blcndstarlite · 4 years
(¸.• ♛ → “this feels like some nightmare...” the redhead commented because yes, all of this feels like one of her regular nightmares, this even feels like some deja vu or something, it was strange. “have any idea of what’s going on?”
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@wcrworn (Any of your baes)
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
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suddenly, seeking the warmth and comfort of another being, as well as the familiarity of a friend, percy found himself throwing his arms around his friend, hugging her tightly as he allowed himself to exhale for what felt like the first time in forever. and for the first time, in a very, very long time, he felt able to relax. he couldn’t begin to describe it, but he felt safe around annabeth, like as long as she was around he’d be okay. 
reluctant to let go, percy ultimately let a sigh escape from his lips as his arms fell to his sides, his hands immediately moving to pick at the hem of his t-shirt, a nervous habit he’d never been able to shake. “it’s an awful feeling,” he mumbled, gently chewing on his lip as he allowed himself to make eye contact with her, his hand immediately traveling to grip the pen concealed in his pocket. “yes, exploring,” he nodded, “which way?”
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(¸.• ♛ → now that took her by surprise when he hugged her but she didn’t mind that because for some reason she does feel complete when percy was around and not just that but also like no one can really hurt her and the feeling of relief was there, so obviously she also hugged him back. now when he pulled away a bit from her, the blonde looked at him and was listening to everything that he was saying, and nodded because yes, he was right, there was an awful feeling there.
“a horrible feeling, just a couple of things seem right here.” at least in her eyes and one of those were percy, actually but is not like she was going to admit that, of course. “we can go left and just try to see what’s going on.” annie grabbed his hand this time. “i prefer if we just go together, being alone here at this point seems a bit...scary.”
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
“  𝗶 𝗱𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲’𝘀 𝗲𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰 between every witch here to get us back home  ,  “  a heavy sigh escapes the young siphoner .  “  or enough magic for me to siphon to get us back home .  “
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              → 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑  - @blcndstarlite​  (  hope  mikaelson  )
(¸.• ♛ → "what are you talking about? we can always walk, you know?” she found out about magic and all of that recently because she was some witch or something but is not like hope can tell her brother about this, a small sigh escaped from her lips. so of course that she thought that josie was referring to their home here. “you have any idea of what’s going on here? is just so weird...”
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
the  night  had  grown  so  dark ,  both  around  &  within  her   there  was  nothing  but   shadows  .   SHADOW-KISSED   that’s  what  they  had  called  her  once  upon  a  time .  that  voice  ,  slightly  withdrawn  was  there  in  her  ear ..  protect …  protect ,   what  name  was  that ???  the  girl  so  lost  in  her  instinct  she  just  began  running .  a  connection  ,  somehow .  a  vision  in  her  own  eyesight  pulling  her  around  corners  ,  over  bushes  &  through  the  town .  &  while  she  should  QUESTION  this  strange  phenomenon  ,  roza  didn’t . something  about  it  so  natural  &  alluring .  safe  ,  reassuring ,  yet  troublesome  all  the  same  .  but  it  was  far  better  than  what  she  had   seen  before .  GHOSTS …   so  many  of  them .   blurry  shapes  &  lifeless  eyes  every  which  way  with  a  splitting  headache  that  came  with  them .   this  vision  was  nicer  but  in  her  gut ,  there  was  some  unknown  horror  of  not  making  it  in  time . 
faster  &  faster  she  ran .  ignoring  the  strange  weather ,  the  strange  sounds …  the  ghosts .   protect  her  rose  ,  protect  her  ,  protect —   ‘ LISSA ???  ’   like  a  flash  of  light ,  the  vision  was  gone .  the  surroundings  around  her  now  she  saw  with  her  own  eyes  ,  turning  one  last  corner  of  a  dark  alleyway  &  coming  face  to  face  with  a  familiar  blonde .  a  tired  mind  registering  her  as  a  simple  accomplice  but  a  powerful  instinct  recognizing  something  far  more  intimate .   ‘ what  are  you  doing  out  here  alone ??? you  know  how  easily  i  could’ve  just  murdered  you ???  seriously ,  have  you  never  watched  dateline ???  or  the  news….   ever ?  ’
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(¸.• ♛ → “rose..” she met her here and honestly their connection was so strange, but is not like she dislike it because she knew for some reason that she is able to just trust the brunette but the truth was that she wanted to get to know her even better. a sigh escaped from her lips, her gaze on the other one and listening to what she was saying. “i know, i know just...i have no idea what’s going on.” and that was freaking her out, of course.
“i know it was a bit dumb but i needed to figure this out and...i’m being careful.” a bit of a lie but rose didn’t need to know that, she just wanted to know why aurora was being like this.
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
          sabrina  spellman  &  anyone    /     open  starter  !
there  was  a  darkness  within  her  but  she  was  not  a  dark  person .  confused  ,  a  little  frightened—   but  harmless  right  ???  sabrina  wasn’t  so  sure  anymore  as  her  bare  feet  landed  on  the  gravely  surface  .  body  so  numb   &   in   shock   she   couldn’t   PROCESS   the  uncomfortable  feeling .  every  inch  of  her   collapsing  beneath  her  as  she  looked  up  from  the  pavement .    ‘  you    aren’t   frightened   of  me  ,  are  you  ???  ’  though  who  wouldn’t  be  frightened  of  what  just  occurred …  soft  brown  hues  becoming  a  grayish white  before  her  somewhat   lifeless   form   began  hovering  fifteen  feet  in  the  air .  ‘  i’m …   just  as  surprised  as  you  are .  ’ 
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(¸.• ♛ → “it’s okay, i’m not.” for some reason she wasn’t afraid of this girl, is like she was used to watch strange things, but that’s weird because in her mind this would be the first time. a small sigh escaped from her lips. “i’m surprised about everything and how this is all happening.”
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
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“She’s strong, you’re strong. No on could shoulder the burdens you carry. And you’re always there for your friends when they need you, so please Jo, we really need you right now.” 
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
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there was precious little else that luke cared much about.  as long as hope and goldie were safe, he didn’t really mind if everyone else was eaten by the satan-dogs that seemed to suddenly plague the vicinity.  since he knew where he was and despite the culture shock that came with not recognizing bits and pieces of the island that he’d lived on for quite some time, he had found hope’s home easily.  “at worst, feel free to help clean up.”  he didn’t expect her to.  in fact, he would’ve probably assumed she might POINT IT OUT after a few days and then he’d wind up being the one to clean.  maybe.  for her, he might.  “alright, so, let’s pack you a bag in case this ends up lasting for a little while, that way we don’t have to come back here too often.”  luke suggested as he looked over at his younger sister.  “meaning i’ll sit on your bed and you’ll pack your own bag ‘cause i don’t know what you need.”
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(¸.• ♛ → “as if...” no, there is no way that she would actually clean his place, that was his job. but then again, their relationship was like that, like teasing each other as well. now a small laugh escaped from her lips, rolling her eyes at what he said next. “of course, just wait...” the brunette grabbed one of her bags and just starting to put everything there, everything that she needs to just stay for a while on his house. hope looked at luke for a second and then just continued packing. “by the way, have any idea what happened? the whole thing is just...creeping me out.” everyhing was so strange, so dark and she was feeling a bit weird about all of this.
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
ONE MOMENT THINGS were normal, and the next, everything’s different. And it wasn’t a good kind of different either. Astoria hated everything about the new Aurora. There’s clearly some scientific explanation to it, but she was certain there was nothing that could possibly explain her new nightmares which felt more like memories now. So caught up in her own mind, she yelped and jumped in surprise when she bumped into another girl. “Oh, goodness, I’m sorry. I should have been looking.” she apologized profusely. She looked around fretfully. “Okay is one way of putting it. I’d prefer to be off the streets, but I’m not familiar with this part of town.”
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(¸.• ♛ → the blonde understood the girl in front of her because yeah, she wasn’t familiar especially because now this place was just a blurr, everything was so different here, this wasn’t the aurora that she knows. “it’s all good.” besides, it was also her fault, she wasn’t really looking either, she has been really distracted. “me neither, but now everything seems so different, you know? so dark. if you want we could get out of here together?”
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
(¸.• ♛ → at night wasn’t the best time to go out but here she was, there was something inside her that makes her want to help people out. a small sigh escaped from her lps. “how creepy..” the blonde muttered, looking around for a second, now being a bit defensive  about everything because she has heard some noises down the streets, weird noises. but now when she turned around, that’s when she saw someone, but at least wasn’t a monster. “you scared me.”
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@dvtinghearts (Angel)
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
(¸.• ♛ → a sigh escaped from her lips. she always thought this place was just very calm but at the end, turns out that it was a lie. something happened and she didn’t know what, this place is not really aurora or it is but in some weird version. 
that’s why she was outside, just trying to see more but at the same time, trying to find a person that she knew or something so they can tell her that she didn’t lose her mind or anything like that. but then, the redhead just turned around and that’s when she bumped into someone, damn, she needed to try and be more careful. “oh, i’m so sorry.”
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@defunctorum (Emmett)
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
(¸.• ♛ → “uncle frankin.” the blonde was surprised to see him outside, for a moment she just thought that she was alone. lissa just decided to try and see more about this place, find some answer, just anything because this new aurora was freaking her out a bit. “wasn’t expecting to see you here.” the girl was just trying to push those feelings that she was having, those very odd feelings because she has feel a bit off since she woke up.
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@warfrcnt (Franklin)
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
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"I want to run towards something, not away.”
「  katherine mcnamara ,  eighteen  ,  cisfemale  +  she/her  」 ˚╰  ❃  ╮ did  you  know  BEV  real  name  is  BEVERLY MARSH  ?!  around the  island  they  seem  to  be  quite    creative    ,  but  also    reckless    ,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a    FASHION  DESIGNER   and  come  from    STEPHEN  KING’S  IT    .  you  can  hear    FIGHT  SONG  by  RACHEL PLATTEN    blasting  from  their  house  ,  but  be  careful   !    they  can  be  agitated as  nightmares  bring  back  memories of    THE  FINAL  FIGHT  WITH  IT    .  even  so  ,  it’s  impossible  to  see    curly  redhead  that  brights  like  the  fire,  a  poem  from  her  childhood  &  troubling  past    and  not  think  about  them  .
she does have a very happy life, she has always been a very independent girl and she loves not to depend on people but the girl is just grateful for everything that she has. beverly feels very lucky that she has friends that cares for her and a family that treats her well. she is very passionate about the fashion industry so that’s why when she finished school, she applied to study this and right now she is still in college studying but also with the little that she knows she creates outfits and earn some money with that as well. 
her very first nightmare was when she was in the quarry with the loser club and just swimming and having fun, it wasn’t really a nightmare, it was nice because even if she can’t see well the face of those people that were with her, she felt really full
and her second one was basically when they fought it the first time and saw her father as her fear.
scares and confused about why she is having those nightmares because her dad is nice so she’s very confused why she’s seeing that and a clown in that dream.
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
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if i was a man, i’d be the man
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
(¸.• ♛ → this place changed and she didn’t know how this can be possible. but either way, her curiosity was just there and she needed to figure this out so she decided to go out, trying to see more about this and how this was just different, it was almost night and a bit scary but her curiosity can always win there. “just relax..” she muttered to herself, looking around.
okay, maybe this was a bit of a bad idea, she was not that good with self defense if something happens and just all of this was freaking her out, especially because she feels so off and strong in a weird way, she feels something inside her that she just didn’t understand much but she just decided to push that aside for now, to just try and focus in the present. 
and her thoughts broke because she heard some footsteps. lissa was just feeling a bit jumpy right now. “who is there?” here she thought that she was alone here.
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@rcosaries (Rose)
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
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𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃  𝐇𝐀𝐃  𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐃  𝐔𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄  𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍  𝐀𝐍𝐃  buddy  simply  preferred  to  be  right  side  up.  they  looked  up  to  the  sky,  though  there  wasn’t  much  to  see  apart  from  the  swirling  mess  of  clouds  and  –––––  was  that  ash?     it  certainly  didn’t  smell  like  anything  was  burning,  there  were  no  active  volcanos  near  by  as  far   as  he  was  aware.   they  tut  quietly,  head  shaking  as  the  dust  that  falls  from  their  hair  becomes  interspersed  with  the  rest  of  the  grey  that  seemed  to  be  ever  falling.     “   this.   this,  right  here,  is  why  i  chose  not  to  study  environmental  science.  how  do  you  explain  this  anyhow?  ”
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(¸.• ♛ → a sigh escaped from her lips. lissa was feeling a bit off, like something was slowly growing inside her but she was just trying to push that feeling aside because right now, she has to focus on this place and how everything was just so odd in aurora because this was not really her aurora where she grew up. the blonde heard by accident what the man that was almost near her was saying, maybe he wasn’t talking to her, she didn’t know but she just couldn’t help but answer. “you can’t because this is just not suppose to happen...”
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
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blcndstarlite · 4 years
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“Blood. Blood is what connects us all. Blood is sustenance. Blood is family. Blood is death. Blood is pain. "
「  lucy  fry  ,  20  ,  cis  female  +  she/her  」  ˚╰ ❃ ╮  did  you  know    LISS’    real  name  is    LISSA  DRAGOMIR    ?!    around  the  island  they  seem  to  be  quite    empathetic    ,  but  also    impulsive    ,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a   FASHION DESIGNER    and  come  from    VAMPIRE  ACADEMY    .  you  can  hear    CHANDELIER  by  SIA    blasting  from  their  house  ,  but  be  careful  !  they  can  be  agitated  as  nightmares  bring  back  memories  of     STAYING  IN  THE  ACADEMY  WHILE  ROSE  WAS  AWAY  .  even so  ,  it’s  impossible  to  see     lavender  scent  ,  sharp  fangs  &  porcelain  soft  skin     and  not  think  about  them  .  
it’s been a good life for her. her family is pretty rich and she had everything that she wanted. however, lissa was always very humble and a person that likes to help people no matter what, always trying. she can be a bit naive at times but even if she is a cinamon roll, she does have her temper and can fight to those that mess with her friends because she always has been a very loyal friend, the thing that she hates the most is the betrayals.
her first nightmare was just the memory when she was kidnapped by victor, she felt panic and dissapointment. of course that she just saw a blur image in that person, not really understanding what’s going on there.
and the second nightmare is mostly like she sees other person and is being tortured but she doesn’t understand why until she realize that the one doing that, using some kind of magic is her and just feeling this rage and torturing that person jesse.
confused. she has no idea why those nightmares are there and that those nightmares are something that looks like some fiction or something like that, she wants just to find out what’s going on because she refuses to believe that maybe those nightmares can be memories.
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