- closed rp account for Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, from Fire Emblem Three Houses - ♚ || penned by dewa || ♚ Blue Lions House Leader The Officer's Academy.
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rufus spotted with imposter at medbay | dimitri & celica
Closed starter for @seraphiia | +1 Heavy Armor
Dimitri knew that when he returned to his dorm room and saw an ungodly pile of letters on top of his desk, that something horrible must have happened in Faerghus. And then, after sitting down and going through all of them, his intuition was indeed correct- although this was much, much worse than he initially wondered. No, this was disastrous.
Scamming…and identity theft. Identity theft of high ranking nobles of foreign lands which could result in their images being dragged beyond ground level alongside that of their respective lands. And those names…
And yet if it had just stayed at that, Dimitri would’ve been okay. Deeply embarrassed by the situation and urging every single soldier in the Kingdom to investigate and spot the impostors, but fine. Fine as in, not literally fuming and glaring holes into every single surface his eyes laid on, wanting to claw through every single wall and door of Palace Fhirdiad, a place he did not want to come back to so soon, to find his uncle- a person he did not want to meet in the slightest.
But fate was a bit of a clown, and that's how the prince found himself in Fhirdiad alongside Celica- the real Celica, in order for the worst type of damage control he had ever tried to do in his entire life. They had been allotted in a building close to the palace’s hill instead of within it so they wouldn’t be constantly hounded and kept under surveillance, by Dimitri’s own request.
“Celica…I…I cannot even begin expressing how sorry I am for this nonsense.” He could barely even face the Valentian. A soldier had arrived earlier, telling them that they found a “Celica” and a “Corrin”...however, they were apparently the King Regent’s newest dates and now they had to sneak around and fish out the two “princesses” without alerting Rufus.
Rufus, uncle. Uncle. Stupid uncle. Horrible uncle.
Dimitri wasn’t one to talk ill of his family, and even though Rufus treated him horribly he was still his very last surviving family member- from his direct family that is. He’s Lambert’s brother. Dimitri wanted to love and respect his uncle, and wanted his uncle to love and respect him too.
But by the grace of Goddess Sothis that man managed to reach new lows and defy every single string of patience Dimitri had carefully woven through all those years. If it was something that only affected himself then Dimitri could even accept it, but now it was literally putting Celica and Corrin’s very images as well as their respective countries’ images at risk. That part was what made him go off the rails when he heard it was Rufus who was with the two impostors.
“Just- oh heavens…Celica, that man is my uncle and so, as his nephew, I will find a way to solve this!” He ran his hands through his hair, his tone begging. The prince paused for a moment, before facepalming and turning around so she’d be facing his back.
“He just cannot keep it in his pants for one second!”
Rufus…oh uncle. Hated and beloved uncle.
#[ we will make a good team. ] (threads)#thread: rufus spotted with imposter at medbay#[support] celica#[ so it is time to cross blades… ] (starters)#[[ when rufus is involved in anything dimitri immediately strats convulsing ]]
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reason to live — team village finale ( team two )
One cannot heal the dead, no matter how hard they try. However fervently they believe or pray. But Elincia’s feet move, dashing towards Dorothea as she falls before she has time to think about it, to consider the futility of her actions. All she feels is panic - not Dorothea, she’s far too young and bright. Please, not her.
It is not a god or goddess that hears her prayers but Lloyd, draping a string of polished prayer beads around her neck. There’s a moment where nothing happens and Elincia’s breath catches in her throat.
Please, don’t let this be for nothing.
Then Dorothea begins to stir, emerald eyes fluttering open, looking lost and confused. Elincia allows herself a sigh of relief and the hint of a smile. Holds her palms out and says a prayer of her own, begging for light’s assistance to heal her wounds. Make her strong, please. The battlefield is far too dangerous to remain so unsteady on one’s feet.
Elincia casts Recover on Dorothea Roll d20:13! 6 HP restored Dorothea has 12/12 HP remaining
Prayers answered, she shoots Dorothea a wry smile.
“There you go, good as new! Please stay close though, I couldn’t bear to see you hurt again.”
Dimitri had done something he hadn’t allowed himself to do in all of his 17 years of life so far. When the mother was finally struck down and let out her dying screams, he urged Klaske to turn around so he wouldn’t face it. Him, a prince more familiar with the battlefield than with his own bedroom, who was no stranger to staring death in the eye much less at staring down at someone seconds before taking their life himself. A prince who had been raised to be a true knight- a true warrior, a true king who wouldn’t flinch at death.
He refused to witness her death. The memories he’d hold of her final moments would be only the sounds of her life vanishing.
A move done out of sympathy? No, this prince was anything but that. Selfishness, in not wanting his mind to create another ghoul that would torment him to the grave? Empathy?
Maybe a callback to a memory, long twisted by the winds of time, of having to watch his own parent be killed- having to look at his father’s head rolling on the floor while the carriage containing his stepmother disappeared into hell? He didn’t know. He didn’t want to think about it. He was being extremely selfish at this very moment, but for the first time in nearly a decade Dimitri felt the drive to shield himself from something.
When Dimitri turned around, the mother was gone and all that was left was the disfigured, monstrous child. He tried to justify the act of raising his lance towards her in his own mind. Let her rest. We must allow her to rest.
Dimitri attacks Arke with Areadbhar! Roll1d20+6= 25, hit! Arke HP 13/40
Areadbhar tore into flesh and sinew, unforgiving, though Dimitri failed to mirror its vicious excitement. He wanted it to end quickly, to just bring down his blade at her again and again until she couldn’t move anymore not out of bloodlust and cruelty, but in a crooked sense of mercy. The beast screamed, the air growing thick with magic energy which sent Klaske into a more defensive approach.
Arke’s Wrath activates!
Arke’s Desperation activates!
Arke counters Dimitri with Halahala!
Roll 1d20-16= -14, miss!
Roll 1d20-16= -13, miss!
Arke is damaged by Trample! Arke HP 11/40
But the child’s desperate outrage was for naught, her movements far too disorganized resulting in the magic attacks barely even reaching him- and coupled with Klaske’s speed and swiftness, Dimitri was able to escape from the monster safe and sound, though with a heavy heart all the same.
To think the moment I finally am reminded that I have a heart is when it feels heavier than a boulder.
“Please, let us take her out of her misery. She…return her to her mother.” A quiet beg that perhaps only his beloved mount could catch on.
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reason to live — team village finale ( team two )
Something stirs painfully in her heart. Gods weep, mothers scream out for their children.The world burns. Elincia hears a voice, alongside Electra’s that she believed she would never hear again. It calls for her, inviting her home, you poor lost child. We’re so sorry for leaving you behind–
Her jaw sets, grip tightening around the hilt of her sword. She cannot, must not listen; giving into a world of dreams and illusions was never an option.
“We must fight on. I – my heart aches for you, truly it does,” Elincia draws back her sword arm in preparation to attack. To fight back and forge a path to their world. Their home. Where all of them belong. Compassion will not hold her back. “I cannot accept this though! I, no, we all have roles to play elsewhere. If you will not let us pass peacefully then I will not afford you any mercy.”
Her words are cold, hard steel as she surges forth. Strikes twice with Amiti but it’s more a warning than truly dangerous. A plea to Electra not to do this. Not to make them resort to such brutality. A vicious battle serves none of them and the woman still does not truly register as her enemy. Will this be enough to show they’re serious? To convince her the value in standing down? Because they cannot, home is distant and waiting with open arms.
Elincia attacks Arke with Amiti. Roll 2d20: 7, 1. Hit and miss. -0.5 HP Arke has 30.5/40 HP remaining/ Arke counters with Halahala. Roll d20-10: -6. Miss. Elincia has 10/10 HP remaining. Seal Defence and Seal Resistance reduce Elincia’s defence and resistance to 0 for one round.
She falls back towards her allies, keeping a close eye on them. If they must fight and it seems less and less like Electra is willing to resolve things peacefully, then she will do her best to keep them safe. All of them must make it back home safely, no one can be left behind.
The whole situation felt like consecutive punches on his chest. He finally had a grasp of what was going on- this world was none other than a grieving mother, shacked by the pain of losing her child, still lost in the storm and unable to escape. Or rather not unable, but unwilling. Because gathering the strength to be even willing to pull oneself out of the hole that is grief is a feat in itself.
To this day, I haven’t found that strength.
Yet there they were, rising above them not as mother and daughter but as mother and…something. Something grotesque yet the sight chilled his heart with sorrow. It was monstrous innocence, the dead eyes of a child simply placed on a disfigured silhouette- but the eyes of a child all the same. It all struck too close to home, to the point he felt his grip on Areadbhar falter for a brief moment.
I won’t make this about me, he reaffirmed himself, but this battle is a mirror all the same to me.
Maybe that’s why he finally knew fear and hesitation. The dead eyes of that child and the raw grief on the mother’s face were both things he had seen in the mirror again and again.
Dimitri gulped down- tried to. Klaske looked behind to check on her rider and all the prince could offer was some scritches on her mane. “We will be fine. I am sorry for placing that burden on you, but please be strong.” He grasped Areadbhar more firmly. “Because I have never been. Most likely never will, so please. Show me.”
Icy pools stared right into the mother’s gaze.
Dimitri attacks Electra with Areadbhar! Roll 1D20+6= 19, hit! Electra HP 15/25
Perhaps Areadbhar had truly been deliberately refusing to operate all those other times, because now the lance perked to life with such vigor that even Dimitri was surprised. Boosted by the mare’s speed, the uneven blade cleaved into the mother’s body- what was once a Goddess now spilled blood.
Electra counters with Purifying Flame! Roll 1d20-16= -6, miss!
Electra is damaged by Dimitri’s Trample! Electra HP 13/25
She attempted to counter the prince, but her flames quickly vanished into a wisp of smoke, gone before it even had a chance to materialize. At that, Dimitri urged Klaske to half for a moment, looking back at the weakened, weeping mother. His throat was closed shut and his teeth gritting tightly, but he managed to force his voice out.
“...moving on is not forgetting! Reach for the memories of your daughter rather than trying to cherish a ghost!” The Prince of Hypocrisy has some bravado, his mind echoed and he curled in shame. Yes, he does. “Find strength to walk away from that day and take the memories of your daughter with you! You don’t belong among ghosts!”
#[ we will make a good team. ] (threads)#thread: reason to live#kevillage2023#[[ oh pain ]]#[[ ill tag ppl later
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the adventure of the unspeakable story / weekend 4
Split off once more, Lilina finds herself in some room that is familiar in some way—some place she’s visited earlier in the dream maybe, only a tad bit more unsettling be it from height or the grim scene they had seen just days prior. By her side Dimitri and Emil. She knew little of either, but she was sure they would be valuable companions on their shared journey. She passes a glance over at them. Asking if Dimitri was alright would be redundant as he looked worse for wear.
“Well, it is in our best interest to rest up here while we can, we don’t know what lies ahead of us.” She offers Dimitri a small smile meant to be kind, but she can feel herself grimacing on the inside at his current condition. Perhaps Emil would be kind enough to lend them aid while they have a moment before the chaos.
In this moment of peace, the conversation she had listened in on before they had set out sat with her. To lose a child… Stumbling was quite the word for it as she recalled the memory to be much more gruesome than that. But she supposes it could serve as some cruel metaphor for how quickly childhood innocence was thrown aside. Literary devices aside, she knew well how it felt to lose someone dear at a young age. Death was inevitable, but despite knowing this, the pain never truly goes away.
As if musing to herself, she says aloud just before they begin their descent, “I wonder if we’ve been looking at this in the wrong way. Maybe she just needs time to heal. Or I wonder if there’s anything we may do to alleviate her grief.”
Again- separated. By now Dimitri had long given up on trying to locate his teammates, as each time he’d find himself accompanied by a different one. He could only hope that those he lost sight of were well and safe out there.
Now there was only one person alongside him that he did recognize and that was Lilina, a girl from the Black Eagles with a kind face. The other was Emil, a Knight of Seiros that the prince sadly didn’t know by name or face, but he was thankful for his presence all the same, even more for the fact that the man was a priest.
He returned a smile to the young mage. “You are the most correct. With how keen this world seems on maiming us, anything that can heal our wounds is precious.” The prince at first only put his hand in the healing spring, but that was more than enough for a warm and comforting wave to rush through his body. “...I failed to realize how sore my body was.” He sighed out of relief.
Dimitri wasn’t one to let it show when he was weakened or injured in any way- no king should reveal his weakness so readily, but by now he figured that pretending to be okay would only make their already tricky path even worse.
Pretending to be okay hardly ever makes things any better, doesn’t it? But he didn’t have the luxury to be so honest with himself and the world like that.
“I…suppose you are right. The grief of losing someone, even more a close family member like that��it can drive you to the worst and darkest corners.” His tone was rather somber as he gently swayed his hand around in the spring’s crystal waters. “You just feel lost amidst a storm. Your life loses all sense.” And I’m still in that same storm, same as ever, he mused to himself. Truthfully, at first he wasn’t sure what to think of that woman and this world- often feeling frustrated and angered by how…unfair and aggressive it was towards him and his group.
But wasn’t he just the same?
Blinded by grief, a bomb on a constant timer? Wanting to attack everything in your path only for the chance to feel anything other than the burn of drowning every day?
Dimitri bit his lip. All this time he might as well have been cruising through his own head. “If…if we could help her in any way in handling this pain…it would be ideal.” He lowered his head, hiding his face. “It would be good.” Yes, it would be good.
It would be so good, to move on. Not forget- but to be let go of.
This isn’t about you- he chastised himself on spot. This isn’t about you. After a pause, he lifted his head and placed a smile on his face, trying to drag back a more cheerful persona. “This may sound impractical and naive of me, but I wonder if we could try to talk to her rather than instantly resort to battle?”
#[ we will make a good team. ] (threads)#thread: the adventure of the unspeakable story#kevillage2023#[support] lilina#[[ dimitri drinks pond water and immediately starts becomes emo ]]
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salads are getting tossed | dimitri & edelgard - team village
Despite the period of rest being forced upon her as opposed to a choice, Edelgard feels in a better standing. The Knights of Seiros are a clear, recognizable sight. They remind her of the entire reason they arrived here in the first place.
When she sees Dimitri, it is strange how relieved she feels. She is in control of herself again. At the mention of Hubert, she can’t help and wonder what he has been up to. Surely he had been concerned for her well-being. She expects as much, for his loyalty towards her is unwavering. Even as much as she would like to explain, it must wait.
“I’m perfectly fine now,” she replies. “At this point, your own health is sure to be more concerning.” A pause. “I agree, though. If this world does wish to rid itself of us, I doubt it will do so with ease.” It has always been this way no matter the path.
No matter what, Edelgard will continue to endure. She will not allow herself to be fooled again— Not by visages of her mother, her siblings, or anything else. She’d much prefer gathering herbs with Dimitri than facing such images here.
“I can’t say I know most of these plants, either. Still, I’d rather try than waste this opportunity.” Edelgard bends forward, eyeing one that stands out against the smaller plants next to it. There is no time to hesitate— Plucking it out of the ground, she brings it to her eye level. “How odd. Why is this here? It has a strange aroma. It’s unpleasant compared to the greens around it.”
Herbs gathered -> 6.
Dimitri allowed Klaske to graze once more- but this time in the area he was sure only possessed grass and none of the odd herbs. It was less wanting to prevent the horse from eating their harvest and more out of worry that any of those herbs could potentially be harmful to his companion. Between him eating something poisonous and his horse…he’d rather be the one to do it. He then returned to Edelgard side, kneeling on the ground and scanning the area.
“I…actually do not recognize most of those. This will be a problem…we may have to resort to lady luck to guide us.” A dangerous game, that was. They could find the very herbs they were searching for, but they could also find a handful of poisonous greens. “Proceed with care, though…unfortunately the only way to check is by consuming them.”
He grabbed a curious looking one, inspected it…and then ate it, savoring its texture as it was the only reference the prince had. Regular leaf texture. At the very least, after waiting a minute or two, there were no side effects. “This one is safe!” He smiled at Edelgard, holding up the rest of the plant he had just eaten a leaf of. “What did you pick?”
An unpleasant smell…ah, unfortunately it was beyond him. “Perhaps it has a special trait of its own? As far as I am aware, plants that have foul smell usually are not too dangerous to eat, because the foul smell is to deter predators.” The prince went from looking at the plant, to looking at her.
“If you do not feel comfortable checking if the herb is safe, I can do it. I do not mind.” He reassured her, one hand already holding a couple of herbs.
Dimitri got 5 Herbs!
#[ we will make a good team. ] (threads)#thread: salads are getting tossed#kevillage2023#[support] edelgard
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salads are getting tossed | dimitri & edelgard - team village
closed starter for @hresvelged | MORE HERBS
Once more, another herb field.
The search for the chalkos proved that this world was no longer wishing to cooperate with them- whoever ruled over its laws most likely wished to make it clear that they weren’t welcome in this realm anymore and thus, began trying to repel them little by little. It was how Dimitri, injured from the chalkos, managed to somehow get separated from his group…and found Edelgard instead.
“E…Edelgard? Ah…it is good to see you.” He straightened himself on the saddle as best as he could, trying to mask his labored breath. “I…I was with Hubert and some others earlier, but I cannot find them anymore. My apologies. I hope that you are doing okay.” He hadn’t seen her in a while.
Looking around, there were no other familiar faces. Some knights, but none Dimitri could identify. It would be just him and Edelgard for now.
With a strained sigh, he looked over to the herb field. “This world…it does not seem very keen on helping us anymore. Or rather, it feels as if it wishes to repel us.” The burns across his body were a good enough reminder. “I think…we should try gathering some herbs. Both for ourselves and for the others, once we find them again. We must…stay in our best shape.” Though…this herb field was odd. It featured some plants he had never seen before.
Stepping down from his horse with some difficulty and a stifled groan, he turned around and smiled at Edelgard.
“May we try to gather some? Although I am not familiar with some of those plants but…let us see what can be useful.”
Dimitri got 2 Herbs!
#[ we will make a good team. ] (threads)#thread: salads are getting tossed#kevillage2023#[support] edelgard#[ so it is time to cross blades… ] (starters)
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🎵𝑰'𝒎 𝑩𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑶𝒖𝒕🎵 + 𝑫𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒓𝒊&𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒎&𝑮𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒐𝒕 (KKE)
Pain cuts through Ganglöt with each step she takes up the mountain, phantom aches tormenting her as she strains to make the trek. She feels lightheaded, and there’s a numbness in her fingers; the sensation brings back memories of drifting along a slow, ice-cold current among unmoving bodies. She grits her teeth and forces her legs to move. She will make it out of this hell. For once, she finds herself grateful for company.
The journey does not seem easy for any of them — perhaps because she is undead, Ganglöt does not feel their weariness as deeply as they do. She can sense it; there is death in the air. If they are not careful, they will surely die on this journey up the mountain. As much as she relishes in it, she would rather not witness the deaths of anyone on this mission. There is enough for them to deal with, and Ganglöt has no interest in dying again. The butt of Arcane Downfall strikes the stone beneath her feet with every step she takes, providing a sort of support as she makes the trek.
Chalkos blinks in and out of existence as they continue up their path. Hubert pauses to collect the ore, but as he bent to grab it, it exploded in his hands. Dimitri also gives it a hand, worry in his voice, but the ore also explodes in his face. Even his horse recoils a bit. Colm, swift-footed and quick-handed, also fails to collect any of the ore.
ROLLED 1d20. 12 +3 CHALKOS
Ganglöt stoops at a particularly glittering piece of chalkos and sweeps it up into her hands. “…will this be enough? Or would you like to stay here and continue to try your luck at being blinded?”
Colm, who had gone after him, also failed to grab the piece of chalko…and it too exploded on his face. Thankfully Ganglöt seemed much more successful in the whole ordeal, but still. For a moment, he pondered- is it worth it? They are already putting their bodies through this much strain just to go up this mountain, and here they were getting even more battered on the way up. Dimitri had never expected their path to be an easy one, but…is it worth it?
He gulped down, pulled in a pained breath, then tried to reach for another nearby piece of chalko.
Roll 1D20= 4, fail!
Dimitri HP: 3/10
“Gh!” And again, it exploded- if anything this one was more powerful than the first, almost as if someone had punched the prince in the chest. Klaske once more recoiled and took some steps to gain distance from the source of the explosion, her ears pinned against her head since now she understood that the flickering stones meant danger.
As for Dimitri, he needed a moment to regain his breath- literally. The smell of iron had never been so strong as it is now. “I…I think Ganglöt may be right…this is just…” It’s too dangerous. He still had no idea what would be of them if they ended up ‘dying’ in this place, but despite everything his mind has been telling him throughout his entire life until now…Dimitri actually didn’t want to find out.
Of course, if one had to die he’d volunteer to spare his teammates, but…it would be ideal for everyone to survive.
With a jolt from Areadbhar to snap him back, the prince tried to sit up without hunching too much. At the very least, to put on the façade of a composure despite his pained and now injured body. “This world…I do not know what is going on with it but…it is increasingly hostile.”
#[ we will make a good team. ] (threads)#thread: im bleeding out#kevillage2023#[support] hubert#[support] ganglöt#[support] colm
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🎵𝑰'𝒎 𝑩𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑶𝒖𝒕🎵 + 𝑫𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒓𝒊&𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒎&𝑮𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒐𝒕 (KKE)
Initial Damage: -1HP | 6/12
Vulnerary : Rolled 20 : +8 | 12/12
For the very reason it had resulted in their harm, Hubert had implored the scaling of the treacherous range: defiance. Their opening wounds yielded the trickling of their red life blood, condemned by a wrathful divinity beyond the reckoning of all irrevocable and sound logic——something wanted them kept here, bound by the shackles of a dream; it was a nightmare to him, but a mystery he endeavored to unveil no less.
Nevertheless, if not also to upset this confinement’s warden, Hubert was, beneath the pomp of cynicism and wit, petty. How could he not be in the wake of his liege’s immobilization, a mere puppet for this damned divinity’s machinations? The ire of a shadow——his ire——was seldom ticked in the wake of earnest anger, masked and obscured by vile discreet gestures and schemes; this, however, warranted his utmost loathing.
Maybe that was why he sought materials——the powder of Chalkos——amidst the dips and stalagmites of the mountain range. The higher numen retaliated at each instance——it bloomed a wicked smile to his features. Did such scavenging for resources inflict the bodiless goddess with wounds just as it did for them? The most twisted parts of his wants wished that it would.
Rolled: 7 = Failure : -1.5 HP | 10.5/12
Vengeance was a universal understanding——both his and the divinity’s alike; a scowl severed his neutral mien, lips twisted as the surrounding rocks with jagged builds snagged at his garb, skimming his flesh——not to forget the onslaught of pressure that oozed blood from his nostrils.
“Be wary of the terrain. It likes to maim.”
Dimitri HP: 8/10
The march up the mountain was painful- in a very literal sense. Even though the prince was atop a horse, he could feel his body protest with every step taken forward. Dizziness and a piercing headache that much reminded him of voices going louder and louder in his ears- which…where were they? How come they didn’t come chasing after him in this realm?
From one curse to another, he muttered under his breath with a strained voice only he and his equine companion could hear. With much effort, he petted Klaske’s mane before trying to take a deep breath with much difficulty. Everything hurt- and despite his lack of taste, Dimitri could tell that there was blood in his mouth. There was iron in his breath, one of the very few things he could still smell even if faintly.
At this point it was difficult to decide which way this would end. Ambushed by the enemy, or killed by this very mountain’s wrath.
No- no, we must survive. Dream or not, we must.
He lifted his head as his mount came to a stop alongside the others in his immediate team- Hubert, Ganglöt and Colm. A small smile made its way into the prince’s lips at the sight of familiar faces, at least he wasn’t alone in this. As for the area they were in- it was odd. Fairly wide and easy to traverse around, and…it was filled with floating chalkos. They’d flicker into existence, then fade seconds later.
“If we are going to be hiking this mountain…let us at least gather some resources on the way-” That- until he spotted Hubert trying to do exactly that, only for one chalko to literally explode before him. “Hubert!” The prince wasn’t very familiar with the Black Eagles’ retainer and didn’t know of any healing spells to aid him with, but still felt for the dark mage. “Let us…be careful as well. And swift.”
Dimitri set his sights on one chalko that appeared near him. With a quick flick of Klaske’s reins he rushed towards it-
Roll 1D20= 5, fail!
Dimitri HP: 5.5/10
-and it exploded on his face as well, particularly painful too. The prince hissed as his horse took a couple steps back to get distance from the perceived threat even if it had already vanished. “Agh…I am okay! Just…that was stronger than I expected…”
@ganglotte @cleversteel
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Please Give The Oregano | Dimitri, Colm, Leonardo - Team Village
“Alright then.”
Much as Leonardo still finds the idea of a weapon twitching and moving on its own bizarre and a little freaky, he lets go of the topic. If it serves as the heirloom of Dimitri’s family, then surely he knows how to handle it so long as the archer looks after himself properly.
Whatever other thoughts he was going to have regarding the lance perish from his head however the instant he witnesses Colm shove a whole handful of violets in his mouth.
“What are you—” Oh sweet Yune— “I mean - yeah, violets are edible, but why would you…” He sighs, his arms dropping in defeat. Who is he kidding, he has dealt with this before - though he would have to admit by now that Colm is giving Edward a run for his money - and he knows that there is no point arguing.
“… You know what, never mind.” Something almost like a very faint smile flashes through his face as he stands up straight again. For once, the calm forest night discourages him from chastising. “Just don’t do that too much and with plants you aren’t sure about. Keep some for our friends.”
With that, he gets back to the gathering. “I’ve got some experience with herbs, actually,” he adds, his tone a little quieter. “So if you find a plant you’re not familiar with, let me know. Maybe I’ll recognize it.”
> @blaydiud
Dimitri sighed softly in relief when the other two moved from the topic. It’s not that the prince didn’t want to discuss about Areadbhar- he was proud of his lance and would happily explain (and even gush) to others about it, but at the same time part of him could understand the apprehension some showed in being near the weapon. After all, indeed it wasn’t normal for a lance to move, something not even Dimitri himself could begin explaining to them and that he just grew to eventually accept it as a relic thing.
What he didn’t expect was to witness Colm eat a handful of violets with no warning, catching him entirely off guard as the prince simply sat there and watched mid-action.
That…that wasn’t….that wasn’t quite what he was aiming for when he introduced the topic, but! Violets were at the very least edible, so Colm would be fine. “Violets are good, yes...! But try to not eat too many at once or your stomach might begin protesting…” He let out a soft laugh before looking down at the herbs...just one wouldn’t hurt. He wasn’t even hungry, but if battle was near then it was always nice to have a snack beforehand.
And so, the prince grabbed a couple weeds himself- separate from the ones they were gathering of course, and ate it with a content face. The taste was of course entirely null, but the familiar texture filled him with bliss as he hummed.
Areadbhar didn’t seem too fond of the action though, and jolted.
Dimitri ignored. “Is that so? I would love it if you could teach me what you know about foliage, Leonardo! I myself know some things from survival training I went through as a young boy, but I am quite interested to know about the plants of your homeland.” He asked happily, as if he hadn’t just eaten a handful of grass that even his own relic seemed to disapprove of. “Perhaps we could all share our knowledge later, once…all of this is over.”
Humming in realization, Dimitri had an idea. “Why do you not give those a try, Leonardo?”
Dimitri got 4 Herbs!
#[ we will make a good team. ] (threads)#thread: please give the oregano#kevillage2023#[support] colm#[support] leonardo#[[ dimitri asks you to eat the weeds to you accept y/n ]]
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Please Give The Oregano | Dimitri, Colm, Leonardo - Team Village
The strangling feeling of horror and dread fades away slowly, as though nothing more than a distant dream (which, well, is very close to the truth in fairness), replaced by the one type of scenery that most easily brings him comfort and chases away the thoughts of doom.
The next time Leonardo opens his eyes, he finds himself in a field in the middle of a forest - the light humming of leaves like a balm on the soul, the silver moon almost as though smiling upon him, reassuring him - everything will be okay, you and your friends are safe here. Stay for a while and rest.
And at the moment, the archer would find it hard to say no.
Speaking of friends - the voices of Dimitri and Colm reach him, and he follows them with a nod. Herbs are always good to have, that cannot be denied. The way Com addresses him prompts him to pause for a moment and tilt his head in mild confusion as he looks at the guy - a little weird, in his eyes, to give nicknames to someone one does not know very well - but he makes no comment about it.
“Sure thing. Herbs are always good to have.”
It is not difficult for him to locate some plants that he knows, though as he stands back up after having collected them and looks up at Dimitri, there is a thought that he cannot help but voice. “Um,” he begins, unsure as to exactly how to word it - though he has the impression that his House leader will guess as to what makes him hesitate. “Does your lance always… do this?” He finally asks, his eyes fixed on the twitching bits of Areadbhar.
> @blaydiud
Dimitri sighed, trying to manage the weight of grief over his chest. Whatever happened for this feeling to wash over him and his companions is beyond the prince, seeing as he had stayed behind during the group’s last exploration, but it meant little to him. Dimitri was used to the feeling of grief with no context nor reason. Grieving for life itself- it was how he had been living for the past four years.
At least he could busy himself by listening to the voices of his two teammates and idly going through the herbs on the ground, carefully inspecting which ones were good to pick. That…and also Areadbhar’s presence. The prince also had no idea as to why his weapon had been teleported here out of all things- perhaps it was the promise of battle? He wished it wasn’t the case though.
“Ah?” The blonde raised his head at Colm and Leonardo’s questions, letting out a sheepish laugh as he stashed away some of the leafy greens. Areadbhar was clipped to his belt, though he could feel its movements. “Yes, Areadbhar is its name. It is the treasure of Faerghus as well as the most important heirloom of my bloodline.”
But…as much as he didn’t mind the lance’s antics, it wasn’t common for a weapon to twitch, right? Right. “It…always does this, yes. Mainly at night. Please do not mind it, in this state Areadbhar is as inoffensive as any other lance.” Which honestly meant nothing, but he meant as in that the weapon wouldn’t act on its own will or anything the like.
Thinking about it, Dimitri had never really taken into consideration how those outside of Fódlan would perceive the relics.
“...you can pretend that it is excited for something? Though I hope it is not indicating that a battle might be near…” The lance twitched, phalanges letting out minuscule clicks and cracks as the prince continued to busy himself with the herbs. Ah, they are probably bothered by it, aren’t they? Where’s Areadbhar’s sheath anyway…?
“....did you know some weeds are edible?” He decided to change the topic away from the grotesque lance.
Dimitri got 3 Herbs!
#[ we will make a good team. ] (threads)#thread: please give the oregano#kevillage2023#[support] colm#[support] leonardo
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Please Give The Oregano | Dimitri, Colm, Leonardo - Team Village
Closed starter for @freedomarrow @cleversteel | Gathering Herbs
Dimitri had taken it upon himself to care for the house while his teammates left to work and gather more resources and some spare money. As much as he also wished to leave and help them more directly, the prince figured they’d get nowhere if they returned to a dirty, messy home- and so that was how he spent the rest of the day, diligently performing house chores the best he could. Some were easy…while others demanded actions more delicate than he was comfortable with, but in the end it worked out.
It had been just one day though. Or…or was it? Truth to be told, there was a moment where Dimitri simply lost track of time. What was supposed to feel like a single day dragging by suddenly…felt like multiple, and yet there was no sign of sunset or of time going by any quicker.
It’s a dream, he reminded himself. It makes sense that things feel odd at times, yet he couldn’t help but frown at the oddity. He could never get used to this, and reminding himself of his current predicament didn’t bring him any comfort. It was a dream, and dreams never meant any good.
If it weren’t for the crushing feeling of dread and grief nearly swallowing him whole, he’d be laughing at himself. Yet now Dimitri stood before a field of flowers and herbs, Areadbhar in hand- twitching as if looking forward to a battle that would never come, and his horse stood not too far away peacefully grazing away.
Dimitri shook his head, squinting his eyes at a much familiar piercing pain. There were others alongside him. “...Colm? Professor Leonardo…” Before he could better his wording, Areadbhar jolted- effectively cutting him off yet at the same time dragging his mind back to place. “I…I sadly do not know what is going on. I do not even know why Areadbhar is here…my apologies.” But one thing was clear- before them was a wide field of herbs.
“...shall we gather some? Herbs are especially useful. Are you both doing okay?”
Dimitri got 5 herbs!
#[ we will make a good team. ] (threads)#thread: please give the oregano#kevillage2023#[support] colm#[support] leonardo
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kirby kills a tree | Village Minigame Team 1
Just when it looked as though they will make short work of the tree, they begin to… miss. Completely. Utterly. So badly it is humiliating.
It is insanity, how she and Dimitri and Edelgard all begin to miss their swings in succession. Is it the disorientation? Is the tree even real? Should they just give up and move past it? Surely there are resources to be found elsewhere…
ROLL 1d20 — 2! MISS! TREE — 31.5/40 HP.
Ganglöt swears as she misses again. This should not be as difficult as it is.
@blaydiud or @hresvelged … !
It was borderline insanity at this point. All three of them, consecutively missing strikes on a tree- an immobile thing that couldn’t even attack them, and Dimitri couldn’t even begin explaining why they were missing. He wasn’t sure if it was disorientation, or that somehow the tree changed positions, or that his aim just randomly decided to get much worse. He just...it didn’t matter how much he tried to prepare himself for the next blow, the result was the same. As soon as he set his sights on the tree and approached it, not a piece of bark would be cut off from it.
Dimitri facepalmed, letting out an exasperated sigh as frustration and mild desperation boiled. He didn’t even know what to do anymore.
Areadbhar perked up a bit, enough for him to feel a subtle twitch under his hold. The prince was apprehensive seeing how his latest attempts went, but…no, we can’t give up.
Dimitri attacks the Tree! Roll 1D20-6= 8, hit!
Tree HP= 25/40
+2 Wood.
The moment he felt the weight and impact of Areadbhar actually cutting through wood, Dimitri almost wanted to shout in relief and cheer. It wasn’t enough to fell the tree, but…finally. Something. It was something and at this point, it was enough for him. He could only turn to face his teammates with a happy, mildly gobsmacked expression. “I should not be congratulating myself for managing to hit a tree with my weapon but…honestly at this point…”
@ganglotte or @hresvelged
#[ we will make a good team. ] (threads)#thread: kirby kills a tree#KEvillage2023#[support] edelgard#[support] ganglöt
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kirby kills a tree | Village Minigame Team 1
This cannot be a normal tree.
If it were, it surely would have fallen after Dimitri and Edelgard had struck. But in this world of dreams, Ganglöt comes to understand that she should not expect anything to be ordinary. They are making progress, though — another few good swings and the tree should be no more, freeing them to move on from this chamber in the dungeon.
ROLL 1d20 — 5! MISS! TREE — 31.5/40 HP.
But when Ganglöt swings again, all she manages to get are a couple leaves off the top of the tree. She grits her teeth. Too high. She prays the other two hadn’t noticed anything as she readies Arcane Downfall for another strike. Gods, this is going to take forever. She has met suits of armor more eager to fall than this damned tree.
@blaydiud or @hresvelged … !
It seemed like this dream world was just putting together a very elaborate joke. Just because the tree seemed nearly ready to be felled, their attempts to land the final blows were beginning to miss their mark just to make the whole process drag more and more, not to mention the increasing frustration.
First it was Ganglöt- her mighty scythe catching on a couple of leaves but not touching the bark.
Dimitri attacks the Tree! Roll 1D20-6= -5, miss!
It was Dimitri’s turn to fail miserably, again.
While in his previous attempt he had felt some initiative on Areadbhar’s part, now the lance seemed to just go back to full dormancy and flat out ignore its surroundings as well as its wielder- that, or his aim had somehow gotten far worse. The prince swung at the tree but Areadbhar’s tips barely even reached it, earning a frustrated frown from Dimitri. Again…come on! Get a grip, Dimitri! It’s just a tree!
#[ we will make a good team. ] (threads)#thread: kirby kills a tree#KEvillage2023#[support] ganglöt#[support] edelgard
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kirby kills a tree | Village Minigame Team 1
The world shifts, plunging her with whether or not she desires it. There is something of a chill threatening her spine as a hand touches her shoulder, abruptly swiveling in turn. Green hair stands out like a sore thumb, cementing itself into the princess’s mind.
She is thrusted into a new scene like a puppet in a play. Her now-companions, Dimitri and Ganglöt, begin with wise words and acts of readiness. She finds it difficult to imagine how Dimitri fails to strike a tree, but she is at least relieved when Ganglöt is able to do so with ease.
She cannot deny the truth that threatens them— Resources are important. Vital for both themselves and others. If her enemy is a tree, so be it.
“I couldn’t agree more. There’s much more to do than wasting all of our time in one spot.” She lifts her axe upwards, lilac eyes narrowed on the ever-still tree. Edelgard plunges Aymr through cleanly, leaving a hefty strike.
Edelgard attacks the tree -> 1d20-2: 11. Hit!
Tree’s HP: 34/40.
Retracting her axe, she takes a step back and looks upwards towards Dimitri and Ganglöt — Two faces who tower her in stature, but Edelgard’s stoic expression alone is enough to cut through anything. “As expected. Let’s ensure we gather all that we can while we are here.”
Dimitri allows himself to psych-up beforehand, holding Areadbhar firmly as his two companions slowly but successfully chop down the tree. This was no enemy, there was no excuse for his failing to even scratch at the tree. It was literally immobile!
Areadbhar still refused to flare up, sitting still in his grasp. With no smell of battle or promise of blood, the lance simply refused to even bother twitching.
A sigh. “Come on, I am asking you the bare minimum...” He mumbled to himself, frowning at his own weapon. Once he looked up, it was once more his turn to act. Giving Areadbhar another squeeze to try to urge the relic to action, he approached the tree once more. I won’t disappoint them again.
Dimitri attacks the Tree! 1D20-6= 6, hit!
Tree HP= 31.5/40
+2 Wood.
It was nothing compared to what the prince was used to seeing from his relic- no blazing disposition, no violent gashes, no relentlessness, just a regular, fairly normal chop. Of course, it was already a step forward compared to his first attempt, but Dimitri couldn’t help but be disappointed in his own lance- and in himself still. “Good job, team! Let us continue, just a couple more hits!”
#[ we will make a good team. ] (threads)#thread: kirby kills a tree#KEvillage2023#[support] ganglöt#[support] edelgard
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kirby kills a tree | Village Minigame Team 1
Closed starter for @hresvelged and @ganglotte
In true fashion of what a dream is, their wanderings through the marketplace quickly dissolved into what felt like a slurry of voices, sounds and visuals. Nothing made sense and it felt as if he were falling even though he still felt his feet touching the floor- and the weight of the odd hand on his shoulder. That person…
He had just seen their face, yet his brain failed to memorize its features other than green.
The next things the prince noticed were the weight of Areadbhar in his hand, the fact that he was now in what seemed to be a dungeon network of sorts, and finally that he was at the very least accompanied by others- Edelgard and Ganglöt. Not the same people who he had gone to the marketplace with but teammates nonetheless. “Is…everyone okay?”
Dimitri was at a loss as to why Areadbhar was now with him. He could only hope that it was due to weird dream logic and not because a threat was lurking in the shadows. Still though, he marched through the area with his guard up until they reached a chamber with nothing but a tree in its middle.
Tree stands before Team 1!
“Well…we are in need of resources, so perhaps we can get some wood out of this tree. We can try to cut it down swiftly and take some logs as we try to find the exit.” Gripping Areadbhar with both hands, he sighed and approached the tree.
Dimitri attacks the Tree! Roll1D20-6= -3!
Tree HP= 40/40
He blinked. The prince found himself facing a wall, the tree behind him. Turning around to try to make sense of the situation…he had no words. Areadbhar hadn’t even flared to life, it was still dormant.
“M…My apologies, my mind is still trying to make sense of the situation. This will not happen again.” He bonked himself in the head, cheeks pink with embarrassment.
#[ we will make a good team. ] (threads)#thread: kirby kills a tree#KEvillage2023#[support] edelgard#[support] ganglöt
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don’t mine at night
Replacing people who had existed here before them. She’s familiar with the concept – has done it before in the artificially lit streets of that gods-forsaken storybook.
Lucina grimaces as the bomb goes off. Its volume is emphasized in by the cave walls, and it echoes for a good long moment to accompany the ringing in her ears. Leonardo’s eyes catch hers and all she can offer is a wary shrug as the noise pitters out.
He makes a point that strikes true between the marrow armor of her ribs. Lucina frowns. “There is definitely something wrong…”
It only takes a glance around to prove it, really. There’s something so unnerving about the happiness that seems to reflect across every stranger’s face here when they are standing in the middle of a mine. It’s unnatural, uncomfortable.
“We would do best to keep our eyes out, I agree. If these people are hiding from something serious, then we cannot expect not to face it.” She tests the weight of her pickaxe as though it is a weapon, shutting her eyes as she exhales.
“Though I don’t imagine that will be easy. These dreams are meant to have a thrall over us, after all.”
( gained 1 obol, 4 stone, and 2 chalkos) @blaydiud
Dimitri had seen them- odd people with a greenish tone on her skin around the quarry when they had first arrived. They seemed friendly, or at the very least were minding their own business, yet at the same time there was a rather uncomfortable atmosphere in the area as a whole. Much like how a thunderstorm is preceded by electricity in the air, he couldn’t help but wonder…if there was bad blood forming between those green people and the population of the village.
A fizzling, weak pop drew his attention away from his own thoughts- the next bomb on the line was another pitiful one. Sighing, he lowered himself to bury it.
“I do not…think that we are in any immediate danger, but I agree. Let us keep our eyes open to the inner workings of this land. Something is amiss.” Icy pools glanced around, checking to see if anyone was a bit too interested in their conversation. Thankfully everyone else was far too busy with their own work.
And dreams hardly ever mean good things, at least to myself- his mind echoed.
The prince got up, patting out his outfit. “Let us do our best to integrate ourselves in this world, but at the same time let us not get lost in the idea of living a different life.” So that they may not go down the same path they did in the storybook. “I do not think anyone will be too thrilled to answer any questions here sadly…so let us keep working. We must gather enough money to help our teammates after all.”
He paused, looking around…then he looked back to the other two. “Though if the two of you are hungry, I could perhaps find a way to get you some food. I feel bad not doing anything while you two are working so hard...”
Dimitri got: 1 Obol, 4 Stone, 1 Chalko!
#[ we will make a good team. ] (threads)#thread: dont mine at night#KEvillage2023#[support] lucina#[support] leonardo
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don’t mine at night
Leonardo does as told when Dimitri voices his warning, taking a few steps back alongside Lucina and bringing his arms up to his ears to shield them from whatever is to come. Sure enough, the second explosive, unlike the first, proves to not be a dud, producing a loud BOOM that he cannot fully protect himself against with hands alone.
To quote Edward, heck.
Leonardo stands there mildly stunned for a second; only when Dimitri and Lucina both move and speak, does he stir as well, returning to work as though nothing out of the ordinary just happened.
He supposes that, as far as this world is concerned, nothing out of the ordinary did happen, indeed. He ponders silently at their words, not speaking for a minute; only after a moment, in between one strike of his pickaxe and the next, does he speak out - his voice quiet, meant for the ears of his companions alone.
“I wonder if this world and its inhabitants see us for what we truly are.” An odd thought perhaps, feeling weirder still as he voices it, but… he started, so he may as well finish. “I don’t know, and I doubt we could check in any way, but… I’m not sure if they really see us, when they look at us. I don’t know if I’m making sense, but…” He shrugs lightly, and his voice lowers still, to nothing more than a whisper.
“In reality, we’re intruders here. So maybe when we arrived here, we… replaced someone?”
> @blaydiud
Once the dust finally settled, Dimitri went back to his post- to watch over the others and check if any other explosions were needed. A simple task but at the same time…hm. Something in him didn’t agree with all of this that much. Faerghus itself was a nation that relied heavily on mining for its economy, but it also cared deeply for the people who worked on said mines. Whatever they were doing right now was…definitely not within Faerghus’ standards.
Exploding bombs inside a mine with people still inside said mine. So safe! It’s not like the risk of collapse is actually a thing! The prince shuddered for a moment, averting his eyes from the walls.
At Leonardo’s comment, he frowned. “Replace? That…would be upsetting, honestly. I am not too keen on the idea of replacing someone.” Again, he refrained himself from saying. He could still remember bits from their latest big mission within that story book, where the prince became a merchant. Although his experience was fun, it was…so fun that it made him nearly loathe his real life.
He didn’t want to go through it again. “I am honestly still at a loss on this world’s inner workings. Or rather, how its society works.” The whole ‘children’ thing, the hush hush about e group of soldiers coming to town at some point. “I wonder if something has happened, like a conflict of wide scale or a catastrophe of sorts.” He mused, ice pool gaze roaming to his two companions.
“Sorry, I did not mean to interrupt your work. Allow me to open way once more.” A little flustered, Dimitri quickly picked up another bomb and placed it at an emptier area to widen the work area. The prince lightened it up, then quickly ducked behind a boulder. “Cover your ears!” He called out.
This one was…slightly more powerful than the other explosion, earning a confused stare from Dimitri. The…the bombs were all of different intensities?! What kind of logic was this? “It is clear now..!”
Getting up from his spot, he checked the newly blown up area. Safe. Or at least…as safe as it could get. He frowned, pouting. “One thing that is quite clear in this place is that its safety standards are…concerning. The bombs I was given seem to be of different intensities with no way for me to differentiate them. I am sorry if the blast ends up too powerful.”
Dimitri got: 1 Obol, 4 Stone, 3 Chalko
#[ we will make a good team. ] (threads)#thread: dont mine at night#[support] lucina#[support] leonardo#KEvillage2023
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