My name is Ashton | Female 15 | basic artist | I am cringe
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Know what the best thing ever is?
Having someone pet you and mess with your hair. Just having someone lightly pet you is the best shit ever.
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My step dad was being abused at one point, and he had called a help hotline. It was for women, it was aimed only for women, and i dont think they truly believed that a man, a foot taller than the woman, was being pushed and shoved around, was getting hurt. So i dont think he continued. Though it has stopped, since it was caused by alcohol. And we no longer keep a drop in the house
Imagine This
Imagine that your partner has been hitting you. Yelling at you. You’ve been married for a few years, you’re both in your 30s, you have a little daughter, and everything you do seems to be wrong. You’ve been made fun of, mocked and belittled by your partner.
But you need them, because you can’t take another failed relationship. You can’t be alone again, and they’ve got you convinced that all the beatings and scratches and scrapes are your fault.
You tell your friends and they laugh. No matter how many bruises or cuts you show them, it’s still your fault, so you hide them. You feel trapped, but you don’t feel like you can escape. You’re convinced that you’re just locking yourself in.
And you see online one day an article. Someone else went through what you have. They got the cuts, the bruises, the scratches. You see that here is hope and freedom from these beatings. The physical and emotional pain can go away, there is someone there to help!
So you write down a list of 10 abuse victim hotlines, for people being abused. And you call them one by one.
If you were a man:
6 of those hotlines would refuse to help because of your gender.
3 of those hotlines would refer you to or give you a number to a hotline dealing with people that abuse and are looking to stop.
1 of those hotlines would help.
Out of those 10, 2 of those would also laugh at you or say you deserved it.
If you were a woman:
10 of those hotlines would help.
Abuse is very scary, but what seems scarier to you; being abused, reaching out and getting the help you need, or being abused, reaching out and getting laughed and turned away over 60% of the time because of who you are?
Only 8% of men who call abuse hotlines find them ‘very helpful’ and get the assistance they need.
Women can abuse. Men can be abused. Men need equality and help too.
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Is it bad that ive only eaten some carrots, a few pieces of cucumber, some marshmallows and a bread roll today? Its 11:28 pm. Ive just been too anxious to eat when i could get food...
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Prinxiety story thingy
This continues from the last virgil hc thing, but in roman's pov. Mind you i made this during a football game, stopping every few lines to do the makarana
Rushing away from the darker sides room, i rush into my room, only for a madley of pastel pinks and bright reds to erupt around me. "Nooooo.." a small groan came from me, why these colours? I knew what they meant, but instead I take a deep breathe and focus on getting changed into little mermaid fluffy pj pants, and a red t-shirt. After hanging up my uniform, i immediatly flop onto my bed, cacooning myself into the big white comforter my bed sports. Grabbing my laptop, i go onto youtube, and scroll. After a while of no luck, i turn my disney playlist on shuffle, and just my luck, "i wont say im in love" comes on. Goodness, could anything be any clearer? Glancing around my room once more, a beautiful collision of many colors swirl around. Fine, if you show it so much, show i will. Getting out of my blanket burrito, i exit my room and go down the hall to the gloomier, and darker sides room. "Lets do this roman, maybe he wont know what colours mean.." mumbling various words of comfort to myself, i then take a deep breathe and knock lightly on the door. "Mmmmppphhhh come in" a groan and an answer could be heard behind the dark oak door. Opening the door quietly, i peer in. "I was wondering, virgil, if you would like to come hang out in my room for a bit, a different scenery compared to this... dark room you have here." All he did was glare at me from under a few pillows, before a sigh could be heard as he unburied himself, and now, instead of ripped black skinny jeans, he was sporting nightmare before halloween fluffy pj pants. "Sure, whatever." Turning on my heel, i start walking back to my room, looking behind my shoulder every once in a while to make sure virgil was following. In the pit of my stomach was butterflies and a bit of... nervousness. Opening my door, another wave of color filled the room, mostly pastel pink, and scarlet. But there was plenty of speckles in the mixtures. Hearing a quite 'woah' come from the male behind me made a small smile play on my lips. "Make youself at home, i was thinking of watching some disney movies.." virgil hesintently walked in, and sat on the very edge of my bed. Covering up a small chuckle with a cough, i turn on my tv and put in moana. Flopping onto my bed next to virgil, a whole new wave of pink flooded the area near me. "You know you can get more comfortable than that, hot topic." I motion for him to go more on the bed, then the very corner, sitting unnaturally straight. "I dont bite." Hesitently, moving slowly, he slowly untenses a bit, and sits more comfortable. As he was doing this, i sighed heavily, before reaching and putting an arm around his waist. As i did this i felt him jump slightly. Pulling him towards me, i pull him against my chest. "It doesnt hurt to relax once in a while... and if you ever get uncomfortable being close to me feel free to move away." Instead of scooting away, like i expecting him to, he just made himself more comfortable and leaned into me, looking towards the movie, which had gotten past the opening credits, and was starting. About halfway through the movie, i yawned, and laid all the way down. After a moment, i felt virgil lean against my stomach, still watching the movie. I close my eyes and decide to sleep, and let him finish the movie.
Something moving is what woke me up, it was dark when i opening my eyes, only the light of the room from virgil's emotions, and the light from my ceiling, which looks like the night sky. I faintly see him starting to get up from my bed, and in my sleepy state, i decide to grab him around the waist and pull him against me, pulling the blankets up to cover us, i bury my face in his shoulder and neck, falling asleep again.
Again. I am new to writing in first pov, third story ever. Feel free to give some feedback, and i might continue this later.
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Reblog, click the picture, and prepare for battle.
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oh god what did i do
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Virgil headcanon story thingy
Three loud notes echoed throughout the 'mind palace,' at least thats what Roman calls it, really it's just where the sides stay when we're not talking to Thomas. But anyways, the notes would pierce through any music I had on. But the others being gone was what I was waiting for. Rollimg off my bed, I boot my laptop up, and turn on my speakers. Quickly I navigate to my musical and disney songs playlist and press shuffle. Immediatly music blasted from my speakers. 'Candy store' from heathers was the first song that came up. Perfect! Slipping off my hoodie I started singing along, slipping into the roll of heather, and I dance around my room. After a few more songs of me recognizing the song, starting to sing and dance around, one of my favorite songs, 'Waving through a window' from Dear Evan Hanson. Putting more motion and thought into this song, I put my whole heart into singing, seeing as this will be my last 'sing along' song so I dont get caught dancing by the others, in the middle of the chorus, the music abruptly stops. Fearing the worst, I slowly turn around. Yup. My worst nightmare. The other three were staring into my room, with varying expressions. Patton had pride in his eyes, and a happy dad look on his face. Logan, who had paused the music, seeing as he was next to my laptop, had obvious look of being impressed, dont know why my dancing would impress him though, and Roman had a shocked expression painting his facial features. Patton suddenly exploded into motion, he was clapping and trying to hug me at the same time, and was talking at light speed, Logan gave a curt nod, and a thumbs up, then exited the room, passing Roman, who seemed to be frozen still. After staring at him for a minute, color suddenly flooded his face, and he hurridly turned and left. After about ten minutes, I was able to calm down patton, and after my door closed, I grabbed a pillow, flopped onto the bed, pressed the pillow against my face and yelled into it. Never gonna live this down. Never....
Btw im not a good writer so im sorry if this is super bad. One of my first stories.... sorry again if its bad
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The reason cats stop eating when they reach this point is their whiskers hit the walls of the bowls, so feeding your cats on a plate, its better
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