Blake Black Magic Woman
193 posts
Hello everyone, just a heads up on somethings. This isn't my theme. It is a theme by agleerph. The pictures are not mine, nor are the gifs. Everything else you need to know is in the pages below
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Being pulled out of her own thoughts she kind of jumped when Tora started to speak. Nodding her head she smiled “Oh I like it, the weather here never stays consistant for to long.” She said out loud unable to hear the voices over the loud thunder. “Ready?” Blake ran her hand through her hair as it began to curl due to the weather ‘Well that backfired a bit’ She thought to herself almost chuckling at her mistake.
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Laughing a bit at his response to her powers she nodded her head “What would you like to do?” She asked raising an eyebrow up at him curious as to what he would do for fun.
Study Session
‘’well,when everyone else fails,someone else has to get the job done’���
He smiled
‘’well,what is your powers? Can you demonstrate them for me?’’
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Shock ran across her face, she really didn’t expect him to actually want to do it. “You really wouldn’t mind it?” She asked clapping her hands together a large smile running across her face. “Oh this is wonderful Ian!” She rummaged through her backpack wondering if she had a copy of the packet he would have to fill out. “I think I have a packet here, but I am not so sure.” Disappointment was written across her face. “It must be in my office. Would you like to come with me to see the gallery where your work will be set up?” She asked raising an eyebrow at him.
Closed Starter
“Call me Ian.” He smiled as he ran a hands through his long, wavy hair after shaking her hand. “But thank you, I’m glad you enjoy them.” His cheeks flushed in a slight shade of red. At her last statement, his eyes suddenly widened and brightened in excitement. “R-Really?” His brows raised and he broke into a smile. “I’d love to be part of your gallery, Blake. After all you’re right, I must step out of my comfort zone.” He nodded.
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Blake rolled her eyes muttering to herself “Now who are you? What are you talking about?” She asked looking around for the party who was sending the voices. However there was no one around and it was causing her temper to boil.
Biting the inside of her lip she closed her eyes creating a dark cloud to cast over the campus. Creating a storm loud enough that she hoped it would quiet the voices. ‘I hope this works.’ She thought to herself as she played with her hands waiting for Tora to return from his dorm room.
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Smiling at him she shook her head “Step out of your comfort zone Mr. Garcia. I enjoy them very much.” She says as she looks at him “I'm holding the event. My mentor will be there, and this is my first assignment. I’ve drawn in artist who paint, and photographers like yourself. I would be flattered if you would be one of the artist in my gallery this weekend.”
Closed Starter
“I understand, we’re a small group anyways.” His foreign accent could be noticeable through his talking. He tilted his head to one side as he listened to her, shrugging after. “I did think about that, but I don’t know if anyone would like them.” He grinned, looking down before up into her eyes again, gladly shaking her hand. “Ian García, very pleased to meet you.”
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Looking at the young man she nodded her head “See my powers range. I can move things.” She says a tree being pulled out of its roots and thrown into the lake. “I can freeze things.” Freezes the water of the lake, “I can do a wide variety of things” she tells him as she runs her hand over the sky making the sky go dark for a minute before returning it to normal.
Study Session
‘’well,when everyone else fails,someone else has to get the job done’’
He smiled
‘’well,what is your powers? Can you demonstrate them for me?’’
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Shaking her head she smiled “Well I wouldn’t take anyone else. I mean you are kinda the only person I talk to Tora.” She told him as she pushed a hand through her hair. “I have to run some errands before tonight. Would you like to join me or do you want me to let you go until tonight?”
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Blake stepped back from the man as she reached for the pictures, “Sorry I just haven’t seen anyone from the Arts section of the school.” She told him as she looked through the photos. They were beautiful, and she smiled “Have you thought about putting these in the art exhibit in a couple weeks?” She asked him before she shook her head.
“Excuse me, I am so rude.” She chuckled out at herself “I am Blake Pappen.” She reached her hand out for him to shake.
Closed Starter
Ian kept himself busy everyday in the campus, through taking pictures of different angles and ‘landscapes’. He currently sat on the grass, letting the soothing air flow through his dark, long and wavy hair as he tried and practised the new tecniques his Photography teachers gave.
The Colombian jumped slightly, his body turning and his wide eyes staring at her for a second. He nodded, a grin creeping onto his face. He wasn’t one for a spontaneous talk, he barely got friends in campus, or in the whole country. His hand reached for his bag, where he kept some instant pictures from the oldie that his father gave him years ago, in the other side of the world.
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Clapping her hands at his performance she smiled “you have some serious power, especially for someone from another ‘dimension or plane’“ She says throwing quotes around the last part of her words.
Study Session
‘’i am not poofing it’’
‘’i am draining the water in the air and transforming it into liquid,then I freeze it and make it take the shape and texture of the original one’’
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Once the pair was away from the crowd she sat on a bench facing the creek “Alright, show me what you got. If I remember correctly you said you can control water, and ice right?”
Study Session
‘’i am not poofing it’’
‘’i am draining the water in the air and transforming it into liquid,then I freeze it and make it take the shape and texture of the original one’’
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Closed Starter
Blake was curious by nature, so when she see’s someone taking pictures in the park on the Campus grounds. She wonders what his photos look like. Walking up behind the man she ask in a quiet voice “Can I see?”
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As she walks out of the library she walks over to her car dropping off the books “There is a path that walks around the campus lake, not many people go in there.” She told the man as she walks towards the trail with him.
Study Session
‘’i am not poofing it’’
‘’i am draining the water in the air and transforming it into liquid,then I freeze it and make it take the shape and texture of the original one’’
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Letting out a little chuckle she shakes her head “No not literally poofing, I mean playing magic tricks with objects like that in front of mortals.” She says as she sighs “Come one” Picking up the books she walks over to the librarian checks out the books and leaves the Library “Best bet to go somewhere you can release your magic.”
Study Session
‘’i am not poofing it’’
‘’i am draining the water in the air and transforming it into liquid,then I freeze it and make it take the shape and texture of the original one’’
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Raising an eyebrow she mutters “These people are human, I don’t know if just poofing things out of mid air is a very good idea” She chuckles as she raises an eyebrow “However it is a beautiful weapon! I still have the sword my father gave me.” She told him as she pulled her cellphone out to show him a picture of it.
Study Session
The library was packed this day with many students trying to study for finals. Blake was in the library trying to get everything ready for her project. Even with all the bodies it still very quiet. As Blake rounded a corner of the selves she ran straight into someone. Her books fell from the pile she had, becoming flustered she began to apologize “I am so sorry I didn’t mean to hit you! Honestly I couldn’t see really!”
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Raising an eyebrow she smiled lightly “Ah well that is a fascinating life you have lived. I was born almost two hundred years ago to a mere white magic farmer and his black magic wife. I kind of faked my own death, ran away learned the ways of black magic. I used a spell to live forever and now I travel the world experiencing everything I can while keeping a low profile.” She said as she flipped through one of the books.
Study Session
The library was packed this day with many students trying to study for finals. Blake was in the library trying to get everything ready for her project. Even with all the bodies it still very quiet. As Blake rounded a corner of the selves she ran straight into someone. Her books fell from the pile she had, becoming flustered she began to apologize “I am so sorry I didn’t mean to hit you! Honestly I couldn’t see really!”
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Sipping the coffee in front of her, Blake scrolled through countless websites. Clicking and minimizing. Her eyes began to feel heavy as she looked over at the clock. 03:45 a.m. ‘Maybe I should go get some sleep.’ She thought to herself as she scrolled through the many websites. The café was very quiet as she stood up walking to the person behind the counter asking for another coffee. As she made her way back to the couch she sat in the floor, crossing her feet she sipped her fresh coffee.
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