I am forever looking for more people to rp Sterek, Steter, Sciles and Stisaac with. Can be Fem!Character, Fully Fem, or totally normal. I do mostly anything and play anyone. Come send me an ask and we can swap emails and stuff.
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I have five requests I will attempt to do over the time span of the next week or so (school blows man).
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I would like to request a Derek one where he gets jealous? Thankies :)
Ask and you shall receive. Hope you like it!
x Anne
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{ Green Eyed Monster } | Derek & Reader |
High School sucks. Point blank.
Especially if you've barely been in this one for two weeks and you've been in private schooling since you were eight. Though, senior year you wanted to gradate with your fellow peers, not some snobs that took the dress code way to seriously. When you go from knee high skirts and polo's to shorts that barely cover the backside of the girl walking in front of and shirts that make you wonder if they actually belong to someones younger sibling. Not quite covering the stomach, or barely covering their cleavage at all. Maybe you could be seen as a little old fashioned, but at least you kept yourself covered.
On top of the strange attire, students, and the wacky schedule you had you were assigned what the vice principle had claimed to be a 'student buddy'. While your parents were all for you having it, even the idea made you want to crawl inside your sweatshirt and die from the thought of someone having to drag you around all day. To say the least it was going to be not only embarrassing but awkward.  When you told you boyfriend of the idea your oh to eager parents had agreed on you were forced to watch him hide a smirk and try to, unsuccessfully, tell  you it wasn't that bad.
Of course though, even though you didn't want to believe it, the almighty Derek Hale was right as usual. In a way in made you want to avoid telling him and dealing with his 'I told you so' smirk.
It turned out that the Vice Principle had set you up with a relatively nice boy, Kyle, who didn't seem to be a complete tool. He was on the swim team and he himself had just transferred in the year before from a catholic school that he admitted to hating. The two of you ended up spending most of the time between classes and during lunch talking about random things, and fining a few common interests that added to the conversation. Over the period of two months the two of you were thick as thieves and even hung out on the weekends and some weeknights that you weren't with Derek. You attended plenty of  his swim meets and when you joined drama club he even attend some of you practices.
You personally didn't see anything wrong with it until Derek started giving you a beginning case of the silent treatment. That's when you knew something was up, even if it was in it's starting stages you knew. You know him too well anyway.
"What's your problem lately?" you finally ask him one day after walking into the loft and barely getting even a wave from the couch where he was reading.
Derek who finally looks up at you from the book raises a single eyebrow at you before looking back down at the book "I don't have a problem" he states clearly, but as his jaw tenses and yo see his features change you walk over.
Taking the book from his hands you mark the page and toss it onto the coffee table before crossing your arms over the middle of your stomach and cup your elbows in your hands. "Is that so?" you as with a clear hint of sarcasm in your voice as he is now forced to stare at you "I know something is wrong. Don't even try lying to me, werewolf or not, I hate to break it to you, I can tell" you say confidently.
"It's nothing" he assures and goes to reach for the book again, where he would normally reach for you in times where something was troubling him. That clearly faded from the possibilities of the evening.
A scoff passes your lips ; this time you don't even attempt to take the book away from him and you just shake your head before turning to walk back to the door an grab your bag. "Tell me when your done pouting over whatever I did wrong and then we can talk" you say with clear annoyance, and underlying hurt as you slip on your sweatshirt.
Slipping your bag onto your shoulder and instantly feeling the weight of books and stacked papers weigh own on your right side. "Have fun with, Kyle" you hear him mutter from the couch followed by the familiar (but far to annoying in the moment) sound of a page turning in his book.
This causing you to turn on your heels and look at him almost in shock as your brain finally clicks the two together. Derek is jealous. God forbid he'd ever come close to admitting it and you know it, you can see why he would be though. Recently you've been spending a ridiculous amount of time with Kyle, and even though your parents don't fully approve of Derek, they've made subtle hints. 
Have you heard from Derek today?
I Don't see you coming home with Derek that often lately...everything alright?
Of course you hadn't thought anything was wrong, but there was, and you had been ignoring the person who was always there for you, far too much.
Frowning you make your way over to the couch after stripping your backpack and sweatshirt again. This time Derek looks up at you as sees the frown that's shown not only on your lips but in your eyes. "I'm sorry..." you utter and you both know what your sorry for, and he mummers back something that your sure sounds like 'me too' just as you sink down on the couch right next to him, laying your head on his shoulder. His arm wrapping around you and the other used to toss his book aside like you had earlier.
"You know I love you right? No one's ever going to change that...I'm not going to love anyone the way I love you" you whisper and look up at him ; your words promising and true. A weak but real smile appears on his lips, and your both tiptoeing in waters you've rarely explored, not wanting to start a fight. He leans down and presses his lips against yours and you know that there will be things to later be discussed, when the topic is less raw and more realization over it has been brought into perspective, but for now it's reassurance.
In his own way he's showing you he allows this, fighting with you gets him no where, you storm away angry and he does the same, although you'll both end up going different ways. He just want's you by his side though, a tight but comfortable grip around you as he holds you and your words relax him, though, the small green eyed monster that lives inside of him still lives but is trying to be calmed is inside of him. You're next to him, and that leads him with enough to push it down to repeat those three words back to you that you love hearing.
"I love you"
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You are so very welcome! I am so glad that I could do this for you! Have a great birthday Thursday!
x Anne
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Hi! i just wanted to say that you are my new hero! SERIOUSLY! You are a godsend because you wrote a Balthazar x Reader imagine! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Ah! Thanks so much sweetheart! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I personally am a fan of Balthazar. So, I'm glad that I got the request and it had such a positive response! You are so very welcome!
x Anne
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Yo, wolfies. Come send me prompts for anyone, I'll do them tonight, make up angsty or cute or sad or anything. Any character, anything. Personal, open, send um in<3
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Going to sleep! Four Imagines to do over the span of the weekend. Feel free to send in more!
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can I get one where I'm being adopted by Derek because I can help beat the Darach sorry I am a newbe to the teen wolf fandom. They try not to hurt my feelings but I know they only wanted to use me. I'm turning 14 on October 31 5`7 Please make it funny and sad and cute. like family cute. Thanks itwill be the BEST BRITHDAY GIFT EVER
I did my best with this! I hope you like it! By the way, congrats on having the best birthday date ever. I'm jealous. I hope you have a great day! Happy birthday bb.
x Anne
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{ Another pawn in the war } | Derek (Family) & Reader |
Things after that got worse, while you grew closer to Cora, Derek was distant. Peter spoke to you more than he did, and that was a drastic measurement from when you and Derek actually used to speak often. It would be you telling him about your family, silly little things that they did, or that you did to them. You'd both get quiet after that, and Derek would go his own way, and you your own. That was nothing though, that was normal at the loft.
Since Cora had gotten there you'd spent a lot of your time speeding her up on things that she might not know about. Silly things like bands, and actors that she honestly didn't care about, but still smiled feebly and let you ramble on. Even sometimes waking up with you on her floor and her with some magazine she didn't give the time of day when you were asleep, but acted interested when you were.
You could tell something was up though when you got the pity looks, first it was Isaac before her was forced to leave the loft one night. You had hid at the top of the stairs during this, and when Derek had heard you moving back had glared up at you before disappearing out of sight. Cora stopped paying attention to you, and focused fully on training. Every one told you that things were fine but you could feel it in your gut. Until the one night the truth came out in a fight between Cora and Derek where you, were once again, hidden at the top of the stairs, questioning whether to intervene or not.
"(Y/N)'s fourteen Derek!" Cora yelled out at him, frustration clear on her face, her lips set in a straight line. Arms crossed over her middle as she stood across from him "She's still a child! She could be killed!".
Derek's features mocked physical pain as his sister barked the truth he knew all along at him. "Do you think I don't know?" he asked her, his tone hard as stone. His jaw set in a straight line as he looked to his biological sister
"I know she is, she's the key to stopping the Darach. All along she has been, Peter knew just as well as I did. We've put it off as long as we could! When the Lunar Eclipse comes we will be powerless, and the Darach? Will be far more than we can dream of handling" Derek barked back at her.
Cora scoffs and looks at him in disbelief, even though some parts of her know her brother is only trying to help. "So you want to bring her along and get her killed too? Are you insane?" she questions, before falling silent along with Derek.
"(Y/N) weakens the Darach just by being close to it...if it goes to plan then..." Derek's voice falls out into a hum to your ears. No longer able to pay attention to him you bring your hands to clamp over your ears.
You're still at the top of the steps, fear clear in your eyes and rising in your chest. When they stop talking you're almost positive they've heard you and you can't get your legs to work with your mind. You should run. Far away from all of them, every single last supernatural things.
The feeling of being used washed over every other feeling that's filled your mind and weighed you down. Tears stinging at your eyes and and frown tugging down the corners of your lips. While you've loved them like family, the person who took you in want's to use you as a weapon. Rendering you speechless and hyperventilating you slowly stumble, falling back onto your butt in doing so. Causing both werewolves down stairs to look to the stairs before making their way to them.
Before they reach the top of the stairs you've already locked yourself in your room and have begun throwing things into your bag. Tears streaming down your face and blocking out the calls from the other side of the door.
The only thing you can think about is getting away, and while at the moment you want to run. The day before the lunar eclipse you're back at Derek's door step.
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Hi there, could I ask for an imagine where the reader is expecting Balthazar's child and they want Castiel to be the godfather? Please and thank you :)
Posted babes. Thanks for requesting! Hope you enjoy!
x Anne
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{ A title choosen wisely } | Balthazar x Reader (ft. Castiel) |
Six months, twelve days, and six hours until your expected to have your first child, the due date clear in your mind. It's been two months since you found out, and since then not only have you been expecting, but your partner, Balthazar has been at your side far more than normal. Disappearing at times, but back beside you far more than your used to. Not that you mind it at all, you love it actually and you can see how much he anticipates you having his child. The concern on his face whenever you say something off, or even if you cough the wrong way. His hands constantly finding your abdomen where you will only grow within the months. He's come to stop appearing in front of you like he used to, and finding his way around you like a human would. Wanting to keep you as calm as possible.
Cas has yet to get the hang of doing so, and although you love the angel like a brother, it makes you want to throw something at him. Or worse on bad days. Which, lucky enough for him, isn't one today.
When he appears in your home you don't even realize at first, your head is bowed to look down at your book. Hair framing your face while your curled up on  the couch under a blanket, it's only moments later when Balthazar fins his way inside the room that he scolds the other to be careful.
To which you raise your head and sit up quickly and Cas furrows his eyebrows but remains silent. "I'm fine, Balthazar...." you give him a look and he returns the same one, near mockingly before dropping it an walking over to you before sitting by you on the couch. Leaning back and wrapping an arm around you just as he lets out a long sigh. "I suppose you'd like to know why we've asked you to come" Balthazar speaks before you can and you offer a warm smile to Cas who nods his head.
"I have a question for you....well..we do actually...we both have it" you stumble over your own words slightly. Your tongue darting over your bottom lip after you finish speaking and Cas sits in one of the arm chairs in the room that's located across from the couch. You turn your head to look at Bathazar who waits for you to nod before looking back at Castiel.
"We'd like for you to be the Godfather of our child...." Bathazar explains with a nod of his head, cutting to the chase far sooner than you would have ever gotten to. When you look away from Balthazar you find your gaze resting on Castiel who has now formed a wide smile on his lips.
"I would be honored to be the godfather of your child" he looks to the both of you, before you stand up and meet him half way into a hug. In which Balthazar watches you, a curve of a smile on his lips as well as he sees how happy you are, he too is glad that Cas has accepted, and almost knowing already he would. 
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I'm looking for either Sterek, Sciles, Stisaac or Steter rpers. I like to rp through email and kik, I have many plots an ideas I'd love to get into.
I also really love to play a genderbent character, ex. fem!stiles, fem!scott, ect.
Inbox me if you are interested!
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Hello! I was wondering if you could do an imagine where the reader is a gamer/vlogger on Youtube (Like Tobuscus or PewDiePie) and Sam or Dean (her bf) teases her at first but later on challenges her in a game? sorry if its weird...
This is not weird at all! I do not watch youtubers though! Only one I watch is Rooster teeth, so if it's kind of something like that then I can totally do it. Let me know!
x Anne
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could you please do a supernatural imagine where gabriel comes back as a human and he comes to your house after you hadn't seen him for a few years (you two had previously dated)
Posted! Hope you like it!
x Anne
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{ Falling From Grace } | Gabriel x Reader |
Signs of Fall coming to and end were all over the neighborhood, leaves so dry that they had withered away past the point of stepping on. Trees were bare and showed only their tired a weary bones to the world; damp due to the storms over the past few days. Horrible thunderstorms that had left you awake most of the night and half asleep through your tasks throughout the days following. Right now was a break in the storms where the weather was cold enough for a sweater or other light extra layer of clothing but not enough to turn on the heat.
You know you aren't expecting anyone. Why would you be? It's the middle of the day and your friends are either at work or in class. Lucky enough for you, you've gotten the day off from both. Letting out a long sigh you turn around from the sink and brush a hand through your hair yelling out "coming!" as you make your way across your home. Pulling the door open once you get there, you freeze. Hand still on the doorknob with fingers wrapped around the bronze handle. Breathe hitching in your throat as you see him. It's been four years, and while you've grown and look older, he doesn't look a day different. Although, something is off; you know it as soon as you lay eyes on him.
You remember the day he left, or rather you left him standing in the middle of the street as you retreated back into the same house you now stand in. It was the end of summer, and you were heading to college, in California. Claiming to need a new start, away from everything, including him. You would claim you were just a stupid kid, but you knew what you were doing. It never worked anyway. You got involved with the wrong things, and nearly flunked out of school. The past four years had been chaos, and after finishing your first two years of college you decided to come home and finish here. You're biggest regret still to this day telling him it was over. Looking back now you know he was the best thing you had going, and you'd pushed him away. Now he was back on your doorstep.
He looked tired and weary, his eyes didn't have the same mischievous glimmer you remember them having. There was no smile or smirk plastered onto his face like he had a secret behind his lips that the world would never know. One he wouldn't  even whisper late at night into your ear when your parents were asleep and you two were holed away in your room. He looked worn out finally.
There's a small hint of hope in his eyes when you answer the door and he sees you. Taking in your appearance like a book, reading you over in moments before his eyes meet yours. The way your lips are parted slightly, words that have yet to slip past them frozen behind them holding their own secrets he's dying to know. Bravely though, his eyes still looked on yours he takes a step closer to the door he's wandered away from, almost as if a new spark of life has nestled itself inside of him and he's living again, rather than just existing to occupy space. While he's waiting for you to say something his lips move, and his voice you remember like it was yesterday fills your ears. "You had the same expression the first time you saw me, though I was wearing a lot less clothing then, and you threatened to call the cops" he quips with a half hearted tone.
A small hint of a small curves up your lips, and you can't help but cock your head and finally allow your lips and your brain to work again. Your voice is soft and curious "What's keeping me from calling the cops now?" sarcasm drips from your words as you speak and your hand finally drops from the door knob. What you hear next though renders you speechless, and you find yourself staring at him in half shock, and half sadness. His voice half pleading, half challenging you when he speaks the clear words "Because you, want to see me, just as much as I want to see you...".
There's a few moments of silence before your walking forward, and he's meeting you the rest of the way as you wrap your arms around him. there's no other words spoke. You're both tired, and worn out, and know that just like old times, you have each other.
Somehow it's been this way all along.
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Currently Accepting Prompts For Imagines! Feel free to go into my inbox! Requests for personal ones are welcome!
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