Like the description says, this is me documenting my recent expereinces of racsim within the trans community. Additionally, this is a resource blog for trans people of color. Its my way to deal with the anxiety and racism i've experienced. There'll be a LOT of links and resources. 
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
wonder how many people are going to be put off from donating to planned parenthood and end up accidentally donating to their local crisis pregnancy center instead. like i'm sorry but if you think planned parenthood is doing just fine, research is clearly not your forte
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
Billy Porter's outfit is ugly as hell I'm sorry. Usually he doesn't miss but he looks bad
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
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James Baldwin, from Go Tell It on the Mountain
[Text ID: She, for very terror on hearing this, had wept; yet she could not deny that for such an abundance of bitterness there was a positive fountain of grief. There was not, after all, a great difference between the world of the North and that of the South which she had fled; there was only this difference: the North promised more. And this similarity: what is promised it did not give, and what it gave, at length and grudgingly with one hand, it took back with the other.]
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
white trans men and white cis women centering themselves in his convo while ignoring trans poc and woc but actively using us for brownie points to get their exclusionary takes across. it's like they're playing battle ship . white afab people need to step away from the convo and let trans poc and woc who can get pregnant speak. white afab people are the root of this and i am tired of them pulling this shit. and white trans men trying to make it a misandry issue while always ignore is laughable
I think what's bothered me about this particular user is that his group has always been very weird when it comes to reproductive rights and black and brown people.
Not only do they constantly center their feelings of whiteness, they often also make themselves out to be the only victims. And they aren't. I remember when I was pissed at a white Polish person for saying that "America needed to blow up" because people were talking about abortion rights in Texas, two of the truthers literally swooped in and printscreened my post expressing my anger, and ridiculed me.
Yes, that post they printscreened and talked about WAS mine. It was ME responding to my anger about white Polish people downplaying the racism and abortion issues that we were facing in Texas:
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Followed by people from the very same group making me some weird aggressive black person for being mad at the above:
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It is specifically this group and these people that will see people suffering, people of color suffering, and find a way to make it about them. While do whatever they can to twist the words of people of color and make themselves the victim.
So this shit is on brand for the entire group.
Yes, I can confidently say as a black trans person who can get pregnant, that white trans people and white afab people in general should really take a step back and watch what they say, because some of it is truly fucking racist.
White cis women making racist allusions to slavery. The truthers literally shitting on black and brown people who are going to be impacted by this and assuming that for some reason, all cis women have it so much easier than white afab people.
I'm just so fucking tires.
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
in summary, will forever be sick about how white transandrophobia truthers really had the gal to say that cis women would be less impacted than trans men and trans masc due to roe vs. wade as if black women never existed, as if mortality rates for pregnant black women are high, and as if the medical field isn’t still actively ignoring pain and suffering black women go through in the medical field.
how this entire field was built on the unwilling backs of black women.
I completely agree that trans men and trans masc are left completely out of discussions of abortion, and that people silencing them need to stop. I acknowledge, stand with, and see trans men and trans masc who’s issues continue to go unnoticed by pro-choice activist, including cis women and other trans people. I also acknowledge and stand by the fact that these experiences are incredibly unique and they deserve a space to speak on them.
But I cannot fathom why it’s appropriate to say that ALL cis women have it better than trans men and trans masc, especially coming from a majoirty white group, in the US South. With the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow, with most of us existing due to black women forced to carry pregnancies, I do not understand how this could be said.
When other women of color--indigenous women--have been sterilized against theri will, when black women have been sterilized against their will.
And that doesn’t mean black cis women have it worse either. It means its a situation that sucks for all of us who can get pregnant, but acting like cis women of color have it easier somehow just because they aren’t trans? Acting like the intersection of pregnancy, transphobia, and misogyny makes cis women have it easier isn’t it.
I’m not gonna shut up about this
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How can you even say something like this while acknowledging the amount of racism and misogyny that come into play? I’m not even cis, but cis women of color have always been disproprtinately affected by this. 
Rich white people, cis and trans, will have greater access to abortion than poor and poc trans people and women of color.
To say that cis women aren’t going to be equally impacted when cis women of color exist is weird. To not acknowledge the privliege and access white trans people will always have over trans people of color and cis women of color is really fucking weird. 
No–trans people of color AND women of color who can get pregnant are going to be more impacted than WHITE cis and trans people.
Idk how you could say something like this when cis women of color exist…
anyway i know every and their mother has pointed out how OP is misogynistic and transmisogynistic, but this is just straight up racist. 
This is why I fundementally believe that white trans people–as much as they talk about intersectionality–don’t understand it at all.
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
seeing white trans masc dismissing and downplaying the struggles and lack of abortion that cis women of color have is...not it. I’m not cis--but its infuriating to see white trans masc so disconnected from the history and lack of accesibility that cis women of color have had in terms of abortion and forced pregnancy. 
do you know who dies due to forced pregnancy? do you know who goes to the doctors office and isn’t even taken seriously for their pain? Do you know who can go into a clinic and complain about symptoms, and tell doctors to their face that something is wrong and will still be ignored?  Black women--
Yes, trans men have an equally serious problem here. Forced pregnancy can lead to detransition, outing, and high suicide rates. But to act like cis women of color have it better, to put cis women of color under a monolith for something?
I don’t get it. 
This is a really shitty time for all of us. But i’m not here for white transmasc and white afab people in general assuming that women of color have it easier in this situation. 
That has and will NEVER be the case. 
I’m tired. If you are white, you don’t get to put women of color under a monolith. You don’t get to decide that high maternity death rates in the black community isn’t, “as bad”. 
What the fuck is wrong with you. Full fucking stop. Gynecology clinics exist because of black women being experimented on. That care you get if you’re white and afab is from the forced experimentation on black women. 
You can talk about the unique issues that trans masc and trans men, and the invisibility of trans men and trans masc in the abortion discussion without assuming that for some reason, cis women have it easier. Especially when you are a white trans person. 
Full fucking stop. 
Also please reblog this. I am tired of seeing some of the most racist, rancid takes on my dashboard. 
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
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How can you even say something like this while acknowledging the amount of racism and misogyny that come into play? I’m not even cis, but cis women of color have always been disproprtinately affected by this. 
Rich white people, cis and trans, will have greater access to abortion than poor and poc trans people and women of color.
To say that cis women aren’t going to be equally impacted when cis women of color exist is weird. To not acknowledge the privliege and access white trans people will always have over trans people of color and cis women of color is really fucking weird. 
No–trans people of color AND women of color who can get pregnant are going to be more impacted than WHITE cis and trans people.
Idk how you could say something like this when cis women of color exist…
anyway i know every and their mother has pointed out how OP is misogynistic and transmisogynistic, but this is just straight up racist. 
This is why I fundementally believe that white trans people–as much as they talk about intersectionality–don’t understand it at all.
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
I need a book on black communism
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
Amongst this shit show, i’ve seen people on twitter all standing in solidarity of one another, especially if they’re marginalized. I swear folks like OP live in a box. Pick another day to be racist. 
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How can you even say something like this while acknowledging the amount of racism and misogyny that come into play? I’m not even cis, but cis women of color have always been disproprtinately affected by this. 
Rich white people, cis and trans, will have greater access to abortion than poor and poc trans people and women of color.
To say that cis women aren’t going to be equally impacted when cis women of color exist is weird. To not acknowledge the privliege and access white trans people will always have over trans people of color and cis women of color is really fucking weird. 
No–trans people of color AND women of color who can get pregnant are going to be more impacted than WHITE cis and trans people.
Idk how you could say something like this when cis women of color exist…
anyway i know every and their mother has pointed out how OP is misogynistic and transmisogynistic, but this is just straight up racist. 
This is why I fundementally believe that white trans people–as much as they talk about intersectionality–don’t understand it at all.
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
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How can you even say something like this while acknowledging the amount of racism and misogyny that come into play? I’m not even cis, but cis women of color have always been disproprtinately affected by this. 
Rich white people, cis and trans, will have greater access to abortion than poor and poc trans people and women of color.
To say that cis women aren’t going to be equally impacted when cis women of color exist is weird. To not acknowledge the privliege and access white trans people will always have over trans people of color and cis women of color is really fucking weird. 
No--trans people of color AND women of color who can get pregnant are going to be more impacted than WHITE cis and trans people.
Idk how you could say something like this when cis women of color exist...
anyway i know every and their mother has pointed out how OP is misogynistic and transmisogynistic, but this is just straight up racist. 
This is why I fundementally believe that white trans people--as much as they talk about intersectionality--don’t understand it at all.
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
I'm a dude, a man, a bro. But also. Make it. Slightly.... diet? Like I the bullseye is man, then I'm like two rings out from it. So it's close enough and I like he/him pronouns. But when someone is like "you're a man" I'm like yes, but.
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
I do but I'm pretty sure that has to do with the problems that black folks with periods have. Due to slavery, lots of us have very messed up reproductive things going on.
But I know autism can have somatic symptoms, especially in terms of intestinal issues. So I'd be interested to know if there's a connection with autism.
Also, some intersex folks get periods as well so it may be good to include them as well
Question for ppl who are AFAB + ADHD/Autistic.
Okay so when you get your period or used too did you have severe cramping pain like really bad that you had to stay home and couldn’t walk?
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
My parents have installed a videosurveillance system through which they caught me having a seizure. Upon reviewing the footage, they decided to forcefully keep me at home, regardless of how I actually feel. I’m not even allowed to move as I want in the house. I can’t cook bEcAuSe It’S nOt SaFe but also I must buy my own food.
This means that I need money to eat and so if someone could slide something through my P*pl* [email protected]. Also, being home and specifically in my room all day every day means that it becomes urgent to have the items I made a wishlist for (I explain why I need each item on damn near every object on the list).
Again, I’m aware of the extraordinary collective need of everyone in diverse communities, so if you feel like someone in your online/in person community should be prioritized, feel free to do so. I’m remaking the post because right now it risks being lost in notes.
I have received very little but I’m grateful not only for the money, but for the words. Also, it’s my birthday June 26th, so keep that in mind those that can afford to make it rain.
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
“A significant (and growing) minority of young women are exhibiting sexual fluidity, and changing between heterosexual, mostly heterosexual, bisexual, and other identities. This is most likely due to society becoming more accepting of same-sex sexuality, especially among women. Yet, my findings reinforce that we remain a heteronormative society in which heterosexuality is the default norm, and same-sex sexuality is stigmatized.”
The largest increase in psychological distress was observed among women whose baseline identity was exclusively heterosexual but who later changed to bisexual or mainly homosexual.
“Bisexual women continue to be sexually objectified and negatively stereotyped,” Campbell said. “My findings suggest that greater support should be offered to young women who are questioning their sexual identity or developing a minority identity. In addition, we must continue to challenge homophobia and protect against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation if we are to protect the mental health of young women.”
I thought this was a really interesting article and wanted to share it! I was hesitant at first due to the definition of "changing" sexuality, but it was explained later on.
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blackafemmetalks · 3 years ago
It's a daily struggle to keep the feminism in my body when I see jack Harlow
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