blazefeathersystem · 7 months
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blazefeathersystem · 7 months
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blazefeathersystem · 7 months
having a job is very weird bcos by and large your coworkers will be a variety of ages and you will not all be at the same stage of life. your coworker will be like, well I’m off home to spend time with my husband & child, what are you going to do with your evening? and you’re like, well, I plan on playing Rollercoaster Tycoon for as much as it as possible
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blazefeathersystem · 7 months
Dirk's Bro
MSPA Wiki’s infobox for Dirk’s Bro:
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That’s when this happened
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blazefeathersystem · 7 months
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blazefeathersystem · 7 months
Can you fucking imagine knowing not only exactly when you'll die, but also knowing you will become GOD after you die, and you are 13 years old
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blazefeathersystem · 7 months
okay you know the drill. rb with your 2nd and 8th most listened to song of this year.
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blazefeathersystem · 10 months
You know the first time I watched Nimona I was pretty firmly in the “Ambrosius is being a shitty boyfriend” camp. But the more I think about it, the more I think that if my boyfriend murdered someone in front of me, vanished off the face of the planet for potentially weeks?? and didn’t bother to so much as send me a text message explaining what the fuck happened, probably leading me to believe that I’d accidentally fucking killed him, and then he suddenly showed back up at my job, apparently totally fine, to commit a little light domestic terrorism before booking it the second he saw me … I would also probably not be in much of a listening mood the next time I saw him
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blazefeathersystem · 1 year
just saw a chart with the gender options "male" "female" and "part-time/other" and i think i get what they were going for but i'm obsessed with the concept of part-time gender. clocking into my shift at the gender factory and brother i am not getting paid a living wage
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blazefeathersystem · 1 year
ultimate dirk be like
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blazefeathersystem · 1 year
time to see if my old mpreg player works ahhh!!!
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blazefeathersystem · 1 year
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blazefeathersystem · 1 year
Forget carbon neutrality and electric vehicle uptake. We need an international agreement to get all men in thigh highs and fishnets by 2050
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blazefeathersystem · 1 year
not trying to be that person, but being in contact with technology 95% of the time i’m awake legitimately tires out my fucking brain. it’s exhausting as fuck. i can’t do it. i have to read a book or go for a walk outside or play my instrument. touch some grass or something. i think i should be able to turn my phone off and disappear from the internet for a while without someone worrying. even my parents are in on this whole thing now and i know they didn’t grow up in a world like this. my friends are all not within driving distance and we all stay in our houses most of the time. i hate living like this so much. i want to throw my phone into the ocean and spend quality time in person with real people and have meaningful conversations with them, but unfortunately only 1% of the population wants to talk to me because apparently some gender shit makes me a freak of nature to everyone else and i’ll never fit in with cis men or cis women or people with normal fucking not ptsd-fucked brains.
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blazefeathersystem · 1 year
kids were roleplaying with minecraft figurines and one of them had their figure go up to the other and say “i’m in love with you” and the other one replied “sword slash to the chest. and you’re on fire”
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blazefeathersystem · 1 year
jesus was kinda danganronpa executed since he was a carpenter who was nailed to a board
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blazefeathersystem · 1 year
making friends via fandom is inherently hilarious because in many ways it's like a regular friendship and sometimes you'll share stuff that's going on in your lives and offer support and talk about food or pets or random cultural stuff because you live on opposite sides of the damn planet, but also some of your interactions are like "hello beloved friend whom I cherish deeply, I have brought you a deceptively platonic gift of lovingly crafted star wars porn"
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