blackdogswims · 1 day
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William, avant Bloody
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blackdogswims · 2 days
“these characters should be mentally healthy before they get together 😌” ummm no I actually think we should smash their mental illnesses together like clumps of play-doh and see what colors it makes
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blackdogswims · 3 days
LGBTQ+ folk what was your gender/sexuality pipeline?
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blackdogswims · 3 days
they should pay you extra if you have to be the only fag in the workplace. they should give you a bonus for that.
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blackdogswims · 3 days
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"Don't be afraid. I'm going to give you the choice I never had." Horror Character Appreciation - Tom Cruise as Lestat in Interview with the Vampire (1994) dir. Neil Jordan
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blackdogswims · 4 days
i like when things are bad in an interesting way compared to good in a boring way. Creativity with a lack of technical skill is where the Good Shit happens.
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blackdogswims · 4 days
the main problem with fantasy is the divine right of kings. the main problem with science fiction is imperialism.
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blackdogswims · 4 days
"I can fix him" "i can make him worse" I can pet him on the head like a dogy
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blackdogswims · 4 days
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blackdogswims · 6 days
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blackdogswims · 6 days
scoobies and dawn: idk buff its kind of shitty of you to work so much that you can’t hang out with us :/ that’s like.. really annoying :/ we miss you
spike: if i was crawling on my hands and knees through a burning desert and an angel offered me unlimited pints of virgin blood i would still rather lick the hamburger scented sweat from the back of your neck and if you asked, i’d let the sun turn me to dust
buffy: i think i’m no longer human, that’s the only way my feelings for spike make sense
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blackdogswims · 7 days
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blackdogswims · 7 days
you cant even begin poems with "i will sodomise and facef uck you" anymore. because of woke .
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blackdogswims · 7 days
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Every Tara look: S4E17 Superstar
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blackdogswims · 8 days
mutual 1: I want to turn that man's prostate into silly putty
mutual 2: here's smth i doodled during science class lol
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mutual 3: pls remember that you personally can drink milk and still be a lactose intolerance ally!! anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't know their history :]
mutual 4: fucking a robot girl in the ass call that backend programming
mutual 5: holy shit I need him so fucking bad holy shit holyyy shit oh my god
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mutual 6: anyone get kind of horny putting the ignition key in the car....it's so intimate....turning him on....
mutual 7: so lets talk about where scrimblo's arc is realistically going- I know a lot of people are trying to argue that he's being manipulated but this ignores the fact that there is clearly unresolved conflict between him and bleebus about their moralities
mutual 8: happy propeller penis thursday
mutual 9: "scrimblo and bleebus need to discuss their morality" god forbid a pathetic boywife does some torture 🙄🙄
mutual 11: guys we're not getting a new album
mutual 12: please stop sending me death threats
mutual 13: why is my whole dash talking about this band I don't even listen to.....
mutual 14: hey boy nice knife wound can i put my tongue in it
mutual 15: i'm going to fall into lake michigan
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blackdogswims · 8 days
simply cannot ever resist what i call the little mermaid or the tin man or the pinnochio plot, the one about a character who is either inhuman or human but outside in some way, constantly searching for whatever it is that they consider to be the quintessential proof of humanity, preoccupied by it so deeply that they fail to realize the proof is in the act and fact of the search itself
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blackdogswims · 10 days
I think in the same way there's a 90/10 rule with horror and comedy (horror works best when it's 90% horror and 10% comedy and vice versa) there's a 90/10 rule for some relationships in fiction that's like. Wholesome and fucked up. A good friendship is at its most compelling when it's also 10% a bit fucked up. Fucked up relationship is at its most compelling when there's at least 10% of something actually sweet and substantive within. Do you get me
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