black-eyed-meg · 10 years
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That's usually my line.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
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Get off me you stupid dog...
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
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Manners? Nope, never learned them. Not really necessary where I come from, Bella Swan.
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Or maybe you should have the manners to introduce yourself rather than sneak up on me like a creep. 
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
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It's a bag made by a witch to injure or kill whoever they want. It's usually filled with herbs and charred newborn bones. Sometimes cat bones for the more motherly type.
Fido? Nice.. right, so what is a hex bag?
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
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"That's great for him. He's a little beneath my league and more on my radar of things I don't care about. Besides, if there's no hearts being eaten.. or people being turned against their will, my guys most likely won't even notice your presence. We're a little busy with bigger fish to fry. Knight of Hell. King of Hell. Which, if you're smart, might ring a little warning bell for you, Katniss. That I'm taking my eyes off the other two douchebags I'm gunning for, and trying to stop this one." She listened to the girl mention something about Derek didn't have the right. Meg honestly didn't care who had the right or not. She'd have one of the Winchesters drag him to the place if it meant they could get rid of that thing. "I'll be sure to tell them to bring snacks and juice boxes. You won't catch me near that place with a seventy food pole."
“Good because it wouldn’t be just ‘Captain America’ you’d be up against. Let’s just say he has a strong following behind him.” Allison let a small smile slip past her lips. Demon or not, if she was ever to try something the entire pack would be on her case as soon as they caught wind of it. “Balto? Who the hell is.. Wait. Derek? What the hell?” She muttered audibly. “He’s agreed to take Stiles to the Winchesters without bringing it up with the rest of us.. Shit..” She cursed, under her breath. “Derek has no right.” She scowled, making a mental note to pay Derek a visit later in the day. “Well, it’s not going to just be me. We’re all going. Or else it doesn’t happen.” She assumed the demon knew who she meant by mentioning the pack considering her knowledge of them so far. 
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
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I said, get out of my way, Fido, I need to grab the hex bag behind you.
Well could you possibly repeat it? That’d be a lot better than your attitude.
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
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"I'd go for spitfire." She added, regardless of the fact that it wasn't really a statement that required a comment back. Meg couldn't help but roll her eyes when Allison said she was working on it. That was all fine and dandy, but Meg was working on it too. "Ugh, don't worry, Katniss. I'm not going to do anything to Captain America. He can go and be for the people all he wants. He can knock himself out for all I care." She listened to Allison go on, letting her speak instead of butting in even though she really wanted to. "No one's stopping you from joining Balto when he brings his chew toy to the Winchesters to be cleansed. If you're so worried about him, go. I'm not going to stop you. We want the same thing, Katniss. The demon gone." 
“Well aren’t you just a bucket full of sunshine.” Allison muttered, sarcastically. “Like I said. I’m working on it.” She snapped, watching her carefully as she continued to circle her. “If by Captain America you mean Scott then I will do nothing of a sort. He is not your concern, stay away from him.” She threatened, her eyes narrowing to a glare. “That stupid little boy is an innocent and he doesn’t deserve to go through this let alone die. And we’re going to make sure that doesn’t happen. Stiles can beat this.” Allison forced a small smirk. They had overcome so much so far, this sure as hell wasn’t going to change that. “Dying or not he’s not gone yet we can save him, we will save him. I’ll admit I haven’t much experience with demons at all. And we are going to need the help of the Winchesters because of their.. ‘expertise’ but I’ll be damned if I sit back and let them torture him.” She nodded determined. 
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
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Am I talking Japanese here? No. You heard me.
Yeah… I have no clue what you’re talking about..
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
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Maybe you should pay more attention to your surroundings.
"Oh my god! Don’t creep up on a girl like that."
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
Text @ Rocky & Bullwinkle
Meg: Got something for you.
Meg: And you'll want to take care of it asap.
Meg: There's a demon here who might be worse than Abaddon rn
Meg: You need to exorcise it kapeesh?
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
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"Do you ever miss the apocalypse?" 
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
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Don't worry, I'm not going to come anywhere near him willingly. Oh, I'll do you one even better. I'll have them meet you at some barn or warehouse. I'll text you the address. See, they'll be a lot of screaming involved, so it's best to find a nice, quiet place. Exorcisms are extremely painful for both parties. Glad to know we're on the same page, Balto. 
I wouldn’t underestimate me if I were you. Just don’t hurt him, alright? Or try to avoid it as best you can. I will do. If you could point them in my direction then that would be a big help seeing as I don’t really have a clue who they are. Banged up? As long as he’s alive and he’ll heal then that should be.. Okay. We just need to get this damn thing out of him.
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
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"Now, I can see why he hates you."
"Yeah, you mentioned all that before. But thanks for giving me a brief history lesson. Oh, while on the subject, you forgot to add that I’m not too fond of you either. So, now if we have all done our homework…I’m guessing we don’t have to touch up on the subject and we can all just move right along."
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
"I don't really care enough about you either way. I suppose that makes me neutrally dislike you? Vampires aren't anywhere near my concern. Don't take it personally, I dislike pretty much everyone."
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"If you haven't noticed, I'm bitchy too. I don't take personal offense unless you try to kill me or get in my way."
"Them, as in…one of those who dislike me."
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"Wow. I sound awfully bitchy.. I’m sorry."
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
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Meg shrugged lightly. "I like nicknames. Your opinion means nothing to me." She continued to circle the girl, rolling her eyes heavily when she mentioned something or other about how she wasn't like her grandfather or whatever. She didn't really care about that. "Bang up job you're doing, Katniss." She snipped when Allison mentioned that they're working on it. "Also, be sure to say hi to Captain America for me." She stopped circling, crossing her arms and tilting her head a little. "Why haven't I? Because I don't want to piss it off and have that trying to kill me. I'm not going to die because some stupid little boy is being possessed. I lived as long as I have by surviving. Helping is still a new thing for me. For a long time, I didn't care what happened to anyone. Someone died, someone was tortured, I didn't care unless it had something to do with me. So sue me, I'm a demon, baby, that's how we worked." She shook her head. "Look, Katniss, I have more experience than you when it comes to demons. I know what they do when they possess a body. We don't care about the thing riding along in it. Not to mention, the demon has pretty much expressed that Stiles is dying. Now, I don't care whether you like it or not, but that's something you're going to have to accept either when it's too late or right now. I'm sorry, have you already tried an ancient exorcism that came from something a Prophet of the Lord read? No, I didn't think you did. There's two sure-fire ways to kill the demon other than sending him back to Hell. They're sure to work and very available." 
"Seriously? Still with the Katniss?" Allison shook her head in annoyance, watching her warily as she began to circle her. "So you know of my family line. Well good for you. But newsflash, I’m not exactly the same as people by the likes of my grandfather. So I’ll say it again. You don’t know me.” She snapped, holding her head high while keeping her eyes trailed on the other brunette. Allison’s mouth set into a stern line as she continued. “Like I said. We’re working on it.” She stressed, turning to look at her as she mentioned him dying. “So the thing is still in him.. If you know so much about this thing then why haven’t you come forward about ti earlier. Do you think it’s fun to sit back and watch people suffer? Of course you do. That’s all you know right.” She narrowed her eyes at her as she finished. “Stop it. You don’t know that. We will save him. An I won’t ishave anyone telling us otherwise, especially not a demon. There will be no more casualties. I refuse to let that happen.” Allison retorted, glaring at the other woman. “Wait, force him back to hell, as in a exorcism? Don’t you think we would have tried that already had it been a possible way to go.”   
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
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"Assume I'm one of them? Who's them? Fine, suit yourself, Dead Barbie."
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"I’ve realized this, but thanks for making me aware. I’ll just go ahead and assume you’re one of them. And I don’t just kill people for the fun of it, nor do I even actually kill people for that matter."
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black-eyed-meg · 10 years
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"Hate to break it to you, Dead Barbie, people are going to hate you for the rest of your existence. Kill them or move on."
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"Because it sucks…?"
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