Let’s Be Somethin’ Else: Bo Sinclair x f!reader
Warnings: abusive parents, crying, sobbing, mental and physical abuse, 3 year age gap, (Bo is 21, you’re 18.), smoking, reader has long hair then short hair. if I missed anything tell me
A/N: Y’all I started this shit over a month or two ago. Finally finished it. Also haven’t written for Bo in a minute but yeah :)
“Bo…” You croak into the phone, your hands shake as you continue to mess with your tar covered hair.
“What’s wrong?” He sounds panicked, you don’t mean to freak him out but you don’t know who else to call or talk to.
“Th-they put tar in my… my HAIR! Please come over, I’m begging you. Bo Please!” You sob into the receiver.
“Shh, shh, okay. I’m coming over. Just give me a minute.”
You can’t help but nod as if Bo is already in front of out then put the phone back on the stand and sink to the ground touching where they put it. You tried everything and nothing worked. Your family was gone before you even got up. Your pillow was ruined and so was your hair.
Bo busts into the house what feels like moments later and comes over to you quickly. Looking at your long sticky hair he frowns. Your breath shakes. He pulls you up and you go into the upstairs bathroom.
“They ruined it. My parents ruined my hair. They told me to stop talkin’ to you and I told them I wouldn’t cause you mean too much to me and now my hair is fucked!” You blubber, he takes your face and shushes you lightly, wiping your tears away. “You have to cut it Bo, I know I-I can’t cause, I’ll fuck it up more!”
You body moves away from him and you dig through the bathroom drawers trying to find the shears your mom uses to cut your siblings hair.
You find them and hand them to Bo then face towards the mirror. You watch carefully as Bo hesitates and let’s put a deep breath before takes a chunk of hair and chops it off. A sob escapes your mouth and Bo shushes you gently, he takes more and more hair off until all of the tar covered hair is in a small pile.
His fingers run through the short hair. “I ain’t good at styling it but I’m gonna try. Do you have a razor?”
You nod and go to the same drawer you got the shears from, you take out the clippers and he plugs it in, turning it on.
“I do Lester’s hair, and mine but you can see it ain’t that good.” Bo laughs gently and runs his hands through his curly hair. You shake your head smiling at him always having a way to make you feel better. Tears stain your cheeks but you try and brush them away.
“No, no it’s beautiful Bo. I love your hair.” You whisper, your fingers run through it before quickly pulling away out of shyness. You’d had a crush on Bo for the longest time. Honestly you’d have to pat yourself on the back for hiding it so well around him. One wrong move could ruin the friendship between you two.
You turn around and face the mirror again. Bo turns the clippers on with the longest shield your dad had and shaves parts of your hair to get it more even. He goes over your ears and chuckles lightly when you shiver. He turns the razor off and wipes the remaining hair off your shoulders. His icey blue eyes look at you through the mirror but you look down trying to avoid getting too flustered.
“You look beautiful.” He mumbles. You feel his fingertips graze your skin and your breath hitches.
“Thank you Bo. You’re a really good friend.”
His hand quickly movies away as if he burnt it against your skin. “Of course.”
You look at the hair on the floor. “Should probably get this cleaned.”
You leave Bo in the bathroom to get the broom and dustpan.
He sighs and puts away the scissors and razor. He then pulls out the bathroom trash can and you come back with the broom and dustpan. He takes the broom from you and you crouch down with the pan.
Bo sweeps up the hair and you tap it into the trash. You take the broom from him and walk back downstairs, he follows you.
“Do you want somethin’ to eat? I can make you somethin’.”
“No, I’m good.”
You nod your head. “Okay, did you wanna do somethin’ then? I mean you’re free to leave whenever I don’t wanna keep you. Sorry for having you come over I-“
“Let’s go to the back.” Bo cuts you off, he takes the lead and grabs your hand taking you to the tire swing that hangs from the large tree in your backyard. You sit opposite of him and hold your feet up while he kicks you two off.
For just a second you feel nine years old again. You and Bo used to run and hide in your backyard when the other kids became too much for one of you. Then you’d spend your time playing back there until your mom or dad yelled at Bo to get away from you.
God you hate how they hate Bo. Bo is everything to you. He’s an amazing friend even if he was troubled. One second he could be charismatic and charming, wooing any girl he pleases, the next, hot-headed, screaming and throwing a fist into someone’s face.
Sometimes he got pissed at you, he never touched you during these fits of rage though. Afterwards he wouldn’t verbally apologize but he’d take your hand and squeeze it a few times in apology. Then he’d look at you and you’d look at him and smile and the conversation would shift.
He told you one night when he was drunk that it wasn’t your fault, you just do something to him and he doesn’t know what it is, it hurts and it pisses him off.
You never told him it was probably love. Why would you? That’s hopeful thinking first of all and second of all he’ll shake it off and your fantasy of being with him will die.
“I think you should come live with us.”
You shake out of your daydream and look at Bo like he’s crazy.
“What?!” You almost laugh, his face scrunches and reddens, specifically his ears and nose.
“I said, I think you should move in with us. I don’ like you stayin’ here. ‘Specially since you’re grown now. Deserve to be respected. You already know Vincent and Lester respect you. I do too.”
You shake your head. “My dad will come with a shotgun to your house and shoot you right… there.” You say, extending your index finger to between his brows. “We wouldn’t want that Bo.”
“I’d shoot him first and you know it.”
You snort and shrug your shoulders. “Still, it’s not that easy ya know. I’m scared of them. I bet they’d do somethin’ so much worse than shootin’ you in the head or puttin’ tar in my hair.”
Bo purses his lips, then you hear the phone ring from inside the house. You almost stumble while getting up and fast walk to the phone in the kitchen to see who it is.
“What took you so long?” Your mother’s voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard when you pick up.
“I’m sorry, I was-“
“Don’t make excuses. I don’t wanna hear it. Your siblings, daddy, and I are stayin’ at your grandma’s for the weekend. Don’t fuck up the house or you’ll get worse than that damn tar in your hair.”
“Yes ma’am.” You mumble, the phone hangs up, anxiety piercing through your hands like a thousand needles. Bo is standing at the entrance of the back door. You turn and smile slightly.
“Do you wanna sleep over? Parents said they’re at my grandparents for the weekend.”
Bo nods his head, “Course I do.”
Somehow the day got caught up with you two as you went on a walk to the creek and played down in the water together, skipping stones, splashing and diving into the water took up most of the day.
The sun sets as you and Bo head back up to your house. His hand is holding yours, this makes your chest tighten and face heat up.
He’s not staring at you, but you’re staring at the side of his face. There’s almost no emotion, his lips are at a frown and eyes are focused on the pathway ahead.
Crickets chirp and a slight breeze comes through the trees.
You focus so roughly on Bo and the silence between you two that you don’t notice the rock Bo so clearly avoids, your wet shoe hits it and you fall bringing your crush down with you.
“Gahd damnit!” Bo shouts, you flinch.
“Sorry! Sorry, sorry I should’ve- I should’ve watched where I was goin’ I’m sorry!” Your body trembles and you sniffle, trying so hard to hold in your tears. Bo looks at you.
“Ah shit, I’m sorry baby- just shocked me s’all. Don’t cry, please it ain’t your fault.”
Bo wipes the dirt off his jeans and helps you up.
He takes his flannel and wipes your hands off gently, you still shake and he looks at you.
“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya. C’mere.”
You fall into his arms and he kisses your head. “I’ll protect ya. I always will don’t ever think I won’t. I’ll never hurt you.”
“Okay- okay. I’m so sorry. Should’ve watched myself.” You whisper, he shakes his head and you two let go and finish your walk back to your house in a comfortable silence. Bo lightly caressing your hand.
Bo pulls out a pack of cigarettes and sticks one in his mouth as you two watch a movie in the living room. You look over at him about to light it and snatch it from his mouth.
“Not in my house!” You gasp, Bo pulls out another one and smirks. You hate that he smokes.
“They ain’t gonna know, come on.” Bo says lighting it. “‘Specially since your father seems to smoke right in this very room.” Bo comments after taking a drag. You huff at him and play with the stick in your hand, contemplating lighting one yourself. It’s bad but it’s not like you don’t wanna try it at least once.
“Picked up a bad habit from your Ma, Bo. I don’t like it.” You frown and squish the cigarette. Bo takes it from your hands.
“Vincent got her art skills, I got her cigarette habits. Wonder what Lester got.” Bo jokes, flicking some ash into the tray. You smack his knee.
“That’s not funny… but, if you picked it up from your mom, then I picked it up from my dad, so lemme try.” Your fingers reach to grab the half burnt cigarette. Bo takes it easily in his other hand and stretches far it out of your reach
“Ah ah ah, bad for your health sweetheart.” Bo blows smoke from the corner of his mouth. Your heart swells up. Why does he have to look so attractive like this?
“Well then you shouldn’t be doin’ it.” You frown. Bo smiles.
“Care about your health not mine, honey.”
Your hands sweat at the newest pet name he gave you. “You shouldn’t call me that.”
“What? Honey? Why not? Suits you.” Bo takes another drag from his cigarette before ashing it out.
“Cause then it’ll make it seem like we’re somethin’ else.”
You’re on your knees, with your hands folded in your lap. Bo is relaxed into the couch. He smirks. “Maybe I want us to be somethin’ else, honey.” He licks his bottom lip. Your heart feels as though it’ll burst from your chest. You shake your head shyly before joking,
“You say that again and I’ll have to kiss you.”
Bo sits up slow and takes your face in his hand, he leans in real close, your noses practically touching.
“Maybe I want us to be somethin’ else, honey.” His voice is raspy, practically a whisper, your stomach jumps up and the two of you lean in. You kiss his mouth and taste the tobacco and menthol on his lips. His other hand comes up to fully cradle your face. You grab onto his and deepen it.
You let go and look at Bo. His face is flushed. “So let’s be somethin’ else.”
“Sounds good to me. Will you be my girlfriend?”
“Well, since we are boyfriend and girlfriend now. I think our first priority is goin’ up to your bedroom.”
“Bo Sinclair!” You push him playfully as the two of you laugh.
“I meant.. nah you know how I meant it but if you just wanna lay together we can.” Bo offers. You nod and the two of you stand up, completely forgetting about the movie.
Bo slides off his flannel and jeans making you flustered.
“Oh come on we grew up together.” Bo puts his hands in his hips. You bite your lip.
“Yeah but.. I dunno.” Bo walks slowly up to you and pulls off your shirt. He takes your bra off and pulls your pants off too. Then he walks over to your drawers and looks around trying to find a top for you to wear.
You cover yourself trying to keep your modesty in some way.
Bo smiles as he comes back over. “Come on honey. It’s okay.” He kisses your forehead and pulls the top over your head. You finish putting it on and the two of you lay down under your covers. Your pillow case had been replaced and thrown away along with you hair.
Bo takes you in his arms and kisses your head. “You’re so pretty.” He mumbles.
You smile up at him.
“And you’re handsome.”
He smiles back at you. “Your family ain’t ever gonna hurt you again okay?” Bo’s grip tightens slightly. You furrow your brows but nod. Not bothering to question his change of tone.
“Okay, Bo.”
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Bo Sinclair x reader
Special tag: @sh1n0o
One day Bo decided go to church so he wearing his suit, you finished your work, when you walking around the house and trying to find something to do then you find Bo's hat, it's rare he seldom leave his hat, so you make sure Bo not coming home yet you sneak the hat and sneak his work clothes too, you wearing on and go to the mirror, clothes are oversizes for you, you look like a child wearing the adult clothes, this reminded your childhood memories, when you are a child you like to wear your parents clothes and pretend like an adult, it's so funny so you laugh at the memories.
Your having so much fun result you not notice Bo come home, he standing at the bedroom door and clean his throat, you be scared then nervously turned around.
"Wha' hell are ya doin darlin'?" Bo raised his one brow and smirk to you.
"Ugh...I just..." You nervously want to find some excuse but you can't so you finally give up struggling.
"I just broad and want to find something to do."
"Well if you want to wear my clothes just ask first k?" Bo walk toward you.
"Fine." You turn back to the mirror "How do I look?"
"It's too big for ya...but honestly I like it." Bo hug you from behind then kiss your cheek and neck then you giggles.
"My favorite part it's hat."
"Yeah, it's prove ya're mine." You can hear Bo are definitely flirting you.
"Then this can prove you're mine." You take out a necklace and put it on his neck.
You secretly made this necklace for him but you always can't find the right time to give him, you think now it's the time.
"You made this?"
"Yeah, you like it?" He not answer just keep appreciate the necklace, although he not say but you knew he definitely love it.
"Well, unfortunately I nee' to work."
"Fine." You return his clothes but you still wearing his hat, he raised his brows and look at you and the hat.
"Only this I want to keep!" You naughty.
"Really? Really need to do this?" He akimbo, then you pout and put your hands on hat protect it to convey your answer. Bo look at you a moment then put his arms down.
"Fine, you can keep it, but only today and when I don't nee' it."
"Yeah!!" You happily celebrate and hug him.
"Thank you Bo!!" He sigh a little then smile at the view that you little swing yourself cause the happy and you laugh so innocent like a child.
"Well then have fun." Bo turn around and prepare go back work then you called him, he confusedly turn forward to you.
"You forgot something!!" You run to him.
"Wha' thing darlin'?" He little frown.
"This." You kiss his lips "Goodbye kiss." You smile to him, he smirk then kiss back and kiss your neck.
"Okay bye Hun." Bo go out and you shout to make sure he can listen.
"Bye honey!!!" Then you happily continue to playing his hat and you wearing it all day and never leave, cause this hat are cozy and have Bo's smells. And you can swear Bo never take off the necklace because you saw him wearing it 24/7.
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Image summary of the Sinclair brothers + (Name), Trudy and Victor Sinclair
Part 2

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But like kissing Sinclairs before they leave for work. You can read this as poly! x reader:
Bo leaving to work down at the shop, so you follow him to the door and kiss him twice: first to remind him you love him and second to say goodbye. But it sometimes ends up with him kiss your neck, jaw, lips, cheeks, so you gently have to pushes on his chest so he’s not late. His eyes shine down at you and leaves you with a kiss.
Vincent finishing his coffee and getting his sketches ready. You kiss him on the cheek then on his lips before he goes down. Signing, he promises to be back for dinner, but he takes your hand. His thumb smooths over his skin and he smiles under his mask at you, but you can see it in his lone eye. He kisses your hand and leave for the basement.
Lester running late on his run, but you already made his lunch and coffee in his thermostat (the one with the animal stickers :3 ). He gives you a quick kiss, but it’s not good enough. So you pull him by the waist and give him a real kiss, passionate and all. After pulling away, you tell him to drive safe and be home soon. Lester has never worked so hard and fast in his life every time he gets a kiss like that.
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You catch them 🤜🥩
Pairings: Brahms Heelshire, Thomas Hewitt, Bo Sinclair.
Brahms Heelshire:
When you walk in to find Brahms jerking the ween, he acts as if he hadn’t planned out the entire thing. He could feel himself grow excited by the second as he heard your footsteps coming closer, acting as if he hadn't purposefully ignored your calls. When you walk into the room, you find Brahms without his mask on; strands of hair are stuck to his forehead as he was visibly sweaty. When he opened his eyes and found you standing there, he would stop and silently watch you to wait to see whether you leave or not. Once he realizes that you aren't going to leave, he slowly continues back to his previous activities. He would whine and moan your name to urge you to join him.
Brahms hadn't shown his face in hours, and you were beginning to get worried. There wasn't a single hour of the day where Brahms would leave you alone, so of course, you went on a search to find where he was camped out.
"Brahms!" You called as you walked through the empty space between the walls. It wasn't often that you entered Brahms's private space, but on times like these, you had no other choice.
You stumbled over chunks of wood that were sticking out before finally reaching the room that Brahms originally stayed in. "Brahms!" You pushed through the doors and immediately let out a gasp at the sight you were witnessing.
Brahms' movement stopped, and he tilted his head to the side, his eyes hooded with lust.
You were frozen in place, but your body still reacted nonetheless. The feeling of excitement grew in you as you watched Brahms continue with his movements. His hand slowly stroked up and down, his eyes never leaving you.
With his lip between his teeth, Brahms let out whines as his hand moved faster. "Y/n." He whined as he threw his head back.
Your legs felt wobbly as you stepped toward Brahms. "Please, Y/n!" He cried out as you got close.
You sat down on the bed beside Brahms, where you reached your hand out and replaced his own hand with yours. Immediately Brahms' cock twitched beneath your touch.
Thomas Hewitt:
Thomas would feel bad about slapping the meat, but he was hard, and it was visibly evident through his trousers. He needed to go out and finish his chores, but he couldn't because he was worried someone would notice. Thomas would be going at it when you walked in, his head thrown back as he fuck himself into his own hand. You would be shocked to find your shy boy desperately trying to ease his hard-on, but that wouldn't stop you from quietly entering the room and shutting the door behind you. The sound of the door shutting would alert Thomas of your presence, causing him to shoot up and pull his covers over him. His breathing would be heavy as he eyed you.
Luda had been calling out for Thomas, and after receiving no response, she sent you to fetch him. You wondered what he was doing in the basement for him to be taking so long, as there weren't any victims recently.
You pushed through the door and stopped at the sight you saw in front of you.
Never had you ever thought you would encounter Thomas in a state of vulnerability where he wouldn't notice your presence.
You closed the door behind you and locked the door, alerting Thomas of your appearance. His head shot up and his wide as he stared at you in surprise. With haste, he pulled the covers over his naked bottom half, embarrassed to be caught doing something so dirty. "Luda was calling you, but it seems you were doing something else."
Thomas was breathing heavily, not only from his previous actions but from the difficulty breathing through the mask. "Thomas, would you..." You walked over to Thomas' bed. "Like some help?" Thomas felt his face heat up the closer that you got to him, and his hands began to shake.
Bo Sinclair:
Bo would openly masturbate with you in the same area as him. You would be bent over cleaning the benches in the kitchen when Bo entered the room. He had been touch starved for the past few days, so immediately, he finds himself turned on. Without any hesitation, he would whip his dick out and start stroking himself at the sight of you bent over the counter. It would take for him to moan your name for you to realize what was going on. You wouldn't know how to react when you find Bo doing something so intimate out in the open, but of course, that doesn't stop him at all.
You couldn't recall the last time the benches in the kitchen had been clean, but it was certainly overdue.
So, after clearing everything off the benches, you grabbed the cleaning spray and started wiping everything down.
There was nothing you hated more in the world then those difficult stains that wouldn’t remove themselves no matter how many times you sprayed them, but of course they stuck around to pester you to bits.
You hadn’t notice Bo walking into the kitchen, but you had certainly heard the pornographic moan he had let out. “Fuck, Y/n!” You whipped around at the sound and you were taken by surprise to find Bo with his cock out.
His eyes were shut tight while leaning up against the fridge, his hand working his lower region. “What the fuck, Bo?” You questioned before throwing some rubbish in the bin. “You have zero filter.” You sighed as you started putting away the cleaning supplies, no longer in the mood to clean the house.
“You know you want it!”
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Hi Hope u already did one but maybe s/o sleeping without pants because it's hot af and I am dying here :,)
Have a great day/night/morning :D
unspecified so i just did a few short ones for bo, vinny, and tommy.
warning(s): a little suggestive in some places
a/n: sorry this took nearly four months teehee
bo sinclair
* he could care less about nudity. he grew up with brothers, louisiana is hotter than hell. he gets it. however…
* he sees you half naked in any context and his mind is already going two hundred miles an hour into everything he wants to do to you. zero filter zero hesitation.
* assuming you’re already asleep, he’s not going to act on those thoughts. but he’s definitely chewing his lip and gripping the front of his jeans like the pervert he is.
* when you groan and twist around on top of the sheets, something changes, though.
* he’s still imagining himself pressed up on you. but he’s thinking more about how your legs would feel tangled up with his own.
* the twin pumping of your hearts. the feel of your breath fanning across his chest. each other’s hands curled up into one another so hard that his knuckles get sore.
* he wants the marks he leaves on you to be not from his tools, his pliers or his tape or his knife, but from him. his skin on yours. the pressure of your weight on him.
* you wake when he drops his belt and it clinks loudly in the little bedroom. there’s a mild panic in your expression that makes his chest twinge.
* but when he slips into bed and you shift to press the entire length of your body against him. when you fit your chin over his shoulder and hook a leg over his hip. when your breathing returns to the slow in, pause, out.
* that night he dreams of the usual things. his parents, the tourists, the museum. but also of you. just you.
* you making breakfast
* you sitting on the back porch
* you laying with your head in his lap
* for the first night in a very long time, bo sinclair sleeps peacefully.
vincent sinclair
* you’d been wandering around the basement all day in an effort to stay cool, but all the hot wax made it fruitless. eventually you’d vanished upstairs to one of the empty bedrooms.
* he comes up to find you later on, finally peeling off his sweater and tying his hair back for a moment of relief.
* he walks into the bedroom and freezes at the threshold.
* you look straight from a botticelli painting. you look like Bouguereau. you look like Picou and Matisse and Klimt
* you look cut from marble and silk cloth, crystal and soft earth and sun
* you look like sky and sweet and home and being held and warm breath and moving water.
* his breath hitches when the bed creaks under his weight.
* he counts. you breathe two, three, four long lungfuls of the cool blue night air. then you reach up at him.
* vincent gathers you in his arms like you’re quicksilver. like you’re going to dissolve through the bed and deep into the earth if he doesn’t hold on tight enough. like he’ll die without you.
* (he’s convinced he might)
thomas hewitt
* he’s wracked with guilt when he first walks in on you asleep without all your clothes on. Luda Mae taught him better than this.
* but… you’re in his bed.
* he has half the mind to go sleep on the couch, but the heat would be even worse downstairs.
* he says a quick prayer for forgiveness and walks in with his eyes averted and does his best to go about his business getting ready for bed.
* he himself usually sleeps in just a shirt and boxers, but for whatever reason, you doing the same feels… intimate. you’re not exposed in that way, but at the same time, it’s still vulnerable.
* after standing (looming) over the bed for longer than is probably appropriate, he eases himself into bed beside you.
* his eyes wander to the tender apex of your thighs, admiring the soft flesh usually hidden from sight
* you adjust in your sleep, rolling to your back. he watches the lengths of muscle in your legs flex, then relax. your shirt rides up somewhat, revealing more supple skin
* he squeezes his eyes shut and leans back. he shouldn’t be taking advantage of the situation like this. if he has any respect for you, he should be showing it here.
* he tucks his hands underneath his legs for good measure and examines the speckled darkness behind his eyelids until sleep finds him.
* naturally, he wakes up the next morning with you on top of him.
* your head is turned to the side, your ear to his chest. your limbs have fallen to either side of him, but his shirt is clutched tight in one of your hands.
* where your skin meets his, he doesn’t feel the usual startling, crackling sensation of being touched without warning.
* he just feels warm. weight. the pink mark on the side of your face where you’ve been pressed against him makes his mouth twitch with a smile.
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Why did they want to keep you with them? (slashers x reader)
TW! Mention of rape and abuse

Michael Myers
• Michael came to your house to kill you.
• He was prevented by one scene: you were crying and screaming, trying to escape from the grip of your "boyfriend", who forcibly undressed you. Disgusting attempted rape.
• Michael lay low, watching you for a while, watching your pleas and futile attempts to escape. Your gaze reflected the pain of betrayal. This was different from what Myers saw in the eyes of his victims during the murders.
• You reminded him of his mother. Michael grew up around women, and he saw how his mother often cried at night after a particularly hard shift at "work". And although he didn't feel anything towards you at that moment, he understood that it was wrong.
• In place of you and this guy, Michael saw Deborah and Ronnie. And he couldn't stand this sofa imbecile. Such a vile, cruel and disgusting person is not worthy of life, right?
• When he was done with the guy, Myers came up to you and squatted down. You, clearly still on the verge of hysteria and loss of consciousness, clung to his shoulders, burying your face in a blue jumpsuit. Michael didn't know how to react, he didn't feel anything, but something inside was telling him to comfort.
• The voices behaved strangely. At any other time they would have said kill, but not now. And only the mother's voice stood out among this gray series of sounds: "Calm her, Michael."

Bubba Sawyer
• That day you were traveling with Sally, her brother and friends. You've been pretty distant. You were always stressed out by such noisy companies, but Pam begged you, as one of her best friends, to go with them.
• When a strange hitchhiker jumps into your van, you are attracted to his behavior. Why is he so jumpy? Sick in the head? Perhaps. Your fears are confirmed when he snatches a knife from Franklin and cuts open his hand. You look at his distraught face and run up to him, thinking how to stop the blood faster. After walking in for a while, you grab your backpack and take out bandages and some ointments that you bought earlier at the nearest pharmacy. As carefully as possible, you rub his palm and wrap a clean bandage on top. Nubbins, as you will find out later, looks at you with shock and incomprehension.
• When you become one of the Sawyers' victims, it becomes a choice who they want to put at the table as a guest during a dinner party. The choice falls on you and Sally.
• Nubbins immediately recognizes you and begins to actively tell his brothers something. Did you help Nubbins? Bubba is impressed. You didn't offend his brother, but on the contrary, you showed sympathy!
• Bubba is heading towards you (you and Sally are sitting on the infamous bone sofa). He touches your cheek with his thick finger, and you smile nervously. You're ready to cry from fear right now; your lips are trembling, but no tears are flowing. Bubba repeats his action, this time stroking your chin. He smacks his lips strangely from time to time; you can see his crooked teeth.
• To be honest, Nubbins and Drayton never understood why their brother left you, but he continued to be adamant, carefully taking you to his room. He untied your limbs only in the late afternoon, when he was sure he could keep an eye on you.

Vincent Sinclair
• You came to Ambrose and decided to go to the store for a snack. Bo immediately called out to you and offered to go to his house. The boy is cute, smiling — why not?
• When you entered the Sinclair house, you immediately realized that the guy, or guys, it seems he had brothers, had not had proper care and care for a long time: all the rooms were dusty, and the kitchen was littered with dirty dishes and empty boxes of instant food.
• Without thinking twice, you decided to first clear the space a little, and then concoct something in a hurry. In the end, Bo gave it the go-ahead.
• While you are washing the dishes, a strong blow is heard upstairs, and then Bo's angry screams. You hurriedly wipe your hands and almost run to the second floor. Slowly approaching the right room, you hear Bo's furious voice. "Fuck, couldn't you've been more careful, huh? Now she's definitely gonna run away, damn it. And all because of you, bastard!". Then there was a thud.
• You run into the room and see Bo towering over a long-haired guy. He fell on his ass and pressed his hands to his face. You rush to him and help him up. "Are you okay? What was that? Does anything hurt?" you shower the man with questions and only now notice that his face is wearing a mask.
• "Get away from him. And you, freak, move it. You don't want to get another slap in the face, do you?". You frown and stand in front of the guy, blocking him from Bo. You let the long-haired one lean on your shoulder. "Don't yell at him. Can't you see that he's sick?".
• The only thing Vincent can think about at this moment is how you protect him, not afraid to raise your voice to Bo, and what kind of affectionate and warm hands you have. You gently hold him by his broad back, and even through the mask he feels a pleasant scent of perfume. Maybe I shouldn't kill you?

Bo Sinclair
• You arrived in Ambrose with your friends. Although, they could hardly be called that. They were extremely toxic and called you names all the time.
• Your car needed an inspection: while driving, something was knocking violently under the hood, so when one of the guys talked to Lester, you drove into town.
• This place seemed nice enough to you, even though it looked a little creepy and abandoned.
• When Bo was talking to a guy from your company who was driving a car, he saw a young man yelling at you and sometimes swinging. Bo frowned, but did not show his mood change to others. "Why doesn't the girl go to our local "House of Wax"? This place will really make you want to stay" Bo joked, pointing towards a hill near the city. You went in the indicated direction with a clear desire to distract yourself from these vile people, leaving your pseudo-friends in the care of Bo.
• A little later you will discover that all your companions have mysteriously "left", leaving you in this city all alone to fend for yourself.
• Bo will calm you down and try in every possible way to show that you can trust him (what's there, you cried into his vest, and he gently stroked you on the back). The man was grinning.
• In fact, he just saw himself in you at that moment. He remembered how his parents treated him brutally, chained him to a chair with stones and constantly set an example for his younger brother. Something about you, so shrinking and scared, seemed to him exciting and interesting. Perhaps he found in your eyes the same feelings that he experienced in his life, there was something familiar about you, even native, that made him want to protect you and fence you off from these terrible people.

Well i love them too much hah. I wrote this with my ex-girlfriend a long time ago, so I was not sure if it was worth posting. But what's done is done. These boys are too cute for me not to write this one. So have a good day :)
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Sebastian is saying ‘Chto takoye?’ and then ‘Govoryu po-russki’ in Russian. Basically, the second phrase means ‘I speak Russian’ in English. But the first one, tho? It’s something similar to ‘What’s up?’ But Seb makes it sound like he is about to punch you in the face. Romanian badass man is wazzuping you like a Russian hooligan here.
(this video is not mine, I found it without credits already so I apologize for that; message me so I can properly credit you or remove the post)
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“No one cares about me…” 💔😭
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Stay with me here, but I have an idea that won't leave me alone. Eli... is really into... Damsel in distress roleplay. [OVER TEXTING]
Victor: Come over.
Eli: Not right now, I'm busy
Victor: You're so boring.
Eli: No, I'm busy.
Victor: ...
Victor: ...
Victor: I'm stuck in my room and can't get out. You need to come save me.
Eli: 🏃♂️
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i think about the quote “you aren’t some avenging angel, eli. you’re not blessed, or divine, or burdened. you’re a science experiment” at least 97 times a day
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