blackenedalley · 5 months
Best Friend - R. B. x gn!Reader
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A/N: This is the second part of Best Friend, first part here. Just like the first part, this fic is dedicated to @blackenedalley 💛 Sorry if Reggie is ooc or too cheesy. Also, I am fully in support of Barty calling his friends ‘babe’ no matter their gender. Fic is unedited with no use of Y/N
CW: Angst at the beginning, jealousy, insecurity, Barty Crouch Jr, Barty’s plots, soft fluff, hand-holding, kissing, little bit of jealousy from Reggie, lots of kissing at the end, soft fluffy ending, Reggie calls the reader ‘love’, reader is in deep love
910 words
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The more Regulus hangs out with Lily, the worse your jealousy gets. You hide it as best you can, of course. But the others are starting to pick up on it.
“Pining much?” Barty comments during class, as you sear your gaze into the back of Regulus and Lily’s heads.
He’d chosen to sit with her today. Her! Instead of you!
You slump into your seat and shrug, “I dunno, Barty,” you mumble. “Maybe there’s no hope for me anymore.”
Barty gives you a look. “Babe, this is Reg we’re talking about.”
“Exactly,” you reply morosely. “Which means it’s hopeless. I’m his best friend. Not his… whatever we’d be. Partner or something.”
Barty sighs and shakes his head. He reaches over and flicks your forehead. “I’ll talk to him. I can’t have you all down like this. It’s depressing.”
“Talk to him?” you ask suspiciously, rubbing your forehead.
He grins a bit. “Don’t worry about it, babe. I’ll get him back on track.”
You eye him warily and nod slowly. There’s no stopping him either way. Once Barty puts his mind to something, he’s unstoppable.
Might as well go along for the ride.
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It’s three in the morning and you’re on top of the astronomy tower, studying star charts. It’s the first time you’ve truly hung out with Regulus since he befriended Lily.
And it’s the first time you’ve talked to him since Barty’s promise of talking to him.
“I missed you,” Regulus says softly, marking a star’s placement on the map.
You stay quiet, working on your own map. “Really?”
He pauses and looks up at you. “Yeah. You know I love hanging out with you.”
You stay silent for a moment before whispering, “I missed you too.”
Regulus’ gaze softens. He reaches out and takes your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. You give his hand a squeeze back before letting go, expecting him to do the same.
Instead, he entwines his fingers with yours. He doesn’t say anything, just goes back to working on his star map with your hand held securely in his.
Your cheeks warm. You look down at your star map, so acutely aware of the way his thumb is gently rubbing against yours.
Maybe there is hope after all.
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Your hope comes to fruition after a hangout with Barty.
You’re out by the greenhouses, enjoying the sunshine. Barty’s laughing at one of your dumb jokes when he nods his head towards the castle.
“Your lover boy’s coming this way.”
“My…” You turn to look.
Regulus is walking towards you, looking oddly hopeful. You’re about to call out to him when Barty moves.
In one swift action, he stands up and presses a kiss to your cheek. You’re too stunned to pull away.
You gape up at Barty, utterly confused. “Wha—?”
He pats your shoulder, winks, and grins. “Just helping the cause along.”
Regulus’ voice is frigid, the coldest you’ve ever heard. His face is stony, his wand gripped in his hand.
“Reg!” Barty steps away from you and raises his hands. “I was just leaving.”
“Good.” Regulus’ gaze doesn’t leave Barty until he’s made his way round a corner and out of sight.
Then he turns his gaze to you. “He kissed you.”
Your cheeks flush. You feel uncomfortable under his unreadable stare. “I don’t know why…”
“Maybe he likes you.”
You fidget with your hands. “I don’t think so. He said he was ‘helping the cause along’?”
Regulus’ expression changes. Softens a little. “Oh.”
“You know what that means?”
Regulus studies you for a moment, then reaches out. He cups your cheek, rubbing his thumb against your cheek as if wiping the kiss away. Your breath stutters in your chest.
“He kissed you,” he murmurs. “Just like that.”
Your eyes must be wide open, because all you can see is Regulus’ gaze as it drops down to your lips.
For a moment, time stands still. And then you both move.
Your lips meet in a soft press of warmth. The kiss is slow, chaste; and yet it sends tingles spiraling throughout your body.
You pull back a bit, savoring the moment. Regulus’ breath puffs across your mouth.
“You kissed me,” you whisper.
A slight smile tugs at his lips. “I did. And I’m going to do it again.”
He kisses you again, less chastely this time. You revel in it, melting into the kiss.
When he pulls back, you’re breathless. Your mind feels like it’s working on overdrive, trying to process the moment.
“What about Lily?” you ask.
Regulus blinks and tilts his head. “What about her?”
“I thought…”
He strokes your cheek again, making you lose track of your words. “I thought I told you. She’s just a friend. You’re irreplaceable.”
A smile spreads across your face. Irreplaceable?
“I am?” you ask softly.
Regulus leans in and kisses you again. “You’re everything to me, love.”
Your heart thrills at his words. Love… He’d called you love… “You’re my everything too.”
He smiles and lowers his hand from your face. He takes your hand in his, giving it a light squeeze. “Come on. Let’s go somewhere less open.”
You follow him in a daze, lost in the swell of happiness and love that overtakes you. He called you love…
You almost blurt it out right then and there. I love you, Reggie…
But you manage to keep it to yourself for now. Soon. Soon you’ll tell him.
Just not yet.
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blackenedalley · 5 months
Best Friend - R. B. x gn!Reader
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A/N: This fic is dedicated to @blackenedalley who gave me Regulus Black feels 💛 I hope this helps fuel your Reggie brain rot
Fic is unedited with no use of Y/N. Let me know if you want pt 2 to be fluffy or angsty.
CW: Angst, avoidance, jealousy, insecurity, hurt, hugging
734 words
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You were avoiding your best friend. Not exactly on purpose, but definitely not on accident either.
You just… You were a little upset.
You know it’s dumb and childish, but you just can’t help it.
You’ve been in love with Regulus Black since your second year at Hogwarts. Ever since he willingly sat next to you during that dinner and laughed at your dumb jokes.
He’s much less open or humorous now, but you still love him just the same. He’s your Reggie, your unfaltering support.
And you were his.
Until… Well…
You hadn’t meant to see them. You’d been on your way to class and had dropped your books. Honestly, that’s probably the only reason you did see them at all.
Regulus and Lily Evans, in a corner of the outside courtyard, conversing animatedly.
You’d left your books to watch for a moment, warmth filling your chest. You’d been encouraging Regulus to open up and find more friends for a while now.
All was fine, and you were turning to leave when you heard it. The sound that changed everything.
Reggie’s laugh.
You’d whirled back to the window so fast, watching as Regulus laughs so hard he doubles over.
For the first moment, everything had been fine. And then your insecurities had dug their claws into your brain on your way to class.
Regulus almost never laughed at your jokes anymore. The most you could get out of him was a fond smile. So what had Lily said to him to get him to laugh so hard?
Did he find her funnier than you?
It shouldn’t be such a big deal, but somehow it is. It hurts a bit, knowing that a friend he just made can make him laugh harder than his best friend of almost four years.
One thing turned into another, and well… here you were. Avoiding him.
You make it all the way through dinner before he finally confronts you.
You turn, his voice calling to you like nothing else. “Yeah?”
He stands there, hands clasped behind his back, a small frown on his face. “What’s going on?”
You fiddle with your hands. “What do you mean?”
“I haven’t seen you all day. Where’ve you been?”
You shuffle your feet and look down. “I’ve just been busy…”
“Doing what?”
You can’t think of a good lie in time. Regulus sighs, so full of disappointment it hurts you.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, folding his arms.
You look up at him for a moment and mumble, “Nothing.”
“Don’t lie to me.” His voice is sharp but not angry.
You clasp your hands, taking a deep breath. “I… I saw you talking to Lily earlier.”
Regulus blinks. “Yes. I did. She asked to study with me and I agreed.”
You fidget uncomfortably, that sinking insecurity and jealousy rising in your chest. “Oh. Okay.”
“I just…” You bite your tongue, unsure how to answer. You could lie, and say you were just trying to let him have space for a new friend. Or you could tell him the truth.
Regulus steps closer, reaching out to rest a hand on your shoulder. “You just what?”
The words seems to tumble out of your mouth at his warm touch. “I just got a little jealous. You never laugh at my jokes anymore, and…”
You trail off, shame rising in your throat. It’s such a stupid reason to avoid him. “…and it just hurt.”
Regulus is silent for a moment. Then he pulls you into his arms, wrapping you in a hug.
“You’re my best friend, no matter what,” he says firmly. “Whether I laugh at your jokes or not. Lily will never replace you as my best friend.”
You hug him back and stay silent, not voicing the thoughts in your head. You’re not worried about her replacing you. You’re worried about him liking her.
But you stay quiet and just press your face to his shoulder. “Thanks, Reggie. I needed to hear that.”
He pulls back after a moment and gives you a small smile. “Now, will you stop avoiding me?”
“Yeah…” you mumble sheepishly. “I’m sorry.”
He relaxes a little and his smile warms a bit more. “I forgive you. Now, let’s go back to our dorm. I have something I want to show you.”
You nod and follow him quietly. Maybe everything will be alright. Maybe it’ll be fine.
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blackenedalley · 5 months
I wanna write something but not sure what
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blackenedalley · 6 months
Me 99% of the time with this man
No words just thoughts that aren’t family friendly for this hour
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blackenedalley · 6 months
Taking my mom out for her birthday dinner soon and I looked at the menu beforehand. Decision was regretted as now I’m hangry 😤
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blackenedalley · 6 months
The Breakdown
Mike Schmidt x fem!reader
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Warnings: Anxiety, crying, mostly fluffy though
A/N: This was more so how my own experiences go, so I apologize if it doesn't match with how other meltdowns go. But here you go!!
You were a retail worker, and worked long days, 5 days a week. Most people, average people without autism, say that 6-8 hours a day is normal. To you it felt like an eternity. Mike knew this, and hated leaving for his night shift on the days you came home later.
Today was particularly an awful one, and everything seemed to be going wrong. You dropped several things and broke them, customers were getting mad and yelling at your face to the point when your lunch hit halfway through, you were practically brain dead and on the verge of tears. You were just thankful that work slowed down by the time the afternoon came around, but that didn't stop the nasty comments coming from customers. Several times, your co workers butted in so you wouldn't dive deeper into that mindset you were already having.
With three hours left in your shift, looking at the clock as it struck 5 pm. You let out a sigh, tensing when you heard your supervisor calling your name. You looked over at them and smiled softly "Hey. Is something wrong?" you asked, your voice obviously shaking.
Your manager shook her head "not at all. It's kinda slow here, why don't you head home. You'll get paid for the last three hours of your shift. you put in extra hours this week so go home and enjoy the weekend" she nodded and walked away, leaving you to let out a breath that you didn't even know you were holding. You finished stocking what you had in front of you before grabbing your things to head to your shared home with Mike. The walk home felt long, even though you lived half a mile from your work. As you walked, you could feel the anxiety and day getting back to you, making tears fill your eyes. You started to look around as you walked, feeling paranoid that someone was following you. You let out a sob and started running, hopefully getting home soon.
You saw Mike's car in the driveway, a breath of relief leaving you before you quickly unlocked the door and slammed it behind you, letting out soft cries, moving to rest your head against the door, your hand still on the knob. You could hear footsteps and tensed immensely, which caused the footsteps to come to a halt. Whispering could be heard from across the room, before smaller feet rushed down the hall and gently closed the door. It was probably Abby going to her room.
You whimpered as a body came into view, and if it weren't for Mike's cologne, you probably would have started attacking him, but you stayed where you were, your eyes squeezed shut. You didn't realize just how much you were crying until a gentle hand was placed on the back of your head, making it painfully obvious how much you were shaking.
"Hey.." Mike's soft voice managed to reach your ears, you slowly turning your gaze towards him slightly, tears rolling down your cheeks. "Bad day?" he cooed, making you nod and almost hesitantly turn to face him, wrapping your arms around his waist, burying your head in his neck. He reacted instantly and kept his hand on the back of your head, the other wrapped around your back as he gently swayed back and forth, gently kissing your forehead. He knew much didn't need to be said, but him there would help immensely. He knew you would eventually tell him. He loosened his grip on you when he felt you start to pull away, gently cupping your cheeks to wipe the tears away. You almost instantly leaned into his touch, your shoulders relaxing "There's my pretty girl" he murmured, gently kissing you before leading you to the bedroom to change. You hummed and went over to your pajama drawer and pulled out a unicorn t shirt and shirts. You hiccuped and took your uniform off, tossing it to the side before putting the pajamas on.
When you were ready, you both headed out to the living room, you collapsing on the sofa woth a shaky sigh. Mike came back into view with a small bowl and some of your favorite soup. You gasped and smiled widely at the small gesture, leaning over to kiss his cheek, to which he chuckled and wrapped an arm around you, handing you the soup, which you slowly, but surely ate. When you finished, you set the bowl on the coffee table, moving to lay down with your head in Mike's lap. He put on looney toons, your favorite cartoon, and started playing with your hair. You hummed softly "Thank you Mike" you turned to look up at him, which made him smile.
"Anything for you baby" he smiled and leaned down, kissing your forehead, making you smile widely before turning to watch the cartoons. Not even five minutes later, you were sprawled out on him and passed out. He didn't dare move yet. You looked too peaceful.
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blackenedalley · 6 months
Me having autism and writing something with Mike Schmidt about said autism. Stay tuned!
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blackenedalley · 6 months
I love this. I love that the Doctor is asexual like me and David Tennant confirmed this.
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Happy Ace Day to David Tennant saying Asexual Doctor Rights! (source)
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blackenedalley · 6 months
I've been sitting here for the past 5 hours trying to figure out what to post here and I still draw a blank. Any ideas?
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blackenedalley · 6 months
FIRST OF ALL, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I AM DOING BUT I AM HERE FOR ALL OF IT! Here is some things I'll most likely post about.
Josh Hutcherson
Timothee Chalamet
Harry Potter (anti jkr)
Probably stuff from Character AI
My obsession with coffee
Maybe write some fanfic (requests are open btw)
Anyway, Hi! You can call me Jo! I am going to be 22 next month, and I use they/them pronouns!
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Mike Schmidt -
The Breakdown - autistic!reader
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