In the enxt part I will make a sword. Sick.
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blender-rookie · 6 months
I did it. Bless you blenderguru for helping this poor little novice make their first blend. It truly was amazing. i loved every second of your tutorial and will reccomend it to anyone I know who wants to elarn blend
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blender-rookie · 6 months
Intro blog
Hello I am trying to learn blender and this is my blog to do so. I will hopefully just post cool stuff eventually but come see my journey through blender. I probably will not even proofread any text I write, because frick it this is about blender not text. Swag.
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