blatherskites · 3 years
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blatherskites · 3 years
@blatherskites​​ ♡’d for a starter !
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            [ THE RAGING WIZARD ]
     Gorgug had no idea what was going on.      This was par for the course ; after all, a good many things went over the bigger boy’s head. Conversation, action, subtle glances, various topics … the more complex something was, the more likely he was going to be confused by it. Intricate details were so easy to get lost in … it’s why, now, listening to this guy talk and talk and talk about a subject ( or, was it multiple? ) was kind of driving him crazy.      He wasn’t mad, or at least, Gorgug was trying hard not to be. He knew the guy was just excited ; in a way, it kind of reminded him of Riz. Kind of. There were some very obvious differences, but the very fast almost patter - like speech about so many other things was a lot like the way Riz got when talking about a weird case. Even then, Gorgug had a hard time following along to what his friend was talking about – and that was his friend! This time, it was almost a complete stranger. Frankly, he didn’t even know how this all started. He forgot.      Scratching his head, Gorgug waited for a break in the chatter before speaking up, eyebrows knitted in thought. “ uhm, excuse me, uhhhh, mr. twain? it was mr. twain, right? i, uh, i have a bit of a question – what are we talking about again? “ He was so lost in the conversation, it was a miracle he hadn’t gone into a rage yet from all the confusion.
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“...if they were just a little bit faster---sorry, what? Oh, I dunno. Nothing important.”
Twain dismisses the topic with a wave of his hand---honestly, he hadn’t even noticed his own talking out loud. It’s kind of an unfortunate habit, but it’s also just who he is as a person, so there’s really nothing to be done about it. Except he can’t help feeling just a little bad for talking up a storm in front of this poor kid. He is who he is, sure, but he’s also not in the business of upsetting people.
“You’re Gorgug, right? That sounds right. Didn’t mean to get so carried away there, Gorgug, sorry!” He smiles sheepishly, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck. It’s probably weird to get so flustered over talking circles around a teenager, but he’s always been sensitive about the strangest thing. Besides, Gorgug seems nice. It’s a shame to overwhelm him. “Truth is, I wouldn’ta minded if you’d told me to stop before. I’ve got a real bad time with knowin’ when to.”
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blatherskites · 3 years
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ah shit (drops my bag and my mark twain redesign spills out) ah fuck
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blatherskites · 3 years
fun twain fact: my url is actually taken from one of the things mark twain named his cats! fun other twain fact: i used to write twain as having a total of 13 cats, some of whom were named after actual twain cats and some of whom i just made up names for. of them, whipped cream is the only survivor, and is NOT one of the cats with a Twain Name (tm)
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blatherskites · 3 years
dedicated to my lovely coworkers from my past job <3 content warning for minor swearing. adjust/make changes as needed.
“if i died for 15 seconds every day, i’d totally be cool with that.” “rose quartz seems pretty lickable.” “i’ve been called every name in the book.” “a man called me a stupid bitch in russian today, so i guess that’s a win.” “if you say a normal word with enough passion, it could be a slur.” “you know, the bird? bird is the word? you know?” “word of the day: bird!” “he was a biker and a musician, so yeah, the worst.” ;“hockey is so good it hurts.” “that guy’s suit cost more than my college tuition and he had the audacity to give me a lecture on how money can’t buy happiness.” “i want long, sexy hair like yours.” “slow down, muchacho, buy me dinner first!” “let me take my mask off and read that again.” “oh my god! hey, asshole!” “i’m giving you a compliment.” “you’ve got pretty hair…” “what are you doing? you know i can see you right?” “this truck is so stupid big.” “nice common sense you got there.” “i love when people make my job easier by doing everything possible to make me miserable.” “i like that one song by the black eyed peas.” “can someone pick me up? i have to pee.” 
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blatherskites · 3 years
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Hi, I’m jumping right into things, I guess! Feel free to interact with this post if you have any interest in writing with a heavily canon divergent Mark Twain from Bungou Stray Dogs. Currently has verses for Genshin Impact and The Witcher.
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blatherskites · 3 years
we’re going to pretend i didn’t use an ENTIRE PAGE explaining my alt ability for twain ahaha
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blatherskites · 3 years
“are you making fun of me?” ( from eskel )
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Twain backtracks quickly. There's really not much that throws him off his guard, really, but he evidently hadn't been expecting a reaction like that. It's both interesting and alarming---although anyone else would probably just say no and be on their way.
It's a good thing Twain never learned not to stick his nose where it isn't wanted.
"No? Did I say somethin'? I don't really think before I speak, you'll hafta forgive me. Do people usually make fun of you by hangin' around an' havin' a friendly chat? I mean, I can't really say that's never been done to me before, but I didn't think I came off that way. Do I?" Twain prattles on, having lost control of that barely-there wall that blocks his thoughts from running directly out through his mouth. "Well, I wasn't. You seemed interesting and I wanted to talk, that's really all."
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motherland: fort salem. / accepting.
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blatherskites · 3 years
twain: 9:01. edgar allan poe is officially late for the first time ever. let’s do this, who’s got theories hawthorne: … alarm didn’t go off twain: all 3 alarms? all with battery backup? COME ON, who wants to take this seriously? lovecraft: he was taken in his sleep twain: THAT’S WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT! super dark lovecraft but WAY more plausible than hawthorne’s IDIOTIC alarm clock theory mitchell: i bet he tucked himself into bed too tight and got stuck lucy: maybe he fell into another dimension where he’s interesting fitzgerald: it’s 9 am. why is no one working? twain: edgar is a few minutes late and we’re all trying to guess why fitzgerald: well, i can play. i’d say he’s… in line….. at the bank. this is fun twain: it is fun, but you’re all wrong. he clearly slipped through a subway grate and is having TERRIBLE sex with a moleman [poe hurries in] twain: THERE HE IS. EDGAR, WHERE have you been? we’ve been worried SICK do you CARE TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF poe: im just 70 seconds late, it’s not a big deal don’t worry about it! fitzgerald: edgar, you will tell us and you will tell us now poe: poe: there was a. problem at the bank fitzgerald: fitzgerald: HOT DAMN
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blatherskites · 3 years
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starters from episodes 5 & 6 of season 1 of the show motherland: fort salem.
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“we need to focus on ourselves, not on distractions.”
“you know what we should do? we should run away together.”
“i went there once as a kid, just for a week. but i never forgot it.”
“i think that was the last place i felt free.”
“don’t not go because of me.”
“i like doing everything because of you.”
“that was incredible. what was that?”
“fail, and your future is bleak.”
“how the hell did you get here?”
“consider yourself part of the family.”
“they seem to forget i have friends in high places too.”
“i’m not afraid, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“i expressly told you to stay away from them.”
“i take full responsibility for disobeying your orders.”
“what’s your problem? let them have their happiness.”
“so you’re just trained to be funny and poetic, or are you really like that?”
“oh, so it’s a game? you just do whatever the playbook tells you to do?”
“i don’t blame you for doubting me.”
“you seriously can’t be sweating this. all you need to do is show up.”
“i’m more than my name.”
“i wish they could have been here with us today.”
“they would have been so proud of you.”
“i just wanna get to the part where i can show off this dress/suit.”
“i just want to do well. make a name for myself.”
“the name is what people remember.”
“actually, can we dance for a minute?”
“shouldn’t being a good soldier mean more than coasting on a reputation and legacy?”
“everything i’ve done has been with you in mind. so that you could have every opportunity.”
“no matter what happens, i love you.”
“there’s still no sign of them. do you think they’re hurt? what do you think could have happened to them?”
“(name)! you’re hurt… (name)…”
“listen, (name), are you sure you’re okay? we can take a break anytime.”
“are you sure you wanna do this right now?”
“we have to wait. we have to calm down.”
“stop focusing on it.”
“you’re welcome here for as long as you need.”
“the world’s falling apart.”
“they hardly ever target their own.”
“this is a deliberate targeting of my family.”
“i know you hate them, but they could still be alive out there.”
“we are investigating every angle without bias, and they haven’t been found.”
“fine. you don’t have to talk to me. but you can’t keep pretending nothing’s wrong.”
“i’m not pretending, okay? i’m fine.”
“no one could go through what you did and be fine.”
“maybe if you stopped being a soldier for five minutes you’d see you’re a mess. and you won’t get better until you face it, and find your center again.”
“don’t talk to me like that.”
“people are already staring at me like they’re waiting for me to have a breakdown. i don’t wanna bring any more attention to myself.”
“they’re mocking me because of you!”
“i know how to do this. why can’t i do this?”
“how can i be a sister/brother to them and a liar at the same time?”
“there was no way to get to them. no way to save them.”
“they were my sister/brother. without them i would never see life the same way again.”
“i feel bad for them, but you’d think they’d know better by now.”
“focus on what you can do, and not what you can’t.”
“grief is stubborn and wild. like an untamed animal. sometimes you have to let it run all over the place until it wears itself out.”
“i think truth is the best medicine.”
“they’re not dead. right?”
“are you making fun of me?”
“i’ve never felt less powerful than i am right now. i’ve never been this way. and it isn’t going away.”
“why can’t i find anything today?”
“if you’re not going to talk with us… maybe you’ll talk to someone else.”
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blatherskites · 3 years
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Hi, I’m jumping right into things, I guess! Feel free to interact with this post if you have any interest in writing with a heavily canon divergent Mark Twain from Bungou Stray Dogs. Currently has verses for Genshin Impact and The Witcher.
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blatherskites · 3 years
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BLATHERSKITES: A single-muse blog featuring a heavily altered portrayal of Mark Twain from Bungou Stray Dogs---hoping to continue to explore the potential of how Twain should have been written, rather than how he was. Penned by Albatross ( 18, he/she/they ).  Established 8 / 8 / 18, moved 3 /6 / 22.
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blatherskites · 3 years
test ask
test answer!
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blatherskites · 3 years
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