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“...of all creatures who move and breathe upon the earth, nothing is bred that is weaker than man.”
-The Odyssey
Introducing Agnes the harpy, she’s one of the only survivors of her kind. The rest of her family perished at the hands of the Boreades, and she’s been off killing and eating any man she can find...
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Eris’ Apple of Discord Hex
This curse stems from a fairly well known Greek myth: the story of Eris & The Golden Apple of Discord..
Within Greek Mythology...
Eris is the Greek goddess of Chaos, whom is (by nature) incredibly chaotic and reckless. Eris did not receive an invite to this grand wedding which every other Olympian was invited too, but she showed up anyway. In spite, she played on the other goddesses vanity & dropped a golden apple with the Greek word “καλλίστῃ” inscribed upon it. This word translates to: “to the fairest”.
Athena, Aphrodite and Hera all fought amongst themselves to have this title of beauty. Zeus eventually asked Paris (the King of Troy) to pick one of the goddesses to give the Apple too. Each goddess offered Troy gifts (or bribes), but in the end Aphrodite won with her offering of Helen of Sparta, the most beautiful (& married) woman in the land. Paris, accepting Aphrodite’s offer, stole Helen away from her husband (the king of Sparta) which eventually lead to the 10 year Trojan war; causing much death and destruction within Greek literature and mythology.
The Hex:
The hex is fashioned to prey on those who believe themselves to be “the fairest of all”, it preys on vanity & self indulgence. This is a close to home hex, meaning you need to be able to give an apple to the target. Keep in mind, the original Golden Apple of Discord triggered a string of chaotic events which caused much destruction and even death. This hex is fairly unpredictable- please use at your own risk.
Warning: use proper protection in this, this spell deals with chaotic energy.
Two apples
Black candle
Means to carve this candle
Paper + pen
Let’s start!
ground yourself & meditate. Understand your reason for hexing & call on protection from your deities & set protection yourself. Cast a circle.
carve eris’ symbol into the black candle (as found at the end of this post)
Take your paper & write καλλίστῃ upon it. (Greek is hard, take your time!)
Lighting the candle, chant the following words as many times as you feel are needed: “Eris goddess of chaos,I call on your power tonight, Unravel (insert name of hexed here)’s life with the strength of your might. They’ve done wrong and deserve strife. Unravel (insert name of hexed here)’s life with the strength of your might. So mote it be.”
focus on this intention and take the paper & set it ablaze. Watch it burn into ash.
take the ash & sprinkle it over the intended hexing apple while focusing heavily on your chant & intention (visualize what you want to happen to your target)
offer the other Apple up to Eris as a thanks & cleanse your space. Blow the candle out.
now you have to get the target of this hex to take one bite of this apple!
& There’s your hex! Please be safe & I hope you have a great day 🖤
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